9:13pm Feb 14 2012 (last edited on 9:13pm Feb 14 2012)
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9:17pm Feb 14 2012
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I grinned at his response, following him up to the car and sliding into the driver's seat. He was right. No more stops. If I had my way, we'd reach England before he had the chance to complain about our speeds. ''Good. You can get used to it, then.'' I said, calling over my shoulder as I buckled the seatbelt and waited for him.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
9:23pm Feb 14 2012
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I slid into the passenger side, lifting an eyebrow in her direction as I said, "So, you'll be driving from now on?" I made a show of doing a slight shiver, my eyes going wide. "That won't be good, both of us crazy drivers." I leaned over the console, my lips capturing her own. "I kind of, sort of, helped you get out of this mess. I deserve that." I said with a wink before turning to glance at the girl in the back seat, maybe she was starting to awaken, and then leaning back in my seat. Maybe... Maybe, with Song driving, I should wear a seat belt. Seeing images of us flying off the road, I put the seat belt on.
[[Omg, so many choppy sentences. Lol. Sorry. I tired. :c ]]
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9:35pm Feb 14 2012
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[[I gotta go now. :c Byee. ]]
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10:11am Feb 18 2012
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[[Aw ty. :c ]]
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2:57pm Feb 18 2012
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[[... I'm a procrastinating idiot. We've been here before.]] He had no faith in me, I thought, grinning as he put his seatbelt on. That kiss was rather nice, though. ''Yeah, you did.'' I said in response to his comment of 'deserving it'. What he deserved was a lot of things, and that was the least of them. ''I'm not a crazy driver, either...'' I replied, revving the engine and looking at him. When I looked away, back to the road, and pressed my foot down on the acceleration, my grin was even broader. ''I'm just misunderstood.'' It was difficult to tell, though, if he could even hear me as the car started creeping up quite quickly in speed.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:10pm Feb 18 2012
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[[Will the train be there this time? :DDDD If not, wanna time skip to getting to an airport? :DDD ]]
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3:18pm Feb 18 2012
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[[Train's longggggg gone. |D Airport 'tis. ;D]]
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
3:26pm Feb 18 2012
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[[ Oh yeah. I remember now. xDDDD ]
The ride wasn't as long as I had expected, and soon enough the air port came in sight. We hadn't bought tickets, her luggage was else where, her belongings were in another stolen car that probably got crashed, and we had no money.
We were a bit spontaneous and in an awkward position. But, somehow, I knew that if we got this far, we'd be able to board that plane ticket or not.
"I'm thinking we somehow seduce the security gaurd to letting us get in without a pass, ticket, or money." I mumbled, checking the girl in the back seat once more before unbuckling my seat belt.
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10:49am Feb 25 2012
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[[Take your time responding, mate. Just bumping it up. ^^^ ]]
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10:22pm Mar 2 2012
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I laughed, unbuckling my belt too and glancing back. The girl muttered something incoherent and leaned back, and I opened the door. ''Of course. Shouldn't be hard at all, should it? I mean, if she's female, you'll have no trouble... seducing her.'' I cracked a grin, closing the door and stooping over to glance through the car window at him. ''After all, your 'seductive powers' have worked so well already.''
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥
10:54am Mar 3 2012
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Well, I was only joking. Seducing woman was easy; but a possiblity that it didn't work. Especially with the fact that I was a horrible actor. And was more into doing things truthfully.
But... Our morals were out the window at the moment. Might as well have fun with this with Song while it lasted. "And if he's male, all you'll have to do is look at him to get what you want." I said with a smile back at her before also getting out of the car, picking the girl in the back seat up and heading toward the building with a glance at Song to stay at her pace.
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4:49pm Mar 4 2012
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[Bump. ]
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6:35pm Mar 15 2012
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[[Prepare for a failure. >>]] I saw him pick up the young girl and smiled; Eddie could be so gentle and kind when he wanted to be, but I'd still never forgotten the few times when I saw him enraged. I had chuckled at his quip, and found myself wondering just how we would get in. ''What are we going to say about her, anyway?'' I asked, nodding towards the girl. The thought had suddenly occured to me, but now it was there, I couldn't make it leave.
Well now. I should... Probably put something intelligent here. At some point. Eventually. ... ... Screw it. HYE. ♥