4:20pm Aug 3 2011
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[[Ohhhhhhh Alright. <3 Sorreh though. What should they talk about nowww? Some how she needs to find out about his vampirenesss awesomenesss but he can't just be like 'Oh I'm a vampire'... It just doesn't work that way. D: ]]
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4:22pm Aug 3 2011
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[[LOL I know. Maybe another vamp, his arch rival, shows up and tries to kidnap her and stuffs. Sorry, I've had too much fanta. *laughs hysterically whilst bouncing off of walls*]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:31pm Aug 3 2011
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[[ *restrains YT from the walls * CALM YOURSELF... Jkjkjkjk. Actually that's what I scream when my friends are hyper, since I never really get hyper. Anyways, i like that idea ^ xD Be prepared for a fail post though D: ONE MOMENT ]]
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4:35pm Aug 3 2011
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[[Seriously? You LIKED it? LOL. I should get hyper more often. XD Also, FANTA IS AMAZING. SO IS JACOB BLACK. Just thought I'd let you know.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:39pm Aug 3 2011
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[[Maybe, instead, we can be like 'so are you feeling better for a walk' and you be like 'sure' and then they walk and then the rival takes her? xD ]]
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4:43pm Aug 3 2011
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[[That could work. Only, it'd be more like a 'are you feeling better to go outside and stumble around pitifully' since she's got a splint in her leg. lol. He could take her out her backgarden, though, and get distracted with... a fence. lol. *is braindead*]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:45pm Aug 3 2011
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[[Like...To look at the garden you mean?]]
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4:46pm Aug 3 2011
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[[Yus. ^_^ Its all I could come up with. >.>']]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:53pm Aug 3 2011
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[[Then let the randomness begin~]] "So... you've been sleeping a long time. Maybe we can go out and get some fresh air? You have a pretty garden in the back." I said, with a shrug. Then added, "I can help you walk if your not able to. But we can stay in here if you want, and if it hurts to much."
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4:55pm Aug 3 2011
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I looked at him. I didn't really want to, but he was obviously bored out of his skull. So I shrugged and said, ''Fine by me.'' and proceeded to slowly slide myself out of bed. [[LET IT BEGIN! LET IT BEGIIIN! From the hamster in Bolt. /shot]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:58pm Aug 3 2011
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[[hahahahaha I never watched that movie but I know who your talking about ;) ]] "Tell me if something hurts." I said, immediately going to the other side of the bed and putting my hands hesitantly on her waist. "Do you need help?"
[omg have him help, please have him help, he'll be able to hold her and it would be cute and please- Alright. i'm done. xD ]]
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5:03pm Aug 3 2011
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[[LOL good otherwise it would have been all like. AWKWARDAnd fine. Roll cuteness~]] Much as I hated to admit it, I did need his help. My heart skipped a beat when he put his hands on my waist, though. ''Um... yeah.'' I said, waiting hesitantly.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:11am Aug 4 2011
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Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:38am Aug 4 2011
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I wrapped my arms gently around her waist as I lifted her up. My vampire strength made it feel like I was just carrying air. "Put one arm around my kneck..." I said, just now realizing this might be a difficult task with me being who I was. Being a blood sucker. After I guided her arm around my kneck, holding my breath, I put a arm around her waist and led her out of the room.
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11:15am Aug 4 2011
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Wow, he must be strong, I thought. Being able to half-carry me like that as if I was a bag of feathers or something. When he got to the garden, I felt like defending myself. The wallflowers and ivy that were meant to grow over only the wall had grown over all the bushes and trees, wrapping around them, leaving small pink flowers growing out everywhere. The small koi pond I had at the end of the garden was empty, the fish having been eaten by stray cats long ago. Still, the pond looked pretty enough, the moonlight reflecting off of its shiny surface. ''Thanks.'' I mumbled.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:22am Aug 4 2011
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As I led her out of the house and to the back yard, I could already see the garden. It was beautiful. I was mesmorized as I led her on, passing rare flowers that were just blooming. Before I could even compliment or ask any questions, I heard her thanking me. "For what?" I asked, absentmindedly pulling her tighter against me. I guessed it was a protective instinct in me doing this. I heard someone coming, with my vampire senses. I knew with Song being a human, she wouldn't hear it yet.
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11:24am Aug 4 2011
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''For helping me. And not dissing my garden. I know they're rare flowers, but the booklet said they weren't supposed to do...'' Nodding my head towards the walls,''This.'' I felt him pull me tighter, and wondered why. Not that I was complaining, so I didn't remark on it.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:29am Aug 4 2011
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I only heard the end of what Song was explaining. My ears were too busy listening. There really was someone coming. Right to us. And it smelled familiar. "No Song. I would never say something so hurtful when you seem to try hard on this garden. It's beautiful." I said, my eyebrows furrowing in confusion. Why was Lance coming back? I thought I'd killed him long ago... I gulped nervously. "Song... Do you have any basements or good hiding spots in your home that you could show me? Now?" I asked, nervously as I started back for the apartment.
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11:35am Aug 4 2011
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''Well... I have a pretty good wardrobe?'' I said, laughing nervously. Why was Eddie acting so weird all of a sudden?
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:40am Aug 4 2011
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She needed to be hidden, and fast. "Good enough." I growled nervously. Hopefully she wouldn't notice how animal like that growl sounded. If I had her walk, it would take twice as long. I picked her up, having her legs lay on one arm while my other arm held her torso and such. I ran with my vampire speed inside, and went to her bedroom where I guessed her wardrobe would be. "Get inside." I said nervously as I gently stood her next to it.
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