2:30pm Aug 30 2011
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I groaned slightly as I hit the ground hard, my hand slamming under me awkwardly. I heard a sickening 'snap' and was pretty sure the wrist had snapped. I lay on my side for a moment, facing her feet. I didn't bother getting up. ''Yes... I would rather die... I'm not telling you.'' I said. I refused to be broken easily. I was getting the feeling, though, she wouldn't kill me quickly.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:38pm Aug 30 2011
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"Arrrgghhh!" I groaned loudly with irritation. This girl was awfully stubborn. How could Edward even touch her? I shuddered. His scent his all over her. "What do I have to do, to get to him?" I said in a growl. "I'd do anything."
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2:42pm Aug 30 2011
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Hanging my right arm down limply at my side, I awkwardly got into sitting position with my good hand. ''Nothing. I'm not telling you where he is.'' I said, glaring at her. She would never get within ten feet of Edward, as long as I had anything to do with it.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:47pm Aug 30 2011
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"You don't even deserve to live. I should just kill you right now." But I couldn't. She was the key. Sadly. But that didn't mean I couldn't give her some pain... I was reminded by the smell of her blood that I was hungry. "Perfect timing." I growled to myself with a smirk before pouncing ontop of her, and reaching for her kneck. I could take just enough to fill me... But, as my fangs were just about to touch her neck, I forgot to ask something. "How is he? Edward?" I realized I said his name more softly then any other word. Maybe that would show the tramp that I deserved his love.
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2:51pm Aug 30 2011
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''And I should tell you why?'' I asked, leaning back involuntarily from her. She had me pinned, though. Not that there would have been much hope anyway. My memory flashed back to Lance, of the pain he'd inflicted. Looked like I better be ready for a retake. But I refused to show weakness. I refused to tell her anything about Eddie, much less where he was.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:53pm Aug 30 2011
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"Because he's my lover!" I screamed/growled impatiently. I clenched my teeth together, keeping myself from biting her just yet. Maybe, she'll tell me. Once she knows the fact I just stated.
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2:57pm Aug 30 2011
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Did she just say... No. She may have said it, but it didn't matter. If Eddie loved her, he'd have said something. Even if he didn't, he could always look for her. But if she was lying... I couldn't risk it. Even if Eddie had been her lover once, it didn't matter. I loved him too much to just let her walk all over me. ''Again. Give me a real reason I should tell you.'' I was trying to get her riled up, so she'd kill me. Eliminate any possibility of weakness. ''Besides your little fantasies.''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:01pm Aug 30 2011
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"It's not a fantasy!" I said, irritated. This girl was really making me angry. "The only fantasy I have is ripping you too shreds." I threatened before leaning down and sinking my teeth in her neck. She'll tell me where Edward is. I needed to talk to him... After taking some blood - and making sure it was as painful as possible - I slowly, reluctantly, let go of her neck. (Should i turn her into a vampire just yet? Or should we wait for when we get writers block later on. I have a stupid idea if you just want to wait. xDD )
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3:05pm Aug 30 2011
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[[I vote wait. xD In case of serious writers block-ness.]] I screamed in pain as her fangs sank into my flesh. It was even more painful than the last time. Maybe because I didn't want Eddie to come to my rescue this time. My eyes closed, my breathing became slightly erattic just before she released me. I opened my eyes, and glared at her defiantly. ''I guess that's all you are, huh? Fantasies?'' I tried to sound strong, tough. Even though my voice trembled. Even though I was terrified.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:24pm Aug 30 2011
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[[Res ate post agaain D: ]] I couldn't kill her. No matter how much I wanted to rip her head off, I couldn't. "You're lucky I don't kill you right now." I said as I leaped off of her, without healing her neck, and disappeared across the bridge. Oh, I'll be back. With more vampires as an army. I'll find my Edward, so he's not stuck with that disgusting thing.
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3:29pm Aug 30 2011
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[[Gah. -smacks res- BAD. YOU NU EAT POSTS.]] I stood up awkwardly, only to fall again. My neck burned, and the pain was unbearable. It wasn't helped by the fact she had gone. Probably in search of Edward. And, if she was that determined, she'd find him eventually. And there was nothing I could do about it. I couldn't just give up, though. I had to keep walking. Not towards Eddie, though. She could be watching. In the opposite direction. That way, I might buy Eddie at least a little time. I stood up once more, and made it a few feet, till I was on the bridge. The wound in my neck was still bleeding profusely, trickling blood down my neck. I couldn't even see where I was going anymore, as my vision turned a hazy red, and I collapsed again. I began to wonder just how far I could make it. I didn't wonder for long, though. Oh, no. I just passed out.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:32pm Aug 31 2011
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[[Aww. Why didn't I see your post yesterday? D: Should we time skip a bit to maybe a couple hours. I'll have like Eddie worried about her and go looking? xDD ]]
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1:41pm Aug 31 2011
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[[D'aww, yes. ^_^ That would be great. Also, I shall reply to your post on my love story yolkie.... when I'm not tired of all this homework. -points to large pile-]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:50pm Aug 31 2011
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[[Oh yeah. D: For the longest time after I posted, I thought you read it and all of a sudden hated me for all the things I put on there. D: It was mostly just grammar stuff, I promise. Don't hate me DDDD: ]] Minutes of me waiting on the sofa for her to calm down outside turned into hours. Finally, I couldn't take it any longer. Why does it take so long for women to cool off? She was probably waiting for me to go find her. I scoffed at the thought. Women. I got up and ran out of the apartment, searching for just a little sign of her scent. ~~~~~ It took longer then expected but I finally smelled a small trace of Song. There was another familiar scent - very familiar - but I couldn't put my finger on it. After a couple more minutes, her scent was even stronger. "Song!" I bellowed, reaching a bridge. (I'll just havee him not see her yet.) "Song!" I exclaimed again, searching.
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1:57pm Aug 31 2011
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[[D'aww, I dun't hate you. xD I had to go bed. ;~; I never even saw your post. lol.]] I was on the ground, slightly hidden by shadows from the pillar of the bridge she was next to. I was drifting in and out of conciousness, the unconciousness more of a blessing than anything else. Every waking moment was sheer hell, getting worse as time wore painfully on. I was in one of my waking phases, when I heard someone call my name. It took me until he called it again to realize it was Eddie. I wanted desperately to call out to him, but my throat burned in pain and I couldn't even make a sound. Tears streamed down my face as I thought of how close he was, but he couldn't see me. Even more so because I knew that if that girl came back, she'd find him.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:03pm Aug 31 2011
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[[ Ugh. Gooood. D: ]] Finally, I saw Song. Mostly because her blood became even stronger as I ran a certain way. "Song?" I asked more to myself. I quickly knelt down next to her, seeing her blood I tried my best to keep myself controled. Her kneck... "No..." I growled angrily as I leaned down and put wet kisses all over her neck until it was healed. And, of course, her blood was off her neck. I couldn't help it, her blood was right infront of me. I had to have a taste of it; I've waited so long. When I was sure that her neck was healed I looked up at her face, her blood probably all over my lips. Seeing as she was deffinately out of it, I couldn't ask her what happened right now. Once again, I picked her up and started for a run back to her apartment.
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2:11pm Aug 31 2011
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I saw a hazy image of Edward running towards me, heard his voice. Before I knew what was happening, he was at my side, kissing my neck. The burning was lessening, but traces of the pain was still there, and I was both physically and mentally exhausted. He looked up at me, or at least I think he did. It was just a blurred image of him, nothing more. I lay limp in his arms, my own injured arm hanging down, as he picked me up and started running. She wouldn't find us now, right? I'd tell Eddie about her, and we'd leave. We'd leave before she found him. We'd be fine.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:18pm Aug 31 2011
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((lalalalalla... Time skip~ )) I set her down on her sofa, running upstairs to get a warm rag, and coming back down to her side; setting the rag on her forehead. "You really are prone to accidents." I said to myself with a shake of my head. I made an oath to myself, I"ll be at her side all the time from now on. No matter how annoying she may think of it. "Song?" I said, seeing if she was unconcious or not.
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2:22pm Aug 31 2011
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The warm rag on my forehead, I began to think a little more clearly. I didn't like what my clear thoughts told me. I heard him speak, then heard him say my name. Mumbling back some incomprehensible language, I tilted my head slightly to look at him, a blank look on my face, my eyes more than a little glassy.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:23pm Aug 31 2011
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She heard me. That was a start. "Hey..." I said soothingly as I put some strands of hair behind her ear. She said something uninteligable, which told me enough that she wasn't well enough to be talking about what happened. "Go to sleep. I'll be here."
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