12:43am Jun 2 2013
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Liam hadn't quite expected the response "a few days". He was kind of hoping that they would come and kill them sooner so they wouldn't have to be stuck down in a hole together for longer than a day or two, but what she said made sense. The hunters were lazy. They wanted easy prey.
He glanced up at the sky, which was dark and moist with precipitation. There was a very good chance of rain, which made Liam shudder. He hated rain, the way it seemed to ruin everything and come at the most inconvenient times.
He could also tell by the sky that it was fairly late, probably around 11:00 or so, and he felt himself growing tired. Vampires didn't really need sleep, but he enjoyed sleeping when he was bored. It was a rather pleasant pastime.
He sat down on the muddy floor, cringing as he felt the sloppy wet mud soak into his pants. "What are we gonna do for the next few days, then?" he asked, smirking slightly. It was an extremely good thing that she couldn't see into his mind, because his rather immature imagination was running wild.

10:27am Jun 2 2013
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Posts: 248
Din pursed her lips, setting her head back against the muddy wall whilst keeping her eyes on the vampire. She didn't know what to say, how to answer. What would you do while you were waiting for someone to kill you? "Anything." She muttered, for a moment her eyes went blank as he mind took over.
Her thoughts consisted of mainly childish games, the ones she had loved. It must've been the dangerous atmosphere, but through it- she could almost feel... a twinge, of some sort. Maybe it was the disgust she felt towards the creature in front of her. Maybe it was her need for close company at such a terrible time.
She focused her eyes on him again, wrapping her arms back around her frozen legs and resting her chin on her elbows.
12:47am Jun 3 2013
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Liam bit his lip as be thought. He finally came to the conclusion that he should probably get some rest because all the running had done today had warn him up out, so he finally replied with a small shrug.
"I don't know about you, but I'm going to get some rest." He scooted back into the far corner of the pit, laid down in the cool, wet mud, and tried to go to sleep. A few minutes passed and he realized that his guilt was keeping him awake.
He sat up, grumbling to himself, and shrugged off his black jacket. "Take this," He threw his jacket at Din. "Don't want you freezing to death or nothing. Blood tastes better warm." On this last remark, he laid back down, curled back into his ball, and immediately fell into a deep sleep.
{Witter's block yaayy~}
7:10am Jun 3 2013
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Posts: 248
Din had closed her eyes, rapping the jacket around her. She whispered a quick thanks too the sleeping vampire, relaxing against the wall herself. She wasn't tired, she was too scared.
The night passed rather speedy, Din never slept. She spent some of the night Watching The boy, the other fiddling with the coat. She even spent some of it in her werewolf form, feeling warmer, but she didn't want to startle the vampire if he woke up- so she was changing for most of the night.
[[Hnn, stuck]]
9:28pm Jun 3 2013
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Liam awoke a while later with a loud yawn and sat up. The first thing he did was glance towards the girl; fast asleep, his own jacket wrapped around her otherwise naked body. He then looked upwards at the entrance to the pit. Weak light shone down into the hole, the slightly chilly air and the pale sunlight suggesting that it was still early morning.
He pulled his knees up to his chest and began to to pick at some of the mud that had dried on his face overnight. He was absolutely filthy, but that was to be expected. They were trapped in a wet, muddy hole.
The girl seemed to be mostly awake, so he decided to see if she was truly awake or not.
"Mornin, sunshine. Sleep well?" His voice was fairly sarcastically sweet, a tone he fancied rather well. It was practically the only way he ever complimented anyone.
5:02am Jun 4 2013
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Posts: 248
Din turned slightly, fumbling with her arms in the jacket. "no." She said, her tone steady. She opened her eyes too look at the boy, taking a while too focus. For awhile, she had managed too forget where she was, forget the horrible situation. She sat up, stretching her arms as a small yawn escapes her lips.
She sighed, the noise lingering around her in the small, damp space. She was thirsty, a slight itching feeling in the back of her throat.
Her eyes stayed on the vampire, "who are you?" .
1:19am Jun 5 2013 (last edited on 1:20am Jun 5 2013)
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Liam raised an eyebrow when the girl asked who he was. Well, she didn't know his name, but they had known each other since last night. He figured that she would at least remember him from the fall.
"I fell on you. I believe you can at least remember that," he explained. He got to his hands and knees and crawled a bit closer, out of the shadows. "If the fall isn't ringing a bell, perhaps these will." He unsheathed his fangs and grinned widely, showing off his lengthened incisors. He wasn't trying to scare her, he just figured that it might help her remember.
While he was sitting closer to her, he decided that he should probably take the knife back before she remembered about that. He reached towards the pocket of the jacket, his hand only a half foot away from the knife.
7:13am Jun 5 2013
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Posts: 248
Din jum ped back slightly as he approached, she watched as he showed his fangs. She was at first confused, but then realised he had gotten the wrong impression. She was about to correct him, Her face contorted into an ex pression of amusement. His hand reached too her pocket, She jumped forward, grabbing his arm and pulling it towards her, away from the knife she knew was there. She put her hand on the pocket, twisting the jacket too behind her back, shaking her head.
"I meant, what's your name." She nodded, her eyes opening wider. "Idiot." She muttered.
9:35am Jun 5 2013
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Liam sat back and allowed his fangs to retract at her words. "Oh. Well. Should have just said so." He leaned back against the wet muddy walls and looked over at her. "My name is Liam. And you are...?"
He was still a bit embarrassed by interpreting her words wrong, but the last "idiot" comment was really what got to him. He did not appreciate being called stupid, especially when the person who called him it was the one who should have been more clear in the first place.
He lunged forward in one motion, his hand suddenly locking around her throat and his body towering over her. He could kill someone in this position; all it would really take was a quick flick of the wrist.
"Are you calling me stupid?" There was a fair amount of darkness and malice in his voice as he spoke, his fangs now out. Vampires always tended to have a lot of rage built up, and they seemed to always tend to let it out when the smallest things pissed them off
12:20pm Jun 5 2013 (last edited on 8:22am Jun 6 2013)
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Posts: 248
Dins mouth opened in shock for a second, managing too scramble back too the wall before he reached her. She choked slightly under his grip, her hand flyng up instinctively too grab his wrist. She stares up at his face, making no real movemet too shake him off incase the pressure sets him harder. The short shot of fear she had felt dissapears, leaving this amused shyness fluttering in her stomach. She suddenly felt shy at being naked, but brushed it off.
She cleared her throat, best she could against his grip. "arent we Rowdy." She Mutters, Her throat Coraking. She removes her hand from his wrist and places it against the base of his throat, Ready too strike if he does.. She eyes him, "I didn't say stupid." He smile falters.
[[Edited xDD]]
1:46am Jun 6 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Haha, it's quite alright. c: Stuff happens.}
Liam could tell that the werewolf girl was growing uncomfortable, but he didn't loosen his grip. He was careful not to tighten it especially, though. He knew how powerful and strong vampires could be when angry, and it could prove very fatal for her in he were to tighten his grip.
He didn't really see the situation as awkward, though he could only imagine her discomfort, with a totally unfamiliar man hovering over you while you're not wearing any clothing.
He had fought werewolves before after they had changed back, and they were naked as well. To him, it was nothing but yet another fight. He didn't make it into anything else.
Liam released his hold on her when she put her own hand to his throat and fell back, now sitting cross-legged about a foot away. "I should hope that you take this as a warning," he told her bluntly. "As long as we're stuck in this hole, I'm on top, you're on bottom. Got it?" He hadn't originally planned for the attack to serve as a warning, but he supposed it was a good way to express dominance.
He didn't need to be in charge or to be on top, but he figured that if he decided to eat her, it would be a lot easier if she was more willing to give in.

8:31am Jun 6 2013
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Posts: 248
Din chuckled, her eyes slitting she watched the vampire back away. "Oh, I'd say... we're on the same Level. Liam." her face becomes serious, relaxing back against the wall. She watches him silently, taking in his movements in case he decided too make a move. In her mind, she was Dominant. All his power, was on display at the beginning, where as she- she could turn into the monster, easily cower over the small vampire. She had fought bigger, and won.
Her lips turned down at the side. "My names Dinisty." She says, her voice calm.
10:32pm Jun 6 2013 (last edited on 10:32pm Jun 6 2013)
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Liam leaned back against the muddy walls of the pit. His stomach growled loudly upon the sudden movement.
He glanced towards the girl who had introduced herself as "Dinisty" and gave a small shrug. "Whatever you say, "Dinisty"." He sighed softly and looked up at the entrance to the pit. It was going to be a very long inprisonment, that was for sure. He almost wanted one of the hunters to come down and finish him off then and there to get it over with.
"So. Are we going to attempt to get out of here, or are we gonna rot down here until the assassins come fetch us themselves?" he asked, holding his arms and closing his eyes. It was an unrealistic fantasy, trying to get out of this deep pit, but it was worth trying, at least. He wondered if Din thought the same.
11:33am Jun 7 2013
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Posts: 248
Din paused, attempting too escape had crossed her mind, she just didn't see the point in wasting their energy on a lost cause. If she was in her werewolf form, it would give a good jolt in height, But still not enough too reach the hole. If he thought it was worth it, then she would let him go ahead, she may even enjoy seeing him try. She shrugged, "you can do as you like." She slumped back against the wall, hugging his coat against herself again.
The knife bounced around in his pocket, so she took it out and placed it on the floor next to her. The blade still had a little dried blood left on it, even after Liams strange-licking moment. She shuddered, the thought of drinking blood disgusting her.
12:50am Jun 9 2013
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Liam crawled over and picked up the knife in a muddied hand, examining the steel surface still stained with a few drops of blood. It was hardly even worth trying to lick it off; the left over blood was too dry to scrape off that would probably be too gross to eat anyway.
He slipped the knife into his pocket and sat on his bottom, then looked up at the entrance to the pit helplessly. There really didn't seem to be a way out, but he could try.
He slowly stood up and walked over to the slick wall of the pit. He reached up and tried to touch the edge, but he wasn't tall enough. There was still a good three feet above his head. He bit his lip as he thought of a way to get out of this hellhole.
There was the obvious choice; call for help. But that would attract the hunters, and that would mean certain death. Then he could try climbing on top of Din, but he didn't want to make the poor girl awkward to death. He finally got an idea - not a very genius idea, but it was an idea - and got to work.
He bent down, slipped the knife out of his pocket and began carving indents in the surface of the pit's wall.

7:50am Jun 9 2013
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Posts: 248
Din watched him, her mouth turned down at the corners. She waited a few minutes before speaking, "Digging yourself out? well... I guess you do have a few days..." She snickered, Resting her head against the mud.
[sorry about the shortness, rushed:L]]
7:51pm Jun 9 2013 (last edited on 7:51pm Jun 9 2013)
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Posts: 4,355
Liam glanced over his shoulder to glare at Din. "No, of course I'm not going to try to dig myself out." He rolled his eyes and turned back to his work. "I'd explain to you what I'm going to do, but I'm not sure if I'd be able to get it through your thick skull."
A large clump of mud fell from the wall while he spoke, leaving a decent sized indent in the wall. He moved up about a foot or so and began carving another hole into the slick muddy surface.
{Eh. I failed too.}
10:59am Jun 10 2013
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Posts: 248
She snickered, climbing too a stand, slipping her arms into the sleeves of the coat and wrapping around her body. It reached her knees, where as on him it looked hardly baggy. She walked up to underneath him, dodging the bits of dirt that falls. Thick skull, aye? hnn... She stretches out her arm, flexing her fingers until her nails turn into her sharp claws. She dug them into the mud, digging a huge gap just underneath Liam, making the flat of what he was sitting on thinner, too the point small parts crumbled too the floor. The slightest movement from him would send him back too the ground. She smirked up at him, stepping back a few steps. The mud slowly started too crumble, she knew he would probably move before it all fell in, but she would still find it funny. "Cret patetico" she muttered.
8:49pm Jun 10 2013
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Liam was completely oblivious to Din's scheme as he worked on creating another indent. Before he even realized what was happening, he had fallen flat on his butt and was looking up at his destroyed work.
He angrily looked over his shoulder at Din, his eyes a dark shade of burnt amber. "What the hell was that for?!" he snarled.
He stood up, brushed himself off, went over to Din, and flat out slapped her across the face. Not as hard as he could have, because if he hit her as hard as he possibly could, he could very well break her face.
He knew that slapping her wasn't going to improve their friendship at all and instead of fighting they really should be helping each other, but she had started it, and there was no way he was going to let her sabotage his work without retaliating.
Mumbling something under his breath, he stalked over to an untouched corner of the pit and began carving the first intent for the second time.
7:12am Jun 11 2013
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Posts: 248
Dins face tingled, she could feel the ache in her neck as she turned her head to face him again. In her mind she repeated too herself, Dont retaliate, leave him. Dont retaliate, leave him. and of course, she wouldn't listen. She quickly glided too behind him, a swift elbow up and she slammed into the back of his head, pushing him forward until his face met the mud wall. Sure it was no slap too the face, but that would involve getting in front of him, and he would block it easily if she tried.She snickered too herself, Pulling back until she was at the other side of the chamber, ready too move if he came at her.
"I guess my thick skull was angry at your remark?" She answered his earlier question, moving her jaw in a tight circle too bend out the soreness.