3:19pm Feb 5 2012
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[[We've always been weird, we will always be weird. |D Also, I hope I don't grow any more. :x I'm already like. Six foot tall omg.]] ''Neither, eh? Oh well. I'll just capture them at the same time. Be a little more difficult, but, don't let it be said I don't give satisfaction to my patients.'' He gave a small laugh, and I gripped tightly onto Eddie's hand. He took a step towards us, and had a calm, calculated look on his face. As he held up the sphere, I closed my eyes, not wanting to know what would happen. When nothing happened, though, I opened them again. Whatever was wrong with him, I couldn't say exactly, it sure was weird to watch. He was swatting at the air, doing something like a dance, waving his arms and kicking his legs, as if attempting to fight with an invisible opponent, making grunting noises and swearing at the same time.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
5:07pm Feb 7 2012
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[[Omg. :I You're humongous. ]]
As Song held tightly to my hand, I held tightly back. Knowing that she was here with me was no comfort anymore as I watched the man; my eyebrows furrowing to show my confusion. Whatever he was doing, it could have been a part of his act to take us. He would have to get through me before he would even try getting to Song's soul. Which was perfect, seeing as I technically didn't have one. "Maybe he's just crazy and delusional. Wanna try to make break for it?" I whispered behind me to Song, with out glancing to look at her.
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4:26pm Feb 8 2012
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[ Take your time on responding. I'm just bumping it up~ ]]rn
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10:26am Feb 11 2012
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5:21pm Feb 14 2012
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[[ Tyyyyy. :c ]]
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7:10pm Feb 14 2012
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[[I'm terrible. I know. I'm amazed you put up with me.]] ''Eddie...'' I mumbled, my eyes widening. I'd thought I'd seen something, just the briefest flicker of something that wasn't supposed to be there. The barest shadow of a human figure, with long hair that fell past feminine shoulders... I didn't see her face, it lasted less than a fraction of a second, but I didn't need to. There was no way that guy was just delusional; he was fighting someone alright, she could just change how visible she was. ''I don't think he's crazy.'' I whispered, watching as the man threw the glass in the air in an attempt to hit his attacker. However unlikely it was, it appeared he succeeded, because the glass shattered in midair and I heard a thump before I saw the girl appear, lying on the ground with- very real- blood trickling from her temple and onto the ground. I heard him grunt something in anger, and quickly open the suitcase once again and look through it.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:18pm Feb 14 2012
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[[ Ohh, goodness, I'm amazed I do too. ]]
I was lost. I had no idea what to do. Song was right, that this man wasn't delusional. So, I felt as though running away would just drag us deeper into this drama. But, I also knew that by standing there, I was just begging for a defeat. And, Song wasn't going to go with him until he got through me. Which wouldn't be hard. Seeing as I was completely torn on what to do. "I don't know what to do, Song." I whispered, feeling as insignificant as a mortal, really. I swallowed, backing up one step, just to feel Song closer to me, before shouting to the odd man, "Let's get on with this. I have better things to do with my time." If I couldn't leave. And I couldn't stay. My as well make him think I was leaving. But, either way, I felt completely and utterly lost.
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7:26pm Feb 14 2012
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''... I don't know what you should do, either.'' I whispered back, trying to think what he could possibly do. If that man was capable of killing multiple vampires, what could he do? It seemed, for the moment at least, we were okay. The man was too distracted trying to find something in his case, his hands feverishly searching through shards of glass. It wasn't broken glass, but cleanly cut, and every few seconds he'd pick one up and hold it in his palm. Eventually, it dawned on me that he was probably making another of those glass spheres. I didn't know what they were for, but it seemed he needed it. If he needed it to hurt us, we had to hurt him before he had the chance to remake it. ''... I think he's making something. Maybe we should try to stop him before he finishes?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:38pm Feb 14 2012
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I immediately scolded myself again and again at Song's words. I was the 'super human' to her, sometimes at least, but she was the one with the clear head? What happened to the men figuring out the plan? I sighed, choosing to think about it later as I took Song up on that suggestion. Without responding to Song, or even looking at her really, I turned, pushing her back a little more before using my vampiric speed to rush to the odd man. Grabbing a piece of that glass, I ran to the man quickly and slit his neck. I didn't know if he was mortal or not. Maybe not even a man. But, I had to find his weakness.
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7:43pm Feb 14 2012
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Blood immediately spurted from the man's neck, and he dropped all the pieces of glass he had been holding, making them all shatter on the ground. Rather than falling to the ground after them, however, he stood looking at Eddie, a disgusted ex pression on it. The blood remained streaming from the wound, but he still ignored it. ''... What... Do you think... You're doing?'' He wheezed, and I wondered if he was perhaps more affected by the slash than he acted. Maybe Eddie really did stand a chance, if he just kept hurting him over and over.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
7:49pm Feb 14 2012
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[[Lol. I love your hints. ]]
At his reaction to the wound on his neck, I could feel a sick smile come to my lips. "Sorry, does it hurt?" I growled, my eyes turning a crimson red as I hungered for blood shed. I kept the piece of glass in my hand, slashing him a second time, and third, fourth... His chest, arms, and a couple more times on his neck were oozing with hot sticky blood. I could feel a slight sting of my hand as the glass bit at my cold skin, slitting my palm with it's sharp edges.
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8:29pm Feb 14 2012
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[[Whythankyou. -very subtle-]] The man didn't respond, and eventually fell to his knees, blood covering him almost completely. ''You... You... I'll kill you... If... If I were you, I... I'd leave while I... Had the chance...'' He managed to cough out, blood dripping down his chin, before collapsing completely and lying still. I wondered for a moment if he was dead, but it was doubtful. Slowly, I walked up to Eddie and stood behind him, looking down at what he'd done. It was... Horrifying, almost. A little ways from the man, the girl was still on the floor, and the blood was dripping onto the ground still, making a small puddle. I couldn't tell if she was dead or not. I wasn't sure I wanted to know.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:33pm Feb 14 2012
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The second the man became still, I turned around and abruptly pulled Song in my arms. It was then that I realized through out that small 'battle', I was thinking about her. How if I let this man kill me, she'd be here on her own. Well of course that and the man's blood. "Maybe we should take his advice and get outta here." I whispered, already grabbing her hand and leading her back to the car.
[[ -had to search on google what subtle meant. - ]]
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8:36pm Feb 14 2012
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[[LOL. Didju like. Did you really not know? o _ o]] ''Ah... Good idea.'' I mumbled, happily remaining in his arms. I thought of how we were finally free, could finally leave, but then the girl caught my eye. What if she wasn't dead? What if she woke up and didn't know where she was? Or what if she wasn't dead yet, but was dying? Strange though she may be, she was still a child. I had to know if she was alive or not. ''Eddie...? Is she... Dead?''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:42pm Feb 14 2012
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but, seriously, no I didn't have to look it up on google. I used my microsoft word dictionary, instead.]]
Hearing Song's question, I slowly - reluctantly - came to a stop and looked back at her. Did it really matter? We were free. She had blood soaked all around her. Of course she was dead. But, I couldn't leave her. Soul or no soul, I had to see if she was alright, just like Song needed to know. I hesitantly came to the girl, going on one knee and looking down out her. "Hey." I said, first, though I knew that if she was just unconcious she wouldn't wake up from that. Nudging the body a little, ignoring the blood now on my finger tips, I waited for a response.
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8:50pm Feb 14 2012
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[[ROFLMAO. Duuuude. I love you so much right now. X'D And you're not dumb. Ty's just... Weird. She spends her time cramming useless information like this in her head. But when it comes to PRACTICAL things. Fails miserably. /walked into a wall, lampost, four trees and six dogs today/]] I walked up with him, watching as he tried to wake her. It was stupid, of course, to think that she was still alive, all that blood around her. Whether Eddie realized it or not, though, she'd pretty much saved our lives, so I guess that's why I held onto that vain hope. Although, perhaps it wasn't so vain, as her eyes flickered open for the briefest of moments, and she mumbled something incoherent. Although, I could have sworn it was something along the lines of 'sorry'. ''... What do we do now?'' I asked, not sure what we could do with the girl.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
8:56pm Feb 14 2012
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[[ AWH. I love you too. ;-; even though you walk into things. ]]
I shrugged, standing up and looking back at her. "If she's dead, there's no point in doing anything else for her." I said, looking back at her and nudging her some more. I don't know why; probably because I didn't want her dead. She reminded me of the girl at the motel, that had pleaded to hear me say I loved her. Odd, yes. But, something that tore my heart out all the same. "I don't know." I added as an answer, looking back up at Song. "But we better get out of here soon, before something else happens in this freaky town."
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9:03pm Feb 14 2012
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[[Shaddup. >C]] ''But... I get the feeling she's not dead, Eddie. I can't help it.'' I looked back to the girl, and when Eddie nudged her again, there seemed to be an actual reaction this time. Her eyes opened, and she watched Eddie for a moment with a puzzled ex pression. She looked so different to the girl we had seen earlier, but her eyes were the same. Maybe it was just the way they were created. ''... Do you think we could... Maybe take her with us? I mean, we could drop her off at a hospital or an orphanage or something...'' I stopped, as she seemed to smile at Eddie, her small smile identical to the other girl's, and her eyes drifted closed again.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:06pm Feb 14 2012
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I saw it this time. She opened her eyes, smiled at me, and closed her eyes again. I could even feel my lips smiling back before looking up at Song, "We can try that." I said, before leaning down and lifting the girl up. Cradling her like I do with Song. "But, seriously, let's not stop to smell the roses this time. Here to England." I said, shivering from all we've been through just because the train had to stop.
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9:09pm Feb 14 2012
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I grinned, happy he'd agreed with me. She might be weird, but I got the feeling she wouldn't be any trouble for however long we looked after her. ''Okay. Wanna go find another car to steal?'' I asked, my eyes glinting mischievously. This time, I was going to drive. It was always funny to see Eddie's face at my driving 'skills'.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥