Turn The Lights On and Talk ((Me and koga only))

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6:10pm Jun 22 2010

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"Nice to meet you Jasike"Haru smiled.

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6:12pm Jun 22 2010

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"Nice to meet you to, Haru."Jasike said.

"So, you really are."


"Omg! Congrats so mush bestie!'

"Thanks. And I'm getting married to Haru."


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6:19pm Jun 22 2010

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Zane knocked on the door.He had been injured in a fight with werewolves.


"Ill get it"Haru said.He ran over to the door and anwsered it."Zane!What happened!?"Haru said.

"I was attacked..by werewolves"Zane said.

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6:21pm Jun 22 2010

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"What!"Jasike and Alika asked at the same time, shocked.

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6:23pm Jun 22 2010

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Haru helped him inside and sighed."Why did they attack you?"Haru asked,angrily.

"They're mad because someone killed their leader"Zane rasped.

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6:24pm Jun 22 2010

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"uh- oh. I'll have to settle this out. but i can't tell them what really happened!"

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8:41pm Jun 22 2010

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"alika..bandage his wounds..I'll be back"Haru hissed running out the door.

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9:05pm Jun 22 2010

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"Zane come with me and Jasike."She said.

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9:25pm Jun 22 2010

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Haru had talked to the werewolves who had hurt his brother.He had told the EVERYTHING."Alika..how is he?"Haru asked walking to her.Zane was asleep on the couch.

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9:27pm Jun 22 2010

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"He's better. Just a broken arm. But that will heal."She replied.

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9:30pm Jun 22 2010

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"I talked to the group who did this to him...I told them I killed Mikel because he tried to rape you and they all understood"Haru said.

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9:32pm Jun 22 2010

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"But I killed him. I can't hide that shame. they can read my mind i can't hide it."

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9:34pm Jun 22 2010

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"They won't take you..or my child away from me!"Haru said.

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9:35pm Jun 22 2010

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"True and what you said was true except the you killing him. I can't have you risk your life."

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9:39pm Jun 22 2010

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"I don't care!"Haru said,taking her into his arms."No one is going to hurt an unborn baby that is still in the most beautiful woman's stomach."

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9:40pm Jun 22 2010

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"You sweet taker."She giggled.

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9:42pm Jun 22 2010

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"Yeah and I'm a great lover ain't I?"

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9:44pm Jun 22 2010

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"Yes you are."She smiled. She kissed him.

Jasike came down. "Sorry to interupt but Alika can I talk to you?"

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9:45pm Jun 22 2010

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Haru kissed her back,smiling.

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9:49pm Jun 22 2010

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"Sure, Jasike. Babe I'll be right back."She said.

They went upstairs. She and J*censored*ike sat down in the computer room. "So you killed Mikel?"

"Yes, because he tried to sexually haras.s me."

"Okay, so Haru's the dad right."
"Of, course!"She said.

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