11:11pm Dec 29 2011
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[[Oh mai. It's late. I gotta go. Byeee~ ]]
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11:16pm Dec 29 2011
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[[Buh-bye, CHeesekins. <3]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:16am Dec 30 2011
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A full minute passed before I could feel my strength come back, which made me a bit more in tune about the situation. I could feel my one major weakness winning, the fact that I couldn't stop drinking her blood. I was just about to accept that fact - Maybe I wasn't as in tune about the situation as I had thought, if I was accepting Song's death. - when I heard her tell me she loved me. All walls broke down, and I easily fought to drink one more drop of her blood the second her arms slipped from my waist. Mostly because I knew I drank too much. Now my worry was on if she had enough blood in her to stay awake. I quickly put the tip of my tongue against the teeth marks on her neck; they healed instantly. "Song, stay with me." I said, holding her face in my hands and ignoring the blood dripping from my fangs and chin. "I'm sorry, Song, I'm sorry..." I added, pressing my forehead against hers and holding her close.
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9:42am Dec 30 2011
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I found myself incredibly sleepy, but wanted to stay awake for fear Eddie would be worried. When he pressed his forehead against mine, and told me he was sorry, it made me sad. I didn't want him to be sorry; he'd only done what I'd asked for, after all. I smiled again, but found I couldn't keep my eyes open. ''Don't be... You didn't... do anything.'' I felt myself slip into sleep, even though it was unwilling, and I slowly drifted off into dreams about Eddie when he was Eddie, not when he had red eyes and fangs, not when he was hurt. When he was just Eddie, happy and healthy.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:06am Dec 30 2011
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[[Sorry. I love when like the toughest guys can get all emotional and sappy. I just HAD to have him cry. :DDDDD HAHA. ]]
Yeah, I was Edward. The blood - sucking vampire that could run out the fastest human, fight - and win - the strongest person, and had the ability to heal any wound with just one taste. I was all that. But I still let myself weep when Song fell asleep. It wasn't of worry that she was dead. I was sure that I drank a bit too much, but not enough to kill her. But, it was because this showed just how much self control, I did not have. And Song still didn't understand that she deserved so much more. What if I can't control myself one day, when she hurts herself by accident? After knowing that I almost wasn't able to let go, I know I won't be able too next time. I licked my teeth that was dripping with blood, craving more but at least being able to fight back after drinking already. After calming the quiet tears down, I picked Song up, cradled her, and started walking. Time to find a place for her to stay tonight.
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9:55pm Dec 30 2011
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[[Oh no, Oh no, Oh no... NOT THE SECOND PAGE :( ]]
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10:22am Dec 31 2011
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[[ Bumps. ]]
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10:37am Dec 31 2011
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[[Lolwhat. Yer so confuzzling. x3 Also. Everyone knows only menly men cry. ;D]] My dreams wandered to memories of Eddie when he was so angry it had frightened me. His eyes had turned red, and he'd torn a living- or, whatever vampires were classed as- man apart. It had been horrible, but he'd done it to protect me. Even with that knowledge, I couldn't help but be frightened, and even in my sleep, I clutched tightly onto Eddie. [[Asddfg Fail. x3]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:30am Dec 31 2011
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[[What's confusing? DDDDDDD: Can we time skip somewhere? Maybe Eddie could just -so - happen to find another rundown random motel for Song to sleep at. -_- Since my creativity level isn't much, that's all I got ^^^ ]]
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11:30am Dec 31 2011
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[[What's confusing? DDDDDDD: Can we time skip somewhere? Maybe Eddie could just -so - happen to find another rundown random motel for Song to sleep at. -_- Since my creativity level isn't much, that's all I got ^^^ ]]
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11:42am Dec 31 2011
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[[Something about a second page or something was confuzzling. . _. -even more confuzzled- Yurp, that sounds good. <3]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:53am Dec 31 2011
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[[... It was my bump... The role play was on the second page... DDD: ]]
My finger gently lay on Song's temple and traced down her cheek to her neck. I winced, as I touched the spot where I had bitten her. How could I have done that? Everything in me wished I could go back in time, and change how the incident ended. Anything but drinking her blood. I kissed her temple as I brought her closer, then studied the room. Soon after walking for a bit, I had seen another one of those rundown motels. I new if I didn't find a place for Song to stay soon, she'd wake up, and we would have no where to go. So I didn't hesitate on coming here. Now, I lay beside her on the bed, making sure she was warm enough every couple minutes, since I was close.
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12:41pm Dec 31 2011
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[[Asddfg that sucks. x3 Sorreh. > .<]] I woke up and yawned, my eyes flickering open to the sight of Eddie lying close to me. I smiled, pushing myself into a sitting position, and looking around the room. When had we gotten here? ''Are you ok now?'' I asked, looking back to Eddie with the smile still on my face. After I remembered what I'd done, I looked down and bit my lip, my voice soft. ''Sorry I made you do that, Eddie. I just... couldn't let you go without you being healthy.'' I remained looking down, not trusting myself to meet his eyes.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
12:45pm Dec 31 2011
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When she woke up, I unwrapped my arm and sat up with her. Her reminder of what happened made me frown, but the fact that she couldn't meet my gaze hurt worse. Did she think I would lash out? Is that what I made myself look like? Well, when Jessica had bitten me, I looked at her the same way. So I guess I couldn't blame Song. But it still hurt. I nodded my head slightly, before whispering, "Yes. I'm alright." I didn't respond to what she had said after her question.
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12:58pm Dec 31 2011
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I smiled and nodded. ''That's good.'' Things were so quiet after that, I worried I'd really messed up this time. What if I'd really gotten him upset? Was he angry at me, for making him do something he didn't want to do? Probably. I would have been. ''Ah... Eddie?'' I started, my voice quiet. ''Are you mad at me?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:00pm Dec 31 2011
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"Ah... Eddie? Are you mad at me?"
How could I be with the way she asked? I looked back at Song with a smile on my face before saying, "Of course not." I was mad at what I did. I was mad that I had no self control. But, I could never be mad at her... Well, I could. But not about this mess. "I love you." I said, maybe just for my own clarification. So, next time, when I needed blood, I could remember that love and control myself.
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1:04pm Dec 31 2011
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I smiled, and leaned over to him, wrapping my arms around him. ''That's good. I hate it when you're mad at me.'' I rested my head against him, humming an old tune softly to myself. It was nice, just sitting there with him. As if everything was perfectly normal.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:08pm Dec 31 2011
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"Just don't... Don't ever do that again." I whispered in her ear as my arms tightly wrapped around her waist. With her so close, I could smell her blood, hear her pulse so clearly. But, for once, I wasn't fully tempted. I just enjoyed it.
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1:22pm Dec 31 2011
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I smiled, nodding my head the barest fraction. ''Ok. I won't do it again, so long as you don't need me to do it again. Which means you gotta stay out of trouble.'' I laughed, enjoying being in his arms. ''Who was that, anyway? That witch.''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:33pm Dec 31 2011
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"...so long as you don't need me to do it again..."
Ugh. Was she stubborn, or what? I rolled my eyes but only held her tighter. "Well, they say her name is Baba Yaga. At least, the people that have spoken of seeing her, have." In my opinion, people that have seen her, haven't lived to tell the tale. Except for us, of course.
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