9:19pm Aug 1 2011
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Quickly, I grabbed the tweezers and said, "Let me see, Don't move..." I didn't say anything else as everything went silent. As I examined her wound. Finally, I picked at it and said, "This might hurt. I purposely did this while you were sleeping so that you wouldn't feel it as much." After finally getting the bullet it, I put it next to the other ones, wiped the bloody tweezers and grabbed another bandage. After cleaning the wound, I wrapped the bandage around her ankle. Then examined the other one. "This looks swollen..." I mumbled as I went to work looking for the other bandage. Finally when I found it, I wrapped it more tightly so that it was more secure. "Anything else hurt?"
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9:23pm Aug 1 2011
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''Um.'' That... had hurt. She had flinched a bit, and was surprised he hadn't ended up pulling out one of her muscles or something. She closed her eyes, the pain contorting her face. ''Does everywhere count?'' She asked, opening her big eyes and staring into his.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:27pm Aug 1 2011
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I put the warm wet rag I had before, back on her forehead. "I'm sorry." I was about to blab out the fact that if she hadn't run away from me, this wouldn't have happened. But, I could never say that out loud. At least not so harshly. "I actually meant, anything that needs to be taken care of. Like your ankle I missed, for example. But, if it's just soreness from the wounds, I have some Tylenol."
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9:31pm Aug 1 2011
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She closed her eyes. She just wanted sleep. But he had helped her, so the least she could do was show him she was grateful, right? She looked him in the eye and tried to think what Tylenol was but failed, so started trying to think where else they had damaged. ''I...I think that's it.'' She said, adding hastily, ''Th-thank you.'' She hoped he'd leave her sleep soon.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:35pm Aug 1 2011
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[[Wait... You know what Tylenol is right? Like Ibprofen? D: ]]
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9:36pm Aug 1 2011
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[[Ibprofen? Yes. Tylenol? No. Sorry. If they're similar, I'll just work off of that. I was gonna look it up anyway. lol]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:42pm Aug 1 2011
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[[I probably spelled it wrong, bahahahahaha xDDD They are the same things though. xD]] "I'll go get you some pain relief pills." I said, before disappearing. I grabbed 2 and came back, with a waterbottle also. "Here." I said before handing her the pills, and opening the water bottle. I stuck the pills in her mouth and helped her gulp down the water. She needed to get this down fast so that she'd be able to walk sooner. "You live with your parents? If so, we may have to get you back early so they don't worry about you."
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9:47pm Aug 1 2011
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''Uhm.'' She was glad of the pain killers, bit what was she supposed to tell him? That she was an only child and both her parents had died whilst on holiday last year? With no one looking for her, he could easily take her and no one would know.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:50pm Aug 1 2011
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"Are you alright?" I asked, seeing as she didn't respond to my question. Maybe I was getting to personal. "Sorry. I was just wondering because I didn't want to keep you here with family waiting at home." I bent down to where my nose was touching hers, all seriousness on his face, as I looked at her straight in the eyes. "I'm not going to hurt you, you understand me? I've saved you twice. How many times do I have to before you understand that I want you better. And away from those freaks as possible."
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9:54pm Aug 1 2011
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She sighed. ''Fine. I'm an only child. Dead parents. I don't even have a cat I need to feed or anything.'' She looked him in the eyes. It was weird him being so close. Still, it felt... good. ''And why should you want to help me? No one does anything for free in this town.'' She was still staring intensley into his eyes, trying to figure out what he wanted with her.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:01pm Aug 1 2011
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"I haven't been this close to someone in a long time. I also live alone, with nothing to keep me company. I guess when I saw them guys about to...You know... Something took over me. I wanted to help. Why pass up a chance to get some...Communication to the outside world, youknow?" I asked, looking back at her eyes. FInally, realizing I could smell her blood intensely, I pulled away.
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10:05pm Aug 1 2011
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Huh? What had he meant by that, she wondered. Outside world? THIS close? She barely knew him! But she would like to know him... No, Song, stop it! She told herself. He's a freak. She shivered then- Both from the cold and the thought of what they almost did to her. She still stared into his eyes, though. There was anothr reason. She just knew it!
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:07pm Aug 1 2011
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She was probably still tired, since she wasn't replying to much of what I was saying. Or was I surprising her? Maybe even scaring her. "You look tired. You can sleep if you want. Just tell me when your wanting to go back home." Though, like I said, I've never been so close with a human before, only a couple feet away. I didn't want her to leave.
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10:12pm Aug 1 2011
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She tried to stifle a yawn, but failed. She wanted to know who the hell this person was and she wanted to know now. But Song was used to not getting her way. Her eyes started to droop, much as she tried to keep them focused on his, and much as it ticked her off.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:14pm Aug 1 2011
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10:14pm Aug 1 2011
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10:16pm Aug 1 2011
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((Come to our rp!))
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10:17pm Aug 1 2011
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[[Yus. You can choose how far ahead and exactly where she ends up, if not on the couch.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:19pm Aug 1 2011
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[[Feyth: I'm not replying to all of my roleplays at the moment. You write more in your posts, so I don't want to give you a crappy post, so I planned to reply to roleplays with bigger posts tomarrow. It's late right now, and Chance and YT are the only rp's being replied to right now because it only takes a second to think of something to say. Sorreh. YT: Welllll should Eddie take her back to her home? The thing is I dunno where her home is D: ]]
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10:20pm Aug 1 2011
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((Crappy posts are fine, mine is just a jumble of meaningless words.))
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