Turn The Lights On and Talk ((Me and koga only))

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5:36pm Jun 22 2010

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"I love you more then you can imagine"Haru said,smiling.

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5:37pm Jun 22 2010

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"Same here."She said.

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5:38pm Jun 22 2010

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He held her close and smiled,"Are you going to tell the others?"Haru asked.

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5:40pm Jun 22 2010

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"Ya. Did I ever tell you about Mik?"

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5:41pm Jun 22 2010

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"No..what about her?"Haru asked.

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5:43pm Jun 22 2010

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"Well, she went crazy after she cheated on her husband. So, they got back together so Jasike could do what she did to him. And... let's just say the Jasike is okay but Mik is in Rehab."She replied.

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5:45pm Jun 22 2010

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"Wow..."Haru said.

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5:47pm Jun 22 2010

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"Ya so Jasike would be able to come to the wedding but not Mik. She's in there for six years without vistors."

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5:47pm Jun 22 2010

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"Thats not good.Doesn't she have a kid?"Haru asked.

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5:48pm Jun 22 2010 (last edited on 5:49pm Jun 22 2010)

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"Ya, but it's Jasike's now. He doesn't want his child to have a crazy momma."

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5:51pm Jun 22 2010

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"The poor dear.I hope our child doesn't grow up without their momma or daddy"Haru smiled.

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5:51pm Jun 22 2010

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"That will never happen."

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5:54pm Jun 22 2010

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"I hope so."

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5:55pm Jun 22 2010

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"Hope? Me and you will be inseprable."

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5:56pm Jun 22 2010

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"True."He kissed her.

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5:57pm Jun 22 2010

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She kissed him back. "I'm gonna call Jasike and tell him."

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5:59pm Jun 22 2010

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6:02pm Jun 22 2010

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"Hello?"Jasike asked as he answered his phone.

"Jasike! I need you to come over!"

"Anything for my best friend. Be there in a jiff. Like always."

"See ya." She said hanging up. She walked over to the couch and sat down.

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6:04pm Jun 22 2010

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Haru sat next to her,holding her hand and smiling.

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6:08pm Jun 22 2010

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Jasike was at the door. He knocked.

"Come in, the door's open."Alika said. She got up and hugged Jasike lightly. "Be careful I'm pregnate."She whispered.

"Oh my goodness, girl!"He said.

"Jasike, this is my fience, Haru. Haru this is the famous Jasike."

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