7:03pm Jan 10 2012
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[[You're ohhhh soo very fine, Ty <3. There are many role plays that I don't plan on replying to until next week. :D ]]
The last thing we both needed was another problem to happen. And this city had 'Problem' all over it. "Yeah... Maybe we should have stayed with the train driver. Maybe he knows this city." I said as I held her tighter.
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7:07pm Jan 10 2012
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I shrugged my shoulders, deciding to just brush it off. After all, it was worrying Eddie. ''Nah, I'm sure we're just imagining things. Besides, I'm hungry. Let's hurry up and find somewhere good to eat.'' I smiled up at him in what I hoped was a reassuring manner, before looking forward once more.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:09pm Jan 10 2012
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I sighed, not agreeing with her idea but choosing not to argue. If there was one thing I learned while being with Song, it was that everything worked better when we went her way. "Alright." I said, before trying to find the first place that sold food so that we could get on our way to England. Anything to get out of this city.
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7:17pm Jan 10 2012
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[[ROFLMAO. ''If there was one thing I learned while being with Song, it was that everything worked better when we went her way.'' Deargodno. Things are just quieter when you go Song's way. They are never, ever, ever better. |D]] I looked around, wondering what a cafe or something would look like in a creepy old town like this. I was about to give up and suggest we go back, when something caught my eye. A weather-beaten old sign, hanging down over the window of a run-down old wooden building. ''San Umc Tusbra Cafè''. A weird name, to be sure, but who was I to judge? ''Hey, Eddie, whaddaya think of that place over there?'' I asked, nudging him with my elbow and pointing to the eerie shop.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:28pm Jan 10 2012
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[[HAHAHAHAHAAHAHAHA. <3 Technically, to Eddie, if it's quiet, it's better. ;DDD]]
"What I think?" I said before looking the way she pointed. "It doesn't look inviting, but it's the only place to go. Let's go in." As I started walking over, I abruptly stopped and looked down at Song. "We don't leave each others side. For any reason. Okay?"
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7:44pm Jan 10 2012
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[[Lawls, that's nice. XD]] I laughed, shaking my head at how serious he was being. ''Alright, I won't leave you alone in the big scary cafè. Happy now?'' I chuckled again, but didn't say anything more as I pushed the door open. Inside was dark and quiet, and a musty smell immediately invaded my senses. Old oak furniture, almost all with a thin coating of dust, was pretty much all I saw. I didn't see any people at all. ''Hello?'' I called out, wondering if there was even anyone in there.''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:47pm Jan 10 2012
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I rolled my eyes at her sarcastic response, not even thinking about trying to explain what I had meant. "Hey, anyone here?" I said a little louder since no one responded when Song called out. I walked in deeper into the run - down building, searching for any sign of someone being here.
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7:55pm Jan 10 2012
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''It doesn't look like anyone's here, Eddie, let's just-'' I had been about to walk out, when I heard a voice coming from behind the empty counter. ''Ah, my apologies, I could not hear you from downstairs.'' I wondered where on earth it was coming from, when a door I hadn't noticed had been there opened up to reveal a young man. He was early twenties, at a guess, with pale skin and unusual amber eyes. As if they weren't enough, something else quickly caught my eye when he smiled in a broad grin. There, poking out over his bottom lip, were a pair of glistening, snow-white fangs. ''Ah... Eddie?'' I murmured, instinctively moving closer.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:02pm Jan 10 2012
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I turned around the second I had heard the foot steps with my heightened senses, and as Song came closer, my arm slid protectively around her waist. "It's fine. We were just looking for a place to eat, but we seem to have the wrong place." Of course, it wasn't the wrong place. But I had to get Song out of here. The man could probably already smell my vampiric scent, and I could easily smell his, but maybe, we both could act calmly, rationally... Like we were just fellow vampire friends.
[[I couldn't help but add that last part. But yeah. You're good. ;) ]]
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2:58am Jan 11 2012
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[[Trololololol. No idea what you mean by that. xD But, if you're referring to the 'plot twist', it gets better. -decides she'll share *some* of the secret-ness in this post-]] The young man laughed, shaking his head. ''Don't worry, my friend. I have no desire to harm either you or you're companion. This entire town is nothing more than one huge nest of vampires, but we are a civil people. No human has been harmed by a vampire on this land in over thirty years, at least, so long as they stuck to the rules. Even those that broke them, we usually tried to come up with some kind of compromise first.'' He smiled broadly again, motioning to the seats opposite the counter. ''Of course, you're still welcome to leave, but if not... May I take your order?'' I wasn't sure if such a thing were even possible, so I remained silent still, looking up to Eddie to see what he thought about it.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
12:04pm Jan 11 2012
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I stared at the vampire for a long time. I wasn't fully believing what he was saying, but I knew that the second something went out of hand, I'd get Song out of there. "We'd love to stay." I said calmly before looking back at Song. "We'll go find a table and let you know when we're ready..." I said, my eyes never leaving hers but talking to the guy before nodding my head in the direction of the tables and walking to them.
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4:32pm Jan 11 2012
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The vampire grinned broadly, turning to walk back through the door. ''Excellent. I'll be in the kitchens, so simply call when you need me.'' With that, he closed the door behind him and was gone. I walked over to the tables with Eddie, sitting down at the nearest one. ''Eddie, what is this place? Is this normal?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:10pm Jan 11 2012
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I sat down across from Song, frowning at the door where the other vampire once stood. "I've never heard of such a place..." I muttered, forcing my frown to turn into a soft smile towards Song. "But it's going to be alright." I started as I reached over and grabbed her hand and held it tight. "If anything goes wrong, we're leaving. I promise."
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6:13pm Jan 11 2012
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''Oh, I know it'll be alright.'' I replied, smiling. ''I'm just curious as to whether places like this are common or not. Do vampires usually live in groups?'' I smied, tilting my head to the side slightly. ''Well, I suppose it doesn't matter. What're you ordering?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:15pm Jan 11 2012
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It was then that I realized that those comforting words were for myself. "Uh... I won't be ordering." I said, keeping my eye on the door once before looking back at her. "What about you?"
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6:26pm Jan 11 2012
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I shrugged, laughing. ''No clue. I had planned to have whatever you were having, but... Well, you can just order for me.'' I grinned, wondering what he would get. It was always such fun when I made Eddie do things.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:50pm Jan 11 2012
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[[Omg, what should he order? :D ]]
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6:56pm Jan 11 2012
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[[Lololol no clue. That's why I'mma making him order. XD]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:12pm Jan 11 2012
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[[But... That's why I had him not order anything...]]
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7:17pm Jan 11 2012
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[[Well, Ty's just better at getting out of things than you are~]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥