3:14am Jan 26 2012
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"Umm... Yes!" Jasmine nodded curtly. She noticed that the crew member that she had slapped was still red with anger, and was muttering a few curse words. "She also uh... Apologizes for her rash actions earlier today." Jasmine ducked her head underneath her hat shyly.
[[ gah, short post, sorry :c ]]
6:40pm Jan 26 2012
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[[Yayyy for short posts~ ... But, seriously, I don't care. All my favorite role plays are turning into one liners at the mo'. :D ]]
I was actually expecting William to apologize to the woman for being such a chauvinistic jerk. I glanced back at him once before looking back at the woman that had visited me before brother. "No apology needed. In my opinion, William could have some more slaps in the face and find a better personality out of it." I shrugged, looking back at him once more as he sat with the crew. My eyes lingered to my other brother Jake. Sitting high - all - mighty with the captain, our father. I rolled my eyes before looking back at the new member of my father's crew. "So, what should I call you?" I asked, sticking my hands in my pockets and studying the queer looking man.
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2:00am Jan 27 2012
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"Oh, I forgot, terribly sorry. My name's Ja-" She stopped midsentence. Of course she had to abandon her own name along with her old life! No one in their right minds would name their boy Jasmine! She paused for a bit, attempting to think up of a similar name. "Ja... Ja-James! Yes, James Gellerand." She gave the captain a quick and hopefully reassuring grin before climbing up on deck.
6:06am Jan 27 2012 (last edited on 10:14pm Jan 27 2012)
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"Uh... Alright, James." I said, looking at him skeptically before following him aboard just as my father announced for everyone to get back on the ship. "If you don't come aboard now, we're leaving with out ya'..." I heard my father's gruff voice mumble as he came in before the rest of the crew. "How about I show you where to stay tonight?" I offered, after catching up to James. "You could probably just stay with me, seeing as my other crew mate left to be with his family long time ago." I shrugged, before motioning James to follow me to my room.
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9:44am Jan 28 2012
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[[ Up. ^^ ]]
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10:04am Jan 29 2012
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[[ Ugh, sorry D: I've been busy [ again >>'' ] and I finally had time to sit down and finish my two fanfics :D Hoorah! ]]
Jasmine was about to thank the captain, but was taken aback when he told her that she should stay with him. "Stay with you?" She echoed fearfully. Would sharing a room with him expose her secret? Jasmine considered asking for a room to herself, but knew that it would be selfish, considering the fact that he had graciously allowed her onto his own ship. "... Sure!" She nodded and gulped, following him into the room. That was when Jasmine realized that she didn't even know the fellow's name, making her clear her throat. "I'm sorry, I never caught your name?"
[[ If he did tell her his name, I'm sorry D: I forgot x.x ]]
9:14pm Jan 29 2012
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[[Ahhh. I fail. All day I didn't see that you posted. And, I don't think Lancelot did. :D ]]
I noted the hesitation in James, though tried not to think much of it. Maybe he thought pirates had a luxurious life, a master - like suite for every crew member. I scoffed at the thought. If that's what he thought, he was going to have a rude awakening coming on this ship with us. "I'm Lancelot. One of three of the captains sons." I said before leading him to a door with a rusted handle. Yeah. Luxurious. Compared to the captain's and my two other brother's individual rooms, my room was like a run down ba[injection]sement. "Here we are." I said, before opening the door and leading him inside. "You'll get used to the smell..." I muttered with a roll of my eyes before looking around the room. There was two beds already in there, I had been told to keep the bed inside just in case situations like this happened. "You can keep any of your belongings on your side, over there." I said, pointing to the bed on the other side of the room.
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7:33pm Jan 30 2012
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<div style="text-align: center;">Jasmine bl[injection]inked in surprise when he told her that he was the captain's son. <i>Huh, so he's not the captain...</i> She thought as she winced a little at the smell in the room. She had only packed a few sets of clothes and other necessities, nothing that would take up too much room.</div><div style="text-align: center;">"Thanks." She said quietly as she trailed into the room, picking the bed that she assumed wasn't in use and dropping her small bag onto it. "So, when do we set sail?" She turned to Lancelot, eyes brightening up at the prospect of sailing away from her home as soon as possible.</div><div style="text-align: center;"><br></div><div style="text-align: center;">[[ what's up with this [injection] thing I'm seeing? o-o ]]</div>
7:36pm Jan 30 2012
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[[ I dunno. D: They said Pat is doing something with security, which is affecting the coding. So that's why it's like that. ^^^^^^. <div>I'll post in a moment. :D </div><div>...</div><div>Did you get my rmail? ;-; ]]</div>
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7:38pm Jan 30 2012
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[[ Aw, it's all messed up now :c Wut, what rMail, when did you send it? D: ]]
7:47pm Jan 30 2012
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[[ Like right before I posted that~ D:<br><div>And, the coding thing is really bothering me so I don't think I'll respond until it gets better. D:<br>Well. I'll of course respond. Just not now. :D ]]</div>
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4:09am Jan 31 2012 (last edited on 9:08am Jan 31 2012)
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[[ Alright then, I understand D: I can't correct my avatar, even while I'm at home >>'' <div>Edit: Ohmagad just finished making my new siggie. Soon, it shall match my avatar and human avatar. WOOHOO. ]]</div>
5:17pm Jan 31 2012
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[[ http://www.rescreatu.com/forum/cat/games/rp/-all-who-role-play-with-me-/~page/1/ I love the avatar!~ ]]
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6:25pm Jan 31 2012
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[[Back for a bit. ]]
"Well..." I started, before looking at my wrist watch. Just as I was about to respond, I heard my father, the captain, start shouting orders to the crew already out there. Signaling that it was time to 'set sail'. "Now." I said with a smirk before going to the door and way and looking back at James. "How about you stay here? Unless you have experience with these ships, I doubt you'll be of much help until I show you around." And with that, I left the room.
[[I mostly told her/him to stay away because I didn't feel like role playing them taking the ship out. Seeing as I don't how. So yeah. Let me know if you don't know what to put. I can keep going with this post.~ ]]
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6:40pm Jan 31 2012
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[[ Awh, thank you :3 I have no idea how I got it, though ._. Just went to my preferences one day and saw it. We can time skip until they just casted off, if you'd like? :D ]]
7:22pm Jan 31 2012
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[[Wait, so does that mean I keep my post going or do you want to post that time skip? :) ]]
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5:34am Feb 1 2012
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[[ I think the coding's back to normal again o_o I'll post the time skip? :d ]]
As soon as Jasmine felt the ship lurch to life, she shot out of her bed. She was surprised by how steady it was, expecting the massive ship to roll from side to side like how her father would describe his merchant expeditions out on the ocean. She poked her head out of her new room, eager to see how the ocean would look like. Not seeing any crew member in the hall, Jasmine slipped out of the door and crept out onto the deck, breathing in the fresh and salty air. Her hometown could be seen in the distance now, a small splash of brown, green and white in the vast blue ocean. She felt the urge to raise her arm and give the town a wave good-bye, but she thought that she would look silly to the crew, and attention was something that Jasmine couldn't handle right now. Instead, she contented herself with leaning against the railings, the salty sea breeze blowing past her red hair that had been wound up in a ponytail.

6:05pm Feb 1 2012
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[[ Yayyy~ ]]
After we had the ship going, much of the crew went to their sleeping corridors to sleep. Though, when I walked into my room, James was gone. So, my curiosity getting the better of me instead of just giving him space, I left the room and walked through the hallway and back on the deck. Seeing James by the deck, mostly because I noticed his red hair, I walked over and leaned over on the deck like he had. "This is always my favorite part of taking off. We always leave at sunset, the most beautiful sight."
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4:02am Feb 2 2012
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[[ Woohoo, I think it's normal now :D But my HA's still messed up - - ]]
Jasmine turned her head when she heard Lancelot's familiar voice. She supposed that it was only smart to befriend him, since he was, after all, her new roommate. Oh well, she liked him anyway. He was kinder than the rest of the crew members. Well, at least, much better than the aforementioned William. Jasmine nodded in agreement, turning her gaze back out onto the ocean. Now that he mentioned it, she realized that half the day had already passed. Half a day since she argued with her mother, and half a day since she had left her home. Her parents would've probably returned by then, hopefully discovering her note. She felt a little stab of guilt, but Jasmine tried to push it away. If she stayed, she would've been married off to the latest suitor. No way would she stand by and let that happen. "Where are we going?" She asked Lancelot out of curiosity.
6:47pm Feb 2 2012 (last edited on 7:33pm Feb 2 2012)
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[[Where should they be going? O_O It should be somewhere that can start this winging plot off. Where we'll get more ideas. Like that place where the people don't like the England pirates or something? I remember you saying that. I just can't remember what place that is. D|
EDIT: I stole your avatar |D I found it in my avatar place as well and so wanted it. ]]
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