They say you're nothing but a Beast... {Private} ...Are they wrong?

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9:14pm Sep 7 2011

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Sage couldn't help it.  She choked on her tea.  And promptly spat it onto the rug in a series of spluttering coughs.

"A-a man?  What gave you the idea that I had a lover?"  She coughed again, and forced a deep breath down her chest.  The idea was just so absurd.  "The answer is no," she said quickly, feeling and awkward blush heat her cheeks.

Was that strange?  To not have a lover, at her age?  The idea of someone waiting on her doorstep, wishing mournfully for her to come back, was overwhelming.  If there had been someone, she doubted she would have left in the first place.  To love someone was to commit to them, to be two halves of the same whole...  She had left because her family didn't need her--Father was the structure of the family, and they couldn't do without him.  But to have a lover, to love someone, that would be abandonment.  When you loved someone, you needed them.

She had been unneeded, a third wheel.

"No, there isn't anyone," she whispered.

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

8:31pm Sep 9 2011 (last edited on 3:30pm Sep 11 2011)

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Posts: 7,283
Relief bloomed my heart and made me the happiest being in the world. Why had I thought Sage would love one man on this earth? No one was good enough for her.
I blocked out the thought of me not being good enough either as I smirked.
"Sorry. I didn't mean to make you choke."
I said with a chuckle; just to show I was kidding.
"To be honest, I am surprised. With you not having a man, I mean."
I added. And it was true. After the relief calmed me down, I realized that she really didn't have anyone.
No man.
All the women in the world, and men didn't notice the one women that would stick out before any other? Maybe men are just blind. Maybe I shouldn't be so bitter about being a beast.
If I wasn't a beast, I'd still be just Prince Andrew. The man who treated everyone and everything like slaves. That was selfish and cruel; immature and spoiled. Even a bit on the stubborn side. I would still be the man who looked at women in a chauvenist way. Like I was above them just because I was stronger in build at times. They were a bit more vulnerable then men. Most of all, If I was Prince Andrew I wouldn't have noticed Sage at all. Because she didn't live in a wealthy kingdom with wealthy parents. She admitted that she wasn't wealthy. If I was still Prince Andrew I would have threw her out of my castle in disgust just like any other lost traveler that needed shelter. It aches my heart to think about all those poor souls that could have been fed, and slept in a comfortable room, that I just threw out. Because they weren't worthy enough.
I blinked back to where I was, and realized that I had zoned out for a moment.
I said, taking a last sip of the tea before setting it down. If I wasn't a beast, I wouldn't love Sage the way I did now. I wouldn't have even talked to her. So, even if the love I have doesn't change me back before time runs out, at least I'd be able to say that I faced love once. It didn't count if she ever loved me back.
All that mattered was that I enjoyed the feeling while it lasted.

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3:33pm Sep 11 2011

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[[Bump :( ]]

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4:29pm Sep 11 2011

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Posts: 2,962
Ooc; Life is so hectic right now, sorry.  D:
Sage smiled meekly.  "It's okay."  She sighed.  "I guess...I have friends who aren't ladies, but I've never thought of them that way.  I've just been too busy working at the house, trying to keep things up and running.  Plus, my sisters have had love lives big enough for all three of us."  She giggled, her mind still feeling a bit loose, her tongue looser.  "Why do you ask?"
She set down the tea cup and stared at the spot where she had accidentally spat the tea out.  A rag was blotting itself over the liquid, cleaning up the liquid as if it hadn't been there in the first place.  Amazing.
Where were these crazy things in life when you needed them?

Actively inactive. Formerly lolalover6.

8:30pm Sep 15 2011

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Posts: 7,283
[[Bump for myself.
Sorry. I told you on the Sparks Fly, I only really want to reply on the weekend - not now. But, I'll break that 'rule' tomarrow and reply. :)
It's just too late right now. -.- ]]

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5:23pm Sep 16 2011

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I was still recovering from shock at the fact that she didn't have this 'love life' her sisters are probably consumed by. But, I couldn't help but admire it. Sage was even hard working and not naive. She was pretty much the perfect women. 
"I assure you, I was just curious. You... You have no idea how bad I'd feel if you had said there was someone I took away from you. I..."
I wouldn't be able to live with myself.
"Anyways, I'm very shocked."
I made sure not to go into detail; and kept myself from saying what I thought. I changed the subject because I didn't want things getting too awkward. We were finally talking without tension and the last thing I wanted for it to come back.
"So... Tell me about your sisters." 

[[Sorry. I couldn't think of anything else for him to say. :/ ]]

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