4:40pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ Pfft, no! I was calling Nicholas that. xD My dad just looked at me like I was mentally retarded because I laughed so freaking loud at that comment. (The Vaseline one.) |DD ]]
Callie's eyes widened as she heard Nicholas utter those perfect words. Twice. He quit? Oh thank god, she could quit this whole *censored*ty charade now! Put some clothes on, along with her dignity! Now she'll kiss him. Wait, what? Kiss him! That wasn't part of the plan! Too late...
Callie didn't respond to Nicholas' kiss at first. She was scared, terrified, to tell the truth. Kissing a vampire wasn't exactly on her 'to do list' for the day. Seduce him into staying? Yes. But actually doing stuff with him? Let's just say that was a little lower on the list.
The girl felt the desperateness in the kiss and couldn't help but melt into it. He reminded her of a bird with a broken wing. She wanted to - needed to - heal it, and if this was the trick, she would do it. Callie wrapped her arms around his neck once again and moved her lips against his. He was her broken bird.

4:44pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ I've been thinking about the the whole time Callie's been seducing him. Like seriously. Is that dirty? D: You're rubbing off on me!]]
When she finally gave me the kiss back, I smiled against her lips. Quitting never felt so nice. I opened my mouth slightly so the kiss wasn't close - lipped. Was she alright with this? I felt her hesitation at first in the kiss. ( I'm guessing those first couple paragraphs in your post was more of hesitation? D: If it isn't, ignore what I said.)
Holding her waist tightly, I allowed myself a couple more kisses. And then I'd let go. Now.... Now... Now, Nick!
I finally found a way to slow down my lips before finally letting them linger. "Sorry." I slurred against her lips. "I couldn't help it.
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4:53pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ CH, that is entirely dirty. Omg. Blame it on me, why don'tcha! xD ]]
Callie felt his lips part against hers, and she reacted on instinct. She hadn't kissed many boys before, but she was a natural. The girl couldn't help but want to be closer to Nick. She hesitated at first, and now she regretted it.
Callie shivered from his cold touch on her waist. It was odd, to have from her thighs down, burning from the water, but everything else be entirely chilled. Honestly speaking, she loved the contrast. His cold lips against hers. What was not to love about that?
"S'kay," Callie murmured back against his lips, forcing one of her eyes open to look at his face. She moved one hand down to his chest, drawing circles again. "I kind of asked for it, didn't I?"
She paused and giggled. Oh god, her face turned pink again. She just giggled. How embarrassing. One bit lip later, the girl said,
"Are you warmed up yet? Or should we continue?"
5:17pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ Something should stop them once it gets steamy. |D Like. Something bad should happen.
Maybe they hear a scream and Nick smells Edward is somewhere in the hotel? x: ]]
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5:19pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ Omg. Callie will be so embarrassed! She'll be running around in her undies all night. |D
But yes. Edward should come. >3 ]]
5:27pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ I don't feel like waiting for it to get extremely steamy, so we'll do it now. |D ]]
I was overjoyed when I realized she hadn't pulled away yet. She wasn't messing with me anymore. A human girl. This was a human girl, with blood in her wonderfully warm body, dripping wet, with me in a hot tub. I had to keep myself in check. If I felt her pulse...
I smiled when she traced circles on my chest again. "I'm not any where near warm yet. Kiss me."
I growled, pulling her closer to find her lips. It wasn't close lipped, but wasn't scandalous enough yet. After a couple kisses, I opened my mouth a little more, my tongue tracing her lower lip, wishing for access. I chuckled, kissing her once more, my teeth sinking into her lip tenderly. I had to be careful, though my fangs weren't out.
And that's when I heard it. A shrill scream on the other side of the hotel. I had heard it with my vampiric hearing, but it might have been faint to Callie. I let go of her lips, gently taking her off of my lap and jumping out of the hot tub.
"Did you hear that Callie?"
I whispered, fear in my tone. I licked my lips, the taste of Callie's mouth still in my mouth. I would have smiled, but the Edward's scent came to my nose.
"We have to go."
I said, grabbing Callie's towel and coming back to the edge of the hot tub, waiting for her to get out.
"Edward's here."
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5:54pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ Alrighty. xD ]]
Callie's grin whipped off her face as soon as Nicholas pressed his lips against hers again. His tongue brushed against her lips right before his teeth did. The girl couldn't help but shiver, from a combination of fear and pleasure. The duo made her pulse spike. She could practically feel the adrenaline pulsing through her veins.
Callie looked up at Nicholas with shock. He had just... left. Quickly. What was wrong? She bit her lip, about to ask, when he asked her something first. Did she hear what? Uhm, no. She didn't. What was he talking about? And why did he sound so scared? She was starting to get worried now...
Callie's heart dropped when she heard that Edward was there. At the hotel? So, Drake and Mark hadn't taken care of him... He escaped two powerful vampires, and he was there to kill them. How would Nicholas defend them? It wasn't as if she could help, her pitiful human body wouldn't allow it.
Callie began shaking as she got out of the hot tub as quickly as she could. She wrapped herself in the towel, not even attempting to hide her fear. She was scared. Dead scared.
"Where are we going to go?" Her voice was a mere whisper as she scooted closer to the vampire.

6:00pm Jul 19 2012 (last edited on 1:51pm Jul 22 2012)
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My lips were still tingling, and I wished Edward had chosen to come tomorrow. The fact that Edward was here so soon was proof that Callie and I wouldn't be getting one night of wonderful sleep for a long while until this is over with.
"I... I have to get you out of here."
I murmured to myself, wrapping an arm around her shoulders with one arm and opening the door of the exit with another.
"I thought we'd at least have a couple more days before he found us here."
I once again said more to myself then to her. Once coming out in the cold, I picked Callie up bridal - style, just as I saw Edward in the window of Callie's bedroom. Disappearing out of the hotel's vicinity, I ran once again.
And I had a feeling that this wouldn't be the last time we'd have to run.
An hour passed of my holding tightly to Callie, running as fast as I could out of that city. I felt bad for forcing her to leave her old life, but I had to do it for her safety. This is the third time I've ran away, and it hasn't even been a whole night.
"I think we lost him for a little while."
I whispered, starting for a walk on the edge of the city. I didn't know how far I should go, or where we could hide.
"I'm sorry Callie."
She didn't deserve this. To have to run away from the danger that was my fault. She was being carried by danger right now - me. She deserved to be back in her room right now, sleeping like she should have been before Edward came to her room. This was a long night.
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8:03pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ I don't know what to post. xD
She's just like, in her wet underclothes, running through the street at midnight. I'd be surprised if she didn't get raped. |D ]]
8:09pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ True... I'll edit the post. Later. D: It's procrastination time. ]]
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8:21pm Jul 19 2012
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[[ Okay. xD
I procrastinated forever on mine and Wolfie's Rp. -fail- |D ]]
6:13pm Jul 20 2012
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[[ Nommy nommy nom. c: ]]
7:55pm Jul 21 2012
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1:51pm Jul 22 2012
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2:33pm Jul 22 2012 (last edited on 3:14pm Jul 22 2012)
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Callie didn't say anything as Nicholas picked her up. She dug her face into his shoulder, trying to keep down her tears. She knew that she had to leave. If she stayed, everything she loved would be in trouble, parents included. And... Callie Jr! She was still in the bathtub at the hotel! The poor dear was probably scared for her life...
They lost him for a while? Didn't they lose him for a while at the hotel? She saw how fast that 'while' lasted. Would they ever stop running? She certainly felt the safest at Nicholas' side, but did he want her there? The thought crossed Callie's mind, causing her discomfort in his arms. Did he want her there? Wasn't she just baggage, keeping him from living his life otherwise? She was just a pawn, for both him and Edward.
"Don't apologize, Nick," Callie said into his shoulder, still not wanting to look up at him. She was so embarrassed. The girl practically threw herself at Nicholas, and now he had to just drag her around everywhere. She didn't know how he could stand to look at her now.
"I know where we can go..." Callie said, a thought suddenly hitting her. "A place Edward won't find. I don't think, anyways." She paused and gently nibbled her lip. "We have a summer home, right on the beach. It's only a few hours away by car." Another pause. "I don't know if you'll want to stay there with me... but it's somewhere to go..."
[[ Major mood swings, Callie. Damn. o.o ]]

2:35pm Jul 22 2012
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[[ Omg! I forgot the bunny! D: Why is that my favorite part of your posts all the time? |D You always add her in. :D Nick will just think it's PMS. Where should they go? Lately my creativity is seriously lacking. :U ]]
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2:53pm Jul 22 2012
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[[ I always add the Bunny because it's Callie's natural response to taking the spot-light off of herself. xD
And hmm. Uh, I could make Callie's family have a summer house and they could stay there? It could be on the beach, and they could go ocean swimming. |D ]]
3:01pm Jul 22 2012
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[[ Great idea! But, Nicholas wouldn't really know she has that. Can Callie suggest it in your post? D: ]]
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3:15pm Jul 22 2012
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[[ There we go! Edited. c: ]]
4:20pm Jul 29 2012
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[[ Bump~
Just for your sake. |D ]]