11:31am Oct 9 2010
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Kyla laughed and whistled. A wolf covered in strange markings appeared and howled before gaining the form of a human being,"Well i'll be damned," Kyla smirked,"You acctually showed up." Ace frowned,"What's that supposed to mean? I've allways been around." Kyla sighed,"Nevermind Acey, you'll never know anyway... I was being sarcastic."
6:21pm Oct 9 2010
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Kayleb looked at kyla then ace then kyla again she just flipped her hair "bye kayleb see you at the exicution serimony after i go tell the queen and king
10:56pm Oct 9 2010
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"Looky here princess, i slaughtered the king and queen." Kyla chuckled with pure delight. She was shaking her head in pure amusement that this bloodsucker hadn't recieved this news...
3:33pm Oct 10 2010
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She ignored her and disapeard 3 minutes later she appeard again with 5 other vamps who takled kayleb too the ground they chaned him up and tide him too a tree
3:39pm Oct 10 2010
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Kyla sighed and pulled out 5 stakes throwing each of them through the vamps and having them fall to their death. "Understand when i say this, I slay vamps. I have no need for this big headed bloodsucker and perhaps i should end you the sa---" she said before being cut off by a man with black hair and crystal clear ocean blue eyes. He had his arms around ehr waist and held her throat in his hand,"I see you found the cure my pet... perhaps i shoudl return the curse?" he said with a grin, exposing his fangs to the moonlight. Kyla whimpered, Markus was the only vampire that she was vunruble to... the only one that could bring her down, and in truth, he was the king of vampires... though he appeared the age of 17 allways... Kyla knew she was beat for this moment...
3:50pm Oct 10 2010
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Kayleb struggled from the chains he scratched and bit at the chains bit nothing worked She stood there giggleing "oh marcus i love it when you show up its nice to watch someone that is actually capable of ditroying a whole planet.
3:58pm Oct 10 2010
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Markus purred,"More like the entire universe." Ace snarled,"Drop her Markus." Markus sneered,"And what will you do if i don't mutt?" Ace howled and dissapeared. Zach dropped from a tree, his face covered by a dark black cloak. "Give her to me." He said. Cody and Mia stood by his side in the same clothing, each bearing a blue lightning sword.(his voice sounds like Naraku's)
4:42pm Oct 10 2010
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Kana ran in front of them but when she saw cody she put her arms down and her eyes went to the ground tears fell from her eyes and she transformed to human "i-i can't do it"she grabbed her arm and began stroking it she fell to her knees Kayleb skratched at the chains "hello could atleast one of youe help me"
4:49pm Oct 10 2010
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Cody rolled his eyes at Kayleb as Mia slashed the chain open. Markus growled,"Never." He took hold of Kanna's arm and dissapeared with Kyla and Kanna... Zach sighed,"We can't get into the fortress..."
5:21pm Oct 10 2010
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"no!!!"he yelled"she can't be gone"he ran to where they disapeard"he is going to pay"
5:26pm Oct 10 2010
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"Markus can't pay the price... he owns it." They all said sadly...
5:30pm Oct 10 2010
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"i can't let this happen"he said
5:35pm Oct 10 2010
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Mia spoke up,"Then don't, go after her." Kyla was drained of blood by a machine at the lowest rate she could go before dieing from loss of blood. She couldn't move, couldn't think, and couldn't do anything but allow that machine to control her... Markus had an entire collection of humans that he took blood from. None ever died and in the end he had more blood to spare for his kingdom...
5:40pm Oct 10 2010
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Kayleb turned around and walked to the tree he slashed it and a gun fell from it he picked it up "silver bolet" Kana looked around onece they were where they were going
5:55pm Oct 10 2010
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{{Hey, mail me ur number so i can call u angel. XD}} Markus smiled at Kana,"So, will you join me or fall like the rest of the world?"
10:27pm Oct 10 2010
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Posts: 2,264
"i-i"she paused "yes"she declaird
6:54pm Oct 12 2010
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9:50pm Oct 12 2010
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Markus smiled,"Great. Now we can rule my empire together and soon the human race will be at our law and reign."
11:18am Oct 13 2010
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she turned too him and hugged him but she tought of cody as she did she didn't know who too choose cody or him
9:03am Oct 14 2010
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Markus simply just smiled and waited for something to happen...