10:58pm Jan 28 2012
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[[Hrm... The logical course of action they would take would be to try and leave town, I guess. o 3o Then Mr CrazyDude could find out they're leaving and try capturing them or something.]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:35pm Feb 1 2012
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[[So you're cool with me somehow leaving the girl and trying the ditch the place? :D ]]
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7:36pm Feb 1 2012
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[[Yurp. :3]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:44pm Feb 1 2012
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"Listen..." I said, giving her an apologetic smile as I said, "I understand you're in a tough situation. But that doesn't mean we have to stay here in that same danger that's around us. Song and I... We have to go before worse things start happening." I stood up, grabbed Song's hand, and walked out to the door way before turning my head at the pale little girl. "I'm sorry." I said, feeling the guilt hit me hard before tugging on Song's hand gently as I walked out of the room. "Maybe the train has come back, once realizing that his only two passengers weren't there." I said to Song hopefully.
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8:07pm Feb 1 2012
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The girl nodded, a slightly sad smile on her face, but she didn't attempt to stop us, nor did she attempt to say anything to us. I thought perhaps she was simply accepting that no one could stay with her, but I wasn't sure. To tell the truth, despite what she'd done, I found myself pitying the girl. She was perhaps the loneliest person I had ever met. ''I doubt it. We might as well just hijack a car and drive out.'' I replied, shrugging my shoulders. ''I mean, I get the feeling that they didn't leave us behind accidentally.''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:11pm Feb 1 2012
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"Like the ideas of stealing cars now, I see..." I said as I walked out of the motel and searched around for a car. At her next response, I couldn't respond too it. Mostly because I had that same feeling, and I didn't want to believe that we were right. I walked to the closet car that was out of sight if any one walked by. I went to the drivers side, and pulled on the handle. I smiled up at Song. "Unlocked."
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8:15pm Feb 1 2012
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Laughing- man, did it feel good for it to be me laughing- I walked around to the passenger side and got in. ''Well, I don't like these people. Morales go out the window if the people are nasty.'' I said, shrugging my shoulders as I buckled my seatbelt. ''I didn't really expect it to be locked. I mean, no one in this town suspects anyone of anything, right?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:19pm Feb 1 2012
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I sat down on the drivers side, with a smile in her direction before starting the car. (We'll just say he magically found the keys... O_O_O_O) "Well I can't wait to see what else I can do with these morals of yours out the window." I said with a laugh before driving as fast as I could. Anything to get away from this creepy town.
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8:27am Feb 2 2012
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[[Well, he IS a vampire. Magic comes naturally. ;D]] I shook my head, grinning. It felt good to smile again, to just be happy, even with where we were taken into account. ''Well, you'll be amazed at the amount of blood you start to find beneath these perfectly taken care of nails of mine.'' I replied, giggling. I found, despite evreything, my thoughts wandering to the girl. ''What do you think will happen to her?'' I asked quietly, as much to myself as to him.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
6:59pm Feb 2 2012
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[ I'll remember that next time they steal a car. xD Which, knowing them, will be soon. ]]
I laughed with Song at her comment, feeling the tension from before diminishing to the feeling we've always had with each other before this mess started. "Well, she looked human, even if a little pale. Maybe she could somehow run out of this town?" That pang of guilt came back and I frowned. Why hadn't I just grabbed Song and the girl too? "I should have brought her..." I mumbled, turning my head to look behind me as I drove. As if wishing she was there. "Now... Now what'll happen? With that man she kept talking about?" I asked, my tone showing my desperation. I wasn't upset at Song, really, I was mad with myself. Why had I left her when it was so easy to tell her to follow me?
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5:51am Feb 3 2012
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[[If people don't want them to be stolen, they shouldn't leave them lying around. o 3o Also, to be perfectly honest, Ty is very happy they didn't take her with them. She has plans for her~]] ''Well, whatever might have happened, it's too late now. No point in thinking about what might have happened, best to live for right now.'' I replied, sensing he was feeling guilty. ''I'm not sure. She seemed to think he was coming for her, and he didn't really sound like a very pleasant man to me.'' I looked out the window, knowing fully well what would most likely happen. If that man was so soulless as to kill a newborn child, he wouldn't hesitate to kill the strange girl. ''Whatever he does to her, he's done before. He's also killed any vampires that ever tried to leave this town before.'' I didn't want Eddie to get hurt, to die. I knew it was wrong, to just want to forget about the girl, but there was nothing that could be done about it now.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:34pm Feb 3 2012
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[[ <333 Can I have him keep driving? Like where's the dude that you said would capture Song and him for leaving. D: ]]
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8:58am Feb 4 2012
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[[Mr. Dudey Dude shall show up when you least expect it. ;D JustkiddingIhaditplannedformynextpost. But sure, keep going. :3]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:35am Feb 4 2012
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[[I'll make sure to act surprised. ;) ]]
I shook my head slightly; still feeling bad with leaving her. "When you live as long as I live, you find yourself not caring if you die, but waiting for it." I mumbled, though I wished I hadn't. It would start a whole different conversation between us that I keep avoiding. "But, you're right, I can't turn around." And with that, I pressed on the gas even more.
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9:44am Feb 4 2012
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[[You better. ;c]] Before I had a chance to smack him around the head for saying such a stupid thing, and hopefully give him a lecture, the fast-moving car stopped dead. Not as if someone had slammed the breaks, but because someone- or something- had stopped right in front of the car, making it flip over whatever it was and hit the ground with the wheels now in the air and the roof of the car pressed against the ground. The metal had been crushed inwards slightly, and it was difficult to maneuver, but I was just surprised we weren't hurt, or worse. I had one or two scrapes and grazes, but I was otherwise fine. ''Eddie...? Are you alright?'' I was still strapped in, but being held pretty much upside down by the belt, and turned my head to look at him. I wasn't sure what had stopped the car, but whatever it was, seemed gone now.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:57am Feb 4 2012
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The second the car slammed against the other, my head turned to Song, crying out her name and putting an arm over her so the glass wouldn't be as bad on her skin. Once toppled over, I unbuckled the seat belt and tried my best to unbuckle Song as well. "Y-yes." I said, though I didn't find it the time to see if we were okay. Someone came out in front of us on purpose, I knew they did. There was no traffic in this area, and you could see this car easily with no other cars around. Why else would we be upside down? "Come on." I said, picking her up and cradling her in my arms as I got her out on my side of the car. Glass was stuck in my arm, but it wasn't too bad. I couldn't feel much knowing Song was bleeding too. I ignored the scent and had a fleeting moment of wondering how the vampires in this area were able to control themselves with her, before looking down at her once out of the upside down vehicle. Weird how I was just talking about waiting for when I'd die, and then an accident occurred. Next time I'll think twice about saying my words. I set Song's feet on the ground, but held her close as I checked for any true damage. "You good?"
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10:30am Feb 4 2012 (last edited on 10:30am Feb 4 2012)
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I held tightly onto Eddie even as he put me down, and tried to clear my head. ''Yeah, I'm fine.'' I breathed a sigh of relief that it hadn't been worse, and leaned against him, feeling safe with him holding me. He always knew how to make me feel safe, no matter how much danger we were in. I guess it was just the kind of person he was, but I was greatful for it all the same. I wasn't sure still what had happened, except that something had made the car flip and that, somehow, we were still alive. I noticed glass stuck in his arm, then, and looked up to his face to see if it hurt. How could it not hurt? It was glass em[injection]bedded in his arm. There was no way that was painless. Before I had time to ask him if he was sure he was alright, I heard a voice, strong and clear against the calm silence all around us. ''So, you really believed you could escape? Up and leave, just like that? I'm afraid not.'' I looked up to see an average looking man, who looked to be in his mid-twenties, stood about a dozen feet away with his arms folded. In his hand was a small glass sphere, about the size of my fist, and despite everything I wondered what it contained, as it looked more or less empty. ''You see, vampire, I was just going to kill you. Now, though, I think I'll use you to further my experiments.''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:42am Feb 4 2012
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I put a hand on the back of Song's head, forcing her to stay close to me as I stroked her hair. How many times have I felt like I lost her? And, yet I always had her. Why did this accident make it any different? I was guessing it was because we were in this strange town with vampires that made me more protective and paranoid.
A small smile came to my lips once understanding that she and I were really both okay. Nothing truly bad happened. We could always get another car to steal (c:) and be on our way. That was what I hoped until I saw a man come out of no where, with a jar in his hands. Though that wasn't what frightened me. It was what he said that forced me to hold Song tighter.
"I don't think so..." I muttered, putting Song behind me to keep the man from even putting his eyes on her before saying, "Leave us alone and find another fool that comes across your path." I said, though my eyes turned a crimson red as my fangs came out. Everything in me daring to come closer, because all I'd do is fight until the death.
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4:23am Feb 5 2012 (last edited on 4:23am Feb 5 2012)
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I stepped back behind Eddie willingly, figuring it might make him worry a little less if he knew exactly where I was. If he worried less, he might be less likely to get himself killed. Whatever he did, though, I got the feeling it would be hard just trying to fight this guy off. I also wondered why Eddie never came up with logical plans, and but it down to him being... Well, Eddie. ''Hmph. By the time I'm finished with you, you won't be able to think at all.'' The man tapped the top of the glass with his index finger, and it lowered down into the center of the sphere. Nothing seemed to leave it, and yet he was grinning like a maniac anyway. ''Now, tell me this: Would you rather I trapped the girl's soul first, or yours?'' He gave a repulsive laugh, shaking his head and stroking the side of the sphere with his free hand. I decided then that this man had gone crazy a long time ago. It must have been that man that had trapped the girl's soul, and wanted to hurt her. She was probably already dead by now.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
12:23pm Feb 5 2012
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Why couldn't we have one thing go our way? Why did Song have to be the one in this mess? Why was I so sure this would be the last time I'd see her? I swallowed nervously, but I didn't put my guard down. Grabbing Song's hand without tearing my eyes away from the crazy man, just to know that she was safe and with me still, I said coolly, "Neither."
[[/Fail. Yesterday I was really bored and no one was on to role play. So I chose to start copying and pasting this role play into a document. Dude. We were so weird a year ago. O_O I read our whole OoC conversations. Wow. We've... Grown. xD. ]]
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