7:19pm Jan 19 2012
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Even though Song was still acting weird, the idea of the train got me to my senses. Jumping out of the chair and making it fall to the floor, I quickly slapped money on the table for the vampire in the back, grabbed Song's hand, and ran out the door. "We can't miss this train..." I mumbled as I kept Song's grip tight.
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7:23pm Jan 19 2012
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I laughed, following along behind Eddie more than willingly. He was, after all, perfect. At least, that's what that other person who thought she was me was doing and thinking. ''Why? After all, we can always get the next one. But if you say we can't miss it, then I guess we can't miss it.'' I wondered why he was so eager to leave all these other people that were almost as perfect as him, and put it down to nervousness or jealousy.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:33pm Jan 19 2012
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"Because..." I stopped and looked back at Song, trying to get to her. Something was definitely wrong with her and I had to somehow get through it. I grabbed her face in my hands and looked her in the eyes again. "Song, we're going to England. Remember?"
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7:41pm Jan 19 2012
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''Of course I remember, silly! I might be stupid compared to you, but I'm not that bad.'' The falseness that was now me laughed and gave a lazy smile, but I was certain my eyes must have betrayed some of my actual emotions, if only for a moment. What those real emotions were, I'm not sure; a feeling of being lost and not being able to find my way, of not being able to see or hear past a thick fog, of hopelessness on whether I'd ever go back to being me again.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:44pm Jan 19 2012
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I sighed, defeated, as I grabbed her hand and started walking back to the train without responding to Song. When we got to the station, I looked around with panic. "W-where's the train?" No. We couldn't be stuck here. With Song acting all weird, this place was the worst place for her to stay. "Song, we're... We're stuck here." I said, my ex pression showing just how distraught I was.
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7:48pm Jan 19 2012
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I shrugged my shoulders, laughing at how panicked Eddie was acting. What did he have to worry about? He was perfect. Wrapping my arms around his neck, I leaned up to kiss him lightly on the cheek. ''Heh, don't worry about it, my love. We can always just stay in a motel or something.'' I said, my voice little more than a purr. This was... disgusting. This wasn't me. At least Eddie knew something was wrong, though. Surely he'd figure it out, and know how to fix it?
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:50pm Jan 19 2012
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This wasn't Song, and I hated the idea. I gently peeled her arms off my neck, as I shook my head. "You don't get it, do you? Trains don't come by here... Often. Or a lot more people would be here. We're stuck here, Song. Stuck. No way out. Here. Forever." Well, forever wasn't the best way to put it. I just needed her to understand. I just wanted my Song back.
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7:58pm Jan 19 2012
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That thought seemed to do something to me. Maybe that false me was so overjoyed she let that iron grip she'd used to keep me out slip just a little, maybe the idea of Eddie not knowing for eternity made me stronger, or maybe it was a combination of both. Either way, for the briefest of moments, I was me. I gripped hold of one of his hnds with both of mine, looking up into his eyes. ''Eddie... Help...'' That was all I managed to get out, the words choked and full of hurt, before that falseness took over again. I grinned broadly, my eyes bright once more. ''Ah... Eddie, I'm sleepy. Will you help me find a motel?'' Now, my voice was back to that despisable sweetness.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:02pm Jan 19 2012
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If I had a heart, it would be pounding out of my chest. There really was something wrong with Song. Something... Overtaking her? Inside her? I didn't know, all I knew was that she was still here. I smiled down at her, and said, "It's going to be alright..." The words were for my Song, remembering how her eyes had looked so scared. It was like I completely forgot about the train being gone as I swooped her off her feet and quickly started searching for a place for her to stay. Maybe I was just feeling better, knowing that Song was still here. But, knowing that something was wrong with her only made the urgency for finding a place for her to sleep even more urgent.
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8:06pm Jan 19 2012
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I had been about to ask what was going to be alright, but the true me knew. Before I got the chance, however, the ground went from under me and I was laughing as Eddie went around apparently looking for something. Damn, this was fun. [[Epiz fails ftw.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:09pm Jan 19 2012
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I ignored Song's laughter as I finally found an Inn close by. Walking toward it, I found myself holding Song tighter at remembering that only vampires were here. Putting her too her feet, I protectively put a tight arm around her waist. "Remember to stay by me Song." I whispered in her ear, mostly because I didn't know how to get to her, as I walked inside.
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8:17pm Jan 19 2012
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''Ah, you worry too much, silly.'' I laughed, gripping hold of his arm simply because I could. Or rather, because she could. What on earth was wrong with this person? She seemed... infatuated by Eddie. The person at the counter, an old, weather-beaten man with red eyes and wrinkles so thick he resembled a turtle more than anything else, dipped his head in acknowledgement of us. ''Ah, welcome. How may I be of service to you?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:32pm Jan 19 2012
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"We'd like a room." I said, feeling weird with the way Song held my arm. It wasn't... Her. [[Fail.]]
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6:45pm Jan 21 2012
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''Ah yes, of course. Follow me, if you'll please.'' The old man nodded in the direction of the hallway, walking along at an unexpected pace for his apparent age. He stopped in front of a tall wooden door, with a number three pinned to it in a grey, tarnished metal. He opened the door without waiting for any response, revealing a room with old, yellowed, rose-patterned wallpaper, a double bed with crisp white sheets upon it, and a set of drawers on either side.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:49pm Jan 21 2012
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I followed the man in silence as he led us to our room. After he opened the door, I walked inside, glanced once around the room, and looked back at him. "This'll do. Thanks. How much will I need to pay?"
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2:20pm Jan 22 2012
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[[Bump. <33333 ]]
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3:06pm Jan 22 2012
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''You're guests, and you are a fellow of a kind. No payment is required.'' With that, the old man walked away, back to his desk where he stood still as a stone. I walked inside and jumped onto the bed, bouncing up and down like a little child or something. ''So, Eddie, whaddaya wanna do now?'' I felt myself grin up at him, and my behaviour disgusted me.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:13pm Jan 22 2012
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"Find out what's wrong with you, that's what..." I mumbled with irritation before sitting down next to her.
[[Ahh. Sorry. ]]
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3:21pm Jan 22 2012
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I stopped bouncing up and down, and I was surprised that there seemed to be an air almost of... Sadness to this person who was controlling me. Well, what difference did it make if they were sad? They deserved to be. ''What do you mean, 'wrong' with me?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:34pm Jan 22 2012
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I frowned at Song - this new Song, at least - shaking my head. "You're acting different. There is something terribly wrong with you." And I sure hoped I could fix it before we went to England.
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