11:12am Aug 1 2011
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Name-Song Age-21 Looks- Light blonde hair down to her waist with white streaks running through it. Wears a dark blue skirt over skinny jeans. Wears a loosecut wight top. Has big, almond shaped eyes; one blue, one green. Pale skin, but not too pale. Peronality- Can we rp it out? Other- Has no family anymore.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:16am Aug 1 2011
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Name: Eddie Wright Age: Is stuck at age 23, but has lived for over one hundred years. Looks: COMING Personality: YESH Other: Is a vampire. Is the kind of vampire that will die when touched by the suns rays. Not the twilight kind though I like twilight bahahaha xD
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11:28am Aug 1 2011
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Song walked quickly down the alleys of the streets. She shouldn't be out this late. The sun was setting, and this was a big city. And the bad side of the big city at that. She hurried along, quickly realising she was hopelessly lost. She decided to quicken her pace, as if moving any faster whilst being lost would help. She saw a crowd of rough-looking men, and walked past them nervously, carrying on until she got down another alley, which was a dead end. She decided to sit down and think for a minute in the corner, hoping no one would follow her. She was scared. Very scared. She pulled up her purse and took out the tiny can of pepper spray her old boyfriend made her get. He was a cheater, but he was nice in the beginning.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:53am Aug 1 2011
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I had no where to stay. And no one to trust. I tended to stay in my comfort zone, in the alley ways that no one walked by. The ones with dead ends. I was hungry, and refused to eat anyone who had potential. I'd get the drug-addicted idiots when it was later on. But, as my nose filled with a beautiful aroma of someone's blood, I knew someone was coming into the alley I lived in. My alley. I jumped up and landed on a pipe high up before whoever it was, saw me. I was high enough for the person not to see me. The girl came into sight, and the smell became stronger. I did a small groan to hold back the urge to jump down. But, I was so hungry. Oh, so hungry... She looked scared. Pepper spray in hand. Maybe she was in danger. I stayed more alert as I heard a group of the idiots I planned on killing later on, come closer. Eyes turning a firey red, I craned my kneck to see how close they were. They were close enough for her to see them. But slow enough for me to catch them.
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12:08pm Aug 1 2011
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[[Shall we both rp the group of men?]] Song sat down in the corner and looked at the entrance to the alley. She could see the same group of men had moved further along. She felt like she was being watched, either from them or something else. Just something. She held up the pepper spray to check the sell-by date, and saw her own hand shaking. ''Damn.''She said in her melodious voice. It was out of date by a year. Probably didn't even work anymore. But she could pretend it did. They wouldn't go near her while she had this, would they? She saw one of the men pull out a camera and turn it on. She dreaded to think what he planned on filming.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
12:17pm Aug 1 2011
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[[YAYYY. I was hoping they were a NPC I'll just make a random name for one of the guys... BOB]] Bob had saw where she ran, and followed the girl with the rest of the group, though he was getting light headed from the drugs he snuffed up before with his friends. As his friend got out a camera, Bob walked forward. Noting the pepper spray, he stopped his feet and said, "It's alright. It'll be fun..." He started saying, as he walked forward cautiously. ~ They made me sick. All of them. If I was a human, I would have vomited with how sick they made me. These were the types that I would gladly kill. Gladly drain out their blood painfully, so they knew how it felt to feel vulnerable. Knew how it felt to feel violated. A growl escaped my lips as I watched the guy start talking/walking toward the girl. My self control vanished as I jumped from the pipe and gracefully landed in between the frightened girl and the guy I wanted to kill. [Bob<3] "Get away from her." My voice growled as I backed up protectively to the girl. "All of you."
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12:23pm Aug 1 2011
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Billy-Bob (lol guy with camera) walked up. ''Hey, what's the matter, want her for yourself?'' At that, most of the group laughed. ''What do you think you're doing anyway playing around in pipes? Let's teach him a lesson, boys.'' He pulled out his gun, and several others followed suit. ------------------- Song jus sat there, feeling stupid for going down a dead end. She could see herself shaking and almost dropped the pepper spray. When someone dropped down in front of her, and started growling, she probably would've screamed if she wasn't so frozen with fear. She just wanted for this all to be over.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
12:32pm Aug 1 2011
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I stared at the guns and started doing a eerie laugh. Those bullets wouldn't hurt me. The only way I can die was with fire. [Atleast that's what I think, I saw that on Twilight... I'm not an expert bahaha]] "I'm not scared of those worldly weapons. Why don't we go natural, eh? Let's show this lovely lady what real men are and really fight, with our muscle. Show her how glad she should be to have scrawny desperate men like you..." The last part was said in a sarcastic tone, as I backed up to the girl to where my back was pressing against her. I kept pushing back until I made sure she was right against the wall. These men were not going to hurt her, I'd made sure of it. ~ Bob laughed but was irritated at how the boy called him scrawny and dropped his gun. "It's a deal. C'mon guys, we can take him."
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12:41pm Aug 1 2011
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''No.'' The man with the camera was smarter than his friends, he sensed something was off. ''Pick up your gun. If he moves, we shoot the girl. He seems to like her.'' He grinned an evil grin. He wasn't one to be taken off guard by insults, and so he aimed his gun at the spot where the girls head would be, if the mn moved. A few of his lackeys did he same. ---- Song looked up at the back of the scary guys had. He was looming over, he must've been at least six foot. She was terrified. Sure, he might get them offer, but even if he managed that, what would he do to her then? What could she do to stop it?
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
12:52pm Aug 1 2011
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[[bahahaha I just realized you said his name was Billy Bob! OMG I LOVE HIM XD]] I wasn't taken aback by this. Atleast one guy was smart enough to understand that I could break all of their limbs in a milisecond. "Alright then. I won't move." I said in a nonchalant tone as I covered the girl completely, but faced the group, like I wasn't even afraid. And, of course I was shaken by the situation, but I wasn't afraid. They couldn't kill me. I planned to kill them first. ~ Bob frowned when he took back his gun. Why didn't he see what Billy Bob [ xD] saw first? He hated the man. He turned to Billy bob, and said, "I say one of us gets the girl while one of distracts the other."
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12:54pm Aug 1 2011
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((-lurk- posted on ours. hope you have fun rping here, looks nice XD))
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12:56pm Aug 1 2011
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[[Bahahahahahaha thanks Feyth. And, since Feyth is here, I'll just let you both know now, that I'm leaving for lunch. My stomach is killing me DDDDD: Hehehehe it's growling more then Eddie... WOW that was a stupid joke. Alrighty, bye for now! xD ]]
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12:57pm Aug 1 2011
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1:01pm Aug 1 2011
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[[Billy-bob is brilliant. Admit it. lol.]] He thought it over. ''Very well. But it won't be one. We'll take it in turns. All of us but one will keep the gun pointed at the girl. The other goes up to her. If he tries to stop that one, everyone shoot. One's bound to hit her. And he won't risk that, will he?'' The man chuckled. ----- Song collapsed. she couldn't tale this anymore. She curled up in a ball in the corner and hoped something would go right for her for once.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:12pm Aug 1 2011
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[[I'm going to marry the brilliant Billy Bob <3 Even though he has no potential like I said in my first post bahahaha xDD]] Bob smirked, glad that his idea was satisfactory to Billy Bob. "Great. I'll get her..." He didn't hesitate as he ran to the two, the boy and the girl that was now in a ball. ~
"Shh...You really think I've come this far just to lose?" I asked the girl in a comforting tone as I didn't turn around to comfort physically. I couldn't risk turning my back on the men. I watched as the guy started coming for me, and just as he did I turned around, grabbed the girl by the waist and pulled her over my shoulder. It all happened in only a couple seconds since I used my vampire speed. Then, in a flash, I disappeared from the alley after saying, "I'll be back to kill you all." I ran right by the men, gone in a bl ink of an eye, the girl still on my shoulder. I hoped she'd keep her mouth shut as I ran down the dark sidewalk, looking for any other alleys that would be hard to find. She'd have to stay hidden tonight, especially when I came back to kill them. ~ The guy was gone so fast, that Bob didn't realize it as he ran. He ran right into the wall, making his forehead and nose bleed. "Where'd he go?" He asked irritatedly as he searched around, no sign of the girl or him.
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1:14pm Aug 1 2011
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((You guys are fantastic roleplayers!))
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1:37pm Aug 1 2011
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((Thanks! And you WILL marry him!)) Song couldn't help it. It happened so fast. He just hoisted her up and they were gone. She screamed, kicked, punched, grabbed fistfuls of his hair, and still he kept running. She gave up and started to cry. Why did bad things always happen to her? Sure, she was away from that guy, but how long till this one had his fill? And how was he moving so fast when he was carrying her? She gave up kicking and started silently crying, tears streaming down her face.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:51pm Aug 1 2011
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[[Awh thanks Feyth. Getting on that reply in one moment. Sorry, there are just so many roleplays right now, I keep forgetting. D:]] When I found an alley way all the way on the other side of the city - yes, I was still running faster then a normal human being should be able to - I set her down. I couldn't smell anyone around, so I knew she was safe. After I set her down to where she was sitting on the alley floor, I went to one knee, and worriedly wiped the tears from her cheeks. "Did they do anything to you before you got in the alley?" My voice was calm but I wasn't. If I heard that they even touched a hair on her head, he would be even more eager to kill them.
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1:58pm Aug 1 2011
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She didn't say anything. She didn't even look at him. She just curled up into a ball and rocked herself back and forth. She wasn't going to tell him how she thought they were the same ones from a few weeks ago. No one had believed her, it was what made her afraid to come out again. It had been hell for what felt like hours. She tucked her head into her knees and tried to ignore him.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:10pm Aug 1 2011
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"Shhh..." I said as I found myself putting an arm around her. "I'm not going to hurt you..." I mumbled, as I rocked her back and forth - though it seemed she was doing that all on her own. Of course, that wasn't completely true. I was still hungry, and her blood was making me dizzy with pleasure. But, I refused to do it. I refused to kill her. I'd get those other men when she was calm and completely safe. "Now, please tell me, what happened."
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