1:29pm Sep 3 2011
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''What?!'' I said, standing up immediately. No way was I sitting on that godforsaken floor for 48 hours. I glared at him, still holding the icepack on my wrist, though.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:33pm Sep 3 2011 (last edited on 1:34pm Sep 3 2011)
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[[I'm tempted to make Edward really sensitive, since she's so fiesty O_O. I'm doing it. ]] "Would you stop freaking out?" I said, standing up. Frowning back at her. "I'm helping you. What's so wrong with having an icepack on your wrist for two days? It's normal. And will keep the swelling down."
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1:37pm Sep 3 2011
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[[Lols, ok. xD]] ''Gah... It is not normal in the slightest!'' I gritted my teeth, trying to keep from throwing the ice pack at his head. I refused to keep it on my wrist, and threw it down to the floor anyway. Why was I acting so rude today? I couldn't figure it out. eing the moron that I was, I threw the pack with my bad hand. Wow, nice move. Pain surged through my body as my wrist was twisted, and I fell to my knees, shaking slightly with the pain.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:41pm Sep 3 2011
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I sighed impatiently as I watched her throw the ice pack. When she landed on her knees I quickly held her up and sat her down on the sofa. I grabbed the ice pack and gently set it on her wrist. "I don't know what happened to you, but you really just need to calm down." I didn't sit down next to her, and instead crossed my arms and stared down at her. "Maybe you just need a break." I said before walking away and to the door. "Keep the ice pack on for two days, do not take it off. Stay in the house and don't let anyone in." I said all this as I finally came to the glass door I had put in. "I'll be back. I love you." I said before opening the door, and leaving. This would be a good time to find Jessica.
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1:50pm Sep 3 2011
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''Love you too, Eddie... be careful... please....'' I knew he probably didn't hear my last words, and I also knew exactly where he was going. He was going to look for Jessica. Great. Just great. I knew he'd told me to keep the ice pack on, but my good hand was going numb and was starting to sting from the cold. Standing up again, I left the ice pack on the couch, and wondered what to do. He'd said keep it on for two days... did he expect to be gone for longer than that?
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:42pm Sep 3 2011
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[Lalalalalala, I'm going to time skip when I get back on. xD ]]
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7:36am Sep 4 2011
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[[Lols, ok. xD]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:32pm Sep 4 2011
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"Be careful..." With my better sense of hearing, I had heard Song say. It has been echoing in my ears for three hours now. I've searched everywhere around the bridge, tried smelling Jessica out for God knows how long, only to find that she was far gone. No sign of her. I had said to Song discreetly that I wouldn't be around for two days. But that wasn't true. After all that's happened, I have been going crazy just thinking about being away from her this long. I had to go back. No sign from Jessica. Maybe she forgot all about Song... And me. I started for a run back to Song's apartment. Knowing very well that it was possible she could still be awake. It was about midnight, but knowing Song... She was unpredictable.
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12:30pm Sep 5 2011
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I had spent a few hours, bored out of my skull, attempting to finish reading a book I had found interesting. Eddie said he wouldn't be back for two days, that he was going to look for Jessica... what would happen once he found her? Would she... kill him? I couldn't stand not knowing. Eventually, I glanced at the clock. Just about midnight. What if she tried to hurt him... I wouldn't know for another three days... Sighing, I decided it couldn't wait anymore. I had long ago given up completely on the ice pack, and couldn't even remember where I'd thrown it, but my wrist looked dubiously purple and twice the size of my other one. After confirming that once I did find him he'd give out for not keeping it on, I walked out of the house, in the direction of the bridge. I never did do what I was told.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:56pm Sep 5 2011
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I pushed my blonde hair out of my face as me and my 'gang' started for a run to the bridge. I could smell the two. The human and Edward. All I wanted was Eddie. The second he was with me, the girl will be gone. He'll forget about the tramp once he saw me again. "Jessica. Do you smell th-" "Yes." I growled angrily to Garrett, one of the guys. No wonder Edward was all over her. Her scent was magnificient. I couldn't wait to kill her, my way. "All of you, follow the scent." The boys' eyes were fiery red, and I could tell that they were having trouble acting normal. We were hunters. And this girl was the hunted. And the guys wanted to hunt the hunted now more then ever. Why not let them get her while I search for my Edward? "Just don't hurt her to much just yet. We need her information." The second I was finished giving permission, the three guys were gone in a flash. Following the scent. Now. Where would my Edward be? ~~~~~ Seth could smell her up ahead. And soon, the three saw her walking. Quickly, one of the guys - Garrett - ran by her fast so that she didn't see, hiding high in a tree that she would soon pass. Another guy - Nate - stayed to the side, just in case she made a run for it. And the last, the leader of the three, Seth, stayed behind. "Hello." Seth growled a couple feet behind her, getting the humans attention. "We can do this quietly and easily. Or painful and chaotic. You choose." He added, then looked up at the tree, and Nate who was hidden in the shadows to the side. "But if you try to run, I have unseen back up."
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2:08pm Sep 5 2011
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I gulped. Exactly what was going on here? Seeing the look in his eyes, I knew he was a vampire. This couldn't be a coincidence. They must've been working for Jessica. Why hadn't I just listened to Eddie for once and stayed inside? My breath speeding up a little, I glanced around me. I couldn't see any back-up, and he was probably bluffing, anyway. I mean, how many vampires could there be in this city? Opening my mouth, acting like I was about to speak, I turned on my heel in the bl ink of an eye and ran in the opposite direction. No way was I sticking around. If Jessica was here, she'd have come out by now. The fact that she wasn't... meant I needed to find my Eddie.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:25pm Sep 5 2011
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"Garrett." Was all Seth had to say, in a calm voice too, and Garrett jumped from the tree at the perfect timing and landed ontop of the human. Garrett looked at her with a devious smile before saying, "Painful and chaotic is always more fun." Before leaning down to bite her kneck. "Garrett. Jessica wants her alive." "...Right." Garrett replied, reluctantly keeping himself from biting the girl. But, he couldn't help but pick her up by her shirt and throw her against the tree. "But she told me that if I get the information, I get the girl." Garrett whispered to Seth, not loud enough for anyone else to hear. Garrett walked back to the human, going on his knee and keeping his face close to hers. "Where is Edward." Garrett said. It wasn't a question. A command.
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2:31pm Sep 5 2011
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I gritted my teeth in pain as I landed on my wrist, my 'escape' being stopped almost instantly as I was attacked. I couldn't help but shy away as he leaned in to bite my neck, and I was thankful the other one told him not to. My suspicion had been confirmed, though. I didn't hav much time to think on that before I was thrown into the tree, falling to the floor, my back up against the tree. When he put his face close to mine, I glared at him, although I'm certain my fear was etched into my face. When he asked me that, I muttered some words which shouldn't be repeated, and flicked the bird at him. [In case of different slang, basically the F bomb. xD]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:34pm Sep 5 2011
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[[LOL I love Song.]] "You really wanna play that way?" Garrett growled, trying to hold the anger inside him. "You have one more chance. If you don't answer, you'll be going to Jessica. Who has much practice with torture. Now tell me. Where is Edward."
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2:38pm Sep 5 2011
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[[All my charries are just so luffably rude to people they dislike. xD]] ''Who said I'm playing?'' I replied, spitting at him. They could do whatever they liked to me; they would never get anything out of me I didn't want to tell them. Especially not when they would most likely hurt the person I loved if I told them. Besides, I didn't even know where Eddie was. It didn't change things, though. While they were... busy with me, Eddie was safe.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:08pm Sep 6 2011
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"So you're deciding to be stubborn?"
With a irritated growl, Garrett grabbed the human and started for a run for Jessica. The three others followed.
[[ Fail. D: ]]
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12:19pm Sep 7 2011
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[[Not fail. Not as fail as my avvie. She's all. NAKEY.]]
Song kicked and punched at the vampire as she was taken away, and she knew fully well where she was being taken. Her eyes stung with tears of pain when she hit him with her bad arm, but she didn't stop. Every bit of pain she felt was motivation not to tell them.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:26pm Sep 7 2011
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[[Hey. Does the font stuff work for you?
Like, I press the 'center' button and nothing happens.]]
"I thought you were dead."
Jessicas voice said softly though a smile was tugging at her lips as she stared at my stunned ex pression.
"Why don't you stop staring at me like I have five heads, and come kiss me?"
I stared unblinkingly, completely shocked that Jessica was here. In the flesh.
[[This isn't done. I have to go babysit. *Grumbles away angrily.*]]
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7:21pm Sep 7 2011
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"I thought you were dead."
Jessicas voice said softly though a smile was tugging at her lips as she stared at my stunned ex pression.
"Why don't you stop staring at me like I have five heads, and come kiss me?"
I stared unblinkingly, completely shocked that Jessica was here. In the flesh.
Or... What ever Vampires call their 'flesh', at least.
"I... Jessica I don't think you understand... I don't lo-"
Jessica's face turned to a frown, clearly showing her misunderstanding. Before I could say anything else, I heard screaming.
I brushed passed Jessica like she was a fly in my way as I started for a run; following her screaming.
I called out, before seeing him. Garrett. The man has always made me sick. And not just because he was a vampire.
"Get your hands off of her, or I'll rip your head off your shoulders in one pull."
I growled, my fists shaking as I tried to stay calm.
"Great job, Garrett. I found what I wanted." With a lazy wave of her hand before wrapping it around my elbow, Jessica added, "Go throw her out somewhere. Edwards here and we-"
I gingerly shook Jessica off, not hearing a word she had spoken. I had heard nothing ever since Song came into view. She was so... Broken.
I'd kill them all.
"Give me Song. And, I'll let all of you live."
I growled, my blazing red eyes glaring at Garretts discreet frightened ones.
"What are you talking about, Edward? We were seperated, but that doesn't mean things can't go back to the way it was, right? We loved eachother."
Jessica looked so vulnerable right now. She really was hurt when she thought I was dead. She really did love me.
... But, I remember that day. She didn't love me at all.
To bad she was messing with the one I loved. I would have been much more lenient if I hadn't seen the broken version off Song on the back of that monster.
"Stay away from me. Stay away from the town. Stay away from all the people in it! And, most importantly..."
I leaned in close to Jessica, eyes like daggers,
"Stay away from Song. What we had... It's called a 'past'. I've made a new future for myself and I'm sticking with it. You mess with her, you're messing with me. If you don't order Garrett to give her to me now, I will rip your body of filth to shreds. Understand me?"
Jessica's eyes portrayed fear as she tried to be firm as she said,
"Garrett. Let the human go."
She looked back at me with loving yet sad eyes as Garrett disappointedly put Song down.
"Why, Edward? We were so inlove. When I thought you were dead, I died as well..."
"You know what happened that day. You know very well that you wouldn't have cared if I died, if things went your way. You don't love me, Jessica."
And with that, I walked over to Song, picked her up so she was gently cradled in my arms. I gave Jessica one last glance, as I repeated,
"Remember, stay away. If I see any one of your faces... Well, lets just say it won't be pretty."
I turned around and started for a run back to Song's apartment. Why was I so stupid as to leave her just for a couple hours?
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3:07am Sep 8 2011
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I heard Edwards voice, heard the conversation he had with Jessica. She really was convinced she loved him, and that he loved her in return... it would have been sad, had I not hated Jessica more than anything I know. I heard him threatening them. It was nice, that my Eddie was still my Eddie. Still the hero, no matter how much he absoloutely believed he was the monster. I also heard him talking to Jessica... about their past. I'd have to ask him about that some day. I gave a short gasp as Garett dropped me to the ground, and I didn't bother getting up. Eddie picked me up, then, and I just lay cradled in his arms, my feelings completely contradicting my situation. I was happier than I'd ever been. Why was it near-death situations always somehow managed to cheer me up? I was just glad to be alive, and glad that I could now share that life with Edward. While in his arms as he headed presumably in the direction of my apartment, although I had utterly no sense of direction at that point in time and we could have easily been heading for Brazil, I thought of how stupid I'd been. I'd left the apartment; the one thing he'd told me not to do. How could my Eddie trust me at all now? I knew I wouldn't. I'd have to apologise to him. I decided I'd say sorry to him when we got home... sorry that I'd caused him so much pain and trouble, and sorry that I was an idiot.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥