3:23pm Sep 11 2011
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[[Sorry this took so long. :( ]]
I held Song tighter as I thought about the events that had happened just minutes before. No matter how hard i tried, I couldn't get any of it from my mind. Mostly on how much I wanted to run back and kill them. All of four of them. But, I had to have Song safe. I wouldn't be able to live with myself if I didn't have her in her apartment, with me there as well. Safe. Finally, I came to her apartment. Holding her even tighter, I took Song too her bedroom and sat her down. Quickly, I went to her bedroom door, closed it. Then drew in her blinds by the windows to make things dark. And finally I came to lay beside her. Pulling the covers over her, I kissed her forehead for my own comfort. To know that she was here. Alright. And finally, I found my voice. "How did they find out where you live, Song?" I asked worriedly, pulling her toward me gently. If Song had listened to me, then that means Garrett and the others had taken her from her apartment. But, if she didn't listen to me, they could have very easily followed her scent and taken her outside. "... You stayed here didn't you? You didn't go outside?"
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3:45pm Sep 11 2011
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I smiled at him as he set me on the bed, and didn't understand his question for a moment. Then, when he asked his second question, I realized what he meant. ''I... I'm sorry, Edward...'' I whispered, burying my face into his chest when he pulled me closer. ''I got worried about you... and went outside to try to find you...'' I did, by that time, have a few tears streaking down my cheeks as I thought of how much pain and worry I'd caused him. I'd only been trying to make sure he was alright... I messed everything up. ''I'm sorry, Eddie...'' I whispered again, my arms now wrapped around him as I clung to him for comfort. I would never let go of him again. Not now, not ever.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:58pm Sep 11 2011
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I attempted to chuckle as I rubbed her back comfortingly. "You think I could be mad at you?" I asked, with a smile before holding her tighter. "I mean... It's not alright. You had me going crazy about you. But... I can't stay mad." I pulled away to look at her, and wiped her tears. Time for the famous words. "Overall... Are you alright, physically?"
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5:16pm Sep 11 2011
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I smiled through my tears at that. I knew he couldn't stay mad at me. But, I was still sorry. ''Yes, I'm fine. I can't remember where I threw your ice pack yolk, though.'' I said with a slight laugh, ignoring the throbbing pain in my wrist to lean back into him. I gripped hold of his shirt with my good hand; no way was I letting him go, for any reason, good or bad.
[[I can't see my chatboxes. e.e Can you send me something and see if I can see it then? Like, the little bar at the bottom AND the blue speech bubble are gone.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:39pm Sep 11 2011
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I chuckled and pulled her into me again as she pulled my shirt. I sighed, enjoying the feeling, before realizing something. "... So, when I left, you didn't put the ice pack on either?" With a roll of my eyes, I mumbled, "You're lucky I love you as much as I do."
[[I spammed your chat. It working? :) ]]
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5:44pm Sep 11 2011
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[[Gah, nu.>.< Thankies anyway, CHerry. ^_^]]
I gave a slight laugh. ''No. It made my fingers numb. And I do know how lucky I am, Eddie. How lucky I am that I went down that dead-end alley. If I hadn't of done, I wouldn't of found you.'' I kept my grip on his shirt. I was probably scrunching it up and creasing it, but who cared? I certainly didn't.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:53pm Sep 11 2011
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[[Aw ;-; I'm having a memory of the alley way. The beginning. How all of this... *Sniffles* HOW THEY MET D: *Sniffles* ]]
I didn't respond and held her tight. I personally didn't find her lucky for such but... I shouldn't say it. We'd argue again and it wouldn't turn out good. I didn't really mean it when I had said she was lucky for me loving her. She wasn't lucky for any of it. I was just kidding. She wasn't lucky at all. Song has gotten hurt, beaten, broken... All because of me. She wasn't lucky at all. So to keep her from asking what was wrong with me - why I wasn't saying anything - I reached my head down and found her lips; capturing them with my own in a intense kiss. This would keep her occupied.
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6:01pm Sep 11 2011
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[[Lols. And how Song used to think he was an intensely creepy KILLER. XD]]
I sensed Edward grow tense and thoughtful, and didn't hear him say a word. I was about to give him another lecture on how he was the best thing that ever happened to me, when he kissed me. I stood corrected. This was the best thing that had ever happened to me. I leaned up into him, pressing firmly against his soft lips. I couldn't remember ever having been so happy. All the pain, all the hardship, all of it was worth it. If I could do it all over, I wouldn't change a thing.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:06pm Sep 11 2011
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It felt as though it had been forever since I had kissed her. 'Kiss the women you love like it's your first... And your last.' The quote came to my mind as I pressed my lips to hers once more. I grabbed her hands - her broken one more gently - and put them around my neck as I kissed her again. I let go of her lips, but kept our faces close and said, "Promise me you'll listen to me from now on." She won't be kissing me unless she promised.
[[LOL Aw! I remember that. When he first saved her... <3 ]]
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6:12pm Sep 11 2011
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[[Lols, yeah, and she was convinced he was going to chop her head off or summit. xD]]
Although he picked up my bad hand gently, it still sent pain shooting through my body. I didn't show it besides abarely noticable wince, though. ''I promise, Edward.'' Listening doesn't mean I'll behave, though, I thought with glee. Eddie should be more careful about his wording. I leaned orward into him once more, carressing his lips with my own.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:16pm Sep 11 2011
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I smiled and pressed my lips against hers lovingly once more; before letting go reluctantly. "Go get the ice pack then." I said, though it wasn't in a bossy tone. "It will make your hand feel better."
[[Aw :( I'm tempted to just read this whole roleplay now, with all of the memories I'm remembering. REMEMBER LANCE? AND THE DUCKS? O_O ]]
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6:19pm Sep 11 2011
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[[TROLLOLOL. The ducks were so BOSS. XD]]
''Nah.'' I said, looking up at him mischievously. ''I said I would listen to what you said. I didn't say I would do what you said.'' I added when I figured he'd be getting confused. Poor Eddie was so easy to confuse.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:21pm Sep 11 2011
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I rolled my eyes and smirked, before gently taking her hands off of me and getting off the bed. "Welll... If you can't do what I ask when you know it's better for you, I can't let you kiss me. Or... even lay in bed with you." With a mischievous smile back at her, I left the bedroom to let her sleep without me there. "Good night." I said before closing the door and going to the living room to sit down.
[IKR xD ]]
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1:11pm Sep 12 2011
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I scowled at his back as he headed out the door, and shifted over to the end of the bed. He'd come up eventually, I knew he would. I'd stay awake until he came. Which... could be all night, but still. I'd stay awake. I couldn't sleep without my Eddie there, and no way was I doing as he asked. He'd think he could get his own way every time if I did.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:58pm Sep 12 2011
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I turned on the television as I sat down, smirking. She'd come out at some time. I mean, I wished I was inside the bedroom with her but... Teasing her was so much more fun.
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12:23pm Sep 13 2011
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I felt my eyes begin to droop after about ten minutes of sitting on the bed staring at the wall, and shook my head. Lying down horizontally on the bed, I stuck my head over the side and looked under it. Smiling, I pulled out an old, tattered, carboard box, ripping in the corners. I tried to heft it onto the bed with one hand, but gave up, and eventually just opened it on the floor. Inside were a couple of old photo albums, and, since I had nothing better to do, I started flicking through them.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:18pm Sep 14 2011
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[[Hey :) Sorry I haven't been on. I won't be on as much during the week. Saturdays will probably be when I usually go on Res. Just sayin ;) Wanna time skip? xD ]]
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6:24pm Sep 14 2011
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[[Trololol. 'Tis ok. :3 Sure. I'll just make her like... fall asleep, and you can do teh time skip. >:3]] I browsed through the album for a bit, determined not to fall asleep. Eventually, though, my head hung low before landing softly on the covers next to the open photo album, on a page with my dogs and I when I was younger.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:41pm Sep 14 2011
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When the sun started peaking through the windows, I got up from the living room couch. So she never came out, surprisingly. I walked over to her bedroom and quietly opened the door to find her on the ground. (On one post you said she was on the floor, the other - on the covers so... I just guessed. :) ) "Song?" I said confused as I came beside her to see her sleeping. With a chuckle, I picked her up and layed her back on the bed; only now to see what she was doing on the ground. Pictures and photo albums surrounded the area where she had slept. I glanced at her to make sure she was still sleeping before kneeling down and looking at the pictures. After seeing one of her and a dog, I understood that this was Song when she was younger. I could see the resemblance. I looked through the photo albums as I waited for her to awaken.
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6:45pm Sep 14 2011
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[[Trololol. The box was on the floor. xD We shll go with CHeeses Cheesey interpretation anyways. xD]] I woke up the next morning, pratically slapping myself in the face for falling asleep. I sat up, and glared at Eddie. ''If you ever do that again...'' I left the threat hanging there as I stretched out my arms, rubbing my eyes. Damn, was I tired. Must've been late when I'd finally fallen asleep, then. And Eddie would pay, goddamnit, I'd make him pay.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥