2:42pm Jun 11 2013
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Liam was kind of expecting a retaliation, but he sure wasn't expecting a face full of mud. Luckily for him, the mud was tightly packed and solid and only a bit of it actually got on his face, but the pain of the sudden collision was probably equivilent to running into a brick wall.
He turned away the wall, wiped the mud off his face, and glared at Din. His eyes were coal black now, like the fiery ember color they were only minutes before had died out and only left burnt charcoal in its place. Very few things made his eyes turn black, but being messed with was one of them.
He quickly came to the conclusion that he was done trying to get out of the pit for then. If she was going to be a pain in the butt, let her, but he sure wasn't going to help her get out of the pit now.
He also came to the conclusion that he was far too angry to let this slide, but how could he fight back? More than anything he wanted to bite her. Just dig his fangs into her neck and drink to his heart's content. He was hungry, and she definitely deserved a good bite to the neck, but he couldn't bring himself to bite her. Not yet.
"Well. Would you like to say sorry, princess, or can I bite you now?" He was leaning agaisnt the very muddy wall he was just pushed into, nis head was tilted to the head just slightly, his arms crossed.

2:53pm Jun 11 2013
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Posts: 248
Dins face coiled with a sinister grin, she let her hands slide too her side, feeling his coat brush on her skin. This would surely get in the way if there was a fight, She shrugged it down a little, just off her shoulders. ready too drop. She cocked her head too the side, "I dont think I'd like either, thanks" her smile faltered, wondering why he hadn't attacked. Maybe he was chicken? She was obviously trying too provoke him. She didn't entirely know why, it was like... Something inside her was driving her to mess with him. Like something nagging at her.
Her head twitched, watching his eyes. Come on.
3:22pm Jun 11 2013 (last edited on 3:22pm Jun 11 2013)
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This girl - this helpless, naked little werewolf girl - wanted to fight him. She really wanted the pissed off vampire to fight her. For whatever reason, this only angered Liam more. If there was one thing he literally could not stand, it was being provoked and messed with on purpose.
His fangs automatically unsheathed themselves and he took a step closer. A low, warning hiss escaped his throat as he thought of all the possible ways he could kill her. Biting her was the first and most obvious choice, and since his mind was clouded with blood lust and sheer anger, he went with his first option.
He was behind her in what seemed to be under a second, his fangs buried in her neck just as quickly. He knew that it was a rash descision, trying to drink her blood while she was awake, but he didn't really care. He was starving and she wanted a fight, so he'd give her one. The fight wouldn't last much longer if she didn't do something though, because her blood was draining fast and she would be growing very weak very soon.
Within seconds, his mouth was growing messy with her blood as his greediness and hunger for her blood intensified. Werewolf blood had an odd, metallic taste and certainly wasn't his first choice, but he hardly noticed the taste.

3:37pm Jun 11 2013
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Posts: 248
Din felt his teeth enter her neck, and for a second, she was so transfixed she didn't even try to get away. She felt her blood pulsing faster through her veins, being pulled out of her unmoving body. She snapped out of it, Her head shaking as she felt a strange shudder pass over her. It was familiar, but it's oddness would never pass- like having her body plump and shrink all at the same time.
Her change took seconds, bending her body forwards, taking the vampire with her. Her skin disappeared under a coat of long fur, the actual coat she was wearing tearing apart under the pressure. She shook her body, Causing Liam too fly off her as she leapt too the other side, landing against the wall and for a second, standing tall- blood dripping down her neck wounds. She puffed her chest, Shaking her shaggy coat as she takes a few steps forward, feeling the same shudder as she goes back too being human, looking tiny compared too the werewolf. Blood soaked her shoulder- the wounds healing.
4:08am Jun 12 2013
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The drinking only lasted seconds, but Liam had gotten his fill. Virtually all of his teeth and his were stained a very dark shade of red, particularly his incisors, and he had taken in so much blood at one time that he felt light-headed and dizzy. If she hadn't pulled herself away he could have literally drank himself to unconsciousness.
Liam was expecting the change before it even happened. In her human state, she was nothing more than a small girl; but in her werewolf form, she was as powerful, if not more, than himself. Her change was odd to watch, even if it only lasted seconds. He had always been intrigued by how quickly the process went and how ones bones could shift from that of a human's to a canines.
He was flung backwards into a wall when she shifted, and the sudden impact knocked the wind out of him. He took a few deep breaths and pushed himself off the wall, taking a few steps closer to the werewolf. They were a mere foot apart now, but Liam didn't allow himself to become frightened by her larger stature.
As he came closer, he saw his torn jacket laying on the ground behind her.
"Tsk. You ripped my jacket. That wasn't very polite of you."
{I'm confused, is she currently a human or a werewolf?}

6:06am Jun 12 2013
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Posts: 248
[[She's now human again, she switched back fastxD]]
She sighed, looking over her shoulder at the jacket. Dins wound was already healed and she could feel her body recovering fast from the lost blood, it didn't faze her, she had been in battles before and knew how too carry on whilst restoring. She turned back to Liam, her face dropping to a neutral glare. "I can buy you another... if you're still alive." She glowered, swaying too the side a little, moving around the vampire. The uncomfortable feeling returned, again- she was naked, and cold, and now with nothing too cover her. Unless she transformed. If only she could get out the pit and get her cloths she had hidden just on the fringes of town... no, she had too deal with this. there's no point anyway, she'll probably die down here.
She circles too where Liam had landed, her hand brushing the dented mud wall as she passed, watching Liams face. He wasn't scary, not for a vampire anyway. He had a sort of... darkness about him, but she didn't feel it was threatening. There was also something calming, about being trapped with him, maybe it was just the dullness... that's what she thought.
She sighed again, not liking the short silence.
2:35am Jun 13 2013 (last edited on 2:35am Jun 13 2013)
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Din's threat was a pathetic and empty one, especially since she was making it as a naked little girl.
He could sense her uncomfortableness as he circled him. He felt a tiny smirk crawl onto his lips as he realized that even though he had lost a coat, Din no longer had anything to cover her. She was going to be cold and miserable, especially at night, but she deserved it.
And he certainly wasn't going to give her his shirt now that she had destroyed his jacket.
A short silence passed between the two. Liam didn't mind the quietness much, though. There had been enough chaos and noise in the past couple days to last him a lifetime.
{Sorry for the boring and shortish post. I'm totally braindead.}
5:20am Jun 14 2013
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Posts: 248
finally coming too a standstill Din shuddered, a cold breeze blowing in from above. She had been tossing between whether to turn again or not. She doesn't want to use all her strength in turning, prefer to save that for when the hunters come. She sits on the ground, crossing her legs and leaning back against the mud. Her eyes boredly gazing on the vampire.
She was tired again, slowly closing her eyes.
The situation was starting too sink in, She had tried to ignore it before, but she was scared. terrified. Tears formed behind closed eyes, slipping down her cheeks. She sobbed, leaning forward and cradling her face.
[[too much braindead-ness, Im feeling it too. my characters obviously has a split personality ;o;]]
6:02pm Jun 14 2013 (last edited on 6:05pm Jun 14 2013)
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Liam stood silently in the center of the pit when Din sat down. He didn't really know if he should say something, so he just stayed silent.
He watched with one eyebrow raised as Din actually buried her face in her hands and cried. He kind of felt like crying too, but his ego wouldn't allow him to cry in front of another person. He did feel kind of bad for her, though. She was probably cold and tired and knew she was doomed.
He slowly sat down beside her, though kept his distance. He knew that it would probably just make her uncomfortable if he sat too close.
"Hey. Don't cry." He was trying to sound comforting, but his words came out blunt. "We're gonna get out." His words were empty promises that he couldn't keep, but he figured that she'd probably take any form of comfort.
{I'm in too many RPs right now. My brain is so dead. Ugh.}
6:26pm Jun 14 2013
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Posts: 248
she sobbed, swaying to the side, her back scraping along the muddy wall. she attempts to disagree with him, but only a small croaky sound escapes her. she shakes her head, lifting her face from her handd and staring at Liam through tearful eyes. she carries on shaking her head, her mouth opening and closing as she takes in sharp, jagged breaths. finally her voice finds her again. "ill die down here..." she looks around the small space. "if only it was a nice ending." she hmphs. a curt smile teasing her. tears streamed paths down her reddened cheeks.
She was acting pathetic, like a stupid little girl. she wipes her face on her arms, mud mixing with tears on her face and forearms. she feels the mud on her face, "oh for godsake." she groans, her grubby face disgusting her. could this get any worse?
she looks over at him again, scratching the mud off her face. "just kill me." she whines.
[[sorry its so bad, had to use my phone :0]]
6:26pm Jun 14 2013
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Posts: 248
she sobbed, swaying to the side, her back scraping along the muddy wall. she attempts to disagree with him, but only a small croaky sound escapes her. she shakes her head, lifting her face from her handd and staring at Liam through tearful eyes. she carries on shaking her head, her mouth opening and closing as she takes in sharp, jagged breaths. finally her voice finds her again. "ill die down here..." she looks around the small space. "if only it was a nice ending." she hmphs. a curt smile teasing her. tears streamed paths down her reddened cheeks.
She was acting pathetic, like a stupid little girl. she wipes her face on her arms, mud mixing with tears on her face and forearms. she feels the mud on her face, "oh for godsake." she groans, her grubby face disgusting her. could this get any worse?
she looks over at him again, scratching the mud off her face. "just kill me." she whines.
[[sorry its so bad, had to use my phone :0]]
1:36pm Jun 16 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Oops! I thought it was your turn to post, sorry! ;~;}
Liam just sat beside Din silently while she cried. He was terrible at comforting people, so he just reached out and kind of patted her on the head while she cried and whined. He didn't say anything in response to her whines, knowing it would be futile. She was obviously just being pessimistic, but rightfully so. They probably were going to die down here.
"Just kill me." These words caught Liam by surprise and he looked over at her with one eyebrow raised. It's was funny, really, because he had plans to kill her when they first fell into the pit, but now he was having second thoughts. He really didn't want to kill her, to be honest.
"Sorry, princess. I'll kill you on my own terms," he told her. He looked away from her face which was probably just as filthy as his own and stared at the opposite wall.
4:41pm Jun 16 2013
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Posts: 248
[['sokay XD]]
Din shook her head, ignoring hand. She shuffled up on the mud, her side banging into Liams before she stopped. She turned to face him, her knees twisting until the were almost under her. She was still crying, silently. She reached over his shoulder, hooking her arm around his neck and nestling her face into his shoulder. She sobbed still, muffled by his shirt, digging her face closer in. She wasn't careful with the pressure, knowing her strength- but she knew it wouldn't hurt him.
[[the badness of this post is.. terrifying..]]
2:54am Jun 17 2013
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Liam startled and almost immediately started to pull back in surprise when Din reached out and hugged him. He hadn't been hugged or hugged anyone in a long, long time, and it was very weird and awkward for him to be hugged by a stranger. Especially one of a different race than himself.
He patted her on the back and tried to think of something to say. "Get off of me" was a little rude and he didn't really want to upset her any more than she already was, and "it will be okay" was just an empty promise.
He finally just said, "It's okay," after a long silence, though it was a lame comforting gesture. He didn't really know what else to say, though.
{I'll add the hunter in soon to keep things interesting. :o}
3:29pm Jun 18 2013
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Posts: 248
Din leans back, feeling he's uncomfortable, it makes her feel worse. She un-loops her arm, and slides a few inches away. "I'm sorry." She sniffles, "I know- I shouldn't," She doesn't know what to say or do, she's so sad that she feels broken, She needs comfort, but knows she wont get it here. She raps her arms back around her knees, tilting her forehead onto her arms. sobbing silently.
[[ooh- sounds good c:]]
9:20pm Jun 18 2013
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Posts: 4,355
{Sorry for the delay. c:}
Liam bit back a sigh of relief when Din stopped hugging him. It wasn't like he hated her so much he couldn't stand to be touched by her, but it was terribly awkward to have her hug him, especially while she was naked.
He scooted a few inches away from the depressed Din, then sat cross-legged on the muddy ground. He drew a bunch of squiggly nonsense into the mud with his fingernail to pass the time while he waited for Din to toughen up and help him get out of there.
"There down here! Two of them! And their live!" Liam's head shot up at the sudden unfamiliar voice. Many feet above them stood a man armed with a bow and arrows and two guns hidden away in his holster, sneering down at them. Liam poked Din hard in the side, then pointed up at the assassin standing above them.
6:40am Jun 19 2013
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Posts: 248
Din poked her head up, at first not seeing anything, then she focused her eyes through the teary haze and spotted the man. A sharp intake of breath cut through her and she slammed her back against the mud, feeling odd clumps role to the floor. She peered over at Liam, wondering what to do, waiting to follow his move. She then shot back a look at the hunter, wondering how long he'd been stood there. She hadn't heard anything apart from her own sorrow, and would be mortified if he had seen her cry, seen her weak. She shook her head, hoping her mud covered self would blend her in with the surroundings.
She kept quiet, unsure of what to do. Surely if she made way to the other side and away from his view, he wouldn't have chance to shoot her? She debated her moves, waiting for Liam.
[['sokay C: ]]
1:00pm Jun 19 2013
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Liam pressed his back against the mud, first looking to Din, then to the man standing above them. He just sat there silently for a moment, trying to figure out what to do. It would be far too difficult to try to get out and attack the assassin, and there wasn't any where to run or hide.
Two more assassins joined the first at the rim of the pit. Liam bared his fangs at them, but they all just snickered. The three of them huddled together, whispering urgently to each other.
Liam leaned over to Din and whispered, "Okay, if they come down here, get into your wolf form. Immediately. The only way we can win is if we fight our way to victory."
5:27pm Jun 19 2013
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Posts: 248
Dinistys body trembled as she prepared to transform. She felt the small ripple that pushed her up slightly on her knees, but on Liams words she settled back. She stared up at them with piercing eyes, feeling her damp face harden under her hot cheeks. She peered at Liam, watching him. "Just tell me when."
Anger boiled up inside her, these people trapped her down here. With HIM, made her cry. She's been naked ALL night. come on, she thought. I'm waiting.
7:05pm Jun 19 2013
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Posts: 4,355
Liam sat silently and still while he waited for the assassins to make the first move. They were all just standing around and talking to each other quietly, every once and a while glancing down at the two of them.
Liam could see minor deals of their faces beneath their masks and could tell that there were two males and one female. One of them, the one with two guns and a bow and arrows, seemed to be the leader, while the other two only wielded one gun each.
Soon enough, one of the men dropped down into the pit, holding out his gun.
Liam immediately stood up, looked over at Din and yelled, "Now!" His fangs slid out and shifted into a rigid attack position. He would strike once Din had transformed.