3:38pm Jul 1 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/25.gif)
Posts: 2,023
ok so what kind of rp do you wanna do?
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
3:39pm Jul 1 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/361.gif)
Posts: 6,409
((Wanna do vampire and human?~))
Love is all we need~![](http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n539/WolfieBelle97/MaiBanner.jpg)
3:43pm Jul 1 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/25.gif)
Posts: 2,023
((ok i'll make bio))
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
3:58pm Jul 1 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/361.gif)
Posts: 6,409
Name: Sara Branndon
Age: She looks to be anywhere from fifteen to seventeen.
History: Normal life.
![](http://th09.deviantart.net/fs71/PRE/f/2010/279/8/e/new_deviantid_by_stella__chan-d306y5x.png) Personality: Rp it out. pet?: She has a huge great dane named Samson. Crush: Your character other?: Nopperz.
Love is all we need~![](http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n539/WolfieBelle97/MaiBanner.jpg)
4:09pm Jul 1 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/25.gif)
Posts: 2,023
Name: James Brown
Age: 18
History: family got attacked by vampires later he woke up with a bite mark and had red eyes but eventually turned back to light brown.
Appearence: ta:image/jpg;base64,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alt="" width="225" height="225" />
Personality: rp out
pet?: 2 Dalmations female (Chessy), male (Spike)
Crush: your chara.
other?: nope
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
4:17pm Jul 1 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/361.gif)
Posts: 6,409
Sara walked quietly across the rocks that lined the river. Her feet were bare, but she didn't mind. Walking on the rocks over the years had toughened up her feet. She nearly slipped into the river a few times, but she caught herself. She then heard a jingling of metal hitting metal, and turned to see her great dane in mid air. He was about to tackle her. However, if he would've tackled her, it would've pushed her into the river which had strong currents. At the last minute, Sara dodged her dog, and Samson went into the river. The dog struggled against the current, but he was carried down the river. Sara jumped in after her dog, not caring if she drowned. She swam after Samson, hooking her arms around him. "Help!" She said, clinging to Samson.
Love is all we need~![](http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n539/WolfieBelle97/MaiBanner.jpg)
4:17pm Jul 1 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/361.gif)
Posts: 6,409
((Oh, and your picture isn't showing up...))
Love is all we need~![](http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n539/WolfieBelle97/MaiBanner.jpg)
6:17pm Jul 1 2011
Normal User ![](http://images.rescreatu.com/avatars/25.gif)
Posts: 2,023
((yeah i know)) James' ears pricked up as he heard a girl scream coming from the river "Who would be in that water? dont they know the current is really stong?" He asked himself as he jumped from tree to tree until her got to the river side. He saw the girl clinging to her dog as he raced along the river bank. At the right moment he jumped over the river grabbing the dogs collar and the girls hand and dragged them onto the bank. "What happened? Dont you know this river is extremely dangerous?!" He nearly yelled.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
6:33pm Jul 1 2011
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Sara was soon hefted out of the water by an unknown boy. And the next thing she knew, he was basically yelling at her. Sara coughed up water, and Samson shook himself off and licked Sara's nose before going to run around the area. Samson knew not to get too far from Sara, though. "My dog jumped into the water," Sara said, pushing her wet hair out of her face. Don't yell at me, okay?" Sara answered with an annoyed tone. "I had to save my dog, so I jumped in after him."
Love is all we need~![](http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n539/WolfieBelle97/MaiBanner.jpg)
6:58pm Jul 1 2011
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James shook his head "Girls will always be girls" he thought and walked off "By the way, your welcome." He said as he walked off not looking back. James walked into the forest and jumped into a tree, and walked into a tree house that was well hidden. He suddenly felt his stomach growl "Oh great..." He said and jumped back down in search of food.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
7:11pm Jul 1 2011
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Sara got up, angry now. "Hey, I wasn't finished!" But James couldn't hear her. He was in the forest by now. Sara growled. She put her fingers to her mouth, and let out a long whistle. Not long after her whistle, Samson came loping up to her. Sara patted Samson's head and said, "C'mon, boy. We're about to go find that dude." She began walking towards the woods, still soaking wet. After a while of searching, Sara found out that there was nothing but a bunch of trees around, and that she had no clue how to get out of the forest. Sara was lost. She sat down on the forest floor and Samson sat beside her. She wrapped her arm around her dog's neck and said, "What are we going to do now, Sam?" She wasn't upset. She was just a bit frustrated.
Love is all we need~![](http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n539/WolfieBelle97/MaiBanner.jpg)
8:51pm Jul 1 2011
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Before James could find something to eat he decided to let his dogs out to help him. He made his way to his house and let his dogs out of the back gate and they ran ahead of him into the forest. James just chuckled and watched them, hopefully they found a good meated deer then last when all they got was a squirrel. Spike and Chessy sniffed around a few trees and bushes when they picked up a scent of human and another dog. They growled in a low dangerous rumble and they stalked behind a bush and followed the scent. When they found the girl and dog they growls got louder and stalked out from the bushes glaring at them.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
9:06pm Jul 1 2011
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Sara turned to face whatever was growling at her. Samson stood up, and growled back. Sara patted his head and said, "No, Sam." She stood up, too, and glared right back at the two dalmations. She let out a growl of her own. She had read in a book about dog behavior that if you were ever being threatened by a dog, show it who's boss.
Love is all we need~![](http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n539/WolfieBelle97/MaiBanner.jpg)
9:26pm Jul 1 2011
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Spike and Chessy didn't back down until their owner whistled "Chessy, Spike what are y'all two doing? Get back from them now" He said and jogged over to them. He looked at the girl "Hey your the one from the river?What are you doing out in these parts at this time?" He asked, knowing she was probably lost.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
9:33pm Jul 1 2011
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"I was trying to find you. What are you doing out in these parts at this time?" Sara raised an eyebrow. She had a sharp tongue. "And I wasn't finished with you at the river!" Samson came and stood beside the girl. The dog was massive, and basically made the girl look like a child. "I came to..." Sara stopped. She hated to thank a person who's dogs assaulted her. She swallowed the lump in her throat. "I came to thank you for saving me back there. I would've drowned."
Love is all we need~![](http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n539/WolfieBelle97/MaiBanner.jpg)
9:39pm Jul 1 2011
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James nodded "Yeah your welcome, and to awnser i live here i live in a hut not far from hereim hunting, and these are my dogs Spike and Chessy." He said pointing to the two dalmations. James heard a twig snap and his head snapped to his right and Spike and Chessy ran after it and brought back a small but fat buck. James nodded "Now if excuse me i have dinner to cook." He said as he turned around so his back was towards the girl as his eyes turned red, he rubbed them and they turned back to brown.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
9:44pm Jul 1 2011
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Sara gaped at what the two dogs brought back. "Damn. Your dogs sure can take down prey." She laughed, and Samson tilted his head to the side at James. Something wasn't right about him. If only dogs could talk. She yawned and looked to the sky. It was getting dark. "Well, I've got to get going. See ya. Oh, yeah. My name is Sara." And then she walked off, not bothering to wait for the boy to speak his name.
Love is all we need~![](http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n539/WolfieBelle97/MaiBanner.jpg)
9:58pm Jul 1 2011
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James nodded and dragged the deer back to the hut as his eyes turned blood red and sunk his fangs down into the deers flesh and sucked its blood. He looked up and saw the dogs waiting for there share. James got up and let them bite into the deer to get the meet. James went into his room and layed there looking at the ceiling and thinking of that girl and her dog, he soon shook his head from his thoughts and closed his eyes for awhile and slept.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end
12:12am Jul 2 2011
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((Timeskip to morning~)) Sara woke up and got out of bed sluggishly. She looked around for her dog, Samson, and he began galloping up to her, licking her thigh. Sara smiled and patted her loyal friend's head. "Ready to go to the park?" Samson's eyes got wide. He tilted his head to the side, and ran out of the room to go get his leash. Sara walked into the bathroom, and closed the door. She went through her morning routine; shower, brush teeth, fix hair, etc. She then walked out, a towel around herself. She was met by her dog who was laying down outside the bathroom by the door with his leash in his mouth. Sara laughed, and stepped over Samson's large figure. She put some clothes on; a pair of blue jean shorts, and a fitted t-shirt. She then grabbed her phone, and put it into her pocket before she grabbed her keys, and hooked Samson up onto his leash. ~~~ Several minutes later, Sara and Samson were at the park. Sara parked her SUV carefully, and stepped out. She opened the back of the car, and grabbed Samson's leash. "Be a good boy, okay?" They began to walk around the park, Sara struggling to keep her dog, who was bigger than she was, under control.
Love is all we need~![](http://i1138.photobucket.com/albums/n539/WolfieBelle97/MaiBanner.jpg)
9:26am Jul 2 2011
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James shifted in his bed when his face was met by to tounges, James jolted up and saw Spike and Chessy on the side of his bed waiting for him to get up. James chuckled and let the dogs outside to potty. James walked into his bathroom and washed the dried blood off his mouth and went outside. He looked around trying to find his spotted friends, when he didn't see them he sighed "Everyday the same ol' thing." He said, he knew they went to the park they love playing with the other dogs.
__________________________________________________________________ Spike and Chessy trotted into the park when they saw only a few dogs, then they rememberd one big dog, the great dane and the girl. Spike slowly walked up to the dog and tried to sniff him being cautious.
I want to thank God for putting me in the U.S.A. I love it here, and i love my country hero Toby keith, who supports the U.S. Army in every thing they do. He is a great singer and is a great patriot I love the U.S.A until the end