4:26pm Aug 29 2011
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I don't think Song will ever understand. But seeing her cry, I had to at least try to act like I believed her. "It's alright, Song." I said, pulling her into another hug. "Let's just not talk about it, alright? I didn't mean to make you cry..."
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4:28pm Aug 29 2011
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''I don't know what you're talking about...'' I muttered, glad he'd chosen not to talk about it. ''I'm not crying...'' I said, even as a few tears streaked down my face. I was making his shirt wet. Oh great.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:29pm Aug 29 2011
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I frowned and rubbed her back. Whispered in her ear softly: "You can't lie to me, Song."
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4:31pm Aug 29 2011
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''I'm... not lying...'' I said, but I knew it was obvious I was. Good thing I didn't wear make-up; it would have been a mess. I kept my arms wrapped around his waist still, liking being so close to him.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:43pm Aug 29 2011
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I sighed at her stubbornness. "It's not a bad thing to cry. I just don't see why you are in the first place."
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5:47pm Aug 29 2011 (last edited on 5:47pm Aug 29 2011)
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''Yu can't see why because I'm not.'' I replied, my eyes drying finally. His shirt was still wet, though, and I hoped it hadn't soaked through.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:53pm Aug 29 2011
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"Stop Song." I said, softly though. I pried her arms off my waist and looked at her eyes. "You can't lie to me. I know you are."
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5:58pm Aug 29 2011
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''Well... it doesn't matter what you know. From what I've heard of what you know about yourself, you don't know much.'' I replied, looking down. Not wanting to meet his eyes. [[I gotsta go bed now. G'night, CHerry! ^_^]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:07pm Aug 29 2011
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[[AWH D: You just killed me. D: ]] "Song. Let's just stop talking about this. I hate making you cry, and your very... Confused about me."
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11:00am Aug 30 2011
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12:49pm Aug 30 2011
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[[The Ty is back. ^_^]] ''Confused, am I?'' I said. He was really beginning to tick me off. Shaking my head, I stormed out the front door. Great. I was leaving my own house. To get away from the man I loved. This was... messed up. I just needed some time to cool off, and I'd be back. I knew it.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
12:51pm Aug 30 2011
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[[yayyy~! ]] I let her go. Maybe, being by herself will put the pieces together. I didn't like telling her how it is, but I couldn't just say what she wanted to hear. The truth was, I loved her. No matter what though, I'll still be... This. I guess she wanted to hear different. With a deep sigh, I sat down on the sofa and leaned my head back. Hopeing that if she comes back, she'll understand.
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1:01pm Aug 30 2011
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I wandered around. The sun was jus setting now. How long had it been since Eddie had first saved me in that alley, when I believed he was a monster? It must have been a few days, at the least. Didn't vampires need to feed or something? Shaking my head, I went in the direction of the old stone bridge. It was a nice place to just sit and think.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:05pm Aug 30 2011
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[[Uh. I say a vampire should come out from the bridge. xDD ]]
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1:10pm Aug 30 2011
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[[Lols, sure. xD Your turn to be the vamp out to get Song. xD Wow, this happens a lot, dun it? x3]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:17pm Aug 30 2011
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[ LOL! It's the best parts of the rp! xDDDD I'll make this one a girl, this time. Plot twist? Readddd... ]] She was coming my way. Perfect. I was getting hungry and no one liked to be around a women when they're hungry. As I watched her walk under the bridge, I jumped from my hiding spot and pinned her down. It was then that I realized there was more to her scent then just that delicious blood. That scent... It smelled like... No. He was supposed to be dead. Right? "What?" I asked, like I was the one being pinned to the ground. I jumped off of her and backed away a couple steps. "Who... You smell like..." Edward was alive... He was touching this tramp? Did he forget about me?
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1:23pm Aug 30 2011
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[[OMG I LOVE IT. -gives CHerry crown for being queen of plot twists-]] I had been about to walk onto the bridge, when something jumped on me and pinned me down. I gave a small cry, but not very loudly, and not a very frightened cry, either. Mostly shock. Backing away, I became a little more frightened. There was a girl in front of me. For her to be able to jump on me like that... she must have been a vampire. ''What... what do you want?'' I asked, trying to get to my feet.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:26pm Aug 30 2011
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[[HOMG THANK YOU <3 ]] "Why do you smell like him!" I shrieked loudly, my voice echoing. Edward and I... It was so long ago. He really had forgotten. "How could he!" For a moment, all was silent. I felt the need to kill this girl. And win my Edward back. He was alive! I'd kill the girl, find Edward, and we'll start where we left of- I couldn't do that. I couldn't kill the girl. She was the key to where Edward was. "I'll let you live." I said eerily calm as my eyes turned a beady red, my fangs showing. "If you show me where Edward is."
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1:31pm Aug 30 2011
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I gulped. She'd kill me without hesitation, of that I was perfectly sure. Blinking slightly, I shook my head. It was crazy. I'd die. But if she knew who Edward was... and she was this mad at him... I couldn't risk Edward being hurt. I had to be the brave one for once. Sure, Eddie was a vampire. But so was this girl. And I had no way of knowing who was stronger. ''No... I'm not showing you where he is. Looks like you'll have to kill me first.'' I hoped she'd kill me quickly. That way, I didn't have to worry about becoming weak and giving up. I could just... leave. Edward would be fine. He had plenty of time to find another girl. Plenty of charm to win her.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:23pm Aug 30 2011
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So she was going to be stubborn? I wasn't messing around; this wasn't a game. "You're telling me you'd rather die then tell me where my Edward is?" I clarified. He was alive! I would have rejoiced if not for this wench who didn't plan on telling me where he was. I ran towards her and threw her high in the air, not catching her when she fell. "You'll tell me where Edward is. I haven't seen him in hundreds of years, i have to see him!" I never knew I would stoop so low; begging a human.
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