3:00pm Jul 30 2010
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"Bye"she growled and walked off glitered flew around her and her clothes changed to prestice clothes (they kinda look like kikiyo's clothes) (guess what im in the car on my way to pocatello first im stopping at my dads then im going to pocatello)
7:03am Jul 31 2010
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Posts: 4,310
{{*Sobs* i'm like extremely sad, i'm going to go rmail Loki.}} Cody snarled and went in the opposite direction and his clothing imediately changed to a monks robe, be no way in hell was he like Miroku.
8:59am Jul 31 2010
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Posts: 2,264
she looked at cody then looked away she then bump Kyla while she was looking at cody and she and kyla fell to the ground (teehee about the miroku part anyways why are you sad)
9:03am Jul 31 2010
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{{Urm Kyla is miles away you can't do that, this morning i found out my moms friends son died in a car accident*Sobbles*.}} Kyla flicked her eyes open, ehr vision was blurry but she could see that it looked like Caleb or someone similar to him was hovering above her... Cody jumped off a cliff and landed in the ocean and took a boat to japan and joined Mia and Zach.
7:35pm Aug 15 2010
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(sorry i've been gone ) "soory"she said helping kyla up she hugged her and began to cry
11:12pm Aug 15 2010
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Kyla sighed,"Whats a matter now?"
11:30am Aug 16 2010
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"Cody!thats the matter"she said backing away
5:40pm Aug 16 2010
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"Cody's just tempermental, get over it." Kyla said shoving her away, seeing as she was uncomfortably close.
1:44pm Aug 21 2010
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she fell back her eyes turn red and she got an angry look fangs grew out and a vampire sent flew around her (imma make it more interesting)
4:05pm Aug 21 2010
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{{kay then...}} Kyla growled,"Either knock it off or i'm going to stake you."
11:20pm Aug 31 2010
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"isn't it so easy to fake being a vampire "she smiled "but im not gonna hurt you thats kyles job" she smiled and dissapeard to cody "hello" she said as she leaned against a tree
11:21pm Aug 31 2010
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Kyla growled,"I'd like to see him try." Cody snarled and threw at stake that went through her leg,"Die bloodsucker!"
11:31pm Aug 31 2010
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"ugh"she said as she pulled it out "guess its protection time"light flew around her the sent left her eyes turn normal and her fangs went in "now you cant hurt me"she smiled (what she looks like) 
11:32pm Aug 31 2010
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(oh i went through surgery and got my tonsels out today)
11:46pm Aug 31 2010
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"WELL, I HAVE UV RAYS, BLEEP!!" Cody yelled and flipped on a switch turning on artificial and sunlight making it burn her skin. Kyla glaced around the clearing, sensing Kayleb's presence and growling, "Come out, chicken."
12:34pm Oct 7 2010
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Kayleb stepped out from behind the trees "hey" she ran off into the woods before it could burn her whole body
6:31pm Oct 7 2010
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Kyla rolled her eyes,"what do ya want?" Cody flipped it off and did a victory dance, she'd ran away.
5:55pm Oct 8 2010
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little did cody know she was behind a tree spying on him kayleb smiled i just want to start over
7:56pm Oct 8 2010
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Cody said a few words and dissapeared in a whirl of smoke and ended in a labratory. If any vamp got in here they would be anialated imediately with contact to the floor or and part of the room. "I don't start over, I continue the story." Kyla responded.
11:24am Oct 9 2010
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Posts: 2,264
she looked around and vanished next to kayleb "hey im sorry i...why is she here" Kayleb looked around "i-i..." "you know your not sppose to be with her"she smirked