2:03pm May 27 2013
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Posts: 248
Vampires and Werewolfs... never had the greatest of relationships, so imagine how horrible it would be if two got trapped together? add in a little hunter, and we've got the making of a seriously intense story... hopefully.
Bio it up, and lets begin c:
Setting: Winter, night- ?
2:25pm May 27 2013
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2:33pm May 27 2013 (last edited on 2:46pm May 27 2013)
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Posts: 248
Name: Dinisty Belarise (prefers Din) Age: 267, looks 20-ish. Gender: female Species: Werewolf. Human Appearance: Werewolf Appearance: I'll Rp the Personality and History c: Other- when she's in werewolf form, it's hard to tell she's female c:
[[short~ sorry:c]]
3:28pm May 27 2013 (last edited on 3:28pm May 27 2013)
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{Posted it too early, sorry.}
3:39pm May 27 2013
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Name- Liam Koesky Age- In reality he is 427, although he was "frozen" at twenty-one Gender- Male Species- Vampire Appearance- Fairly tall, above average height for his age. He isn't extremely visibly muscular, more athletically built for speed and agility rather than brute strength. His hair is messy, cut short in the back and naturally spiked up in the front. His hair is an odd mix of brown and orange, matching well with his blazing amber eyes though a huge contrast to his predictably pale skin. His eyes tend to shift their shade of orange from a dull, brown-orange to an amber the shade of fire. He tends to wear a bit more formal clothing, though his "style" varies day to day depending on what he plans on doing Personality- In short, Liam is never really the most pleasant person to hang around. He's easily angered, snaps easily and can be both mentally and physically abusive, while often being rude, cruel and harsh towards anyone around him. He tends to seclude himself in his own space when depressed, sad, lonely, or scared. simply because he doesn't want anyone to see him at a weakened state. One of the higher quality traits about him is his self-sufficientness, not relying on others to do his work for him. If you risk attempting to get to know him, you'll find that he's a bit softer inside - a loyal friend, a hard worker and a good "team player". It takes a whole lot of effort to break past his shell of constant anger, however History- Liam was born and raised in Ireland where he lived with his mother and father, being an only child. His father was constantly stressed out and would yell and occasionally hit his son, which lead Liam to grow up to easily angered and abusive himself. His mother passed away when he was sixteen, and although she was often too busy for him when he was younger, Liam became more sadistic and began hiding away whenever things became difficult. When he turned twenty-one his friends convinced him to go drinking with them; he got drunk and woke up in an alleyway as a vampire. He doesn't remember what happened Other- He has a rather thick Irish accent
{The coding got all screwed up, sorry.}

3:56pm May 27 2013
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Posts: 248
[[Hnn, I love the Irish Accents! <3]]
Dins breath was harsh, shallow- her pounding chest aching like hell. She turned a sharp corner, her claws digging into the mud as she whizzed past trees. Saliva wiped across her cheeks, her eyes drying against the thick air. All she had wanted to do was eat, but suddenly the hunt had turned against her. It never crossed her mind that they were driving her somewhere, she was just wanting too run. A loud buzz told her they were close, with their sharp metal poles and poisoned armour. She growled, attempting to push herself forward as she dodged outstretched roots and branches. She had already been running a few hours, since early morning, her fur was covered in dewy sweat, soaking into her skin. One thing keeping her on the run; her need to survive.
6:42pm May 27 2013
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{Who doesn't? c:}
Liam wasn't sure how long he had been running. He did know that if he stopped moving, even for a moment, he would caught and slaughtered soon after. His lungs felt as though they were about to burst open and his legs ached and burned, but despite his growing tiredness, he didn't slow his pace.
Although vampires were built for speed and stamina, he had been running for hours on end, and there was only so much one's body could take.
He was being chased by a large group of armed assassins, the entire group of men after one thing: himself. They had already captured and probably murdered the rest of his "gang", so there would be no one to save him.
He was on his own for now.
What he didn't know was that their goal wasn't to chase him down and kill him on the spot; this was a game of wolf and elk to them. They wanted to wear him out until he was too tired to run any longer, then they'd drive him into a corner and kill him then.
4:29am May 28 2013 (last edited on 4:30am May 28 2013)
Normal User 
Posts: 248
[[Haa.. true xD]]
Din was about ready too give up, her tired legs lugging under the pressure. She was tripping now, stumbling and fumbling forward. She could hear s*censored*s and calls behind her, the sound of twigs cracking and foliage being ripped through.
Through Dins state, she almost didn't feel the pain at first, but after a few seconds... it really soaked in. Something had been chucked, hitting Din in the shoulder and ripping through her skin. Blood spurted in front of her, covering her front and arms. A blade had found its way, and now stuck out either side of her arm.
She rolled forward, staggering, clawing at her shoulder. Her fur knotted with blood and she could feel it itch her skin.
She barked, her head whipping around too find the one who threw it. No one was in sight. But she could hear them.
Through fear she carried on, only adrenaline giving her the power too stay up.
Her head started dipping, cries of pain escaping her dry mouth. Suddenly, she was falling. Falling, falling for ages. She hit hard on her back, blinded by darkness, there was another sharp pain, a clink of something hitting stone, and then Din blacked out...
10:24pm May 28 2013
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Liam kept going as fast as he could manage for at least another half hour, but his body had finally reached its breaking point.
He paused for just a moment, leaning against the tree to catch his breath, but the men were approaching too quickly and he knew he had to keep moving. He was just too tired to force his legs to move anymore, so he leaned against the tree for another moments or two, taking in deep breaths to attempt to refill his lungs.
Just as he was preparing himself to keep running, a sudden burst of pain exploded in his shoulder. He looked down at his shoulder to discover a silver dagger embedded in his skin. He scowled in rage, then ripped the blade from its place in his shoulder, tossed the weapon to the ground, and sprinted off.
Because he had taken a break, they were closer now, a few of them actually close enough to touch him. Bellows and shouts sounded from the group behind him, followed by the sound of something crashing through trees; but the footsteps were too heavy to be that of a human's. Werewolf. He scowled at the thought of the dirty, oversized mongrels.
They were closing in now. Just a step further, and he'd be road kill-
Suddenly he was falling hard and fast for a long time. He no longer felt the hot breath of the hunters against his neck, but the sickening, nauseating sensation of falling.
He flailed slightly, attempting to right himself, but he was approaching the bottom of the pit too quickly now. He hit with a hard, solid thud, though the landing was quite a bit softer than he had expected. And a lot...furrier? He looked down to see that he had landed on a shaggy furred, large body.
It appeared to be breathing as well.

4:54am May 29 2013
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Posts: 248
Din shot out a sharp cry as something landed on her, She had just re-woken in the ditch, unaware of her surroundings. She sprouted up, her back hunching against the far wall as she retreated from the new-comer. She couldn't speak, not in her wolf form- but she wasn't ready to go back to being human. She growled, the low sound echoing through the small chamber, in her mind- whoever it was, was sure to be one of the hunters, and she wasn't going to let it kill her. She snapped, her teeth jarring and her fur standing on edge. The blood from her arm pooled faster against the pressure, but she ignored it, scraping the blade behind her from off the floor.
9:13am May 29 2013
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The "thing" Liam had landed on let out a loud yelp upon impact. So it is alive, he mused, glancing down at the gray furry lump beneath him. He finally decided to roll off the body and get a closer look at the thing. Huge, gray, ugly. An obvious werewolf.
At first, he had thought that sharing a dark, cramped hole with a werewolf was going to be a bad thing. As he thought about it, though, he realized that perhaps the ugly beast would be useful. They might be stuck down here for a while, and if things came down to it, he could always eat it. Werewolf blood was the worst in his opinion, but he would do whatever it takes to keep from starving to death.
He stood up and glared at the werewolf which stood in the opposite corner. She was awake now, and she looked wounded. Although he wasn't even hungry, the scent of blood was awfully tempting, and he was heavily considering eating her just then. He finally decided to wait until she was human until he made the first move, though.
10:11am May 29 2013
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Posts: 248
Din noticed the stranger made no move towards her, and she was too hurt to consider attacking herself. She calmed her snarling, leaving just a low rumble at the back of her throat. Her shoulder was starting to kill, she needed to turn human in order to heal, so she had no choice.
She took a closer look at the stranger, wondering why he hadn't started anything. She was confused, cocking her head to the side whilst her face contorted in pain. She took a deep breath in, taking in the scents of the room. His scent. It rang with a taste of... venom, blood... death. Eugh, Vampire!
She winced away, feeling the gaze of the retched creature.
Blood started dripping on the floor, she could hear and feel it. Drip. Drip. Drip.
She was torn, risk getting killed fast by the vampire, or slowly by the blood. Surely he wouldn't attack whilst she was in wolf form? She shook her head, having too risk it. She clung further into her corner, closing her eyes and trying too relax in the awful situation. a few seconds and there was a slight ripping feeling.
Dinisty was layed freezing on the floor, no clothes to rap around her. She shuddered against the mud, feeling the sloppy-ness mould around her. She pushed up from the ground, feeling at her shoulder- blood seeped through her fingers, the skin around the cut slowly closing.
She sighed, turning to look at the vampire...
1:25am May 30 2013 (last edited on 1:26am May 30 2013)
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Liam watched the werewolf girl intently for a moment. She seemed to be trying to decide what to do, and she knew that she was weak and couldn't risk herself.
Liam felt himself grin at this. She was a weakened, pathetic little puppy, and he could simply not wait until she was human when he could show her who the truly powerful race was and drink her dry.
When she did turn human though, his thoughts shifted slightly. The first thing he noticed; she was pretty. Then the next very obvious thing came to mind; she was naked. He quickly felt another form of lust other than blood lust take over.
She looked so pathetic, so small curled up in the corner and slathered with blood and mud, her large brown eyes staring at him from the corner much like a frightened deer might stare. He knew that he couldn't eat her; at least not yet.
When he realized that he was staring, he quickly blinked and looked way. While he was usually fairly insensitive, he did feel bad, she must feel so uncomfortable already.
"Well? You got any clothes or something?" He said the first word between them and broke the awkward silence. "Because you're awfully distracting right now." He said this all with lopsided grin, fangs and all.

4:12am May 30 2013
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Posts: 248
Din let out a soft, but violent hiss at his words. Cupping her hands tight around the blade, "Yeah, didn't you see? I had them in a bad around my back." She grumbled, "Of course I don't have clothes!" Her voice was thick with sarcasm, her heart beating maddeningly against her chest. She just had to wait until she was healed, and then she could turn back, and would have a fair chance of surviving.
She didn't like the way the vampire was staring at her, but already she could feel her strength coming back. She stood up, one hand over her shoulder, the other holding the blade behind her back. She crept along the mud wall, keeping her eyes on the stranger. Waiting for him to make his move.
She walked in a way the covered the vital parts of her body, she was used to being naked in front of people. If she was hunting in the woods, and someone was walking by instead of hiding- she usually just went to human form. But she didn't want to be naked in front of a vampire, she had heard stories about them... about their habits.
9:26am May 30 2013
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Liam grumbled softly in laughter at the girl's words. She wasn't quite as helpless as he had first thought; she had both a blade and an attitude.
As he thought for a second, he realized that being naked around strangers wasn't probably very new to her. Whenever werewolves switched into their wolf form they'd have to undress or their clothes would tear when they changed. That was one of the major perks of being a vampire; not having to change and never winding up naked in the most inconvenient of places.
When she began circling him slowly as she paced the perimeter of the pit, another small laugh sounded in the back of his throat.
"You don't scare me, you know," he stated matter-of-factly, leaning against the wall with his arms folded. "You're nothing but a wee little girl; one little bite would be all it would take."
1:45pm May 30 2013
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Posts: 248
Din spit on the floor, "I'm not trying too scare you, batman. I'm trying to find a way out." She sneered, but really she was just trying to bide her time before her strength returned. She wasn't scared of the vampire, she had fought with many before, and even though this one has... certain aspects many other lacks, he doesn't seem to be a great fighter. at first glance anyway. She looked over him, her face masking with a content look. She stood still, her back pressing against the mud. Pulling her eyes away, she glanced up- a small ray of sunshine pooling in through the slight hole she had fallen through. "Dammit." She whispered, "Only way out..." She glanced back down at him, wondering if it'd be too weird to ask for a leg up, and then deciding it wouldn't work anyway... this chamber was obviously built for capturing their types of species.
She wondered how long it'd be before someone would be killed, knowing that if it was her, she would make it extremely difficult.
She sneered, a thought occurring. "Was you following me?" She crept forward, the blade squeezed tight in her hand, blood started dripping again.
10:09pm May 30 2013
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...Batman? Liam nearly snorted at her pathetic excuse for an insult. He couldn't even turn into a bat, and he didn't think he resembled the superhero she was referring to.
The werewolf girl was finally beginning to realize that they were stuck here. Liam knew from the get-go that they were doomed to die down here, and it was about time that she realized it. It definitely wasn't his ideal form of demise, being trapped in a dark, dank pit with a werewolf, but he supposed he didn't have a choice.
Suddenly, the girl had turned on him with a knife. He quickly put his hands up in mock surrender, watching the girl carefully. Would she actually stab him, or was it all a facade? She probably doesn't even have the guts to try. He wasn't really sure why she was accusing him of tracking him down; he would never waste his time in a foolish game of tag with a werewolf.
"I don't chase around puppy dogs, sorry." His hand shot out and confiscated her knife in one swift motion. He glanced at the blade for a second and turned it over it his hand, then took his finger and swiped it along the blade, which wiped the blood off the metal and transferred it to his finger. He licked the blood off his finger and cringed mentally at the taste.
Werewolf blood was dry and salty tasting, but he was hungry enough to eat anything. He hadn't realized how much all the running had made him hungry.

5:26am May 31 2013
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Posts: 248
Din grimaced, walking backwards again. She slumped to the floor, pulling her knees up to her chest and wrapping her arms around her legs. She didn't know what to do. She was tired, weak, Hungry. She looked up again at the hole in the ceiling, peeling her eyes down until they rested on the vampire. He was licking his finger of the blood from the blade, it made Dins stomach churn. Was he going too attack? she wondered. Surely, if she hated the taste of vampire, they would hate the taste of her? maybe not. She did wonder how he had gotten down here, and if he had been the thing that had fallen on her. She looked down at herself, dried blood covering her upper body. She tried scraping it off with her nails, but it didn't really work. The crimson flakes curled and littered the floor around her. She looked around her body, noticing goose bumps. She hadn't realised the coldness of the chamber before then, but normally by now she would be dressed. She shivered, stroking her arms to erase the unwanted bumps. For a few minutes, she ignored the vampire, concentrating on cleaning herself. She felt helpless, her heightened emotions resting on sadness.
12:46am Jun 1 2013
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Liam distracted himself because the girl had stopped talking. He played with the knife in his hands, stared up at the single light in the pit, occasionally stole a glance or two at the werewolf. She looked quite depressed, but rightfully so. Anyone who was trapped in a deep, cold hole with their archenemy was bound to be a little sad.
He slipped the girl's knife into his jacket pocket. He didn't want the girl to be armed in case she had plans to slit his throat when he wasn't looking.
He glanced towards the girl, who appeared to be cleaning herself, and attempted to make some form of conversation to distract them.
"How long do you think it will be?" he asked. "Until they come for us?"
5:00am Jun 1 2013
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Posts: 248
Din looked up at him, her eyes not quite focusing. She sighed, "They'll want us weak, so... a few days?" She looked too the ground, bare foot prints leading up to her dented the sloppy mud. From the cold, moist air it was obvious tonight would be a wet night, the rain would slop down the hole- probably creating small puddles where the ground was lowest. She hoped not, but the weather was uncontrollable.
She glanced up at the vampire again, wondering what he was going to do. She couldn't see the knife any more, so assumed he had hidden it. She wondered how long they would really last, maybe with co-operation they would survive. But it was a stupid thing to suggest.
"This chamber was obviously meant for this purpose," She muttered, stroking the muddy floor. "That's why they drove me here..." She finally realised, feeling like a moron. Like taking candy from a baby.