8:58pm Jul 18 2012
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[[ Nick probably is all the time. |D
I hope this is a indoor pool...? D: Too bad if it isn't. I just wrote this down.D: ]]
After making sure Callie Jr. was alright, I realized since I had no bathing suit, I'd either have to go skinny dipping or go with my underwear on. Both sounded tempting, but to make Callie feel a little more comfortable - or just to be a tease - I'd chosen to wear the underwear. So, I slipped my pants back on, I heard Callie's door shut ever so faintly. I chuckled. Did she she'd be able to get to the pool before me?
I looked out the window of my room to see no one outside. None of the lights were on by the rooms by me either, which meant that this place wasn't that crowded. So I wouldn't have to worry about anyone seeing me. With a smirk, I opened up the window, climbed out, closed the window gently and jumped to the ground. There was a door right by me as I landed that said 'Indoor Pool This Way'. I smirked, running towards it, opening it, and getting to the pool area.
It was vacant. No one was around, no life guards, no little bratty kids... It'll just be me and Callie here. I smirked, glad that I had vampire speed for just one second so that I was able to strip off my pants, shirt, and jump straight in the water. I stayed under for a moment or two before coming up, pushing my blonde hair out of my face before setting both arms on the edge of the pool, letting my chin rest on them as I stared at the entrance door. Awaiting Callie's arrival.
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9:30pm Jul 18 2012
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[[ Bahahaha. Oh, Nicholas. You make me laugh, you sneaky little devil. |D ]]
Callie jumped when she heard a soft thump from outside. What in the hell was that? It sounded like a large animal or something. Well, luckily, it was outside, and she was indoors. Smirking, the girl made her way to the elevator. She pushed the button and waited, sneaking a glance back Nicholas' door. He wasn't coming yet... Odd.
Callie blushed as she entered the elevator. An older gentleman in one of those cab-like looking caps nodded at her once. Oh, the blush that arose furiously on her face was so embarrassing. She mumbled an awkward hello, wrapping the towel even tighter over her bust. So, so awkward!
Callie stumbled out of the elevator as quickly as she could, not wanting to remember that very flirty grin that older gent gave her... What a creep! She made her way to the pooling area, jaw dropping when she that Nick was already in the pool.
"Bu.... How?" Callie just shook her head. Stupid vampires... Well, since he was here already, she might as well have fun. The girl released her death grip on the towel and let it drop extremely flirtily to the floor. She covered her mouth in mock surprise.
[[ ... Callie so reminds me of Betty Boop here. xD ]]

9:39pm Jul 18 2012
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The second Callie appeared through the door way, I smiled. I had expected her surprise, and I was just about to tell her to jump in when she decided to drop her towel right there. Gosh, she should have warned me she was going to wear her bra and underwear. Why hadn't I thought of that before? She had more of the advantage here.
"Yeah. Whoops."
I murmured, purposely keeping my eyes on my arms. How was I going to control myself? That was the thing. I wasn't going to be able too. I thought I'd be able to tease her back but being so distracted, I couldn't think of one smart, teasing, or sexy thing to say.
So. I did the only thing I could do as that tension came back between us in the air. I disappeared under the water and stayed there. Oh, the joys of being able to hold my breath for a lifetime. (At least I'm guessing. He doesn't have any beating heart so he doesn't need to breathe. |D ]]
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9:45pm Jul 18 2012
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Callie snickered as Nicholas stared at his arm. Oh, what? He couldn't even look at her now? And she thought she was taking a risk here, swimming with him... Guess not. Oh, Nicholas? Was he all talk but no walk? It was beginning to look like it. Good thing Callie was both.
Callie slowly made her way to the steps down into the pool. The water was cold to her, but one jump in the hot tub later would fix that. Yeah, hot tub and bubbles? ... And Nicholas? Sounded like a plan!
The girl rubbed goosebumps off of her arms as she waded deeper and deeper, getting closer and closer to Nick. Who was currently under water. Still? Damn, was he going to stay under there all night? Well, she certainly didn't hope so.
"Nicholas," Callie said, standing on her tiptoes to keep her head above the water. "Are you going to avoid me all night? Or is this the huge 'risk' I'm taking?" Sarcasm and seduction in one sentence? Check!
9:58pm Jul 18 2012
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I could smell her scent near me, and hear her voice from under the water. I smirked. Now I think I could do this now that she challenged me. It's pay back time. I sat up from under the water slowly, letting my wet hair stay matted in front of my desired - filled eyes. My blue eyes bore into hers, my lips refusing to smile. With speed, I came close to her in a millisecond, coming so close that I had to look all the way down.
"I wouldn't have said that if I were you."
Ain't that the truth. No one can pass up a challenge, especially one like this. My wet fingers lifted, going up and down her cold arms from the water. I noted the goosebumps on her arms, a small smile coming to my face as I looked back up at her eyes.
"I wish you would have told me those techniques to warm me up, Callie. I would love to try them on you."
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10:04pm Jul 18 2012
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Callie bit her lip as Nicholas rose from the water. God, he looked like Poseidon, God of the sea. The way the water dripped from his chin onto that chest.... Okay, maybe he held some of the cards as well. Jeez, when had Callie's thoughts become so dirty? She used to be such a good little girl too.
Callie shivered. Not from the cold, not from the water, but from Nicholas' touch. Oh, he wouldn't have said that? If she could do it over again, she'd still say it. Why? Just to hear him say that. The sound of his voice gave the girl even more chills.
Callie looked straight up at Nicholas, a teasing smile playing on her lips. Well, two could play at that game. She raised her hand and brushed some of the wet hair off of Nicholas' forehead.
"Mmm, yeah. I could have told you... But I'd love for you to figure them out yourself."
10:16pm Jul 18 2012
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A crooked grin stretched my lips before closing my eyes for a moment to enjoy the warmth of her skin against my cold forehead. Opening them at her comment, I lifted an eyebrow, going back to this little game of ours.
Putting an arm around her waist, I pressed her body against my bare chest, whispering lovingly in her ear. "I'd love to experiment..."
I leaned back, keeping my hold on her, tracing small circles on the small of her back the way she had done to my chest before.
"But there are so many possibilities on what I could do to warm you up." I murmured, my eyes staying at hers, not portraying the teasing like I had promised I'd do. Instead, it still showed desire. The desire for something that I knew was wrong, but the fact that it was forbidden made it all the more tempting.
"I could - "I said, keeping my voice a whisper, letting go of her waist and rubbing her arms up and down again. "...Do this. Or," I traced down her arms once more before grabbing her hands and forcing them around my neck. (pp?) "We could try this." My eyes lingered on her mouth before coming back to look at her eyes. By this time, there was practically no space between us. A grin came back to my face as I said, "But what I would really like to do to get you warm..." I paused, my lips faintly brushing her forehead before abruptly going out of her grasp around my neck. My voice going back to normal. "Is go in the hot tub with out me. I'd make you colder."
I gave her a small grin, turned my back, and swam to deeper water so that I could breathe a moment without showing how hard it was to have her let go.
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10:25pm Jul 18 2012
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If Callie didn't have more self control, she'd be blushing like crazy. Fortunately, she had a point to make, and she wasn't going to fall for Nicholas' shenanigans, no matter how tempting. And they were, hah, very tempting.
Callie caught her breath in her throat as Nicholas pulled her chest into his. Oh gosh. Then he rubbed circles on the small of her back. Oh gosh. Then he rubbed her arms down. Oh gosh. He lifted her hands to wrap around his neck. Oh gosh. Oh gosh. Oh gosh. She was going to die if she held her breath any longer.
The moment Nicholas turned his back, Callie rubbed the spot on her forehead where his lips touched. She was frowning something fierce, definitely not ready for him to leave. She would stay cold all night if she got that treatment. Oh, what was she turning into? She used to be some little girl who liked to help rescue animals, and go get ice cream after volunteering. Now? She was swooning after some guy who was teasing her, then leaving her. What wasn't wrong with that picture?
"You know, Nicholas?" Callie said, a grin on her face as she walked back towards the shallow end. "I will be a lot warmer." She paused as she got out, aware of how much of her skin was showing. She bit her lip, nervously.
"But then you'll still be cold. We can't have that, now can we?"

10:28pm Jul 18 2012
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[[D: Gotta go. Just letting you know. I hate when role players leave for good with out letting me know. -.- lolol. ]]
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10:29pm Jul 18 2012
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[[ Aww. :c
See you later, then. <3 ]]
9:43am Jul 19 2012
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[[ Back for a bit. >.< ]]
After going to the deep end, I pressed the wall of the pool to my back, my elbows going up to lean on the edge in a relaxed position. I hoped she'd follow my orders, some how. Going to the hot tub with out me. If we went in the hot tub, I wouldn't know what to do with myself.
I swallowed as she lifted herself from the water, my eyes staying on hers. No, I wouldn't give in. I wouldn't let myself... Look. I chewed on my lower lip, my breathing hitched.
"No. We can't have that."
I said, my voice low.
"What would you advise if I'm always cold?"
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3:16pm Jul 19 2012
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Callie's eyes traveled to Nicholas' chest as he propped himself on the pool. It took all she had not to blush as brought her eyes up to meet his. It also took all her might not to start chewing on her fingernails, a nervous habit she broke years ago. It wasn't something she wanted to start up again.
Callie grinned at the boy's response. She raised her eyebrows and shrugged her shoulders. The girl made her way to the hot tub, pausing to turn the bubbles on. Oh thank God, that might cover her up some, and Nicholas if he came in. It wasn't nice to stare... Though she couldn't help it. I mean, look at the man!
Now it was Callie's turn to set both of her arms on the edge of the tub, resting her head on her hands. She had a very light, way too obvious innocent look on her face.
"I'd suggest you come here and find out for yourself."
[[ Is that a challenge, Callie?
Maybe... ;-; ]]
3:30pm Jul 19 2012
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[[|D I've been waiting for you to come online, you know that? ]]
My eyes stayed on Callie's face as she walked to the hot tub and turned on the bubbles. Don't check her out, Don't check her out, Don't check her out...
Gosh, I wanted to so bad. But, I couldn't. I felt almost... Bad. This was kind of our last night. I couldn't lead her on to much.
But her telling me to come over, I didn't hesitate to get up, walking slowly over to the hot tub. My blue eyes still boring into her own. Coming to the hot tub, I sat down on the seat across from her, my breathing still hitched. I couldn't say anything. I couldn't, or I'd beg her to have her way with me. And I couldn't do that. I'd be giving in and letting her win.
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3:43pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ Oh, CH. xD ]]
Callie hid her frustration well as Nicholas sat away from her. What, did she stink? Hah. NO! She already checked. And what? No snappy comeback? No flirty incantation to pull her in? Hm, it almost looked like she was winning this one... Almost.
"Nick, you look so tense," Callie said softly, her innocent eyes coming back. She leaned over and put her hand on his knee underwater. Oh, risque! "How can I help with that?" It was a rhetorical question. She tapped her lips with her fingers, as if contemplating how to continue.
Finally, the girl moved so she was sitting right next to him, his cold leg against her warm one. Callie leaned in to whisper in the man's ear.
"How about a back massage? I hear those do wonders."
[[ Omg. Callie, you mega flirt, you. ;3 ]]
3:48pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ She's gotten so flirty. |D It's hilarious. ]]
As she put her warm hand on my knee, I froze. No, she couldn't be winning! But she was. She lured me into the hot tub and had me around her finger. I was the stupid fish that bit into her bait. I felt her leg against mine as she moved, and I kept my eyes away from her, staring straight ahead to where she used to sit.
"I'd rather you not."
I said, my voice low and deep. This wasn't about flirting with her back now. This was about survival. This was about not giving in. I closed my eyes, ignoring the wonderful way her breath felt against my ear.
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3:48pm Jul 19 2012 (last edited on 3:48pm Jul 19 2012)
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4:03pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ I know!
... I seriously think Connor is influencing all of my Rps, that damn hooligan. >>
Which reminds me... Is it my turn to post on that Rp, or yours? |D ]]
Callie bit her lip and furrowed her eyebrows together when he rejected her offer. Did she miss something? He came into the hot tub to just sit across from her? He had to pulling some stunt... Because she would have taken a back massage in a heart beat. She was sore from being dragged around all night by crazy vampires with revenge on their minds.
And he wasn't even looking at her. His eyes were closed. Well, hell. What could she do now other than lean away and pout? No, she refused to do that. That insinuated she was upset by his disapproval. Nope. Nuh uh. She was going to win this, whether Nick knew it or not.
Callie leaned in a bit closer. She could feel her chest on his arm and attempted not to blush furiously. Well, she couldn't stop nature. Her cheeks turned a soft shade of pink.... Just blame it on the heat of the tub.
"Could you just look at me then, Nicholas?"

4:10pm Jul 19 2012
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[[... Omg. I think it's mine. I'm procrastinating. D: ]]
When she leaned against me, I finally couldn't hold back a small moan. Why did she have to do this to me? She'd win and she knew it. I was about to give up the towel.
I whispered, finally opening my eyes and turning my head to look at her. I was inches from her mouth and no matter how hard I tried, I couldn't look at her eyes. I was watching her mouth, every move it made.
"This is dangerous."
I added, having to admit the obvious, though there was a glimmer of teasing in my eyes at the statement. It was mostly dangerous because once I got a hold of her lips, I didn't know if I could stop. I wouldn't have to breathe, after all.
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4:22pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ Bahahaha! You non-breathing bastard! |D
And it's okay. c: ]]
Callie couldn't help but grin when she heard a small moan from Nicholas. Finally, she was getting somewhere! He turned, whispering her name. It made the girl's knees weak, and thankfully, she wasn't standing up.
Callie looked into Nicholas' eyes, which were staring only at her mouth. Oh gosh, there she went blushing again. What to say? What to do? What to do and say? Perhaps at the same time? Oh, she didn't know.
Callie moved in the water until she was sitting sideways in Nick's lap. She wrapped her arms around his neck and pulled herself close to his ear.
"You may bite, Nick, but I don't." She whispered teasingly into his ear before placing a small kiss on his neck, right below the appendage.
[[ ... I've been waiting for forever just to use that line. |D ]]
4:32pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ I thought you were calling me that for a second. o.o I was like o.o Omg. To be completely blunt, Nicholas is going to need Vaseline or something for what she's doing to him. |D ]]
I pressed my lips together as Callie climbed onto my lap sideways and wrapped her arms around my neck. I shivered when she whispered those wonderful words in my ear and kissed my neck. "I quit."
I whimpered before realizing what I said. I jolted myself up, looking back at her. Her mouth again, to be specific. A smile came to my lips. I said it. I can say it again.
"I quit. You win. Now kiss me."
I growled the last part, already finding her lips in a desperate kiss for how long I waited.
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