9:18am Dec 3 2011 (last edited on 9:18am Dec 3 2011)
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[[I just looked back on Google. It said Celcius. Myyy badddd. I guess it's not so cold. Bahah. :DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD IKR? When I saw that at the Bristolian part at the end of the page, I just had to put it in my post! Mmmmmm. <3 I looove accents. <3333 ]]
I chuckled at her response, ignoring the honks of some horns from Song's driving. I gotta say, a speedy driver can make one attractive women. I wouldn't say that too her though. She'd go even faster. "I know. When I found out, I knew I'd never tell anyone that."
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9:29am Dec 3 2011
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[[... CHeese, 50 degrees celcius is the average daytime temperature for the Sahara desert. xD England's temperatures rarely reach past twenty degrees, hence my asking. xD Now in Ireland it's like 8 degrees, and that's liek. Average for this part of the world. |D Yesterday it was two degrees and absoloutely freezing. x _ x]] I heard someone beeping a horn quite loudly behind me, and so floored the accelerator again, a little disappointed it didn't go any faster. ''Next time, you need to get a faster car.'' I said absent-mindedly, swerving around the other cars on the road and having a few near-misses.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:32am Dec 3 2011
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[[... OHHHH. There is another reason why I'd love England. Because I absolutely loooove the cold! :D lalala. Should something happen or should we time skip? If they're just driving to Bristol, they could always get lost and we can have something happen there. Orrrrr, if they're going to an airport and flying, we should just time skip. Nothing happens on planes. ORRRRRRR. They could go on a boat. Nothing really happens there so we can just time skip if they go on a random boat. Bahahaha. ]]
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9:35am Dec 3 2011
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[[Rofl. CHeese, England isn't really super super super cold. xDD I vote they drive to England, get lost, and Song gets all ticked and starts shouting at Eddie. xD Just because it's funny when Song's ticked. |D ... Although, they may need to go on a boat at some point to cross the Atlantic Ocean. |D]]
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9:36am Dec 3 2011
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Alright. So we'll have them get lost. And then find their way back to a random boat place. :D
You start the time skip... ;) ]]
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9:41am Dec 3 2011
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[[... Two degrees isn't that cold compared to some countries... xD Boreal countries get liek. -25 degrees in the winter. o 3o Asdffdh. I hate time skips. x_x]] As I was driving and attempting to look at the map I'd pulled out of the glove box, I started glaring at the area around me. According to the map, we should have reached a fork in the road ten miles back, but I'd seen nothing. I was still going at the same speed, but I was beginning to think that maybe things weren't going as well as I'd planned them to.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:49am Dec 3 2011
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After an hour drive, I knew something was up. By now, we were on a road that had nothing around us. Just trees on both sides. I just hoped we'd find where we were going soon. "Let me see." I said before taking the map out of her hands - gently - and looking down. "Where are we..." I mumbled to myself with a frown.
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9:57am Dec 3 2011
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''Eddie, give me back the map.'' I said, glaring at the trees all around us. Unless vampires could talk to plants, we couldn't even stop and ask for directions. Great. For some reason, I was starting to get highly aggrevated, and decided it was Eddie's fault we were lost. Man, was he about to get an earful if I didn't find out where we were.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:00am Dec 3 2011
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I frowned at Song as she snapped at me. What was with her? "I didn't do anything, Song. Don't let your anger out on me." I didn't give her back the map. Instead, I looked around us, hoping to see some sign telling us where we were. Just up ahead, I could see something, but I couldn't tell what it said. I squinted and realized that the sign had graffiti all over it. It was unreadable. "Great. We're completely lost."
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10:34am Dec 3 2011
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I clenched my jaw as Eddie decided I was bullying him, and I decided I very well would take my anger out on him if he didn't give me the map. When I didn't get handed the map, I glared at him, ignoring the fact that we were hopelessly lost. ''Eddie, just shut up. It is your fault. You're the one who decided it would be a great idea to drive to England in the first place.'' I said, scowling at him. No matter what he said now, I was determined this mess was indeed Eddie's fault.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:37am Dec 3 2011
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I tried to keep my own temper in check. Why did Song have to be such a hard-head? "Don't be stupid, Song. This is no one's fault." I didn't add the fact that she was the one that had said England. The last thing we needed to do was argue about who's fault this situation was. "Just calm down." I said, putting my hand out before looking back at the map. "Maybe we should turn around, and find another route." I said, trying to change the subject to calm Song.
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10:41am Dec 3 2011
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[[... Can I make the car break down? =D]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:45am Dec 3 2011
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10:57am Dec 3 2011
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Glaring at him, I slammed on the brakes and ignored the fact that I jerked forward in my seat. I couldn't have cared less at that moment in time. Pressing down on the accelorate again, I turned a tight circle on the road and headed back the way we had come, the speed gradually buiding up again. I groaned as I heard something bang in the front of the car, and let my head drop forward onto the steering wheel. That day could not get any worse.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:10am Dec 3 2011
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I ignored Song as she did every movement in a jerk motion. I was about to say that 'maybe if she wasn't doing things so harshly, the car wouldn't have broken down...' but I didn't need another reason for her to argue. "It's alright." I said as I patted her back and opened the passenger seat.
"Maybe it's something we can fix..." I said, doubtfully, before going to the front of the car and said, "Pop the hood." To Song, so I could look inside.
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11:25am Dec 3 2011
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I shook my head and leaned back, doubtful that it would be something we could fix. Knowing my luck, the car would probably burst into flames. Still, I humoured Eddie and pressed the button to put up the hood, and I couldn't help but hope it would hit him on the head as it went up. ''Even if it is, I don't see any tools, so unless you carry them around with you, it won't make a difference whether you know how to fix it or not.''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:31am Dec 3 2011
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[[Gahhh. You stole my idea about the fire. Oh well, I'll do it anyway. ;D ]]
I rolled my eyes at her negativity before opening the hood all the way. "It doesn't hurt to check, So-" The second the hood was up, flames spit out, threatening to burn me to crisps. Literally. I could feel my skin absorb the fire as it became brighter. I could feel my icy skin tingle and threaten to melt though I ignored it as I ran to the drivers side and quickly took Song out. If she got hurt... Well, hopefully that fire burned her snappy attitude at least. I ignored the still burning sensation on my own skin as I looked at her. "The maps burned up, I'm guessing. Care to blame me for that too?"
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11:55am Dec 3 2011
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[[LOLOLOL.]] I groaned again as the inevitable happened and a fire began to consume the car. I was beginning to feel a little bit guilty for blaming Eddie for everything, but was by then too sick and tired of all that was going wrong to care anymore. ''I give up.'' I said, sighing as I sat down at the edge of the road, resting my head in my hands so I wouldn't have to watch the fire. I didn't look back up, either, trying to get myself to look on the brighter side of things. Besides how bright the fire was, though, I wasn't really seeing any 'brighter' side of anything.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:39pm Dec 3 2011
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After (Magically) finding a way to at least simmer the fire, I sat down next to Song. I couldn't help but put my hand on her back, she looked so distraught. "It's okay. We can just walk, and I bet someone's around here."
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1:53pm Dec 3 2011 (last edited on 1:56pm Dec 3 2011)
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I leaned over and rested my head on Eddie's shoulder. He was still being so lovely, after I'd been so nasty to him... ''I'm sorry.'' I said softly, looking over at the burnt out shell of the car. ''I blamed you for everything... It was probably my fault anyway.'' I sighed, closing my eyes and just sitting there. I knew we'd have to get up and start walking eventually, but I wanted to just lay there for a little longer. [[HOMYGOSH 1000 POSTS. -celebrates 'cos CHeese'll hurt her if she don't-]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥