8:30pm Jan 19 2012 (last edited on 8:30pm Jan 19 2012)
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[[ Yay, finally found some time to do up the bio :3 I'm not sure what's a good pirating age, some start very young in their teenage years, and most are young adults (since lots of pirates don't normally live very long xD) ]]
Name: Jasmine Gellerand
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Appearance: Once again, mine >I Ignore her kimono ><'' Personality: Headstrong and often called unlady-like, Jasmine is a rather stubborn and strong girl. Her parents had often tried to wed her off, starting when she was 12, but she had managed to scare off most of her suitors. Jasmine is usually found playing with the other children, chasing them around in circles and laughing a little too loudly. She's rather naïve, unable to respond to flirting and finding romance a bit of an awkward situation. Jasmine is unnaturally competitive also, always challenging anyone that dares to offend her to a duel, although her watchful mother would constantly drag the girl off before she could actually launch an attack. Her competitive nature made her constantly study and train herself in secret, something women would rarely do. When she's not training, Jasmine would travel with her parents to meet other posh English people, her kind and friendly nature making her come off as a sweet girl of the Gellerands. Her parents have always managed to hide her more boyish and stubborn nature from the others, while their daughter is gradually growing more unhappy and stressed with their constraint. Rank: Middle-class Crush: None
Other: None

8:31pm Jan 19 2012
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[[Alright. I'll have him be 19, that fine? :) Start tomorrow? I'm getting off soon. :D ]]
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8:36pm Jan 19 2012
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[[ Alright, night night, Earthy! c: ]]
9:05pm Jan 19 2012
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[[ Actually, I'll just type up an intro right now, since I have time :u ]]
"Jasmine, it's been 4 long years since I've begun my search for a suitable husband for you, at least hear him out!" Her mother, a rather fearsome woman that was slightly higher than herself, with hair that was as equally red as hers, glared at Jasmine. Her daughter stubbornly shook her head and crossed her arms, meeting her mother's glare with equal ferocity. "No! I don't want to get married, mom! I want to explore the world, and a sickly husband will only tie me down!" She said tartly. Her mother seemed to blanche. "Silly girl, how can a woman like you even think about that? There's a lot of bad things out there..." She reached out to sooth Jasmine, but her daughter took a step back. "I'm no longer a child, I can take care of myself!" Jasmine said, her voice reaching an unsteadily high pitch. Not wanting to hear anymore, she dashed out of her home, leaving behind a shocked but still quite angry mother. Jasmine was out in the village again, wandering through the endless maze of shops and stalls. She held a hood over her head, covering her face so that most of the peasants wouldn't recognize her. A girl of more noble heritage wouldn't belong here, and her parents had often warned her about gangs and evil men willing to kidnap her and hold her ransom. Of course, Jasmine said that she would be more than capable of dealing with the thugs, but she didn't want to make a scene. Instead, she contented herself with a trip to the docks, watching as the serene, blue ocean lapped lazily at the coast. "Pretty, eh?" A voice out of nowhere caused the girl to jump, looking around for its source. "Sorry, didn't mean to scare ya." A middle-aged and portly man stood near her, his grizzly face dark with work and his clothes rather torn and rag-like. Jasmine's muscles relaxed, assuming that this man, most likely a farmer, meant no harm. "Oh, it's alright." She said, returning her gaze back to the ocean. "You seem to like the great sea a lot, missy." The man said, staring out at the waves alongside her. Jasmine nodded, a smile on her face. Ever since she was a child, she wanted to go beyond her boring home, but her parents would never allow that. "Then why don't ya go, then? Live a good life." Jasmine seemed to look surprised. A man, encouraging her to actually leave her home? "Oh, no... My parents- I mean, I can't. I'm just a simple peasant." Jasmine said, not wanting to reveal her actual position. The man simply laughed, waving off her excuse. "Listen missy, there's a lot more to life than this dump. Take it from meself, a retired sailor." He waggled his finger at her. "Lots of pirate ships come here these days. Seems to be their favorite port these days. Now, these fellers aren't so bad, not as harsh and cruel as the government makes them out to be. If you ever want to leave, their ship's your best bet out of this." Jasmine tilted her head to one side, digesting this information. "Thank you, mister." She nodded slightly, mystified by this possible chance to escape. The man laughed again, his hearty chuckles seemed to put her at ease. "Well then, I'll be off now. Got some crops to attend to. You have a nice life now, missy!"
[[ Hrm, not a very good intro. But I tried? :D ]]

10:29pm Jan 20 2012
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[[ why does Earthy reply to all her other 1x1s asides from this one ._. ]]
10:31pm Jan 20 2012 (last edited on 10:48pm Jan 20 2012)
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[[...Because Tld's amazing intro compared to my writers block forced me to procrastinate. O-o
No, seriously, that was it. I saw it, and was like, 'Well, I guess I can post later...' and then never got to it. D: Maybe. If I get inspired.
No seriously. I'll get the intro in. NOW. D:
if I get an idea on how my intro should be... ]]
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9:50am Jan 21 2012
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[[ Alright, bump ._. I'll have a bit of trouble typing up the English accent, so sorry if I mess up in the future D: ]]
10:30am Jan 21 2012 (last edited on 10:40am Jan 21 2012)
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[[Okayyy, I can actually respond now! After I posted that, I went offline. O_O
I'm poofing, but seriously, I'll come right back in about ten minutes to respond to this rp. I won't look at anything else until I do. Promise. :3
I just read your intro and now I have a question. :D Uh, so, lets say the captains ship is already where Jasmine is. What would they be doing? Like, did you say trading or something? When people say trading, I always imagine people just taking a bunch of crates and boxes in or out of the ship. o3o I don't know what it is, but I'll probably just do that, even if it's not trading. :D Anyways, yeah, are you cool with them just doing that? ^^ Because, like I said, I don't know much about pirates. :DDD ]]
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8:33pm Jan 21 2012
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[[ Yup, taking a bunch of crates out of boxes. As the captain [ actually, idk what position he's in, he's captain, right? o.o ] he would be sorting out prices with the store owners on land and selling his spice/gold/silver/whatever. The crew would be unloading a decided amount of crates onto the land for the merchant. ]]
8:45pm Jan 21 2012
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[[ I was thinking of making him the son of the captain, so when he falls in love with Jasmine, there'll be more dramaaa. :DDD And, again, sorry for that nagging rmail. I hate when people send you reminder rmail about a rp just because you don't respond the second after they do, and that's not how I am. Promise. :3 I'll make my intro on a different post. Sorry for the long wait! ]]
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8:54pm Jan 21 2012
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I lifted the handle that opened the door to the inside of the ship. We were stopping at our next trading port, and I had to start giving the crew direction on which crates to grab for this stop. I was the son of the captain, expected to be able to take charge when my father was else where, and handle things when my father couldn't. It was a lot of pressure for a 19 year old pirate, especially with two other brothers as competition for our father's approval. Jake, my oldest brother, was the favorite of us three, and though he usually is doing the job I am now, of telling crew members where to go and picking up crates, he's too busy speaking to store owners with my father about the prices. I sighed as I lifted another crate, feeling the envy down to my toes. William, the middle brother, was helping me with the crates and telling crew members where to go, but was still favored more then I. Seeing as I was the youngest, and the least experienced, I was useless to him and wasn't noticed much by the captain. I started leading the crew members off the ship with William, and taking the crates to ____ (Whereever they're supposed to go. xDD ).
[[Ahh. That gives you nothing. I'm sorry. :x ]]
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9:59pm Jan 21 2012
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[[ Yey, a reply x3 ]]
As Jasmine waved the farmer goodbye, she heard a commotion near the docks. Turning around, she saw a massive ship, filled with crates and crew members unloading them. Pirates? She thought, striding towards the ship to check it out. She was still digesting the information that the farmer had given her, and honestly did find the idea of running away with a pirate ship intriguing, anything to escape her life with her parents. Jasmine hid behind a particularly large crate, her green eyes peering over it as she observed the men unload the goods. One thing she noticed, a bit to her disappointment, was that the ship was filled with men. Jasmine didn't see a woman on board, making her hiss in frustration. They wouldn't let a girl on the ship, wouldn't they? "I'll just be a hindrance." She muttered under her breath in a mocking tone. Jasmine abruptly stood up, marching over to the edge of the dock towards the man she presumed was giving orders. "You! Yes, you there!" She shouted brazenly. "Are you looking for any sailors today?"

10:14pm Jan 21 2012
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[[I stared at your siggy for like five minutes. Isn't it weird how Sponge bob has sleeves on before his shirt/pants are on? O-o ]]
It was my third round of bringing crates from inside the ship, and everything seemed to be going fine. There was always at least a commotion, fight, argument... Something, but today, the crew was working well with Williams - they didn't take my authority very well since I was closer to their age - orders. Pulling up my sleeves to my shirt, I wiped my arm on my forehead. Today was extra humid, and the sweat pouring down every pirate was horrific. Sweat dripped from my jet - black hair, as I took a moment to stretch my aching arms. "Lancelot. Back to work." I heard the gruff voice come from William as he walked passed to get crates, not glancing once in my direction. Holding my tongue, I was just about to follow. "You! Yes, you there!" I heard before turning around. The sun glared right at my eyes, keeping me from seeing the source of the voice. "Are you looking for any sailors, today?" I started walking forward, finally seeing who was speaking. A women? My eyebrows furrowed in confusion, the sight having me stopping short. "Whatever do you mean?"
[[Ahhh. I didn't know what you meant. ]]
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10:37pm Jan 21 2012
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[[ Haha, yeah, but nobody questions Spongebob >:c I should change that siggy soon x3 And sorry, I thought my post sounded a little funny but I was in a rush typing it out D: ]]
"Are you recruiting anyone?" Jasmine rephrased her question, crossing her arms. She didn't fail to catch the the look of confusion that flashed across the man's face when he saw her. Admittedly, she did look a bit strange, a girl in a plain dress shouting up at a man on the ship. Thankfully, the crew members were too preoccupied with their task of unloading the cargo, and didn't pay much attention to her.
10:41pm Jan 21 2012
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That was odd. Why would a women want to know if we needed more crew members? Unless she wanted to... Oh no. Not a women on the ship. That's just asking for the bad luck to come. I walked down the ship and to the women so that we didn't have to scream our conversation for the whole town to hear. "We could always use someone knew aboard, if they were willing and met the requirements." I said with a shrug. "Why are you asking?" I said, once again wiping my forehead with the sun beating down on us.
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7:12am Jan 22 2012
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Jasmine would often slap herself for acting before thinking. The men would obviously laugh if she asked to join, and her parents wouldn't be too happy with the news either. She was thrown off by his question, looking around the ship nervously. "Uh... Uhm... Ermm... Because... Because my brother is looking to join! Yes, he'd like to see the world, and thinks that joining sailors like you is a wonderful idea." She nodded, proud of her impromptu lie.
[[ Sorry for the short posts :c ]]
8:18am Jan 22 2012
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[[Have you seen mine? :x You're fine, Tld, I'm just glad we're role playing again. ;D ]]
I looked back at the woman with a skeptical look, as I cocked my head to one side slightly. "Really? Well, like I said, all he has to do is be willing and he can come aboard. We're leaving tonight. Tell him to look for a Lancelot Ashford, and I'll help him out with the rest." I felt a twinge of guilt at thinking the way I had about the woman. All she was doing was coming to see if her brother could join, and I didn't have to be so harsh in my thinking, making conclusions too soon. Just because I had been taught the superstitions, didn't mean I had to believe everyone. This girl seemed nice enough. With a smile, I was just about to take my leave, as I heard my name called by my brother, once again, William. "Lance!" I heard several curses spat out of his mouth angrily before coming over to me. "While you're dilly dallying, the crew's actually doing something. Now leave the tramp and start working." Cursing a few more times, William walked away. With my jaw clenched, I looked back at the woman, "I must apologize for my brother. Sailors, such as William, tend to be superstitious sometimes, thinking woman are just bad luck. Don't take it personally, we've been taught that since we knew how to walk." I shrugged once more, a sympathetic smile in her direction, and I jogged back to the ship to grab more crates.
[[ Yayyy~ Romance is always fun with a bad start. :D ]]
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6:30pm Jan 23 2012
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[[ Ahhhh. Bump. ]]
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1:03am Jan 24 2012
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[[ Sorry, it's CNY and I'm really busy visiting family and stuff ><'' ]]
Jasmine was about to reply to the man, but was interrupted by the shouting of one of the crew members. She reacted without even thinking, marching over to the much larger man and slapping him across the face, though not hard enough to leave a horrible red mark. "Tramp!" She repeated, eyes blazing. "You watch your mouth next time!" Jasmine gave him a feral growl then ran off, afraid of his retaliation. She ran through the streets and stores, her hood back up on her head as she zipped through the crowd. By the time she had made it back to her home, she was panting and breathing hard. Her mother and father were nowhere in site, not surprisingly. Jasmine clambered up to her room, thinking hard about what to do. She'd lied to the captain, and now they were expecting someone, not a girl, to join their crew! Jasmine hit her head repeatedly. "Think, Jasmine, think!" She muttered, then paused. What if she... Pretended to be her own made-up brother? Jasmine drew herself up to her mirror, slowly tying up her bright, long and ginger hair in a ponytail. Hm... She could pass off as a male, donning a longcoat and hiding most of her facial features underneath a tricorne hat... -x- Jasmine stepped back out of the house in her father's clothes, stolen from his drawers. She did pass off as a man, a rather petite and girly looking one. She shrugged it off, at least she wouldn't have to put up with her mother's nagging and her constant line of suitors. She had left a note in her parent's room, telling them of her escape and assuring them that she would be safe. Taking a deep sigh, Jasmine ambled off in her new attire, looking quite queer as she strutted like an ostrich along the streets towards the dock.

5:33pm Jan 24 2012
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[[You're fine! ]]
I frowned as I watched the woman walk away, not wanting to see William's reaction. Though, I soon mustered the courage to turn around to see William's angry ex pression, red face, and fists clenched. As I was walking to him, William bellowed curses at the woman as she ran, until she was out of sight; ignoring the stares around him. I was used to this attitude from William, and I guessed all these people were too. They probably thought we had an excuse to act that way, being pirates and all. "William, why don't we just keep working..." I tried calming my older brother down, but that seemed to only make him more angry. "Keep working? I was the one working with the crew, while you just nattered with the wench..." He spatted more curses in my direction before trudging away to finish the crates.
My father and Jake were coming back into sight just as the sun was setting. We finished putting out the crates just a little while ago and were now making sure all the crew had something to eat as a reward for their hard work. William suggested that I didn't get any food, or minimal at least, for my 'idling around while the rest of the crew worked'. Though, I had made sure to get plenty of food on my plate before any one else could second the idea. As soon as the captain came closer, it seemed like the crew seemed to act at least a little more civilized. I had finished my meal a long time ago, and as my father came to where we were sitting with our plates, I felt his eyes on me like daggers. With a nervous swallow, I took me leave and said I was going to walk around the streets close by. As I was farther away from the docks, I saw someone up ahead not to far. It was night, and no one else was around the streets except for a few more people. As I came closer, I noted how... Amusing the man looked. I remembered then how the woman had told me that her brother was going to come aboard. Hesitantly coming towards the man, I flashed my teeth in a smile before saying, "Would you happen to be... The man who wants to become apart of my fathers crew?"
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