3:54pm Jan 22 2012
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My bottom lip quivered, and I looked down as tears spilled over freely onto my cheeks. I felt emotions that were not mine invade my mind; confuse, total utter desperation and loss. What the hell was wrong with this person? ''But... I'm acting just like her! I am! How can you not love me?! You're perfect! You need to love me!''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:00pm Jan 22 2012
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The second I saw tears, I was absolutely, utterly sure that this was not Song. But seeing those tears still broke my heart. Until, of course, I analyzed what she had just said. "You're just like her. But not her." I said, looking into her eyes, trying to find my Song in there. "There really is something wrong..." I whispered. There was really something inside Song. Someone, maybe. She just admitted it herself. My hands carrassed her cheeks once more with my hands, my thumbs wiping those tears. "I love Song." I said, though my ex pression showed how I was more skeptical, waiting for her reaction to that. Anything to find out how to get Song back.
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4:29pm Jan 22 2012
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I felt that other person's sadness, and I couldn't help but be a little shocked. Who- or what- on earth was that? Why was she so determined Eddie had to love her in my place? I closed my eyes for a moment, looking down. ''But... I don't need to be her, do I? He promised... He said if I acted just like her, you'd love me, instead of her...'' I gave a small sob, bringing tear-stained eyes to meet his perfect, beautiful ones. ''Can't you just... Love the both of us?'' I asked, my voice sounding desperate. This person, whoever she was, was more than just a little determined to get Eddie's love. It sickened me, but it made me feel a little sad, too. Or maybe that was her, making me feel like that.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:34pm Jan 22 2012
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[[Lately, all of our role plays are so depressing. ;DDDD ...Have you noticed? o_o ]]
The weight of knowing that Song had someone else in her was gone. Now there was a sense of urgency to get my Song back. Though, I first had to figure out who this 'person' was. "Who told you I'd love you?" I asked, keeping my tone and touch soft, if not seductive, to get her talking.
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4:38pm Jan 22 2012
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[[... Yes. A story isn't a story without obstacles and hurt, though. ;c]] I felt my heart flutter, but it wasn't my own emotion. He was speaking to me nicely, kindly... Maybe he could love me. If he wanted me to tell him, I'd tell him. I'd do anything for him. He was perfect. ''I don't know his name. It's not the first time he's done it. He did the same thing with my sisters, to other people.'' I remembered what had happened to my sisters' lovers, how he'd promised them they'd live... Maybe he really couldn't be trusted. If that were true, my love needed to leave. Now... Even if he couldn't take me with him, but took his own love instead. ''... Those other people... They aren't around anymore.'' I looked down, wondering how to ask my question. At least, all these things were what she did. I was merely confused at the baffling memories that entered my head.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:43pm Jan 22 2012
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[[ <333 ]]
I smiled nicely, glad that this loving route was getting the information. With a kiss on Song's cheek, I said, "What happened to them, you're sisters? When this man did this to them?" I asked, keeping my tone sweet and slipping my hand in hers. To be honest, even though this was Song's body, I couldn't be more disgusted then I already was. But I could deceive when I needed to, so I tried acting like I was touching Song. Only Song.
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4:49pm Jan 22 2012
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I was quiet for a moment, feeling so elated and overjoyed at his touch, but so heartbroken because I knew I would never feel it again. ''He... Ah... took them back.'' I said quietly, looking down. ''He'll probably take me back, too, even though he promised he wouldn't.'' Just like he'll hurt my love, who doesn't love me. ''... I know you don't love me, and never can, but... Ah... If I were to... Let her come back, do you think...'' The person inside of me was acting so nervous, so afraid. It was... surprising. I looked up at him, her emotions of the tiniest bit of hope and a good deal of despair visible in my eyes. ''... Do you think... that you could... Maybe... Say it just once?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
4:53pm Jan 22 2012
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I smiled, feeling relieved at her answer. Telling this... Person, thing, I loved her 'just once' wouldn't hurt a fly if it got my Song back. "Of course." I said, keeping my tone soft as too keep the person inside Song in the state that she was in. "As long as I have Song back." I added, putting a strand of hair behind Song's ear.
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5:03pm Jan 22 2012
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I smiled and nodded, and the person within me seemed scared of what she was about to do next. I closed my eyes, and everything fell still within me. The two minds weren't fighting constantly anymore, but there was silence... That is, until it began to feel like my insides were being torn out from my throat. I tried to keep back a scream, the first time all day I had been able to do anything for myself, but she was still partially inside me, and my pain was hers. A single, harsh cry escaped my lips, before I fell forward in a sobbing heap into Eddie, burying my face into his shoulder. I was back, but my very mind ached, and my heart felt torn in two. I didn't even notice the ghostly apparition beside the bed. Stood there was an almost exact duplicate of me so far as what she was wearing, but nothing else was the same. Not only was she slightly transparent- although she was quickly solidifying- she looked like very little more than a kid, twelve at the most. Her hair was an icy white, and her eyes a striking blue, her skin so pale she resembled the creatures she idolised. She had almost solidified comletely, when she spoke in a quiet voice. ''... Can you... Can you say it before he finds me? I... don't want to be put back without hearing it... Just once.''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:14pm Jan 22 2012
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The second I saw the ghost beside me, I knew my Song was back. I held her tight as she fell to me, stroking her hair and softly 'Shhh'ing her to calm down, and hoping that whatever pain she was going through would be finished soon enough. I looked back at the ghostly figure beside me. Now that I had Song back, I wanted to keep this other girl here, ask her more of what she was. Who this man was. Where we truly were. "I love you," I said sweetly, not like I was being forced to say it. Though I didn't say it the way I say it all the time to Song.
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5:20pm Jan 22 2012
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A grin erupted on the girl's face, and she jumped onto the bed, her legs folded underneath herself. ''Thank you so much! You're just so... so... so amazing!'' She no longer looked ghostly or even strange, but rather just like a pale little girl. In fact, she just about looked human. I felt the pain subside mostly, and wrapped my arms even more tightly around him before leaning back to look at the little girl. Had that child really... been controlling me? How was that even possible?
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:14pm Jan 22 2012
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[[I'm back for a bit. :) ]]
I looked at the girl with a smirk. "I doubt that." I said, before adding, "Now that Song's back, I think you should explain yourself. What you... Are." I deserved hearing that much, with all the confusion she put me through.
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7:09am Jan 23 2012
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The girl looked down a moment, not wanting to meet Eddie's eyes, or so it seemed. When she did look up, there was a little bit of confusion in her eyes. ''I don't know. I think I'm the only one who wanted to find out what we were. At first I thought we might be human, but... She looked so confused at what I was doing, I figured it had never happened to her before. Then I thought we might have been vampires, but vampires are so perfect, and they drink blood, too...'' She trailed off, looking thoughtfully at the floor. She quickly broke into a grin, her eyes meeting Eddie's again. ''So, d'you know what we are?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:50pm Jan 23 2012
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I looked down at Song once before looking back at this... Thing. Whatever she was. "N-no. I told you. I'm not perfect, and I have no idea what you are." I said, keeping my tone soft as to not sound condescending. "I'm sorry."
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8:43pm Jan 23 2012
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[[I like. May suddenly poof at any moment. x3 Be warned.]] The girl was silent, and she appeared to be thinking. She looked back to Eddie, her ex pression unreadable. ''But... If you're not perfect... Then everything they've told us... Has been a lie.'' She looked confused, lost. She was quiet after that, and didn't say anymore, instead staring off into space.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:46pm Jan 23 2012
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"Who's they?"
[Kk. <3333333333 Sorry for the fail. I always give shorties for this role play. -_- I'm feeling lazy. I think it's 'cause Eddie is jealous that I like Dan better. ]]
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8:56pm Jan 23 2012
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[[ROFLMAO. That's like. So epic you don't even know it. |'D Don't tell Dan. Or he'll get all egotastic. xD]] ''I don't know... They're vampires. They're in charge of us, but they never drink our blood. They say only pure people are worthy for that, and that one day we'll get the chance to be pure people...''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:12pm Jan 23 2012
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[[Oh dear. Hunky men and their egos -_- Alright. I can't take this anymore. TELL ME WHAT SHE IS. I don't want to give you another 'I don't know what the heck you are, kid' post. ]]
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3:04am Jan 28 2012
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[[She is a science experiment, persay. Basically. There is one vampire in the town, capable of sucking the souls out of humans. What he's done is suck the souls out of female newborn babies, as females aren't wanted because female hybrids have a higher death rate/ questioning what they are rate/ etc, and killing the babies so that the souls can never return. Then he raises the 'babies' in a place free of contamination from other souls, basically in quarantine with no company besides a crazy vampire person and some of his cronies. o 3o]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:19am Jan 28 2012
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[[Lololololololololol. Creeeperrrr. Anyways, then what should Eddie do? Or, better yet, what should we do next so I don't keep giving you fails.~ ]]
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