9:35am Oct 2 2011
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[[Lollll. Kkkkkkk. :) ]]
Holding back my panic, I ran in a frenzy all around the city. Anywhere I went, no familiar smell came to my nose. Technically, I was holding back my tears as well; thinking she could be dead. I shook away the thoughts of her dead as I ran. Killing Jessica was easy. Getting her to tell me where Song was, was a bit difficult. But, soon, her last words were that Song could be anywhere. Jessica said she had no idea where. Apparently, she hired someone to take her away. She had told the man that she didn't care where. I could only trust that taking her away didn't mean killing her the minute Song was away from me. But, what if Song was dead?... What would I do? I'd probably kill myself. I'd run to her apartment to smell her one last time, and then kill my- That scent... Could it be her? I wasn't close to the middle of the city. I was on the outskirts of it. Would the man really keep her this close to the city? Hoping I was right about Song being close, I ran forward. A forest came into view. Her scent came stronger. I ran faster. "Song.." I mumbled, the only word that could keep me going.
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9:52am Oct 2 2011
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[[Eddie be so sweet. ~<3 Also. Also also also. I GOT A CHOCOLATE SUNDAE. |DDDD]] ''Alright, I think I've had my fun. Doesn't look like your night in shining armour's coming, does it?'' Joe said casually, before flitting forward once more and plunging the knife deep into her stomach, once more wiping the blade on his shirt. ''I think you've been through enough now. Hows about I put you out of your misery, eh?'' He made his voice sound as if he cared. As if he didn't like how much pain he was putting her through. ~~~~ I fell to my knees as he stabbed me again, and clutched my stomach, trying to stop the flow of blood. It was pointless. Even if I could stop my blood from pouring out of me, he would kill me in a minute anyway. I had tears streaking down my cheeks, as I thought of how Eddie would feel. He'd said he loved me... What would this do to him? I couldn't help but hope that, when I died, he wouldn't keep looking for me. That he'd find someone he loved, wh loved him as much as I did, and be happy. But that was just a hope. I knew it was impossible. Eddie was just too... loving, for that to happen.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:06am Oct 2 2011 (last edited on 10:06am Oct 2 2011)
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[[... Does chocolate make you... You know the word... HYPER? & Eddie is da bombbbbb. <333 ]]
I easily dodged every tree in my way as I ran deeper into the forest. Whispering her name as I went. "I think you've been through enough now. Hows about I put you out of your misery, eh?" I heard it clear as day, and soon after, a man came into view. Without stopping, I lunged toward him and tackled him down, just as I had done with Jessica. It was then that I realized Song was there. I hadn't seen her before because the vampire was in the way. It only took seconds to realize that her scent was so strong because she was cut - twice. My anger didn't appease at the sight of her this way, as my fangs came out again and my eyes turned an angry red towards the man. "You sick..." I didn't finish as I took the knife from his hand, And cut him to pieces.
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10:17am Oct 2 2011
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[[No no no no no. Chocolate doesn't make me hyper. At all. GOT IT? >:I |D And yus. Yus he is. <3 But also. Also scarwy. |D]] I had my eyes closed, but they flickered open as I heard Eddies voice. I glanced up at him a moment, and what I saw... frightened me a little. He had sharp, white fangs jutting over his bottom lip, and his eyes... they weren't the loving eyes I was used to. They were blood-red. As he took the knife from the man, and started slashing at him, I tried not to look. I squeezed my eyes shut tight, and let my head fall down. I didn't want to see Eddie being what he had always told me he was. A monster. And, for some reason, even though I saw exactly what he meant when he said he was a monster, I couldn't help but feel his heart was anything but.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:53pm Oct 2 2011
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He's dead, Eddie. He's dead. He's dead... Soon those words finally came to my head as I kept slashing at the mans broken body. He lay in a heap on the ground; in pieces, literally. Gradually, my arm slowed at cutting. I dropped the knife as I stared at what I'd done. I turned my head like it was nothing, like I've seen worse, and looked at Song. Without hesitating, I walked towards her silently, lifted her shirt just high enough to see her wounds, and gave her wet kisses up her cuts; healing them. I couldn't help but like the taste; but I tried keeping my mind on taking away her pain. "You alright?" I asked with a smirk as I put her shirt down, knowing those words have come out of my mouth to her ever since I first saved her. Before she could answer, I gingerly pulled her towards me and held her as tight as I could; holding the sobs of joy that threatened to come from my throat. She wasn't dead. "You're alive..." Relieved breaths came out of my mouth as I said those words. I forced her body to back up against a tree as I let go of her. "You're alive..." I said again, unbelieving. My hands squeezed her forearms gently as I pressed my forehead against hers and closed my eyes. "Song." I said with a smile. Song wasn't dead, how could I not smile?
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2:04pm Oct 2 2011
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I opened my eyes as he walked over to me, trying to ignore the bloody heap on the floor that had once been a vampire. The remains were making my stomach heave, but I tried my best not to show it, anyway. Smiling at him meekly as he healed my wounds, and asked the same thing he'd asked me so many times before, I was about to reply when he pulled me into a tight embrace. I gave a small laugh as he stated the obvious, and pushed me against a tree. When he rested his forehead against my own, I laughed again. ''Yes, Eddie. I'm alive.'' Laughter was evident in my voice as well, and a smile was lighting up my face. ''I'm alive, thanks to you.'' I added. I wanted to reach out and hug him, but he had hold of my arms. Oh well. He was close enough to me, anyways. That is, if I could ever get Eddie close enough to me. No matter what, I'd always want to be closer to him.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:09pm Oct 2 2011
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I didn't respond to her last response; of how it was me that saved her. Of course, I had helped. But this whole business was my fault. If she just never met me... I frowned and let go of her arms and lifted my forehead off of hers. "... Right." I said, faking a smile and grabbing her hand. "I don't think you should stay here anymore." Hopefully this city wasn't sentimental to her or something. She needed to leave as soon as possible.
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2:16pm Oct 2 2011
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I sighed as he released me. The sudden change in his voice and smile told me he didn't agree with what I said for some reason, but I didn't comment on it. I held his hand in mine, and listened as he spoke. ''Um... That'd probably be a good idea.'' I replied, standing close to him, and holding onto his arm with my other hand too, leaning into him. I had no reason to want to stay in this city. The only person I'd ever need again was standing right next to me. If he wanted to leave, I'd leave with no complaints, or even any thoughts of staying.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:20pm Oct 2 2011
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I smiled as I felt her lean into me as I started walking towards the city. "Where do you want to go?" I asked, as I picked her up so that I could run to her apartment once she answered.
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2:25pm Oct 2 2011
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I wrapped my arms around his neck, and rested my head on his shoulder, smiling the whole time. ''I want to go wherever you go.'' I replied. It might not have been what he wanted to hear, but it was the only place I wanted to be. I couldn't even think of any place that I wanted to go. Places held no meaning for me anymore.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:31pm Oct 2 2011
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[[Lollllllll. I was just about to write a post about how Eddie wants to leave Song, because of the danger. And then I realized it was too much like Twilight. This whole role play is like... A better version of it xD Anyways, back to my point, I was going to ask if its still cool if I do that? Like... He leaves, thinking Song can start over in a new state, without the danger? It won't be right now. Maybe that night we can have them talk, get in a fight about it - seeing as Song and him always get arguementive about things - and... Stuff? D: ]]
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2:37pm Oct 2 2011
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[[Lawls, sounds good. |D And we be re-writing Twilight. Minus the sparkly vamps. |D]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:49pm Oct 2 2011
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[[Yayyyy~ And, ikr? :))) ]]
"That doesn't really help." I said with a chuckle before running for her apartment. When we reached her apartment, I set her down and looked around the living room. "I'll feel better if we leave as soon as possible. Is there anything you want to bring with you? I can help you pack."
[[/fail post.]]
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4:37pm Oct 2 2011
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I walked over to the door, opening it while speaking to him. ''Just my clothes and photo-albums, but I can sort them myself. What about you?'' I asked, lingering in the doorway for a moment with a curious look on my face. There had to be something Eddie wanted to keep. You just don't live as long as he did without becoming attached to something or other.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:50pm Oct 2 2011
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With a sheepish smile, I looked at her with loving eyes. "Oh, I have everything I need."
With a shrug, I sat down on the living room sofa and said, "I'll be right here if you need me."
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5:01pm Oct 2 2011
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Smiling at him, I gave a small wave before heading up to my room to pack. I was still smiling warmly as I put my things away, humming softly and remembering the look in his eyes. He reminded me of a love-sick puppy. All my clothes away, I gingerly moved my photo albums from the box they were in and placed them on top of all my other stuff, closing the lid of the suitcase and zipping it up before hefting it down the stairs. It was average-sized, not too big, not too small; the reason I chose it.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:13pm Oct 2 2011
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The minute I heard her walking down the stairs with the suitcase, I got up from the sofa and came to the staircase. "Need help?" I asked before taking the suitcase without waiting for her response. I walked to the living room and set it down. "Where was it we were headed, again?" I asked as I looked back at her.
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5:16pm Oct 2 2011
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''I don't know.'' I replied nonchalantly, shrugging my shoulders. ''I agreed we'd go wherever you wanted to go.'' I added, smirking slightly. I sat down on the arm of the couch while I waited to see exactly where on earth a vampire would want to move to. Probably Alaska or something.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:22pm Oct 2 2011
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I smirked back at her as I walked in front of her and pressed my forehead to hers once again. "But, what if I want to go wherever you go?" I whispered before my lips met the tip of her nose.
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5:28pm Oct 2 2011
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''Then I guess we're stuck, aren't we?'' I said, chuckling. Looking into his eyes, so loving and caring now, I couldn't help but remember when they had been red and full of anger, hatred, and disgust. I brushed the memory aside, though I knew I would never truly forget it.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥