1:40pm Dec 31 2011
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''Huh. Weird name. Where's she from? Is she dead now? Can she ever come back?'' I let the questions pour out of my mouth, not bothering to consider that he wouldn't know the answers. After all, he'd always know a lot more than me about stuff like that.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
1:43pm Dec 31 2011
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[[ Failllll. I have to go. ]]
"I don't know where she's from..." Probably from hell, itself. "But, I am very sure she's dead. I promise." I held tighter when I promised, mostly for my own comfort. Her next question stopped me cold. Was it possible? Could Baba Yaga come back from those ashes? "I... I don't know." I said more quietly.
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3:22pm Jan 1 2012
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6:19pm Jan 1 2012
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[[Apologies, a sketch Ty's working on has been distracting her lately. ^^;]] I sighed softly. I didn't really expect him to know whether she could come back or not, but I was glad he'd been able to answer my other questions. That was good. The thing that made me happiest, though, was that he hadn't just lied and said something he wasn't sure of. I owed him for that. ''Thanks.'' I said quietly, wondering, if she could come back, how long it'd take. Days? Months? Years, even?
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:33pm Jan 1 2012
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[Aw, really? <3333 It's fine. I just thought you got bored for the longest time. D; ]]
I didn't want to let go just yet, but I knew the timing was right - especially if she was still a bit tired after what happened. My hands slipped from her waist as I pulled back to look at her. I tucked a strand of hair behind her ear before whispering, "You have nothing to thank me for."
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6:46pm Jan 1 2012
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[[Ty could never get bored of CHeesey. <3 Don't eva think that, 'kay? >(]] I sighed. Were we really going to have this conversation again? ''Eddie, you just don't get it, do you? I have everything to thank you for. You've saved me more times than I can count, you've made me feel loved... You make me thankful that you're just you.'' I smiled, tilting my head to the side and wondering what he would say.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:52pm Jan 1 2012
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Of course, I haven't put this in Song's point of view. Sure, I did save her.But it was my fault for all the reasons why she needed saving. "Okay." I whispered, but there was so much in that one word. So that she wouldn't respond, I brought my lips to hers just once before saying, "Are you feeling alright, from the blood loss?" I still was worried that I had taken to much blood.
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6:59pm Jan 1 2012
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That kiss had felt so right, I knew everything I'd done up until that point had to have been right, too. When he asked about the 'blood loss', I couldn't help but laugh at the way he phrased it. He'd only taken a little, after all. ''Of course I do. You hardly took anything.'' I smiled, wondering what it was about Eddie that always made him beat himself up like he did.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:04pm Jan 1 2012
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I smiled at her - I couldn't help but just admire her, for only a moment - before saying, "So... What now? You still up for Bristol, or do you want to wait until morning?" It was late, and we didn't need her getting tired during the walk where there was no civilization for miles.
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1:38pm Jan 2 2012
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[[ UP. <33 ]]
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9:13pm Jan 3 2012
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[[Bump <333 ]]
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2:41pm Jan 4 2012
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[[Asdfdfg so sorry for delayed reply. x _x Went to a sleepover and hardly got on res, then was dead all of yesterday 'cos of how long I stayed up, and today I had to go do this weird. Thing. x3 Soyeah, uber sorry. :c]] ''We can go now, so long as you're okay. I've slept long enough.'' I laughed, standing up from the bed and holding my hand out to him. [[And after making you wait so long, I give you an epic fail. |3]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:15pm Jan 4 2012
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[[Ohhh, you're fine. <3 I just like bumping things once they get to the second page. Don't feel... Pressured to reply. Take as long as you want. You'll become to hate the Rp if you're just replying 'cuz I'm pressuring bahahaha - trust me, I know -_- hahaha. ]]
I grabbed hold of her hand and didn't let go as I stood up. Instead, I kissed her knuckles lovingly, my eyes never leaving her own, before saying, "I'm okay now that I know you're alright." And, with that, I kept hold of her hand as they walked out of the room.
[[Ahhh. Should they run into more trouble on the way to Bristol? xDDD If not, then just time skip to... Whenever, seeing as I gave you an even bigger epic- fail. ;) ]]
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3:29pm Jan 4 2012
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[[Lmao. I can't help it. I just feel bad when I know you have to bump something. x3 Besides, I could never grow to hate this rp. Eddie and Song are too cute together for that~ xD And skip, probably. I think Baba Yaga's appearance was enough trouble for one trip. If we torture Eddie any more, we might have people thinking we've got problems. |D Does a skip to th station sound good? I know it's my turn to skip, I just want to make sure you're happy with the place. :3]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:37pm Jan 4 2012
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[[Sure! <334324324234234234324 And, we're already crazy. Making all this stuff happen to our characters, just to stay together. <34343243214 ]]
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5:09pm Jan 4 2012
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[[Lmao. WE know we're crazy, no one else is supposed to. ;c]] I walked into the station beside Eddie, pushing open the glass doors. It was quiet, even considering the fact that the station was on the outskirts of a small town. Inside, there was only about a dozen people, including us. I couldn't help but find that just a little bit weird. ''Uh... Eddie...?'' I whispered, leaning over to him. ''Why are they so few people here? It's not normal for a station to be this quiet, is it?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:48pm Jan 4 2012
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[[Ohhhh, right, right, right. <333 Are they going on a train? ]]
"I don't really know..." I said, keeping an arm tightly around her waist as we walked inside. "I've never really go to stations, I kind of just... 'Run'." I smiled down at her before asking, "Do you know where to go from here?"
[[^^ Mostly because I never been on a train, so I dunno how it works. :c Sorry for fail. ]]
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8:55pm Jan 4 2012
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[[ROFLMAO. Yer, on a train. xD Ty's been on trains loads of times, she'll help. :3 Okay, so basically, you go in and go line up at the ticket booth thingy majiggy which usually has a really long line and pay fer yer tickets. Then you just wait out on these platforms that are usually cold and they have uncomfortable benches that are usually full. That done, you wait for a train that is usually late, bring your luggage and stuff in with you into a carriage that is usually packed, and just stand there waiting for the ticket collector to come round some time during the middle of the trip, at which point you usually have to go searching for your ticket, and the train usually pulls into it's stop like an hour late. c:]] I grinned, wondering if he was serious. Had Eddie really not been to a station before? ''Yeah, I know where to go. Why, don't you?'' Another thought struck me, and I couldn't help but laugh. Did this mean Eddie'd never been on a train before?
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:58pm Jan 4 2012
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[[Omg... Lol. Ily. Like really. ]]
I frowned as she laughed, already wondering if she was laughing at the fact that I had no idea where to go. "Well... Sure. Yeah. Lets... Yeah." I lied, though acted casual as I tried to find where to go without looking stupid.
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9:06pm Jan 4 2012
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[[Of course you do, how could you not? c; xD Also. Roflmao. ''Well... Sure. Yeah. Lets... Yeah.'' You're not hopelessly lost at all Eddie, now are you? |D]] I laughed again, taking his hand and pulling him along in the direction of the ticket booth. ''So, Eddie, you've lived as long as you have and still haven't ever gone on a train before? Interesting. I wonder what else you haven't done.'' I laughed again, surprised the line wasn't long. There was only one person in front of us, a first for me.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥