11:16am Nov 19 2011
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[[Omgomgomgomgomg. We're close to 1000 posts. Hopefully you're on so we can do 40 more posts to get there. :)))))) That's my goal for today.
So, I just completely forgot about the wolf thing until now. Would it be cleche for him to come while she's sleeping? -_-
Too Bad. I'm doing it. ]]
I chuckled at Song's unintelligable response before lying down next to her. After what seemed like an eternity, I finally allowed myself to scoot closer to her. Praying that I wouldn't hurt her. With a hesitant arm, I wrapped it around her; pulling her tightly close against my chest.
I finally allowed myself to breathe. Okay. I haven't hurt her, yet.
"Good night, Song."
I whispered in her ear before laying my head back on the pillow. It surprised me, how enticing she was yet how I hadn't hurt her yet. She was asleep, and I couldn't help it anymore, I had to test myself. That was the only way I'd get stronger.
With very slow movements as to not wake her, I untangled my arms around her and layed my head on her shoulder, my nose pressed against her neck. If I had a heart, it would be beating faster then Songs when we had that car crash. Just the memory of hearing hers made me cringe.
I haven't hurt her yet. Maybe this wasn't so bad. Maybe I truly did have the self control to be this close without wanting to hurt her. With a smile, I smelled her again. But...
I didn't smell that wonderful smell of blood this time. It was a repulsive smell that made me jerk my head abruptly away from her neck. I knew that smell. It was all to familiar. And it was all around Song, though very faded. (I thought maybe, since he used to be her lover or whatever, that she could still faintly smell like him, and Eddie just didn't notice...?]]
But the room had the same smell, and it was all to fresh.
Only one thing so sick. So deadly. So dangerous. Could ever smell so repulsive.
A werewolf.
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11:27am Nov 19 2011 (last edited on 11:27am Nov 19 2011)
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[[Lawls. xD Things are cliche for a reason. It's 'cos they're so good that they get used a lot ;P And yah, I liek that idea. :v LET'S DO THIS THANG.]] I opened my eyes as I felt something pull away from me. Glancing up, I saw Eddie, and smiled softly. Apparently, he had been hugging me or something while I slept, but something made him move away. Sitting up slightly, I yawned and tilted my head to the side. There was something a little strange about the ex pression on his face... It looked, to me at least, almost like... disgust. As I thought that, I felt my heart sink. Surely... He wasn't disgusted by me, was he? Maybe he was just... having a bad dream or something. But, no, Vampires don't dream. They don't sleep, so they can't, or at least, that's what I thought happened. So, what was it about me that was making him look so disgusted? ''... Eddie? Are you... ok?'' I asked, a little bit of worry evident in my eyes. Worry that it was me that disgusted him, and worry that there was something else, something horrible that made him look so revolted. I wasn't entirely certain which was worse, but I had an inkling it wasn't the latter. [[BLERGH. Ignore mah phail. . _.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:51am Nov 19 2011
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[[Lol. That wasn't a fail, Ty. :)
This couldn't be happening. Couldn't Song get one night of sleep without something happening? No, scratch that. Couldn't she go her whole life, without something like this happening?
I closed my eyes, ignoring Song's worry-fill eyes. I took another deep breath, to make sure I wasn't imagining the scent.
The werewolf scent was stronger now, blocking out Song's.
"Song, I'm so sorry. I should have never helped you in the alley. I shouldn't have stayed at your apartment. I shouldn't have become so attatched to you or let you be attatched to me. I shouldn't have left you when Jessica was around. I should have just healed you all those time that vampires hurt you and then let you live your life. I shouldn't have..."
Tears started streaming down my cheeks, though I ignoring them.
"I love you. And I stayed for my own selfish reasons. I'm so sorry I let you love me."
Keeping my eyes closed, I started wondering why I was even saying all of this. But, the answer came at me like a slap in the face. The scent was a werewolf. It was so strong that it could be in this room.
I was dead before the werewolf even shown itself. I've given up.
But, I just told her what was on my mind. I loved her more then life itself. So that meant I shouldn't give up until the death of me. I opened my eyes, still ignored the tears, and sat up straighter. Like I didn't just say anything intimate to Song, I looked away from her and went to my feet. I couldn't give up.
"Let's go."
Was all I said before grabbing her hand and gingerly jerking her up from the bed. Just as I was about to reach the door, someone stepped infront of it.
"Song? Is that really you? I've been looking for you... Well... Everywhere."
Was all he said. The disgust on my face remained as I stared back at the werewolf. There was no doubt he was a werewolf, with the way he smelled. His clothes were ragged, like he's been wandering around without a shower for days.
Searching for Song? He knew Song? No wonder Song smelled faintly like him. I was so speachless, that I didn't respond, or move. Except for my hand, which tightly held on to Songs.
And, after a smile crept on the werewolfs face, a glower replaced it. His eyes boring into my own.
"Don't worry Song. I'll take care of this monster. He's going to regret ever taking you hostage."
He mumbled, before taking a step closer. He thought I was hurting Song?
In a mocking tone, he said,
"I'll take care of you in one slap, right little guy?"
Oh man... He was here when I was telling Song how werewolves can defeat me easily. I swallowed, putting one hand in the air for surrendering.
"That isn't necessary. I haven't harmed her."
My voice was shaking. Mostly because I could see the lust in his eyes when he spoke to Song, and the desire when he spoke to me.
The desire to kill.
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12:08pm Nov 19 2011
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[[But. Just look at your posts compared to mine. >.<]] I was watching Eddie, disbelieving, as he started pouring out words, saying how sorry he was for things, how he shouldn't have done some things... It made no sense. No matter what, if I was given the chance to change anything that had happened, I wouldn't. I would have kept everything exactly as it was. I wouldn't have changed so much as a butterfly's wing beat, if there was any chance things would have turned out differently. Would have turned out without me being with Eddie, and only Eddie. I grew even more worried as Eddie did something I wished I'd never see him do... Tears were falling from his eyes, and it hurt me just to see that. Why was he crying? Why was he saying he was sorry for letting me love him? It wasn't like he could change how things happened. I was surprised to see him stand up so quickly, even more so as he pulled me to my feet. Something must have been wrong. Very, very wrong, and of that I was certain. I walked with him to the door, thousands of questions whirling through my mind, but even if I had managed to focus on just one long enough to say it, I had lost my voice. Just as well, I suppose, because I was too shocked to say anything at all for a moment, as someone appeared in the doorway who I recognised instantly. Hard not to recognise someone who you'd loved once, even when they're in the state he was in. Had he really been looking for me? And what had happened to him? He'd just... left, right when I'd needed him. What could possibly have happened that made him leave? I began to get a rough idea of what it was that had happened when Eddie tightened his grip on my hand, and when he mentioned about Eddie being a monster. Eddie looked just like anyone else... For him to know what Eddie was... He was either a werewolf or a vampire, and I doubted he would be talking the way he was to Eddie if he was a vampire. My blood went cold as I remembered what Eddie had said. That a werewolf could kill him with ease. ''He isn't holding me hostage.'' I replied calmly, much calmer than I felt. My voice was flat, surprising me by not shaking. ''He has done nothing to me. If you hurt him, I swear, I'll... I'll... I'll kill you.'' I swallowed, looking up into his eyes with a look of defiance on my face. I had loved him once, and the emotions swirling around inside me weren't much help on telling me whether or not I still loved him.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
12:36pm Nov 19 2011
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[[LOL. I'm playing two people. And, I have a habit to press enter alot. So it's mostly because it's one word and then a long space after every pargraph ^^ Hahahahaha. You're fine, myyy Ty.]]
My heart started beating faster as I looked at Song. This was the women I had to leave without no warning. I didn't know I was a werewolf when I fell inlove with her. I didn't know that the night I was going to ask her to marry me, I'd... Change.
It was killing me to see that monster lay in bed with her, holding her, smelling her, whispering in her ear. What had he said? "Good night, Song."
Those words weren't intimate. The passion in his voice was. It made me sick, seeing her in another mans arms, willingly. Of course, I had wanted her to fall in love again, be happy with out me. But, with a vampire...? No. I'd kill him and rip him to pieces if I had too. Song deserved a normal man.
"You'll kill me?"
My voice held confusion, though a smile tugged at my lips. Song has always been strong. I should have been prepared for her to fight for her new lover. She just needed to be reminded about me.
"I'm sorry Song." I started, ignoring the rage in the vampires eyes. "I'm sorry I left you. And I know you might be upset. But, when I found out I was ... This, a werewolf, I couldn't just go on with life - with you. I needed you safe."
After saying that last sentence, I looked back at the vampire with a condescending smile.
"You want her safe too, don't you? But you're to stupid to realize you're the one she needs to be safe from." I turned my eyes back to Song, ignoring, again, how the vampire, kept glaring at me. Though, I could see guilt in his eyes.
"He doesn't love you, Song. He would have left a long time ago if he did. But, I love you with all of my heart. And, the second I became used to who I was, I started looking for you again." A smile stretched my lips before I added, "I won't ever leave you aga-"
I couldn't even finish my last sentence, for I was in shock as I watched the vampire let go of Song's hand. Looking at me, not glaring, more of sadness. Though he was looking at me, I could tell he was talking to Song.
"Go with him, Song. He's right. You're safer that way."
The vampire was giving up?
"I guess you never really loved her, did you?" I couldn't help but throw it in his face. "If you're willing to give her up so easily."
The vampires eyes stayed filled with sorrow before finally turning to Song. "He's right." He said again. "We were running away to keep you safe. But this whole time, you needed to run away from me."
The vampire tried a small smile but I could see him still upset. He deserved all the pain he felt in my opinion. "Stay with him. He'll keep you safe. He'll love you. I promise."
What the werewolf said was right. And if I had a heart, it would have been in pieces right now. I told myself I wasn't giving up. I was giving in to the right thing. And the right thing was to keep Song safe. Even if it meant me not being with her.
After saying what I said, I leaned in and stole a kiss from her lips. I lingered there for a long moment, feeling my lips slightly tremble. Before I could even try kissing her again, I felt a hard fist slam into my side. Forcing my body to slam against a wall.
The werewolf couldn't have given me just one more moment.
Was all I said as I stood up.
"Listen to him."
I heard the werewolf say as his eyes looked lovingly into hers. "He doesn't love you." I heard him whisper in her ear. I stayed against the wall, knowing that punch was just a warning.
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12:56pm Nov 19 2011
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[[Lawlswhut. xD Btw, whut is Mr Werewolf's name? :v]] I listened to the werewolf speak- the same man who had once held my heart, and might still have held it- about how he had to leave me, for my own safety. About how he just wanted me safe. I might have softened a little towards him, if he hadn't then told Eddie that he was the one I needed to be safe from. After him saying that, I felt a part of the love I still felt for him slip away, but it was only a part. I couldn't lose all my love for him. He went on to say that Eddie didn't love me, how he would have left if he did, and how he himself would never leave me again. I felt Eddie release my hand, and it made me mad- exceptionally so- that he was making my Eddie feel so guilty. Especially when Eddie told me to stay with the werewolf. I knew then that no matter what either of them said, Eddie loved me. But I couldn't help but be mad at both of them, then. Both trying to tell me who I would be safer with, who loved me more. I felt Eddie kiss me, but he was gone a moment later, the werewolf with his hand in a fist. Trembling slightly in anger and indignation, I glared at the man now whispering in my ear that Eddie didn't love me. I balled my hands into fists, resentment evident in my eyes. It wasn't resentment at either of them in particular, more of what both of them were trying to do; Both of them were trying to run my life, and I hated it. Finally shaking myself awake enough to respond to their childish behavior, I took a step away from the man who left me so long ago, but it wasn't so I could go to the one that was leaving me now. How could I trust either of them? How could I be sure either of them wouldn't just leave or get themselves killed 'for my safety'? ''Jesus christ, you two are the biggest pair of oblivious, moronic, ego-tastic people I have ever met.'' I said, my voice near a snarl. ''Will the pair of you just stop being a pair of damn idiots, telling me who to love? Telling me who's best for me, best to keep me safe? Why don't you just understand that I don't care if I'm 'safe' ? With both of you simpletons running around, it's a bloody wonder neither of you have ended up setting off a nuclear bomb yet.'' I shook my head, scowling, and glaring at the both of them. [[Lawls, sorry for Song's language, she's just really ticked. ;P]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:17pm Nov 19 2011
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[[I honestly don't know what I mean. hahahaha.
Uh... Mr. Werewolf can be... IDK. You choose.
And, it's fine. :P I just love how you got exactly what I was trying to put through my posts. Like how wolfie was choosing for her and Eddie was being... Well pretty much what you said. An oblivious idiot <3 ]]
"Song... I understand you're mad at me for leaving. But, you can't just think that I'd let you be with that... That... Vampire. You need someone looking out for yo-"
I could hear the werewolf, and I just had to shut him up now. Song was lucky that I understood her better then him or she'd be getting a guilt trip monologue by the time we were through.
"She's right. And Song has always been able to care for herself."
Was all I said, my back leaning against the now-dented wall. I shouldn't have gave up - I mean, gave in - so easily. I shouldn't have just let her go without her say. Though, my last statement wasn't entirely true, right now wasn't the time to say so.
Oh God. The vampire was just as soft as I thought. If he was a real man, he wouldn't be at Song's beckoning call, saying just what would make her happy.
And, now he crossed the line.
"You shut up, or I'll take your life away faster then I had wanted."
Of course, this whole time I had been planning on killing him. But if I had said that out loud, I knew Song would change her mind about being with me. I had planned on doing it without her knowledge.
That was, until, I just blurted it out. New plan. Convince her to leave him.
"Song, let's end this. Come with me. You'll be alright. Safe."
I heard the vampire scoff, like he was also getting sick of saying these words to Song. Gosh, I'm going to enjoy killing him.
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1:30pm Nov 19 2011
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[[Lmao. I wasn't sure how ok you were with swears, so tried to keep it down. xD Ugh. You just be greatful we already used Bob, Billy, and Billy-Bob. |DDD]] ''I will certainly not 'come with you'. And I mean it, Jake, [lawlsIknowthisweirdkidcalledJake] if you ever so much as touch Eddie again, I will kill you. And I assure you, I will take my time.'' I said, glaring at him. So, he had been planning to kill Eddie this whole time? And had been able to say that he loved me this whole time? There was something seriously wrong with him. ''Safe? '' I repeated incredulously. ''How could I ever be safe around you, when I will never be able to know if you're telling me the truth, or just telling me things to 'keep me safe'?'' I turned away from him, walking over to Eddie. Eddie had done many things, had bent the truth a little when he thought it best, but he wasn't nearly as much of a liar as Jake was. Besides, maybe it was just in the nature of mythical beings to be liars. So, even if I still wasn't certain Eddie was the one I loved, I stood next to him and glanced at the huge dent in the wall. Had he really hit it that hard...? He didn't look hurt at all. Just the fact that Jake was responsible for that, though, was enough to make my blood boil. Who did he think he was, deciding that I would go with him, and trying to kill the person he knew I already loved? What did he possibly hope to achieve? ''Are you ok, Eddie?'' I said softly, looking up into his eyes.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:42pm Nov 19 2011
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The turn of events surprised me as I looked to see my Song beside me. My eyebrows furrowed in confusion. Of course, Song wasn't stupid enough to go with this 'Jake'.
But, was she really stupid enough to come back with me?
"I don't know."
I said quietly, knowing that Jake not getting his way may only make him more angry. More dangerious. I looked passed Song to see the front door vacant. Jake left?
"He's gone."
I whispered, the smell of him was still here. But it wasn't strong, meaning he wasn't even in the building anymore. I leaned down and pressed my forehead to her shoulder,
"I'm sorry."
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1:49pm Nov 19 2011
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I wrapped my arms around Eddie, worried he'd seriously hurt himself when he'd been thrown against the wall. Sure, he didn't look hurt, but who was to say he hadn't broken a bone or something? Could vampires even break bones? ''Good riddance.'' I replied, forcing a smile, even though I doubted Eddie could see. ''What are you sorry for? You've done nothing wrong.'' I replied, knowing he'd just respond with some stupid idea he had again that meant that him just loving me was his own fault and he'd burn in hell for it or something.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:55pm Nov 19 2011
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A small chuckle bubbled up my throat at her response, though nothing was humorous.
Now I was at a complete loss on what to do. Jake was gone, we had no certain place to go...
And, I realized that no matter what, Song wouldn't just let me go. Which meant it was going to be hard to get in her head how stupid it was to just act like this could be happily ever after. Because it never would be, with the way I was.
"I don't know."
I repeated, though I did know. I was sorry that I knew I wouldn't be around for much longer. I was sorry for leaving her, even though it wouldn't be by willingness. It would be because of Jake. Because I knew he'd come back to finish what he wanted to start.
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2:12pm Nov 19 2011
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''Well, I think I know where I want to go now.'' I said, a smile appearing on my lips. I didn't know why Eddie was laughing, but something told me I wouldn't want to know. ''I want to go as far away from here as possible. Like Antarctica or England or something like that.'' I wasn't sure if going to a different country would make any difference at all, or whether Jake would come back and find us regardless, but it had to be better than doing nothing at all. ''Eddie, don't worry. No matter what Jake- or you- say, I'm not going to stop loving you.'' I said, thinking that might have been what was bothering him.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
2:53pm Nov 26 2011
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[[Lol. I posted that thing on your 'leaving' thread like 4324233423424 hours ago. I saw you on, and was like 'OH CRAP D:' bahaha. But yeah, you don't have to reply to this right now. Don't mind me :D But... OMGTHEYSHOULDGOTOIRELANDBECAUSE...Because Song suggested England. :D ]]
I smiled down at Song, trying to keep what she said in my head. That she'd love me forever. My eyes danced as she said England. My thoughts of worrying about Jake gone. "Yes." Was all I said before passing by her, and grabbing her bags.
"We should go now though." I mumbled, my smile still wide as I motioned for her to come. Leaving the keys to the room on the nightstand so the man who worked here wouldn't think we stole it. Ahhhh. She wanted to go to England? I could feel the excitement build up inside of me as I walked out of the room, without waiting for Song. I couldn't help it though. This was my home country, we were talking about. A place that I haven't been too in... Years. I sighed, not able to contain my excitement.
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3:11pm Nov 26 2011
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[[I suggested England with your obsession for british accents in mind. |D And. PFFFFF. I can reply. But. All my replies are likely to be fails for quite some time. >.<]] I giggled, jumping up from the bed and following Eddie out of the room. He seemed so excited and happy, and it made me happy, too. ''You seem pretty buzzed.'' I said, grinning as I walked quickly after him. Maybe he'd just always wanted to go to Antarctica or England or something. Either way, it was funny, how happy he seemed.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:21pm Nov 26 2011
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[[Noooooo. Even Ty's one liners are not fails. ;D Take that as a compliment. D: I read that and was like, 'It sounds like I'm insulting her..." YOUAREAHERRIGHT? OH Yeah. Let's do a british place instead :D I dunno which one though... You choose D:
Oh no. Another idea is coming to mind. Mayyybbeee, we can wait sometime for Jake to find them again, and have something else happen instead? Liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiike, so that they won't be prepared for Jake when he comes. And, inbetween right now and before Jake comes, since Eddie is going to England, maybe something happens like... With his past relatives or something? Even though they're all dead. Idk. AND they take Song because we are doing our better version of Twilight ;D JkJk about the twilight crap. But, I was just thinking we could take advantage of him going to his home country :D Idk what exactly though. :D ]]
I chuckled at her, knowing it was true. "Well... I grew up in England. And haven't been there for as long as I can remember. So, I can't help it." I smiled down at her as I took her to a back exit so we wouldn't have to talk to the guy at the front desk. Leading her to a car, (I can't remember if he stole a car after the accident so... We'll just have him steal another car for the fun of it. :D) he easily broke in and put the luggage in the back. "You're lucky I'm in a good mood. Or I'd be arguing with you about me driving." I said before going into the passenger side.
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2:56pm Nov 27 2011
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[[ROFLMAO. Yes, I'm a her. xD And I agree, something should happen with Eddie's deep, dark history. >:3 I have no clue what do. Dx and LMAO. Song's gonna get really ticked if he keeps stealing cars. xD]] I followed Eddie out some back exit door, figuring he didnt want to go past the desk again and have to explain why we were leaving so suddenly or why there was now a dent in the wall. I rolled my eyes as he broke into a car yet again, but grinned delightedly as I realized I was going to be the one driving. This... was going to be fun. I slipped into the driver's seat, putting my hands on the steering wheel and leaning back, looking at him. ''Whereabouts in England're you from? And which way am I supposed to be driving?'' I asked, grinning still.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:17pm Nov 27 2011
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[[I know that sounded like a stupid question. But, after I put 'her' in the first statement, I was worried that I'd offend you if you weren't a... Her. But I was pretty sure. So yeah. :D Hmmmm... I guess we can just wing it ;D Hehehe. I'll make sure he steals much much more. :D ]]
I chuckled, mostly from excitement still in me, as I pointed to the right. (I have no idea how to get to England so...) "That way. And, I'm from (*Place random England Place Here.*). You want to go there?"
[[Yay for fails, once again. I'm getting off soon. Like nao. So yeah. ]]
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5:13pm Nov 28 2011
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[[Ohohohoh. Make 'em go to Bristol. xD That's one of the places with the most well-known, kinda lovely sounding 'english' accent. xD]] I grinned at him before stamping my foot down on the accelerator, ignoring the squeeky complaints the tires made to such abuse. ''Sure, sounds great. What's it like there?'' I asked, tilting my head slightly to the side, with my eyes darting to the road every now and then.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:57am Dec 3 2011
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[[Ohhh, really? I've been looking on google for certain places for that 'lovely sounding' accent for this thing I'm writing. I'll use that. xDD ]]
And she thought I was a speedy driver...
"Bristol is one of the top three England cities after London. It's by the river and, right now, it's probably around 50 to 60 degrees. It gets cold up there." I smiled and and added, "Technically, I'm considered a Bristolian."
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9:11am Dec 3 2011
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[[LOLOLOLOL. Bristolian. xDDDD That word is so freaking funny. |D And London, Birmingham and Oxford have the poshest accents. Liverpool has the typical Scouse accent, which many consider 'rough', and Manchester has a rather rough accent too. xD Also, 50 to 60 degrees farenheit? I have no idea what that is in celcius. o -o]] I grinned as th car's speed reached it's limit, speeding along the road at a pace I quite liked. ''A Bristolian? Dear god, Eddie, I love that.'' I replied, chuckling. I knew it could get pretty cold in England; one of my friends had gone there for a winter getaway- she wasn't the brightest of people- and had come back to say she had been trapped in the hotel by four feet of snow.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥