9:48pm Jan 7 2012 (last edited on 9:48pm Jan 7 2012)
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[[AAHHH. And you say I'm good at twists <3 And, well... I have no comment on what I was picturing the tables were compared to your picture D: ]]
"Well... " I shrugged, and tried to ignore how she called me 'cute'. What guy wants to be called 'cute'? "I've grown used to some things, but not trains. Never had the use for one, seeing as I can just use a airplane, car, or run - If I really felt up to it." I smiled and leaned against the table. "And calling me cute is worse them Romeo. Don't do it." I winked before leaning back on the seat.
[[AWWH. Remember that? ^^ That's so... 30 pages ago O_O ]]
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9:53pm Jan 7 2012
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[[Lmao. Ty will describe every thing about the trains in detail from now on. xD]] I smiled, for the thousandth time wondering what kind of a life Eddie had led. When he leaned forward, telling me cute was 'worse than Romeo', I couldn't help but laugh again. ''Really now? But I can't help it. When you say things like what you do, you really are cute.'' I grinned, resting my elbows on the table and locking my fingers. ''But, I guess I might be able to stop calling you cute. If you let me call you Romeo again, that is.''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:57pm Jan 7 2012
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[[I'm glad you realized how deprived Eddie and I are about trains... ]]
I frowned and leaned my elbows on the table and locked my fingers together, resting my chin on my fingers. Purposely doing it because she did. I smiled and leaned forward to kiss her once. "Never." I whispered, a grin appearing on my face.
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10:06pm Jan 7 2012
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[[Lol. |D]] I glared at him, but it wasn't really with any effort. I couldn't stay mad at him, not when he was being so adorably confused. ''Well then, I guess I'm just going to have to keep calling you cute. Or maybe adorable? Which do you prefer?'' I grinned, tilting my head to the side. Playing with Eddie was fun.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:08pm Jan 7 2012
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"No... No. Just call me Eddie." I said, shaking my head. "Cute's... Weird."
I still never understood why it was fun to mess with me. Maybe it was because she knew I could never fully be irritated with her. Except for the dreaded word, 'Romeo'. That was a completely different story.
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10:15pm Jan 7 2012
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''Cute may be weird, but it describes you perfectly.'' I grinned, leaning back into the seat and looking out the window. ''Besides, just Eddie's boring. It's much more fun to do things this way.'' I laughed, resting my head against the cool glass and closing my eyes as the rain sarted up. The operator person [godcan'trememberwhatit'scalled] announced the next stop to be a small town and that we'd reach it in two hours, before the sound of the engines starting could be faintly heard. After that, a steady, low hum of the engine was all that remained to break the quiet.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:20pm Jan 7 2012
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I shook my head at her response, but didn't respond as I also leaned back in my chair. As she closed her eyes, I looked back at her with a soft smile on my face before looking out the window; wondering if I could outrun a train...
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10:36pm Jan 7 2012
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[[Hurrr. Will Ty make her fall asleep and wake up when teh train stops in Creepy Town?]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:36pm Jan 7 2012
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[[Shhhhhurrrreeee <333333 ]]
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10:49pm Jan 7 2012
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[[Hokay. =3]] I must have dozed off, because the next thing I knew, I felt a jolt and the train had stopped. ''The train has run into difficulties. Feel free to step outside and stretch your legs, or walk around the small town of Tenebrae for an hour, as the train won't be back up again for aproximately ninety minutes.'' I jumped upon hearing the strange voice, and looked over to Eddie. ''Where are we?'' I asked, yawning. ''How long was I asleep?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:52pm Jan 7 2012
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I looked over at Song as she awoke. "Apparently we're in Tenebrae. Something happened with the train." I shrugged before getting up, and adding, "You've been asleep for about thirty minutes. Hungry? They said we'll be here for at least an hour, so we my as well explore the place."
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11:00pm Jan 7 2012
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I nodded, smiling. ''Okay, thanks.'' Standing up, I stretched my arms above my head, walking over to the doors that had now opened. ''You wanna go see if there's a cafe or something in the town?'' From where I was stood, it didn't look like a very big town. In fact, it looked pretty old, and in the twilight dusk, it looked pretty eerie. Cobbled streets and ramshackled old houses, run-down shops, it was like something out of an old movie or something. Still, it had to have at least one cafe or something, right?
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:02pm Jan 7 2012
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I smiled and followed her to the opened doors. "Sure." I said, also looking out at the city. With all of the things Song and I have gone through, anything could make me paranoid. And the vibe of the city wasn't right, with how it looked. But, I kept my worries to myself as I walked out of the train.
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11:06pm Jan 7 2012
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I stepped down next to him, glancing in both directions. Neither way seemed particularly promising. ''So, which way d'you wanna go first?'' I asked, tilting my head slightly. Maybe vampires had some kind of good sense of directions. Maybe. If we would be so lucky.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:07pm Jan 7 2012
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I followed her movement of looking both ways. "Uh... Left." I said, for no true reason.
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11:18pm Jan 7 2012
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I nodded, wondering if there was any reason for his choice, before turning and walking in that direction. ''Alright. You have any idea what a cafe will look like in this weird town?'' I asked, glancing back to him.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
11:20pm Jan 7 2012
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"No idea." I said as my eyes glanced over every inch that I could see of the city. "Do you ... Feel weird about it? This city altogether?" I asked, putting an arm around her shoulders just for my own satisfied feeling of knowing she was safe.
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3:27pm Jan 9 2012
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[[Post show <3 ]]
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6:36pm Jan 10 2012
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[[Hehe <3333 ]]
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6:56pm Jan 10 2012
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[[-paints 'procrastinating loser' upon forehead-]] I smiled, walking closer to him, and nodded my head. ''Yeah, it's so quiet... And it looks so old, like it hasn't been touched in years...'' I was quiet, looking around myself. Whatever was up with this town, I wanted to know, and I wanted to know now, before anything weird happened.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥