2:28pm Aug 31 2011
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Ilistened as he spoke, not really focusing on him. More focusing behind him, as if looking at something in the distance. I tried to shake my head as he told me I needed to sleep, but got a pounding in it and stopped. I couldn't just sleep. What if she found him, and I was passed out here like this? What would he do then? I knew he wouldn't run. And I'd just slow him down. I forced my voice to come up, to make even a small whisper. ''Eddie... she's after you... she's after you...'' I mumbled, repeating myself unintentionally. I tried to kkeep my eyes open, but now that I'd warned him, my weak resolve disipated. I closed my eyes and slept.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:30pm Aug 31 2011
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"She's after you... She's after you..." What was that supposed to mean? Maybe she was just saying things she didn't understand; too out of it. "It's alright Song. We'll talk when you wake up." I said, her words echoing in my head as I sat on the sofa next to her head. Waiting.
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2:52pm Aug 31 2011
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A few hours later, I was refreshed and nearly awake, when a nightmare invaded my sweet dreams of Eddie. That girl had found him, and she was mad. She had with her an army of vampires, all grotesque in comparison to my Edward, and they attacked him. I was trapped, I couldn't move, I had to watch as they tore the love of my life apart. ''Edward... no, Edward! Leave him alone! Stop it!'' I cried, unaware my crying in my all-too-real dream could be heard in reality, as the tears streaking down my face could be seen.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:54pm Aug 31 2011
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I got up after two hours, thinking that Song might be hungry when she woke up. Quietly I made her some pasta, because that was mostly all she had in her cabinets. As I stood by the stove, I heard Song in the other room. Quickly, I ran to her and knelt down again. "Song?" I said, gingerly shaking her to wake up. "It's just a dream, Song. It's just a dream."
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2:58pm Aug 31 2011
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I opened my teary eyes and saw Edward kneeling down in front of me. I instantly leaned forward and wrapped my arms around his neck, ignoring the throbbing pain that attacked my wrist. The goodness I felt, knowing he was there and safe, outweighed any pain. I buried my face in his shoulder, sobbing, just saying his name over and over. Making sure he was safe.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:00pm Aug 31 2011
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I didn't expect her hug, but didn't push her away. "Sh..." I said when I realized she was crying. Gently I held her tighter, now even more curious about what happened last night. "Why are you crying, Song?" I asked. She kept saying my name. Why?
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3:04pm Aug 31 2011
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Leaning back to look at him, to study his perfect face for a moment, my cheeks wet with tears, I thought about what his reaction would be. ''Edward,'' I said carefully, ''there's someone out there. A vampire, a girl. She thinks she's your lover, and she's obsessed with trying to find you...'' My voice faltered slightly as I continued, ''I'm worried what she'll do when she does find you.'' I didn't mention I was more worried she was telling the truth, than she was lying. Would Eddie just forget me, now he had a gorgeous vampire girl who loved him?
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:01pm Aug 31 2011
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If I had any blood in my body, it would be draining from my face. Jessica. I knew it was. She was everything to me, so long ago. "C-can you describe what sh-she l-looked like?" I asked, before clearing my throat. My voice had squeaked at the end of the question. "Sorry, it's just..." I refused to explain that Song had heard right. That she was very much my lover, very long ago.
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6:25pm Aug 31 2011
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I watched his reaction. No, it couldn't be... he didn't deny it. It must have been true. I knew, then. I knew that Eddie would leave, find his long-lost lover, and never see me again. Why would he bother with me? After all, I was only human. She was much more. Moving my gaze from his eyes to the floor, I tried to calm myself for a moment before speaking. ''She was pretty.'' I said quietly. ''Young. At least, she looked young. I very much doubt she was.'' I was still speaking softly, not trusting myself to speak up, in case I shouted at him or something.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:34pm Aug 31 2011
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I tried a smile, though I was all of a sudden feeling very awkward. "I meant, what color hair, eyes, thin, tall..." (Just make up something random. I don't care what her details like that were. xD ) "I... May know her."
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11:58am Sep 1 2011
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''Blonde hair... blue eyes, I think... I don't know. I didn't really get a very good look.'' I replied, not bothering even trying to return his smile. What did he think I'd done? Sat and watched her closely so I could describe her to him? I hadn't even thought I would live, let alone find Eddie again.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:04pm Sep 1 2011
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She had blonde hair and blue eyes... Still. The women could have been anybody. "Why was she hurting you?" I asked, though that was a stupid answer. The women was probably hungry. "I mean... Just tell me all that happend. Every detail you can remember."
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11:31am Sep 2 2011
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I shifted into a sitting position, flitting my eyes up to his face for a moment before lookng down again. ''I don't remember much... I was heading to the bridge to think... I was nearly there, when someone attacked me. She said I smelled like you... and she wanted to know where you were, but... I didn't want to tell her...'' I trailed off. Why go into more detail? What purpose could that serve? None.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:55pm Sep 2 2011
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Now there was an even bigger possibility that this women was the one I thought she was. Jessica. Who else would remember my scent? Demand to see me? Jessica was always so demanding. "That's pretty dangerous; not doing what a vampire says. Was she the one that gave you all these bruises?" I asked, studying her body for a moment before looking back up at her.
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8:56pm Sep 2 2011
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''Yeah...'' I trailed off, my face distant. ''She was.'' I looked up at him then, my eyes intent on his. ''Edward, I need you to tell me. Was she your lover?'' Even if she was, it didn't mean that she would still be his lover. Did it?
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:54am Sep 3 2011
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I swallowed hard; avoiding her gaze. "I don't know if were still thinking of the same girl..." I said, before doing a defeated sigh and elaborating. "I've loved someone once. Hundreds of years ago. That doesn't mean this girl is Jessica, right?" I did a shaky nervous breath, knowing that there was a big possibility it was Jessica.
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11:24am Sep 3 2011
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''Jessica... so that's her name...'' I thought for a moment, unmoving, my eyes still unmoving. He didn't want to look at me... this was bad. ''You'll find out soon enough, when she eventually finds you. She was determined, Eddie. She will find you.'' I added the last part quietly, before turning my head and looking down. I didn't want him to see the pain in my eyes at the fact she would find him.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:27am Sep 3 2011
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I was avoiding her eyes, because I felt uncomfortable talking about someone I used to love... With someone I loved now.
She was avoiding my eyes too... Was she jealous of a thousand year old women?
"Song?" I whispered, putting two fingers on her chin. Forcing her to look at me. "Yes. I remembered her name. And, if she does find me I'll tell her I've been done with her for a long time. Even more done with her when I met you." Just to make myself clear, I kissed her lips hard.
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11:34am Sep 3 2011
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I held my breath for a moment as he turned my face to his, my eyes looking into his. His words comforted me, but I was still unsure. When he kissed me, I didn't hesitate. I kissed him back, and wrapped my arms around his neck, leaning forward. A few moments passed before I released him, and leaned back, a hesitant smile on my face. ''Edward... she won't give up that easily...'' I said, a trace of worry in my voice. Worry that she'd hurt him, and it would be my fault.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:37am Sep 3 2011
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[[700th post! ]] "I know she won't. Trust me, she's stubborn." I said with a roll of my eyes; licking my lips once. I don't think her taste will ever get old. "But, I can be stubborn too. It's not like she can hurt me and I just stand there letting her. Don't worry Song. Everything will be alright. I won't let her touch you again."
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