7:26pm Jul 17 2012
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Everything I said literally went one ear and out the other. It was like she refused to hear anything she didn't want to hear. And I was done explaining. If I had to force her to run with me someplace safe until I took care of Edward, then take her home, then fine. Maybe if she thought of me as a jerk when I left her, it wouldn't hurt her as bad.
I was done arguing and she seemed to be either. It didn't matter. I'd still get her where I wanted-
She groaned, and leaned her head against my chest. How could I fight that? Even through my anger, I loved the way her warmth seeped through my shirt. I didn't hesitate on wrapping my arms around her waist, squeezing her probably harder then I should have. I rested my chin on her head as I loosened my grip.
"What do you suggest I do, if you don't want to listen to me, Callie?"
I said, less angry and firm then I did before. It was more soft, which would be better.
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7:37pm Jul 17 2012
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Callie's breath caught in her throat as Nicholas squeezed her. She wondered if he was trying to make a point by the show of strength, and if he was, she was going to completely ignore it. Like all Nicholas' words, supposedly. Whatever he said...
In return, Callie wrapped her arms around his middle, pulling herself closer to him. He rested his chin on her head, and she sighed. Maybe he was right, and just didn't understand the situation. But, it was clear that she didn't want to understand it if it meant Nicholas leaving her.
"You want my honest opinion?" Callie asked him, without even looking up. She closer her eyes and gripped him tighter. "I suggest you let me warm you up before we make any hasty decisions."
7:46pm Jul 17 2012 (last edited on 7:46pm Jul 17 2012)
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I chuckled at her response. Something I wasn't expecting. "That's close to impossible. I'm a vampire, I'm always cold."
I smirked, leaning my head down to whisper in her ear. Hey, if this was my last moments with her, I might as well make them count. I won't be getting closer to any other girl for the rest of eternity. "But what was it you had in mind?"
[[So short. :c ]
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8:05pm Jul 17 2012
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Callie couldn't help but blush at his response. Not the one whispered into her ear, but the fact he was always cold. The thought of them just staying like that for the longest time popped into her head. That was what made her blush. Though, her face did get even redder as Nicholas leaned down to whisper in her ear.
Callie slid her arms from Nicholas' back to his neck. She linked her hands together and leaned her head against his chest once more. What did she have in mind? Way too many activities that he probably wouldn't approve of. Hell, she couldn't even cup his cheek without him freaking out on her... Killjoy.
"Mmm, I don't think you want to know," Callie sighed into his chest. She raised her head to look up at him. Bad move. She was just too close to his lips to concentrate... Her cheeks flared pink again and she lowered her head, looking down at the floor once more. By God, had she just said what she think she said? Yes, yes she had.
Callie then lowed her hands from Nicholas' neck down to his chest. They lingered on his stomach for just a moment before she dropped them to her sides. Damn, that boy was muscular. He wasn't grossly buff like some men out there, but he was defined... Just the way she liked it. Stupid vampire, tempting her in all the wrong ways.
[[ Pfft. Vin likes short!
Actually, I like tall, you know. I don't think I've ever liked a guy who stood under 6 ft. xD -Is shallow when it comes to height- ]]

8:16pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ Callie's just being plain mean to Nick. |D
Omg. I love tall. I need a guy taller then me. And older then me. And stronger then me - which is easy to find. Such a turn off to have a short guy. D: -is shallow too - ]]
I held my breath when she slid her arms around my neck and leaned her head against my chest again. Why wasn't she afraid of being so close? Was she enjoying it as much as I was? The second answer was questioned when she let go of my neck and slid her arms down my body. It made my knees weak. My breathing came heavy and I grabbed her hands as they slid away from me. Oh no she wasn't letting go after doing that to me.
"Trust me, Callie. I want to know."
I said, my voice going to a low tone that scared me. Hopefully my desires weren't shown through it. I kept her hands in mind, my eyes staring straight into hers. Wishing I knew what she was thinking.
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8:25pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ I think Nicholas would have a conniption fit if he knew what Callie was thinking... |D
And Tall... Me only being 5'3" makes finding tall guys pretty darn easy. xD ]]
Callie was startled when Nicholas grabbed her hands. What was she doing wrong now?? That's what she thought, that is, until she heard his heavy breathing. Her eyes grew wide. Was Nick... enjoying this? Whatever happened to them not being close? That hypocrite.
Nicholas' voice nearly made the girl melt. He wanted to know, and she didn't want to tell him. That would be... embarrassing, to say the least. To say the least! She would die if she told him the truth. Well, to advert from the awkward silence, Callie lifted one of her hands and started tracing invisible circles on the man's chest.
"Oh, I don't know, Nicholas. That might not be right." Her voice was clearly teasing, though her face was dead serious. How she managed that, she did not know.
8:37pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ |D He wants to know... Actually, I'm quite curious. ]]
I squeezed her hand when I saw her startled look. Was she just kidding? Did I go to far? I swallowed, a smirk tugging at the corners of my mouth as she traced circles on my chest. So she liked this as much as I did. Might as well make the most of it, even if it was for a little while.
"You're teasing me, Callie."
I said, my voice a mere whisper. I couldn't help the way she affected me. I leaned down, pressing my forehead to hers.
"It's not funny."
I added, though a smile came to my lips, my eyes still on hers.
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8:48pm Jul 17 2012
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Callie's breath caught in her throat when Nicholas leaned his forehead down to hers. She let out a shaky sigh before her lips curled up to a smile. Oh, boy, was she loving just every moment of this.
"Oh contrare, Nicholas," She said, a spark of mischief lighting up in her eyes. "I find it to be quite amusing." Her grin fell as she bit her lip. Her eyes flashed down to Nick's lips, so enticing, so close, so... unavailable. What if she tried to kiss him, then he bit her? The last bite hadn't exactly been a thrill ride for her, and she had no desire to repeat the experience.
Callie mentally shrugged at the thought. Oh well. She gripped his shirt with both her hands. She turned her head slightly and licked her lips, the same ones that were about two inches away from Nicholas'.
"You know what I was thinking? Cliche vampire movie and a shared blanket." With that, Callie pulled herself away from Nicholas with a grin on her face. She crossed her arms over her chest and shrugged. "It would be the safest decision... You know, I don't want to get hurt." Well, that comment was just dripping with sarcasm...
[[ Callie, your way of trying to get a point across is just... evil. >> ]]

8:54pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ Oh. That's just. Mean. >.< Poor Nicky. ]]
First off, it wasn't amusing. I almost couldn't control myself with how close we were. Just a couple inches, and I could capture those lips. My eyes stayed on them as she licked them. Gosh, she was just plain evil. I think she knew how tempting she was to me.
When she gripped my shirt, a whimper was bound to come out. I was surprised I was able to hold it in. And, as soon as a smile was about to come to my face, knowing sooner or later one of us would give in, she let go of my shirt, completely ruining the mood.
"That was just... Rude."
I said with a frown, brushing my shirt because of how she clung to it.
"I can't believe you just did that to me."
I grumbled, walking over to Callie Jr. At least she won't reject me.
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9:08pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ I know... Callie... Such a jerk! ]]
Callie shrugged at his comment. Rude, but effective. And he couldn't believe it? Tough luck, big boy. That's right, go to the bunny, which you named after the girl, she wouldn't turn you down. Perhaps. Who knew? The thing was a bunny.
Callie bit her lip as Nicholas turned his back. She had wanted to just throw him to the ground and kiss his brains out, but she had a point to make. She was missing out on that gorgeous man all because of her stubbornness. She was making a point, though in spite of herself. Lordy, help her if he got in her personal space again.
Callie had to grind her teeth together to keep herself from saying anything. Like, 'come back' or 'kiss me now, you sexy beast' or something a little less classy. She could see his lean, defined muscles ripple under his shirt as she walked. And there went any self control she had left. The girl turned her body so she couldn't see Nick anymore.
"So... Where's this 'safe house' you're taking me to?"

9:15pm Jul 17 2012
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[Omg. Since I'm such a stupid person, you should tell me flat out. I have no idea what point she is trying to make. |D ]]
I came to the cage, seeking comfort from my ol' friend. Smiling as Callie Jr. came to me with interest, I opened the cage. "Hey girl." I whispered, taking her out and pressing my lips into her fur. I'd be gentle to her bad paw, but either way, I felt the need for her to come with us.
"I'm not sure yet. All I know is, we gotta get out of here and find a place to stay that's far away from here. There's probably tons of shacks like the one we were in with Edward on the edge of the city that we can stay in for the night so we can sleep."
I looked back at her to see her back towards me. With a lifted eyebrow, I shrugged, walking passed her to the front door. The tension from before when we were close had disappeared, but that didn't mean I still didn't feel her touch.
Twisting the door knob, I looked back at her. "You ready?"
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9:27pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ She doesn't want Nicholas to go! I'm pretty sure she's trying to tempt him with her body... (Like a harlot -cough-) Just kidding. But seriously. I think she's saying he can kiss her if he stays. xD -Doesn't know what point I'm trying to make- ]]
Callie huffed at his comment. A shack? Oh yeah, she'd just love that! One crawling with spiders and cockroaches and bed bugs and nasty creatures she couldn't even name. Sounded like a blast...
"Why can't we get a hotel?" The girl sighed, finally turning back to the door. She was slightly surprised to see that Nicholas had taken the bunny with him. Curse him for looking so adorable with that animal... She just wanted to attack him, once again. She blushed at the thought. Oh jeez. What was getting into her?
"I mean, it would be just as easy wouldn't it? We could sleep in different rooms, and still be safe. No shack, no bugs. And a pool. A pool! That sounds so much better than a shack... Doesn't it?"
[[ Pfft, Callie just wants to tempt Nick when she's in her bathing suit. |D ]]

9:34pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ Omg Vin. That's so funni. Callie is my new favorite. |D ]]
I clenched my jaw when she asked for a hotel. We are not going to a hotel, my mind was set. But, when I turned around, I couldn't see why I shouldn't go to a hotel. It's more comfortable... And if these were my last moments around her, I didn't want them to be with her hating me for our chosen spot.
"Alright. Fine."
As long as she doesn't try seducing me again. ( 8D ) Opening the door, I came over to her, picked her up to cradle her like I had done before and ran as fast as I could to the farthest hotel from here that was in the city. Happy that the animal's scent, plus Callie Jr.'s scent, hid both Callie's and mine.
[[You can power play Nick stopping at a hotel. ]]
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9:57pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ I'm sure she'll state it in the pool... Which she will drag Nicholas into if he's willing or not. xD ]]
Callie was caught off guard when Nicholas picked her up. She squeaked from surprise. She wouldn't ever get used to that. But, as he started to run, Callie couldn't help but clutch to him, hands around his neck. Let's just say the whole super-human running speeds scared the crap out of her.
They finally stopped at a hotel, about the furthest from the old cabin, and her house. And boy, did they look ridiculous or what? Callie approached the desk and gave them her information. She told them to put it on her dad's credit card, seeing how they've stayed there before. The lady at the desk asked if she had any requests.
Callie lied. She grabbed the little notepad on the desk and scribbled down a few notes. Two keys to Nicholas' room, only one for hers, and the rooms are to be joined... You know, with the doors that connect the two. Callie knew Nick had superhuman hearing as well, so she certainly wasn't going to say her requests aloud.
Callie smiled at the receptionist widely and thanked her from the bottom of her heart.
"Alrighty, we're in rooms 107 and 109. Here's your key."

10:03pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ 8D She's secretly so... Scandalous. When we first started, she seemed so sweet. |D ]]
I waited with the bunny still cradled in my arms as Callie took care of getting the rooms. Poor Callie Jr. got frightened by my running, so I was a bit more worried about him then by how odd it looked that a guy was holding her in the first place. Oh well. I just ignored the odd stares. When Callie came to me, I smirked and took the key from here, before walking to the elevator. I pressed my lips into Callie Jr.'s fur as his shaking subsided. Slipping the key for my room into my pocket, I pressed the button to say what floor we were on.
"I can't wait to sleep in a bed."
I complained, leaning my head on the back of the wall of the elevator and closed my eyes.
[Fail. D: ]]
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10:12pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ Haven't you heard the rumor that the shy ones are the ones you have to watch out for? |D
And... She really doesn't want Nick to leave. ;-; ]]
Callie pursed her lips as she followed Nicholas into the elevator. She noticed how close they were and sighed. God, could the elevator go even slower? Oh, and even the bunny was getting more kisses than her. Oh, she couldn't blame him though. She was the one who denied him in the first place anyways.
Callie looked over at Nick curiously when he said that. When was the last time he actually slept in a med? Curious....
"I can't wait to go for a dip," Callie said softly, drumming her fingers on the bar at the back of the elevator. "Just have that nice water wash over me... maybe get in the hot tub. It's so late, it'll probably be empty, too. That is, unless you care to hold off the sleeping for a nice midnight swim with me?"
[[ Oh, Callie... ]]
7:53pm Jul 18 2012
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[[ That little teaser... ]]
I had just lifted my head from the fur of Callie Jr. as Callie started speaking of night swimming. Images of Callie, water 'washing all over her', and other images that shouldn't be specified raced in my mind, making my knees weak.
I pursed my lips, holding Callie Jr. with one arm in the crook of my elbow before backing Callie against the back of the elevator wall, my hand not holding Callie Jr. leaning on the wall by her shoulder. We were so close our noses faintly brushed against the other.
"I don't know, Callie."
I said, my voice already growing husky.
"I might be tempted to bring vengeance for your teasing."
I said, referring to her teasing me at the animal shelter. The sound of the door opening brought my eyes from her mouth - which I had just realized I was staring at - and back at her eyes.
"But if you want to risk it, I'd gladly join you."
I stepped away and walked out of the elevator, headed to rooms 107 and 109. I took the key from my pocket once stopping at my door with a smirk on my face. Oh, I had a feeling this night swim will be fun.
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8:00pm Jul 18 2012
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[[ Nicholas likes it... ]]
Callie's breath caught in her throat as Nicholas leaned against the elevator wall, successfully trapping her there. Both of her hands clasped the safety bar on the wall. She had to do something with her hands, and she wasn't going to touch Nick. Nope, no she was not.
And when he said her name... Oh, Callie couldn't help but shudder. Oh, it was a good shudder, don't get her wrong, but a shudder nonetheless. She was supposed to be holding all the cards here, not him.
The girl gulped when he referred to vengeance. What had she gotten herself into? But... That last sentence. That was a challenge, and she definitely wasn't going back down from that. She held her head high as she walked to her room, clutching the key desperately in her hands.
"I guess I'll be seeing you in the pool then." Callie flashed him a seductive grin before entering her room. She closed the door quickly, sliding down it right after. She was flirting with a vampire? What in the hell was wrong with her??

8:17pm Jul 18 2012
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[[ Oh yeah he does. |D ]]
I kept my ex pression flat until she went into her hotel room. But when she was finally from sight, I drew in a deep sigh, closed the door behind me as I came inside the bedroom and pressed my forehead against the door. When did she get so... Sexy? I obviously found her cute when we first met, but I didn't expect to get allured in to her traps so easily.
Taking Callie Jr. to the bathroom, I gave her another kiss in her fur before setting her in the bath tub. She was so tiny that she wouldn't be able to jump out. Looking at the tub made me think of Callie, more thoughts that I would be embarrassed to admit that I had out loud. Blushing, I tried shaking them away as I shrugged off my pants. (He'll just magically find a bathing suit in the room... o.o)
The scandalous thoughts of her turned to more sullen ones. Like the fact that these could be our last moments, seeing as once I get this thing taken care of with Edward, I was going to have to leave. I promised myself that I'd enjoy every second I had with her, even if it was mostly just getting in the mood (<<< xD) and then her breaking off the wonderful tension just to be mean.
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8:43pm Jul 18 2012
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[[ Oh, in the mood. All the time. ;3 Hehehe ]]
Callie slowly got up from the floor, rubbing the back of her neck as she did so. Oh god, all her flirtiness from before had just disappeared. How had she been so bold before? Oh god, what was she doing? She was throwing all her dignity out of the window! Well, if that was happening, she might as well go all out.
Callie shuffled into the bathroom when a thought suddenly hit her. She didn't have her bathing suit on her. She only had her bra and panties. Oh, this was so embarrassing! Hopefully they matched...
Callie shrugged out of her clothes and thanked the Gods for what she saw. Her only set of matching underclothes. They were hot pink with black polka dots. No lace, no sexy design. Simple, but so unnerving. If she wasn't nervous before, she definitely was now.
Callie snaked a towel around her top, covering her completely. Yet, she still felt so naked. He better appreciate the embarrassment she was bringing to herself. With the key card in her teeth, the girl snuck out of her room, closing it lightly. She was pretty positive that Nicholas heard her; he heard everything. She just wanted to beat him to the pool...
[[ Callie! Sportin' the cute matching undies. :D ]]
