1:43pm Aug 6 2011
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''Good. Because...'' I said with a devillish grin, ''While we're saying what you're supposed to do, you're also supposed to be invisible in photos. And supposed to be able to fly. And have eyes tht change colour.'' I wondered if he finally got that I was messing with him.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:45pm Aug 6 2011
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I smiled down at her; "Hey. My eyes do change color. And, technically I can fly... Kinda."
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1:48pm Aug 6 2011
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My eyes went wide. ''R-really?'' I stammered for a moment, taking it in. ''That is so COOL!'' I practically shouted it. Hoping he didn't think me a babbling idiot, I tried to regain composure. ''Can you show me?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:50pm Aug 6 2011
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I smirked while nodding my head. "Yes really. It's not like I can jump off a roof and fly in the air. But, I run so fast that I can climb trees and jump from one to another fast enough. So... Yeah. It's kind of like flying once you do it." I shrugged then added, "I would show you, but isn't your boyd hurting?"
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1:53pm Aug 6 2011
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''Nooo....'' I lied. He could probably see I was lying, but it didn't matter anyway. ''Why? You'll be flying. I'll just watch.''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:56pm Aug 6 2011
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[[I have to go for like 40 minutes D: I'll be back though. xD ]] I lifted my eyebrows suspicously. She was a horrible liar. I nodded my head understandingly. "I thought you meant, you wanted me to hold you while I 'flew'." I said. "It's more fuuuuuun..." I said with a wink before picking her up - gently - and walking out the door without warning. "Just tell me when something hurts and you want to come back home." I said before I held her a little tighter and ran.
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2:01pm Aug 6 2011
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[[Ok. I have to take the dog out for a walk soon, anyway, soo... yeah. XD]] ''WHAT?'' I yelled. The wind whipped the words out of my mouth before I could so much as hear them. This was amazing! Edward was right. This did feel like you were flying.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:20pm Aug 6 2011
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[[xD Back for like... 10 minutes. I have to take a shower D: *hates being sweaty* DDDD: ]] There was this vacant little woods part just beyond the city and too a more country side area. I zoomed through that forest, dodging trees before they hit Song or myself. I finally stopped before we got too deep in the forest. There were... Dangerous things once you got deeper. "Cool huh?" I said, before gently setting her down. "No one really comes into this forest. Its... " I was going to say 'infested with other vampires' but I didn't want to frighten her. I would never bring her some place that I thought was too dangerous. The other vampires were deeper in the forest. I was just in the spot that no vampires ever really got acrossed. ... I hoped.
[[I say. Something bad should happen xDDD ]]
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3:31pm Aug 6 2011
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[[LOL no problem. I just got back. And I agree Bad stuff rules!XD I wanna be the bad guy this time, though. lol.]] Propping myself up against a tree, I just looked at him. ''That was... even better than cool. That was amazing.'' I heard a small noise beside my head, and turned and glanced back. I could've sworn I'd seen something... shaking my head, puzzled, I decided it was probably just a fox. Or something.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:35pm Aug 6 2011
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[[Kk! ]] I shrugged, "Eh. It gets old after a while..." I said before a wink, before leaning on my side so I could face her, on the same tree she was leaning on. [He would have heard also, but he was too busy noticing her reaction to it...] "What's wrong?" I asked, leaning over her to see what she was looking at.
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3:45pm Aug 6 2011
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[[SWEET! Thankies!]] ''Nothing. I... just thought I saw something, is all.'' Glancing around, I heard another crash. What on earth...? My ponderings were cut off as three vampires lunged at Edward, sening him through the tree, and pinning him to the ground next to it when they'd finished. Before I had time to react, another one flew at me, sending me crashing to the floor.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:02pm Aug 6 2011
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Before I knew it, vampires had seperated me from the one I swore to protect. Why was I so stupid? Just because I've never seen them on this side of the forest, didn't mean they weren't there... I growled at the vampire on top of me as it pinned me. "Get your hands off her." I screamed following another growl as I kicked the vampire attacking me, sending one into another tree. It gave me time to stand up with my speed before the other one could attack. Honestly, I didn't care about what happened to me. But, this time, this attack was my fault, and Song would get the consequence if I didn't help. "Now!" I said, running for the vampire that had gotten Song.
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4:06pm Aug 6 2011
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I saw Edward coming towards me. That, I was happy about. What was behind him... not so much. ''EDWARD!'' I screamed. Seven vampires all pounced on him, slashing with sharp claws, some trying to tear at him with razor sharp fangs. The vampire on top of me punched me, hard. But I didn't care. Edward was going to be killed! The vampire punched me one more time for good measure, then pulled me to my feet, shoving me into the tree.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:09pm Aug 6 2011
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I was strong. But, not stronger then seven vampires together. I was fast. But, not faster then seven vampires together. It was the end. I fought and kicked and punched all I could but I knew they would have more of an effect on me then I did on them. "No... No please, don't!" I pleaded as I fell to the ground from the slashing, when I saw them punch Song. I felt defeated and I knew I looked pathetic as I let them do the beating, me just trying to deal with the pain. Fighting back just made them angrier.
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4:15pm Aug 6 2011
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I was knocked out as the vampire punched me full force to the head... ~ The vampires slashed him, and, satisfied they'd weakened him enough, pulled him to his feet, two on each arm, two behind, and one to the side which Song was on. ''You...'' A young male one hissed, ''will come to our clan leader for trespassing... Her too... might make an interesting sacrifice, or maybe a nice offering to get in the leaders good books...'' With that, the four holding his arms started walking, the vampire stood over Song picked her up and swung her over his shoulder, and they all headed to a glowing campfire in the distance.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:47pm Aug 6 2011
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I couldn't respond. It wasn't that I was close to passing out, because that was impossible with vampires. But, just knowing that they had Song in their hands... "No..." Was all I could croak as they picked me up. The words that was said hurt more then the beating. "Don't touch her..." I growled, though I knew I wasn't very demanding with my body so... Limp.
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7:43pm Aug 6 2011
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''Oh, we won't.'' Grinning an evil grin, he added, ''You will.'' Finally there, he stopped talking, and his posture became tense as a vampire, at least seven feet tall, with glowing red eyes and sharp, cruel fangs. He glared at them. ''Are these the trespassers?'' ''Yes, my leader.'' ''Good. Is it true he seems to have some attraction to this girl?'' ''Yes, my leader.'' ''Good. Put them in there,'' He says, pointing them to a tall, cage-like, harsh metal structure. ''Before you think of breaking out, young vampire, that metal is unbendable. So give up. You'll be punished.'' Holding out a vial of light blue liquid, he asks him, ''Do you know what this is?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:52pm Aug 6 2011
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This couldn't be happening... All I wanted was to show her that I could 'fly'. I wanted her to think of me as the hero again. Not the monster. And just as I was earning her trust, things go downhill? And, this would be happening with vampires. Which practically shows how much of a monster I truly am. This couldn't be happening to us! To her. I glared at the monstrous vampire before me. I wanted to hurl just by looking at him. "No, I don't..." I said, feeling pathetic how it was said with a whimpering voice. "Don't hurt her..." I said with a moan as I looked back up at the vampire, who I guessed was the leader. I didn't understand what one of the vampires meant by me having to touch her. But, I chose not to ask what they meant.
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7:57pm Aug 6 2011
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''This vial of liquid is BF. Do you know what that stands for? Do you? It means Blood Frenzy. Once my minions force this down you- Believe me, we have our ways- You will attack anything that smells of blood. Indiscriminately. Oh, and we'll wake the girl up in time for her to see who's killing her.'' Smiling, he called anothe vampire over from the shadows. This... would be fun. ''And if you don't kill her... You'll go through hell every second you live. For at least an hour. If she's still alive, my men will... take care of her for you.'' He kept that cruel, evil grin on his face through the entire conversation.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:00pm Aug 6 2011
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[280th post <3 ]] "No...No, Please..." I kept muttering, while tears came to my eyes. I knew I wouldn't be able to control myself once I get that vial down my throat. "Please. Atleast let me talk with her for just 10 minutes. Just give me that...Please..." I pleaded, letting myself cry.
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