9:20am Dec 28 2011 (last edited on 9:20am Dec 28 2011)
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[[Bahaha. You're fine, Ty. <3 I know. I'm so horrible. Laughing about my own character's death... D: Bahaha. Llllll - oooooooo - lllll. I guess we're both a bit immature lately. ;D AAAAHHHH. TY IT'S "Apologized" Now. I have a serious question to ask you. What do you do, when you have a role play, and don't want to do it anymore? I can't just... Not reply D: I'd feel like such a JERK. I promise I'm not hinting anything about our Rps. I could never stop these... D: ]]
I don't know what it was that gave me more strength. The advantage of being behind the old woman. The words Song had said that still rang in my ears. Maybe the fact that she was going to force me to watch my Song die. Or that beautiful smile from Song I was, literally, dying to see. Whatever the cause, something in me stirred all the strength I had. Ripping the vines off my calves was easy, though I wished the snap and crackle wasn't so loud. In that moment, before she could turn around to notice I got out of her 'trap', I ignored my weak- feeling and ran as fast as I could to the woman. I didn't know exactly how to defeat her, especially with her magic, but I still used my advantage of being behind. I easily grabbed the woman, gingerly, and pushed her away from Song. With my anger, determination, and new-found strength, it wasn't just a little push. I heard the echoing thump as she landed on the ground several feet from Song and I. Though I had the urge to pick Song up then, and run, I knew the woman would have to be taken care of first. I went to her, and with a disgusted ex pression as I stared down at her, I mumbled, "All you are is filth." It escaped my mouth before I could process why I was saying. With another ginger motion, I grabbed the dagger from her hand and kept it close to her neck. "How about you tell me how you failed to kill me..." I started, before pressing the sharp edge against her neck a little more. "... In the afterlife." I said through clenched teeth before stabbing her right in the heart, without a moment of hesitation. "I'll see you in hell." I mumbled so Song wouldn't hear, as I kept my eyes trained on the woman's.
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11:18am Dec 28 2011
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[[Well. Ty is kinda a jerk anyway. And sometimes when she has not wanted to reply to something, it hasn't really been that she outright wants to quit, but sometimes she just ends up procrastinating so long she can't remember her own charrie's name. o _o Butyeah. You could say something like: ''Hey, I think we've developed this plot as much as it's going to without forcing out some horrible crap. How's about we finish things with style, and have a big showdown between the bad guys and the good guys, after which the characters may ride off into the sunset? Or we could just nuke them.'' Ty did that once before. She thought things went well, considering she didn't nuke them in the end. o _o Well, unless you count seventeen bombs exploding at various points on the building they were in as nuking, in which case you need to get out more~ Pffft CHeese. xD You do know it's both, right? The main difference is American writers prefer the 'z', and British/European writers prefer the 's'. |D Kinda like 'colour' and 'color'. =3 Also. Ty dun feel liek posting for Baba Yaga again, so is gonna be lazy and have her die from Song's point of view. |D]] I wasn't entirely sure what happened. One moment, the woman had been in front of me with her dagger raised above her head, and I heard the sound of something snapping and cracking. The next moment, she was on the floor several feet away, and Eddie stood in her place. Even for the fleeting moment that he stood there, I could see how... damaged he was. His clothes were torn and he was bleeding everywhere, and there were scorch marks all over him. In an instant he was gone, before I could hold him in my arms, and he stood over the witch, whoever she was. He first pressed the blade to her neck, and I could just about hear Eddie's voice, but no words. I was glad for that, actually. That voice wasn't Eddie's normal voice; it wasn't kind or caring or good at all. It was filled with hatred, disgust, anger. I didn't want to hear what he would be saying with that tone of voice. When he stabbed her through the heart, I watched with a morbid fascination as black blood drained to the earth, and, starting at her feet, she seemed to turn to stone. Clothes and all, grey melted it's way up her body, until it was as if a statue had always been there. I was horrified to find that the shadow creature holding onto me no longer seemed so light, but it too was solid stone. Breaking my arms away from it, the stone snapped and turned to ash, and I watched as the woman too turned to a pile of ash. All that remained of such evil; a pile of ash in the vague shape of a human figure, blowing away in the wind. And it seemed the very wind itself knew of the evil of that woman, for it picked up in speed and force until it was near-gale force winds, scattering the remnants of the hag to the far reaches of it's grasp. Shaking myself out of a daze I hadn't at first realized I'd been in, I looked up and over to Eddie, hesitating a moment at the ex pression upon his face. That wasn't my Eddie. Brushing such rash accusations aside, I decided no matter how his voice or ex pression changed, he was indeed my Eddie, and he was hurt. I ran over to him and wrapped my arms around him, clinging on desperately tightly. I didn't want to risk losing him ever again, and I wasn't about to let him go.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:03pm Dec 28 2011
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[[Nooo. The thing is, we had no plot at all. Kind of like a random high school thing. It was actually going good but.. I don't think they realize that I'm not into the whole sex-before-marriage and sex-in- roleplay idea. And, since it's just on email, I'm just gunna ignore it. -_- Oh yeah. I'm such a jerk now. Sooo rebellious. I know, Ty, I know. You don't have to say a thing. ...REALLY? OMGOMG. What other things do BRITISH people say that's different in Americaa? I will reply to the role play later. I was actually just getting on Res to see if this other slow role play has been responded. So... I'll be on later to Rp agaiiin. ]]
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5:54pm Dec 28 2011
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[[Lol. Not just BRITISH. Us Irish pepples speak English too, albeit with a different... flavour to other places. xD And I dunno. Those are the only immediately obvious ones Ty can think of, but like... Dunno. She'll see if she can come up with anymore. Psht. If someone's going against your views, and doing something you find offensive or don't wish to have in a roleplay, just turn around and say liek. ''Listen. I know you might enjoy roleplaying these kind of things, and I'm sure they're enjoyable for some, but for me they're just... Not. You can't have a roleplay if only one person is happy with the topic, and I'm not.'' Woah, Ty's a helluvalot more diplomatic than she thought. o _o]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:33am Dec 29 2011
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[[Ohhh, Ty. Why do I love your posts so much?!?!?! <33 And, seeing as they don't really know I'm Christian, I won't be all... Diplomatic with them, in your words ;))) I'll just let it go and... Ignore the email. :D ]]
When I plunged the blade into the old woman's heart, I expected blood - I should have just eaten her, the way she wanted to eat me. - but stone? Maybe it was because she was so evil, so demonic, so worthless, so ugly inside that stone was better then a slow death. And, when she immediately vanished to ash, I realized that was how I would become. A pile of ash, once my time to die - a second time, at least. When I was bitten, I knew my soul, my life, was gone. - comes, that was all that I would be. A pile of ash that the wind would blow away. That meant I was that evil, demonic, worthless, ugly thing too, that would just end up ash, end up forgotten. I felt numb at the reminder of who I was, as I felt Song's arms wrapped around me.
I was too weak to wrap my arms around her too, but I tiredly lay my head on shoulder and closed my eyes. I could hear her pulse so clearly. There was life in her. She wouldn't turn to ash when she died. "... how much you failed her, in the afterlife..." If I could wish for anything, it wouldn't be to be human. But to have those words out of my head. Because all they were, were reminders of who I was, who Song was, and how when we die, I would never see her again. I'd be in hell, and she... I didn't know where she would be. And that hurt more then anything.
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10:25am Dec 29 2011
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[[Because Ty's Ty and Ty's posts are so Ty-like that you gotta love 'em. ;D Lol, probably best anyway. xD]] Eddie seemed so tired when he rested his head on my shoulder. So tired and weak, and I still couldn't get over how hurt he was, and yet he was still standing. Me wrapping my arms around him like I had done had probably just hurt more than anything. I stood there for I don't know how long, just enjoying Eddie being so close, trying to figure out where we could go that he could heal. I didn't know of anywhere offhand, and we were in the middle of a forest. There had to be somewhere, though. Somewhere I could take him that he would be okay. Turning my head to look at him, I wondered how I would even get him there. He looked barely even able to walk, let alone do anything else. Stil, standing where we were was doing nothing, and we had to move before he got even weaker. Maybe there was a way to make him stronger, though. What was it vampires needed to live more than anything? Blood. I just had to convince him to drink my blood, if things got that bad. Hell, if things got that bad, I would make him drink it. ''... Eddie...? Do you think you'll be able to walk...?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:06pm Dec 29 2011
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[[Yeah, Ty... That's SO the reason ;DDDDD ]]
Ironically, I was more tired mentally, at the thoughts that were running through my mind, then physically from the old woman. She's gone, She's gone, She's gone... I told myself so that I could at least feel a bit better. I lifted my head from Song's shoulder and smiled crookedly at her, "I think so." I said confidently, knowing I was able to walk. But, what I was worried about was if I'd be able to control myself when the only source of blood around was Song. "But, maybe we should start walking..." I said, my voice more rough as blood became the only thing on my mind. "... So that we can find people soon."
[[Bahahaha. Failllllllllllllllllll. Sorry if this gives you nothing. D: ]]
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8:19pm Dec 29 2011
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[[Lol, Ty dun mind. <3]] I nodded and started walking slowly, after picking a random direction. No way was he going to make it until we reached a city; I'd been far away from city's before, and you could usually see them, even if they were a few miles away, by the lights in the sky. The fact that we could see no lights meant the nearest city had to be more than a few miles away. ''Eddie...'' I began, speaking quietly. He wasn't going to be happy with this. ''... Does drinking a person's blood always turn them into a vampire? Or can you just drink, and have them not turn?'' I was only asking him to bring him onto the subject slowly, and so he didn't argue. I remember having been bitten by that other vampire, and I hadn't turned, because Eddie had stopped it.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:30pm Dec 29 2011
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Don't listen to her pulse, Eddie... I kept repeating to myself as we walked. I closed my eyes for a moment, trying to concentrate on not thinking about Song, not touching her. But her words forced my eyes to open, widely. "Uh..." Why did we have to talk about drinking blood? It was agony, just the thought of speaking on the subject. "Uh... Well, no. It's the venom that turns you into a vampire. If I just drank your blood, you'd die. Because, a human needs... Needs... blood..." I didn't know why I said the last part, but I think it was just an excuse to stay on the topic, even if I didn't even want to talk about it. I covered my face with one of my hands, trying to control how clear her pulse rang in my ears. "Song, maybe I should wait here, and you... You keep walking." I said, already stopping and turning away from her.
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8:50pm Dec 29 2011
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I sighed. Either he had already figured out what I was hinting at, or he was feeling even worse than I'd thought, wanting to stay there. Either way, it meant I'd have to make him drink my blood, even if he might not forgive me. Swallowing, I decided he was just making the last part up. I wouldn't die. Besides, if I didn't do this, Eddie might die, and that was enough to make me do it. Turning around and facing him, I saw him covering up his face, and it hurt my heart. ''No, Eddie. I'm staying right here with you.'' I didn't say anything further for a moment, but I reached up and wrapped my hand around his wrist, and gripped hold of his other wrist as well. Holding them tight, I stood as close to him as I could get, looking him in the eyes. ''Eddie, I want you to do something for me. I...'' I swallowed, not sure how to phrase it, but deciding to just be direct. ''I want you to drink my blood.''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:02pm Dec 29 2011
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Knowing Song's stubborn, independent personality, I knew she wasn't going to up and leave like I was hoping she would. I closed my eyes and turned my head as she tried looking into them. I was much stronger then Song, usually, but I felt like how I was when I was a normal human as I tried to fight my wrists from her grasps. I was that weak. I hated that feeling. Wasn't I supposed to be stronger then Song, so that I could show her that I could save her, no matter what the problem? Make her feel safe, protected? But, instead, Song was by my side, trying to soothe me by sacrificing her own blood. The idea repulsed me, and enticed me at the same time. "No! No, No No..." I shook my head as my lips trembled. I covered my head in my hands, trying to control myself before looking back at her. Just knowing that she was willing, was making me want her blood so much more. "Song." I said, able to look at her this time without freaking out like I had done before. "No. Go before I won't be able to say that again."
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9:30pm Dec 29 2011
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I shook my head. Eddie was being just as reluctant as I'd expected him to, but I knew he'd give in eventually. Well, perhaps not 'give in'. I'd make him give in. Whether he liked it or not, he'd get better, because it was my fault he was hurt to begin with. The fact that he didn't even pull his wrists away immediately proved just how weakened he'd become. I gritted my teeth, looking up to him. Why was he being so stupid? I knew the answer, though. Eddie was always so convinced he was a monster, but there was no way he was going to do this by choice. ''You know I can't just leave, Eddie.'' I said quietly, not removing my gaze from his eyes again. ''If you don't... I'll make you.'' I stared up a him, knowing I was hurting him. That he probably wouldn't forgive me, even if I did manage to make him drink my blood. In Eddie's eyes, doing that would be making him a monster, and I knew that. Maybe I was the one being selfish, for wanting him to drink my blood and go against everything he'd made himself believe, just so that he'd get better. No. No, this was for the best. If I didn't do this, there was no telling how much weaker he would get between then and the next time we saw people.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:40pm Dec 29 2011
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I laughed at her response, though there was no humor in this situation. "Make me?" I asked before taking a deep breath. You'd think deep breaths would control someone but me... It only made me want her blood more as her scent reached my nose. I understood now that Song couldn't physically make me do this. But, she could make me in other ways. The way she was now. Just tempting me by saying the words were good enough. "Song." I gritted through clenched teeth as I avoided her eyes once more. "I can't, Song. I can't." I said, through a sigh as I covered my face once more with my hands. How was I too fight this, when it was so enticing, so tempting, so... Delicious. "Why would you... Even want too?" I asked as I came a little closer to her, the temptation was too great, I couldn't keep myself from at least being a little bit closer. Just a little bit. Nothing could happen.
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9:50pm Dec 29 2011
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I shook my head again. How could he ask something like that? How could he ask me why I would want to, when he was standing there hurt, and in pain? There must have been something wrong with his head. ''Why...? Eddie, you're hurt... I don't want to even think what that old hag did to you, and if there's anything I can do... Anything, to make you better... I'll do it.'' I couldn't risk him trying to run away, as someone like him probably would. He'd have to be an idiot to even think of doing something like that, but Eddie could be an idiot at times. Reaching my arms out, I wrapped them around him and held him tight. ''I know you say you can't, Eddie, but... Please try. If you won't do it for yourself, then... at least do it for me.'' I felt bad, saying something like that. Probably hurting him. I had to say something, though. I had to get him to do it, to drink my blood. If this didn't work, I didn't like the other method I would have to use to make him drink it. It would only hurt him even more.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:54pm Dec 29 2011
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I kept myself stiff as stone as she wrapped her arms around me. She was just asking for death. "Song... You don't understand." Though I wasn't as strong as I should be, I still tried to peal her arms off of me and looked into her eyes. For a moment, her scent completely forgotten. The one person that I wanted blood from, was the one person that could keep me controlled from drinking it. Ironic. "If I drink your blood... I won't be able to stop."
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10:19pm Dec 29 2011
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I shook my head, sighing. ''I do understand. I understand well enough to know you're in pain right now, and that I can stop that, if you'd just let me. Besides, I know you'd be able to stop. You've been around me when I've been bleeding plenty of times.'' I looked up at him, wondering what he would do if I cut myself, just enough that blood got out. I had a pretty strong feeling it would make him drink my blood then, but I didn't want to bring things that far. I wanted him to do this willingly, without me having to force him.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:24pm Dec 29 2011
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"Song, I'm not going to argue with you about this." Mostly because the more we talked about it, the more I wanted it. "If you refuse to leave me, then lets just keep going and not talk about..." I didn't finish as I turned my back toward her and kept walking the way we were going.
[[Sorry for the fail. It's almost midnight where I am, so this is when my posts go all... stupid. D: ]]
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10:35pm Dec 29 2011
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[[Trololol, Ty dun mind. <3]] I gave up. There was just no arguing with him. It looked like I was going to have to make him drink my blood, after all. Looking around, I reached down and picked up a sharp-looking rock, holding it up in my hand. Could I really do this? Intentionally hurt myself? If it was for Eddie, then I knew the answer already. It was, and always would be, yes. ''No, Eddie. I'm not going to keep going until you do this.'' Without another moment's hesitation, I quicky drew the stone hard from the center of my palm to the edge, giving a slight gasp. It wasn't so bad, but it gave blood, and that was the important thing. ''... I'm sorry.'' I said softly, looking up at his back and willing him to turn around. I didn't realize I was still holding the rock, and dropped it to the ground with a soft thud.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:45pm Dec 29 2011
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There was a slight chance she may listen. May shut her pretty mouth and keep walking without another word about my need for blood. But as I took one more step away, her scent once again filled my nostrils. It was so strong, I couldn't control how my fangs appeared, and my eyes turning that familiar red. I turned around and immediately came at her side. I was shaking, though not from worry of hurting her. It was the desire for her blood. I didn't take the time to lovingly heal the wound on her palm like I usually would. I told her I was a monster, and honestly, I thought none of her pain as I stared into her eyes with my red ones. I thought only about her blood. Without hesitation, I moved to her neck. Only then did I remember who I was outside of this monster. It forced me to kiss her neck just once; letting my lips linger in that lovingly way before finally not being able to wait any longer. My teeth sunk into her neck and as I tasted her blood, I realized something. I couldn't stop.
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11:09pm Dec 29 2011
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When Eddie turned around, I couldn't help but be frightened of those eyes. I didn't mind the fangs so much, it was those red eyes that terrified me. I forced myself not to look away, to keep my eyes trained on his, even as he was by my side and looking directly into my eyes. I had asked for this, and there was no way I was backing out now, after finally getting what I wanted. When his lips brushed against my neck, I knew it was only a matter of time. I felt his fangs sink into my skin, and took a sharp breath, but was otherwise silent. I brought my hands up, wrapping them around him, and gripped hold of his shirt at his back, just for something to hold onto. I didn't want him to stop before he had taken everything he needed, so I stopped myself from crying out, even as he was draining the blood from my neck. It hurt, but not nearly so much as the thought of him in pain, and he might stop if he knew it hurt. I didn't know how much blood it would take to make him better, so didn't want to make a noise, but as my vision blurred, I wasn't so sure he was going to stop. It wouldn't have mattered; I would have gladly died, knowing my Eddie would get better, but I wasn't so sure how he would react if he killed someone he loved. ''Ah... E-Eddie?'' I asked softly, growing limp and dizzy. I had forgotten what it was I was going to say by that point, but was pretty sure it was important I say something, so just said the first thing that came to mind. ''I love you... get better soon, ok?'' With that, I smiled, and my hands fell from his back.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥