3:42pm Nov 5 2011
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I smiled as I sat in the drivers seat and listened to her rant.
"Just in case you were wondering, you're cute even when you try to act like you're mad at me." I said before starting the ignition and driving off like a mad man. 20 mph over the speed limit wasn't that bad right?
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4:01pm Nov 5 2011
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[[I vote he crashes. He's so asking for it with that speed xD]] Glaring at him, I somehow couldn't manage to believe that I could be cute with the scowl I was wearing. ''Eddie... Why do I get the feeling you're going one hell of a lot over the limit?'' I asked, gritting my teeth. Keeping an eye on Eddie was like looking after a toddler.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:08pm Nov 5 2011
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[[Dude, we should do that. xDDD ]]
Eddie shrugged uncaringly. "Maybe it's because I'm going a lot over the limit?" He said before gunning it even more. "Oh, by the way, you should really get your cute self in a seat belt. Wouldn't want you to get hurt."
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4:24pm Nov 5 2011
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[[Lawls, ok then. xD It'll be funny because Song will hit him over the head wih a rock after for being an idiot. xD]] ''If you don't want me to get hurt, slow down. Seat-belts are over-rated.'' Song replied, crossing her arms over her chest. She figured he'd slow down if she didn't do as he asked. At least, eventually he would. [[Btw, are you trying to change to first or third person? You've switched several times so far. xD I don't mind, I'm just curious as to which one is the accidental one. |D]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:03am Nov 6 2011
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[[Omg. I didn't even notice. Dx Sorry. I don't really know which one I have meant to do, but I like First Person better. So... The third is accidental ;)))
And, I really want them to get in a wreck. Right... NOW. ]]
I chuckled, and kept going farther then the speed limit and looked at Song.
"Well you're going to regret it if we get in a-"
Metal against metal crashed; glass went flying, and the car Song and I were in was spinning faster then I was driving before. The second I knew what was going on, I jumped out of my seat and went into Song; covering her from the glass.
I wasn't hurt; mostly because I wasn't human. I was ontop of Song, but I could smell blood.
My ex pression turned sour as I tried ignoring the smell and looked up at her.
"Are you... Are you al... " I couldn't even talk without thinking of the blood seeping down her arm.
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10:13am Nov 6 2011
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[[WHOOT. Car crashes ROCK. XDDDD And lawls, Ookies. xD]] ''Yeah, I'm fine.'' I replied brightly, though I was in a slight state of shock. Had we just... crashed? I wasn't sure, it had happened so fast... Either we'd crashed and Eddie had juped on top of me to protect me, or I was having some very weird daydream. Both were equally plausable right now. I glanced down, and tilted my head slightly to the side. A shard of glass about the size of my hand was embedded in my upper arm, below my shoulder, but I for some reason wasn't particularly bothered by it. I was too busy thinking of what an interesting scarlet red the liquid was that was trickling down my arm, and wondering just how deep the glass had gone in. Funny, being attacked by vampires as often as I had been, and I got sidetracked and distracted with a shard of glass in my arm. I guess it was because it was the first time in a while I'd been hurt without a vampire being to blame. That is, without being directly to blame. I did plan on killing Eddie once we were both out of the car.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:25pm Nov 6 2011
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I barely heard what Song had said; my mind reminding me of the blood trickling down her arm. My nose was reminding me more clearly. I heard sirens not to far ahead, so I guess the person we hit into called someone. Atleast they were alright.
"We have... We have to ... Go..."
I gulped and hurriedly opened the windowless passenger side door and grabbed her hand to help her out. With quick, swift movements I took the luggage out of the car and nodded to Song.
"Hop on my back. We have to go before the police come."
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5:30pm Nov 6 2011
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I got out and stood next to him. ''Hehehe. Why are you in such a rush?'' I asked, giggling, but did as he asked anyway. Killing him could wait, I thought, as I wrapped my arms around Eddie's shoulders and held onto him like I was getting a piggy back or something. My mind was still dazed, but I was with it enough to laugh as I realised something. ''See, Eddie, I told you we'd get caught.'' He seemed distressed enough as it was, but no way was I just going to let this slide.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:54pm Nov 6 2011
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I rolled my eyes as she started being smart. This would happen to us...
"We're not caught just yet."
I said before having her suitcase in one hand, the other on her thigh to keep her for slipping, and ran.
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5:58pm Nov 6 2011
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I held on tight as we ran, eyes closed as the wind whipped past us at incredible speeds. He might've been certain we weren't caught yet, but I was just as certain that the next time he stole a car, I was driving. He was right, though, my morals were all gone. I'd still show him how to go over the speed limit properly, though.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:03pm Nov 6 2011
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Where should they end up at? :)))) ]]
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1:48pm Nov 7 2011
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[[Hmn, not really sure. :I Some random hotel? xD]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:41pm Nov 7 2011
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[[ Ready for a lame time skip? Be prepared for this... ]]
So, after some time of finding a place to stay for the night, I finally found a motel. [SO. Creepy things always happen at motels. Something wierd should happen. I dunno what though. Any ideas?] "Wanna stay here for a night?" I asked Song as I put her on her feet and started walking towards the front door.
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11:38am Nov 8 2011
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[[Lawls, I dunno. Humm... Maybe introduce another kinda mythical being? :u]] ''Sure, why not?'' I giggled, leaning on Eddie as I walked, for no reason other than to impair his walking ability and- hopefully- tick him off. Ticking off Eddie had become one of my favourite past-times, after all.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:10pm Nov 8 2011
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[[Like Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat? ]]
I was just about to give her a smile for her response but felt her lean against me. I don't think she realized how strong I am, seeing as her small body didn't do much to my large one.
"I don't see how you can succeed in having me fall, if that's what you're doing."
I said with a smile, tempted to show her what pushing someone was. Just to tease her back. It was hard to kid around with her though, with her scent still strong and tempting.
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6:18pm Nov 8 2011
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''I don't know what you're talking about. We should be acting all stupid like normal people, so these guys won't think twice about lettin' us in.'' I had been glaring at him to start off with, but now I found it difficult to hold back from laughing hysterically. I wrapped my arms around him as we walked, keeping one draped over his shoulder. I glanced up and looked at my arm, fascinated, as the blood previously dripping down it changed direction because it was raised up now, the scarlet liquid trickling back the way it came and further. [[Lawls, Idunno. LEPRECHAUNS. XDDD]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:21pm Nov 8 2011
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[[LOL. I can so see that. Eddie and Song being killed by tiny leprechauns... ]]
I laughed at her response, keeping myself - at least trying to - controlled as her blood came stronger in my nose.
"We really need to get you washed off."
I mumbled as we walked inside.
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1:13pm Nov 9 2011
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[[ROFL. CHeese, only you would say something like that. xD]] ''Why? I'm grand. There's no rush.'' I laughed, wondering why Eddie was acting so tense. He didn't sound tense, but something about him just felt tense and stressed, like he was worried about something. I couldn't see any danger nearby, so whatever that was, I had no clue.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:12pm Nov 13 2011
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[[It would be such a sad ending. So scratch that off the list.
But seriously though, I dunno what it should be. Are werewolves enemies here? o-o
I kind of have this idea now... But only if werewolves are enemies, and not just in twilight, bahahaha. ]]
"Actually, there is."
I said quietly as I led her to the counter. I wouldn't be surprised if one of my teeth cracked at how tight they were clenched.
The man behind the counter gave a lazy yet nice smile, obviously tired of working at a abandonned motel that barely anyone noticed. I didn't give such a friendly ex pression as I quickly took money out of my wallet, mumbled, "one night" and held out my hand for the keys, impatiently.
Her blood was all I could think about. My eyes only glanced once at her, before glaring back at the man who was now shaking nervously.
"S-so, uh... Nice contacts there. M-making your eyes red."
He said before finally giving me the keys.
I put an arm around Song again, forcing her to walk faster.
"They're not contacts."
My voice growled quietly before disappearing down a hall, looking for the room.
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5:45pm Nov 13 2011
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[[Lawls. You ever seen Underworld? It's about Vampires versus werewolves... But it's actually cool. Basially, werewolves began as the day-time guardians of Vampires in it, and then ended up as their enemies through this long list of blood fueds which I'm too lazy to type out. o 3o So, yah, they can be enemies. xD]] I glanced up at Eddie, wondering why there would be a rush, but shrugged it off. Eddie was just being a drama queen, I thought, as per usual. When the man at the counter mentioned about Eddie wearing contacts and his eyes being red, my heart stopped for a moment as I remembered his eyes when he'd been fighting that other vampire... That is, if you could call tearing to shreds fighting. Because of how terrifying his eyes had looked then, I didn't want to see that again, so I kept my eyes trained on the floor, silent. I didn't want to think about why his eyes were red, either, but there was no easy way around that. I knew Eddie was a vampire, obviously. And I knew vampires craved blood, which was, again, obvious. But I had also thought I knew Eddie would never hurt me. Still, that didn't mean he didn't crave my blood. All it meant was that he wouldn't take it... At least, that was what I hoped it meant.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥