7:55pm Sep 22 2011
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"I didn't plan too." I said with a chuckle before getting up. "I gotta go. Remember: Stay in your bedroom." I said firmly before kissing her just one more time and leaving the apartment.
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11:47am Sep 23 2011
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As he left the room, I remained seated on the couch for a moment. I wouldn't be able to sleep tonight, in the least. I began to wonder how long before he'd be back, and I suddenly felt incredibly hot and stifled. Standing up, I headed over to the back door, and opened it. Technically, I wasn't outside. I was just stood in the doorway, enjoying the feel of the cool night air. [[Nu then. To somehow come up with a reason- besides general Song-ness- for her to leave the house. o3o]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:35pm Sep 24 2011
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[Uh, I have an idea :) ]
I knew Edward would have to leave sooner or later if he didn't want to eat the girl. Surprisingly enough he was so caught up in her that he didn't realize that I was at the apartment the whole time. Waiting for the moment Edward realized that he couldn't handle her smell any longer. I can honestly say I was disgusted at having to be around them as they kissed. I was being replaced and now I'll get my revenge. I walked in the door just as Edward left, and now stood behind the girl as she stood in the doorway. "I thought he'd never leave." I said in a hiss as I glared at her back. "Now it's just you and me. Edward takes longer then most vampires to eat. Guilt and other ridiculous feelings." With a sneer, I walked closer. "But I'm much different. I love the sound of pain, even if I'm just killing for... The fun. Or in this case, the revenge."
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1:57pm Sep 24 2011
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[[HOMG DRAMA. :U]] My blood froze as I heard someone, my heart stopped. No, not someone. I knew exactly who it was. It was Eddie's ex. Great. I turned around, even though I knew exactly what I'd see. Her stood there, sneering at me. ''Eddie... Eddie'll kill you.'' I said, trying to sound firm, even though I knew my voice was shaking. I backed up until I was almost off the doorframe, but I remembered my promise. If she stepped any closer... I'd have no choice. Not that I ould outrun her anyway, I thought, my breathing becoming rapid as I remembered what she was. How strong, fast. And how much she hated my guts and wished me dead for stealing Eddie from her.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:46pm Sep 24 2011
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[The sad part is... I don't know where to go from here. D: Technically, Jessica would just kill her then. So what could happen to have Song actually LIVE. lolll. Or, maybe Jessica instead somehow persuades Song to just 'talk'. And so Jessica lies and says stuff about Edward that isn't true so maybe Song would like... Stop loving him or something? But that sounds stupid when I just made her just want revenge ^^ LOL. I'm at a loss here D: ]]
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3:32pm Sep 24 2011
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[[Um... umumum. OH. -brainfart- She could like. Make sure Song was bleeding, so Eddie would smell her or something, and then take her to where he's feeding as revenge instead. But, must go to tea now. Bu-bye! ;3]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:59pm Sep 24 2011
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[[Ohhh. Kind of like, forcing Eddie watch her in pain. I like it. Are you back from tea already? :)))))))) ]]
"You're brave." I said monotonously as I walked toward her again. "It's quite impressive. If I didn't hate you so much I might have actually given you a chance." Without warning, I came inches to the girl and threw her across the room. "That's been happening to you a lot lately." I said with a smirk, before grabbing her by the hair and dragging her out the door. "Don't worry. A couple moments before wasn't the last time you'll be seeing your sweet little Edward. I have plans made."
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4:05pm Sep 24 2011
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[[Trolololol. Yuppers. |D]] My heart was far from stopped now. It was beating fast, far too fast for my liking. When she came right up to me, I opened my mouth to reply, say something, but before I could say even a single word I was on the floor at the opposite side of the room. I hit my head off the corner of the coffee table as I went, and I could feel blood trickle down as she grabbed me by the hair and dragged me out the door. Tears rolling down my cheeks at the pain, I tried my best to dislodge her hands, but I knew it was futile. ''Let go!'' I whimpered, too frightened and in pain to sound any more threatening.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:10pm Sep 25 2011 (last edited on 3:11pm Sep 25 2011)
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[[Hey. Sorry. D: And, for our newest roleplay, do you think we can put it off for just like... A little while longer? It's not that I haven't noticed I posted, its just that I've had so many master/slave roleplays that they just get old. Ya know? So, if you wanted to do it with someone else, go ahead. But if not, I'd be willing in a little while.
I'll reply on a different post after I do this project for school. :) ]]
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3:31pm Sep 25 2011
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[[Trolololol. That be fine. |D]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:15pm Sep 30 2011
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With a heavy burden forcing my head, shoulders, and lips to cast downward, I walked slowly towards Song's apartment. Images of what happened minutes before made my head cloudy and angrily I shook them from my mind. It wasn't normal to be a vampire; and yet still feel this way after eating. I wasn't normal either way though. And, either way, I still hated myself. It took some time to realize but once I found out I was certain it was true. The only reason why I'm living now is for Song. Where would she be without me, at this moment? Where would she be if I wasn't in that alley way? I was made, living, to keep Song alive. Those thoughts would help me not feel as tempted to hurt her, no matter how much - how capable - I am of doing so. Just as I was about to start for a run towards the apartment, the scent came again. "No..." I grumbled to myself angrily, before screaming it again. "No!" I ignored the stares of a couple passer bys that were stupid enough to walk around at this hour before walking away from them. And, when I was out of sight, I ran as fast as I could to that familiar smell.
The girl was fighting for her life and, though it was expected, I was getting quite agitated. With a quick, swift movement, my hand slapped her cheek. So hard that blood made a path down her face. "That'll shut you up." I grumbled before coming to the back part of the apartment, throwing the girl on my back gingerly and running. Only a couple seconds passed before Eddie was in view. He was running in my direction. "Eddie." I said softly as I stopped running and threw the girl off my back in a disgusted manner. Eddie had stopped running infront of me; glaring. We were in an vacant park, with only the scurrying squirrels and groundhogs as an audience. "Isn't she tempting?" I added, my eyes turning a fiery red as I glared at the girl; her blood smelling better then ever as she lay on the ground.
[[ Sorry I'm babbling. i didn't feel like making a small post that you couldn't even reply too, so I hurriedly got through everything lolll. -_- ]]
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8:27pm Sep 30 2011
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[[I like it when you babble. ;D]] I gave a small whimper as she slapped my cheek hard enough to draw blood, and felt it run down my face. As we rounded the back of the appartment, into the shadows, I gave another small whimper as I was hefted onto her back. I heard her say something, ever so softly, but it was a word which made all the pain I was feeling at that moment just disappear. Eddie... I don't think I could've been happier if she'd said any other word in the world. I landed on the floor heavily, and grunted slightly, attempting to get to my feet. My head was pounding, but even so, I could tell something was wrong as I eventually stood up. I was swaying slightly on my feet, my vision slightly blurred, but I remained with my eyes locked on Eddie, not knowing what on earth was going on. It didn't matter, though; Nothing mattered. Nothing besides the fact that Eddie was there, and so was I. That was the only important thing. [[ANSGHJISDB. Fail. :x]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:27pm Oct 1 2011
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[[Aw <3 ]]
I ignored Jessica's question because I knew the answer. Song was more tempting then anything else to me. Hurriedly, I came to Songs side and pulled her close. Ironically, all Jessica did was watch in disgust. "How can you do that, Edward?" I heard her ask through a seductive tone as I held Song tighter. "Keep her close without tasting her blood?" I shivered as I realized her temple was bleeding; and I could only think it was Jessica that had made the cut. "I... I have s-self-con-" I couldn't even say the rest; knowing her blood was dripping on my face. I swallowed and let Song go after pressing my lips to her opposite, dry temple. "I told you, if you came back: I'd kill you." I said, turning my back from Song, but keeping her behind me just in case Jessica had any ideas. "You can't hurt me, Eddie. You love me. You just are blind; thinking you love... Her." Jessica gave a glare beyond my shoulder and I guessed she was talking about Song. "Taste her blood and you'll see. You don't love her. You love her blood." My hands were shaking as I backed away to have my back press against her front. "Go now and I promise I won't hurt you again. This is your last warning."
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2:40pm Oct 1 2011
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I allowed myself to sink into Eddie's arms for a moment as he pulled me close, tried to ignore the fact that Jessica's voice was clearly audible, all the hate evident in its sugary coating. When he tried to reply to her, I probably should've been worried by the fact that he couldn't even finish his sentance. Probably, but I wasn't. I had to stand up straight again, as he kissed my temple before releasing me and turning back to Jessica. My body trembled in anger as she spewed out more of her crap. At least, I like to think it was anger, and not fear. I closed my eyes as she told him to taste my blood. He wouldn't really, would he...? No. No, Eddie wouldn't do that to me. As Eddie pressed himself against me, I reached out and held his arm. Like some kind of little kid. I hoped she'd leave. Hoped I wouldn't have to see Eddie hurting someone. But, in a way, I hoped she wouldn't. So I could watch her get hurt, even if it was by Eddie.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:18am Oct 2 2011
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((Since I'm starting to get writers block on what Eddie should do, I have an idea. xD If you can play someone else, why don't we have someone take Song while Eddie is distracted by talking - or killing - Jessica. I say he kills her though :x Like, maybe someone like Garrett, someone who works for Jessica, takes Song away andddd we can just make up stuff as we go along. Because after this, I bet we'll get writers block on what to do next. xD ]]
Jessica stared back at me with unafraid eyes. What would it take for her to leave Song and I alone? Death. I was just about to give in to her nonsense before I felt Song's touch on my arm. Her touch was always warmer then myself, literally. I wished I could just pick her up and run back home. No, I'd have her move. We'd move to some other city that I would make sure wasn't infested with these demons. My own 'species'. Gently, reluctantly, I took Song's hand off my arm as I walked towards Jessica. I've said I'd kill her, but... Could I really do it with Song right here? Watching me as I turn into the monster? So, softly, I tried persuading Jessica instead. I couldn't show Song what I really am just yet. "Jessica... I love Song; not just her blood. I believe you're just jealous at that fact, and can't keep it locked in your head." Jessica glared at me as I talked, but at least she wasn't focused on Song. [[I would have something happen but I wanted to see what you wanted to do from what I said at the top ^^ ]]
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8:36am Oct 2 2011
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[[WOOOOH. -luffers on CHeese- I love you and yourr good ideas. :D I shall bring somebudyy eeebiiil in that works fer Jessica. |D]] I bit my lip as Eddie removed my hand from his arm. I wanted so badly just for him and I to leave, but I knew we couldn't. Not until Jessica had first. As I was thinking these thoughts, I felt someone place a hand over my mouth, and wrap their arm around my waist, and Eddie was gone. They'd picked me up and run faster than I could bl ink, so by the time I had gotten over my surprise, I was already well away from Eddie. Whoever it was- I didn't even get the chance to look at them- slung me over their shoulder, releasing their hand from my mouth, but I couldn't scream. I don't know why. I guess my voice was just... frozen. ~~~~ The man, of average sized build and height, had been watching the going ons since they had arrived at the park. He had been told to take the girl as soon as he got the opportunity; that opportunity came in the form of Eddie stepping away from the human and talking to Jessica. Smirking slightly as he ran forward and picked the girl up, from behind the vampires so Eddie wouldn't be able to see, he started running for his destination. He was to go to the forest, the part with no vampires, and do what all the other stupid vampire grunts had failed to do. Kill the girl, so that Eddie would love Jessica again.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:46am Oct 2 2011
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It was like what I said to Jessica was a compliment, for her eyes flashed in delight as she looked over my shoulder. Confused at why she was looking at Song that way, I turned my head. "Song..." I mumbled in agony as the place where I last felt her be was empty. "She's gone, Edward. Now you can really tell me how you feel about-" Before Jessica could finish, I tackled her down. My strength overtaking hers. "Where is she!" I exclaimed as my eyes turned a beady red and my fangs stuck out, flashing anger. Jessica didn't seem moved. I used to love this about her; how she knew how to hide her fear. Now I hated every part of her. "Tell me!" I said, though my voice cracked in a sob as I soon started to beg as I pinned her before getting myself up and jerking her up also. "Edward, she's gone. You can be with-" I couldn't handle her little lies any longer. "You know what happened to us, Jessica. Do not even try thinking about me ever loving you again." Images crowded my mind on how I could kill her. But, soon after my adrenaline kicked up, I realized Song was my first priority. "Where is she." I said firmly, commanding, as my hand wrapped around her neck. Honestly, I knew it wasn't going to hurt her. But, I just liked the feel of power when it was Jessica in danger.
[[I dunno how he can kill her, seeing as nothing like fire is around, so I'll just say in my next post, 'Killing her was easy...' Blah Blah Blah, while he's searching for Song and such.. Lollll. ]]
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9:07am Oct 2 2011
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[[Lawls. That sounds good. |D]] The vampire [I'mma call hiiiim... Joe. |D] reached the forest, and flung the girl from his back roughly, not caring how she landed. ''So, human, I hear Eddie's real keen on you, eh?'' He sounded pretty casual, as if he were just having a conversation with a friend about the weather, not speaking to someone he was about to kill. Reaching down, he picked her up roughly by the arm, and shoved her against a thick oak tree, wrapping his hand around her throat. Her blood smelled good, but Jessica told him he was to feel free to... torture her a little, before he finally killed her. ''I mean, you look alright, but why is it that he likes you so much?'' He didn't bother waiting for a reply he knew would never come, so with a sigh of disgust, released her and made to walk away. He didn't, though. He turned around in the bl ink of an eye, whipping his knife out as he turned, and pushed the blade into her side, faster than a human would have managed to even take out a knife. ''Well, it seems he doesn't like you enough to keep a good eye on you, in the least.'' He said nonchalantly as he wiped his blade along his shirt, watching her with bored eyes. ~~~ I found my voice as I was thrown onto the ground, giving a slight grunt of pain as I hit the floor. I didn't have time to figure out exactly what had hurt this time, though, as he pressed me against a tree and wrapped his arm around my throat. With him blocking off my air like that, I just glared at him, but what he asked was something I'd asked myself many times before. Why exactly did Eddie like me, anyway? I wasn't the prettiest, or the sweetest, and I had an awful habit of getting myself into trouble. So, why did he like me? As he released me, I was gasping for air, wondering why he was walking away, when he turned around and cut me before I could even register it. The first I knew of his blade was when I felt pain in my side, just below my ribs, and I glanced down to see blood oozing through my shirt. I didn't even register the words he said. I was too busy staring down at where he'd cut me, wondering if all vampires moved as fast as that.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:19am Oct 2 2011
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[[Soooo, they're still in that city right? In a forest somewhere? xD ]]
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9:24am Oct 2 2011
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[[Hmnmn... On the outskirts of the city in a forest somewhere. |D]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥