3:57pm Aug 4 2011
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[[I KNOW WHERE YOU LIVE, CH. Only kidding. I do know you're here. And that you wished you lived in England so you could end up overpopulating it. XD]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:59pm Aug 4 2011
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[[HAHAHA I'm sorry! I'm only replying to Chance's because it only takes a second to reply to hers/his, because I'm watching House. I'm not really concentrating on roleplays. SORREH D: ]]
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4:01pm Aug 4 2011
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[[Tis ok. ^_^ House is good. He's like a lost puppy. lol.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:02pm Aug 4 2011
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[[I know this will sound wierd, but I think he's kind of cute. Like for an old guy. Have you seen his eyes? His and Cuddy's relationship is SOOOOOOOOOOO cute <3 ...omg... Now I'm tempted to make a roleplay based off the show o_o ]]
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4:03pm Aug 4 2011
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[[CH- This is... getting sad.LOL. And I know. For an old guy, he's sweet.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:05pm Aug 4 2011
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[[What's getting sad? How many roleplays I have? Yes...I admit I'm obsessed.. And then I don't feel like replying to them D: LOL and his personality makes me think he's cute too xDDDDDDD ]]
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4:06pm Aug 4 2011
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[[LOL. I meant it was sad you wanted to rp a tv show. Also, House has such a funny personality. I love his sarcasm.XD]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:19pm Aug 4 2011
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[[Ohhhhh. I see I see... *Cries* So...So you don't like my idea? *Cries* ]]
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5:04pm Aug 4 2011
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Finally, I found their destination. I walked through all the doors in the motel, and finally I could hear Song in one of them. I heard her call my name. "I'm coming..." I whispered, then slammed the door down. Thankfully, there was a fireplace right behind Lance. Lance will die once and for all. "No..." I said to myself as I saw the scene before me. Lance had bit her. Angry I went for the two, having more strength then usual from my anger, and ripping Lance off of Song. He landed in the large fireplace. Usually, if a vampire immediately lets go of a human after biting, like Lance just did from me attacking, the human becomes a vampire. I'd have to heal her before she became one. I went next to Song on the bed, and licked her wound clean from her kneck. After I healed her, I looked back at Lance, who was dead. "I'd ask if you were alright like I usually do, but I doubt your fine..." I said, pulling her into my chest just in case she was still frightened.
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6:06pm Aug 4 2011
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Edward had saved me. He had licked my neck. Damn, that had felt good. But it didn't matter. He had a ew questions to answer before I could trust him again. Feeling more calm than I should have been- I had just been bitten by a vampire, after all-I pulled away from him. ''What...'' I could hardly dare to say it. ''What are you?'' If he was really... one of those, those things, I didn't know what I would do.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:30pm Aug 4 2011
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She rejected my embrace, but I wasn't surprised. "I..." I sighed. I couldn't hide this. "I'm what Lance is. But not as evil. A... A vampire." My voice was shaky. I haven't talked like this in a while. "I saved you Song." I said pleadingly. "You think that was all for show?" I didn't want her to think I was a monster. I wanted her to think I was a hero, like before.
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10:37pm Aug 4 2011
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''No.'' I said quietly. ''Have you killed people? Drank their blood? Like...'' I gulped. ''Like what that other vampire was trying to do?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:31pm Aug 4 2011
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I frowned. Not knowing how to answer. I refused to lie. But how could I say the truth... "Song... How else have I lived? Without drinking blood?" That was my way of saying 'yes'.
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10:02am Aug 5 2011
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I glanced down. He was right, of course. But how could I love someone who had killed hundreds-maybe thousands-of people? ''How old are you really then?'' I wanted to at least know that much.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:22am Aug 5 2011
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At least she wasn't rejecting me. At least she wasn't telling me to get away. But, the questions were still a little hard to answer. I always felt ashamed when I thought - or, now talked - about how many I've killed. Or how old I really was. "I'm... over one hundred years old." I started with a gulp. "But, I didn't lie to you about my age before. I am truly stuck on age 23."
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10:28am Aug 5 2011
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I glanced down. ''How did you become a vampire?'' I wanted to know if he had become one... willingly. If he had, I could never love him. If not, there might've been hope...
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:32am Aug 5 2011
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I stared at where Lance's body used to be in the fire place. It was in crisps by now. "He did it. We used to be friends and..." I looked back at her, sadly. Telling her all of this completely ruined the chance of her trusting me. "He did it." I repeated quietly.
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10:34am Aug 5 2011
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I didn't look at him. ''You... didn't ask for this... right?'' I said hopefully, my eyes meeting his for the first time.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:36am Aug 5 2011
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This wasn't the best time to, but I couldn't help but do a small laugh. "Who would ask to be something like me, Song? I'm..." I couldn't think of any other words. "No one would willingly be a monster."
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10:38am Aug 5 2011
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I gritted my teeth. I wanted to go to him, to have him make me feel safe, I just... couldn't. I didn't know if I'd ever feel safe with him again. ''What about him? Did he choose?'' I asked, nodding my head to the man.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥