10:38pm Aug 6 2011 (last edited on 10:38pm Aug 6 2011)
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[[Its a good thing <3 Homg. You just made the 300TH POST on this roleplay. And you didn't celebrate... *Shuns*.. JK ]] I wished we had more time when I found her to hug and be happy that we were safe, kind of like in the movies. I was in the mood to cry some more too - no matter how sappy that might sound. [All my guys are sappy D: ]] I realized then, that as I got deeper into this tunnel, there was a door at the end. Risking it, I opened the door, and a beautiful relief washed over me. We were free! The woods looked familiar from where they'd taken me - when Song was passed out. I kept on running though with my vampiric speed, finally, when I got to the edge of the forest, I couldn't run anymore. It wasn't that I was tired. It was that I needed to see Song. I set her down so she lay on the flat dirt ground - again, this was a small country side, which was next to the city - and -again, without warning - brought her into an embrace before I could even sit down. Finally as I sat beside her, I pulled her tighter, sobbing in her shoulder. I was so pathetic. "Sorry.." I muttered, while lifting my head. [[YAY 16 page~ ...See? I celebrate.... HAHA JKJKJK ]]
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10:43pm Aug 6 2011
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[[LOL I didn't realize it. And I like sappy guys. ;) They're cute. ^.^]] I was emotionless. Not crying, not smiling, not even thanking him. I don't know how long it stayed like that. Maybe ten seconds, maybe ten minutes. Either way, it ended. I cried, wrapped my arms around his neck, felt my shoulder damp where he'd cried, and made sure his shoulder wasn't going to be dry. I cried and cried, for all that had happened... and for all that could have happened. I wanted to be in his arms forever, to never have to leave him. Leaning back, looking into his eyes, I wanted to say it to him. Say those words I so badly wanted to say, so badly wanted to hear. But I couldn't. I just looked at him.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:57pm Aug 6 2011
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At first I thought she was going to reject me. To hate me from being so careless. To hit in me rage for having it be all my fault for what she went through. But... All she did was cry. Immediately I kept my arms around her as it was her turn to cry. And, before I knew it, she was calmed down and looking back at my own eyes. With a sad smile, I said my signature line everytime something went wrong. "Are you alright?" Though I knew she wasn't. I kissed her forehead before looking back at her. "I'm so sorry."
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11:00pm Aug 6 2011
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It seemed he asked me that a lot. And said that a lot. ''Edward... I... have to tell you something.'' I looked deeply in his eyes. I already knew he felt the same, but saying it would be committing to something. And having commitment was something I wasn't good at.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:09pm Aug 6 2011
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What her next response was, surprised me. We were almost killed- No. Scratch that. I almost killed Song, unwillingly. And, she was here, about to tell me something that probably had nothing to do with what I asked? Though it did seem urgent by the way she was looking at me... "You can tell me anything." I whispered, pulling her tighter against me.
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11:13pm Aug 6 2011
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[[Has to go iin a mo. >.<]] ''I... I think I love you.'' Might as well say it quick. No beating around the bush. I pulled myself closer to him, and burried my face into his neck.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:19pm Aug 6 2011
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For a moment, everything stilled. She... loved me? No. She thought she loved me. I didn't know which one bothered me more. The fact that she loved a monster. Or the fact that she wasn't sure she loved me. I cleared my throat, and held her tighter. I was too shocked to say the words back, but I did say, "How can you love a monster, Song?" I whispered. [[NO. YOU WILL NOT GO. Dx *Clings* ]]
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7:49am Aug 7 2011
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Not just leaning back this time, I sat back and looked at him. ''You are not a monster. And I know now. I don't think I love you anymore. I know I do.'' With that, I moved back into him, holding him tightly. [[YES. I DID GO. MWAHAHAHAHAHA.XD]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:29pm Aug 7 2011
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[ FINE. You got through my cling this time. But next time... ]] Her words swallowed any response I could have made. I breathed deeply, before saying, "You shouldn't." I couldn't bring up any more words. I squeezed her tight one more time before getting up. "Maybe we should get back. I was just taking a break."
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4:23pm Aug 7 2011
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[[NO. *rubs grease on self* CAN'T CLING NOW, CAN YA? lol.]] ''Actually, I should. And I'll go back with you...'' I thought for a moment. Was what I was about to say really wise? ''IF you give me a good enough reason why I shouldn't love you. Or say it's perfectly logical that I should.'' I sat there, unmoving. I was pretty sure he could move me by force if he wanted to, but also pretty sure he didn't want to.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:26pm Aug 7 2011
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[UGH YOU WIN D: ]] I stared at her for a long time. I wouldn't dare pick her up by force.She's done enough things by force today. "You shouldn't love me, because I have the ability to kill you in the most painful way possible. That I don't have self control when I'm hungry. I don't have self control any time truly. Even me having to heal your kneck from Lancelot was hard for me."
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4:33pm Aug 7 2011
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[[I ALWAYS win. XD]] ''I'm going to tell you how all those things mean nothing. You can kill me at any time; so can any man with a gun. You don't have self control when you're hungry; Does what men have done to me so far look like self control to you? And healing my neck was hard for you. But you did it. You saved me.'' I still hadn't moved. Smiling, I looked into his eyes. ''Looks like you need another reason, huh?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:34pm Aug 7 2011
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Her response stopped me cold. "Fine. But, I still think it's wrong." I said, defeatedly as I settled back down next to her. "But, just remember..." I started. "Your walking right into trouble, loving someone like me." No matter what she said, I'll still find it wrong.
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8:36pm Aug 7 2011
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''Fine by me. I'll walk right into anywhere, as long as I walk into it with you.'' It sounded cheesey, I know, but I loved him. That was how I felt. I leaned against his shoulder when he sat back down.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:45pm Aug 7 2011
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I held my breath as she leaned against me. "I... You shouldn't..." But, I didn't want her to stop. I put an arm around her and said, "Just be careful, alright?"
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8:49pm Aug 7 2011
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''Of course I will.'' I said. His touch felt so... electric. ''Edward...'' I said. After a short pause, I continued. ''You know you're never gonna get rid of me now, right?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:52pm Aug 7 2011
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I sighed, resting my forehead on the top of her head. "No matter how much I like that idea, I'm afraid it's unfortunate that I can't get rid of you. That would mean anything that happened to you, would be my fault."
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8:56pm Aug 7 2011
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''No it wouldn't. It's not you that won't let me get away. It's the other way around. And, besides, nothings I going to happen to me.'' Why was it he always thought that, if something went wrong, it was his fault? I just didn't get it.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:57pm Aug 7 2011
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"Alright Song." I said, letting her believe what she wanted to believe again. Kind of like before. "Ready to go back?"
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9:00pm Aug 7 2011
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''Ok.'' I knew he was only pretending he agreed. But it was good enough for me. I wondered why those vampires attacked us. Shaking my head, I started getting up.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥