4:57pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ What does 'heels in hand' mean? O_O ]]
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5:07pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ It means she was holding her high heels in her hand. xD hahahahaha ]]
5:12pm Jun 15 2012
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[ Omg. Now I fail. D| I was imagining her holding her heels - on her feet. And I was like O_O Vin doesn't mean that... ]]
I had thought for a moment that she'd decline, which had me concerned. That meant I'd have to follow her whether she'd like it or not, and then she'd get creeped out by me. And that wasn't what I was going for.
I smiled when she had accepted, worries of having to stalk her home vanished. "Not a problem at all." I said before walking a bit faster to catch up with her small legs. Walking in step with her - at least trying too. I was at least a foot or two higher then her and my legs twice her length. - I tried to make small talk. "I'm guessing those shoes aren't very comfortable?"
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5:32pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Bahahaha! xDD Sorry, I should have clarified that in my writing! ]]
Callie watched the ground as she walked, trying not to do anything embarrassing. The girl thought of past moments where she had done something to chase the boys off: dropping her soda on his pants, snorting loudly when she laughed, correcting his grammar, chastising him for lack of creativity or originality. The girl cringed as she remembered how close minded she was.
The sound of Nicholas' voice startled the girl from her train of thought. Looking up, a bright blush on her cheeks from her memories, Callie chuckled nervously. What had he said? Something about shoes? The girl looked down quickly at her right hand, high heels clacking together lightly from her stride.
"Ah," Callie said, still looking at her shoes, "Yes, they are quite uncomfortable." She paused then shifted the high heels to her other hand. "I'm sure you wouldn't know though... Last time I checked, guys didn't wear heals." Callie looked up at Nicholas then giggled at the thought of him in a racy, red dress and strappy silver heels. The image was just not right.

5:49pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Um. Excuse me, Vin. I think you made a mistake. Nich would look sexy in anything. Even a dress. He could work it better then some girls. And heels would do wonders to his hot legs. ]]
I smirked at her response. At least she wasn't as uncomfortable with me now. "You don't know what kinds of shoes I wear, Callie."
I said with a completely serious ex pression. Oh how hilarious it would be if I could actually make her believe I wear heels.
[[ Should something happen while they're walking home? xDDD Maybe more vampires live in the area? I have a slight - cheesy - idea if you want to try something now. Or, should we wait until later so we're not going so fast with the role play? You choose. D: ]]
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5:55pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ .... xDD hahahaha Ohh, now would be fine! :D And Vin like de cheesy... Cheesy iz nice. xD ]]
Callie quickly lifted her head to look at Nicholas' face, searching for signs of humor. There were none. The girl widened her eyes for a second time for the night at the man. Her cheeks flushed red once more as she looked back down at the ground.
"Ah," was all Callie could think to say. Nicholas in heels... Cross dresser? Was he even a guy? Maybe he had a sex change and that's why he was so charming, because he knew what girls wanted. Callie shuddered at the thought. Was the sexy guy next to her actually a girl? Callie snuck a look up at Nicholas from behind her long lashes. Nope. There was no freaking way that this guy could have ever been a girl.
[[ Nicholas... Nom-nom-nom-nom. ;3 ]]
6:01pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ YESS! xDDD Alright, I was just thinking that vampires could be looking for him or whatever. Maybe he left their little 'pack' even though that's what you call werewolves. Anyways, we can have the vampires that are looking for him take Callie. Like as bait to get to Nich. Because obviously, once Nich knows she's taken - once they start getting the romance going - he'll go save her and be the prince charming, since she's the damsel in distress. xD And then we can just wing it from there, he won't have to save her easily or anything. She could always get out herself. Just a random way to describe it. You get it? xDDDDDDDDD
But, we still have to have them talk a little more first. It was just an idea. xD ]]
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6:04pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ ... Oh. Vin likes. Vin likes a lot. o.o -Is such a sucker for romance- xD
I love the idea though! :D
And I believe it's called a Coven. o.o A coven of Vampires. I think. ]]
6:06pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Well, you're brilliant. Coven. I'll remember that. xD
Oh yay! I was hoping you wouldn't think 'well it's all about Nich...' Cause I hate when people do that too the plot. Oh hey, I'm going to make it all about my character and you'll just be the bait!
So yeah. For my conscience's sake, we can change it up as it goes, you know? xD
I'm a sucker for romance too. <3333
I'll make my post later. -hungry- ]
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6:09pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Pfft, I'm too relaxed to really care about that. And besides, it takes two people to make an Rp good! xD
And eat extra for me. xD hahaha ]]
6:38pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Oh okay good. <3 I guess I'm not as relaxed about stuff like that. It's like a role play pet peeve of mine. xD I ate enough to fill my stomach, plus extra. o-o -is a pig- ]]
Inwardly, I was hysterical. The way her blue eyes ( I think. ) looked at me with a skeptical ex pression made me want to explode with laughter. But I kept my lips in a firm line and my eyes hiding any humor or amusement. "Yup."
Was all I said, as though it wasn't awkward that I just admitted I wore heels. Wanting to play on with the joke as much as possible, I changed the subject so she wouldn't ask if I was serious. "So, Callie, seeing as we're going to have a mile walk down this road, you might as well start telling me about yourself."
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6:46pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Close, her eyes are light green, almost yellow. xD But it's all good! It's a weird eye color. ]]
Callie couldn't help but shake her head at Nicholas. He had to be joking... Wasn't he? After another sneaky glance, Callie figured he was. Just as she was about to call him out, he spoke. Her train of thought instantly changed. What should she tell him about herself?
"Well, I'm the oldest of three children... I have a little brother and a little sister, they're twins and only a year and a half younger than me... But, they're the apples of my parents eyes. Shawn is a star athlete, always getting medals and awards for his performances. And Alissa has all the brains in the family. She's only a freshman, but she leads the debate team." Callie paused, trying to remember where she was going with this. "Which leaves me. I'm neither a star in either way, so my parents mostly ignore me. So, I spend most of my time at Shaela's house. She likes to go out, and I hate for her to be alone. That's why I'm dressed like this, if you were wondering."

7:02pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Oh yeah! You were the one who I was hoping wouldn't think I copied, 'cause they do have the same hair and eye color. Bahahahahahaha. I remember that. I fail. ]]
My lips turned to a frown as she finished. How could she think she wasn't a star? I haven't known her long, but I can't imagine someone thinking that bad of themselves. Maybe it was just because I was a sap. These mortals and their egos... Their low ones.
"You're a star in your own way."
I said quietly, before adding, "Isn't that life? Learning who you are, what makes you shine? Your siblings just happened to learn a little sooner then you, but others might not learn until they're on their death beds. That's why life is such a roller coaster for humans. They have those insecurities about not knowing what makes them a star, but I think that's why a passion for something feels so great. They spend a life time - or as long as your siblings - feeling inadequate for not knowing what their truly 'good at', so when they do find it, it makes them feel like those feelings were worth going through."
I chose to not wait for her response on that, not wanting our conversation to get too mushy or personal. I couldn't help adding like an old wise man, because technically I was. I hadn't been wondering why she was wearing something like that dress, but I had noticed it. It did relieve me that I was talking to a girl that at least noticed that the dress wasn't the most modest thing.
"So, if you don't want this Shaela girl to be alone, where is she now?"
That may have been one of those personal questions I was avoiding. With a wince, I looked to her and put my hands up. "Sorry. You don't have to answer that. Not my business."
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7:16pm Jun 15 2012
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Callie listened quietly as Nicholas explained himself. She frowned slightly as he said life was a roller coaster for humans. Wasn't he human? She inwardly chuckled at herself. What else could he be? A fairy? The girl bit her lip to keep from laughing aloud and returned her attention to Nicholas. He was getting pretty deep, she thought, for someone who only appeared to be a few years older than she was. It actually surprised her. Nicholas sounded like her counselor at school, the old balding one who always breathed like he had just ran up several flights of stairs. She thanked the heavens that Nick didn't look like him though.
Callie raised her eyebrows at Nicholas as he said it wasn't any of his business. Out of all the things he had just said to her, he found that wondering where her friend was located wasn't his business. Callie couldn't help but laugh at the moment. "Oh yeah, you just crossed a line, you know, asking where my friend was," Callie said sarcastically, rolling her eyes in an over dramatic movement. She laughed once more before smiling up at Nicholas.
"Well, it's not anything personal to me," She said after a moment. "She's in line, back at a club, probably smoking and attempting to flirt her way past my cousin." Callie sighed and rubbed her temple for a moment. She felt bad for just leaving Shaela there. But... The girl had to learn. It wasn't the first time she tried to force Callie to do something she didn't want to. "But it's what she wants," Callie added softly afterwards. "She wants to live her life like that. I don't. That's why I left her behind..." Callie trailed off, not really wanting to talk about herself, or Shaela, anymore.
"Well, how about you Nicholas?" She asked, changing the subject away from herself. "Tell me about yourself, if you don't mind." As long as you aren't a fairy... Callie thought to herself, a smirk playing across her lips at the idea.

7:26pm Jun 15 2012
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This small talk had back fired. I hadn't realized she'd put that question back on me. And I was still completely oblivious and confused as to why she laughed at me apologizing. I guess she wasn't as sensitive as most girls - which was good, I'm not complaining. "You want to know about... Me?"
I said, trying to stall as I thought for a moment. Pursing my (Hot...xD) lips, I thought and thought and thought...
There was nothing about me that didn't pertain to a vampire. Unless she was talking about the boring stuff.
"Well. I've moved here from England one hundred-" Was I really about to say I've moved here from England 180 years ago? Looking up at a sign close by, I chuckled and said, "Sorry, my eyes glanced over the sign that says 100th street and my mind got confused." Good thing was there really was a sign right there that just saved my butt. "Anyways, I've been living by myself in America for about 5 years, but all of my family is back in England. I was an only child." No, I wasn't. But I didn't want to talk about Julia. Ever. I kept slipping up on my wording with her. I had said 'was'. That's obviously meaning my parents were dead. The last thing I needed was her suspecting anything, so I had to make sure I was better with my wording. "Enough about boring old me, alright? Tell me... What you like to do."
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7:40pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Hot... Always hot. xDD ]]
Callie nodded slightly as he talked, taking in the information, which took a few moments. She figured he had a lot to say, so when he started talking, it surprised her. England, huh? She would love to visit there one day, all the places to go, things to see. She was so caught up in thinking of travel, she hardly noticed his slip-up. Her eyes flashed to 100th street and inwardly she sighed. They were just a few blocks from her house now.
Callie saved her questions for the end. If he had been living here for about 5 years, how old was he when he moved? He couldn't have been older 14. Perhaps he lived with an uncle or aunt or something. She also noticed how he mentioned he was an only child. Perhaps that's why he moved. She didn't want to pry, wait, yes she did, but she respected his privacy. If he wanted to talk about it, he would.
Callie smacked her lips together, thinking of what she liked to do. There wasn't much. "Well, I like to do the daily Sudoku in the paper. I love to go on hikes and read by the small creeks that are tangled between the trees. I love the sounds of the night, mostly hearing the owls." She paused, thinking of how lame she sounded. "Sorry, I must be dreadfully boring you!"

7:51pm Jun 15 2012
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[[... I LOVE SUDOKU. I have a big book I use all the time. <3 Oh yeah. Nich's always hot. That's a given. ]]
It was funny. She thought she was boring me, but I found it all so interesting. "The funny thing is that we have so much in common. I love Sudoku as well, and I've always been a nature person."
I said, remembering how much I like the sounds of night as well, which was what really stood out to me as she spoke. I used to not like it, as a child, obviously, I would imagine monsters. But I've gotten used to the dark, to where I actually enjoy those sounds as well. "I used to be terrified of the dark as a child, but it's grown to me very much."
She also seemed like a nature person. Which was just like me as well. When I was younger, I would get punished multiple times a week for staying in the woods behind my house to long or too much. Even my fear of the dark wouldn't take me away from seeing all the animals - I always liked snakes - out there. And, obviously now, I'm still that nature lover.
"And, you haven't bored me once. Tell me more."
I said with a smirk as I looked back down at Callie. I liked her company. She was one of those pleasant people that could make you forget your troubles with this small talk.
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8:07pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Aww yeah! I knew I wasn't the only one! xD ]]
Callie smiled softly as he mentioned what they had in common. Most people thought Sudoku was a Japanese sport and it was nice to see someone who actually knew what it was, nonetheless liked it. Though, it was hard to see Nicholas sitting down for a nice game of Sudoku. It was much easier to see him in the woods, which he said he also liked.
Callie shrugged as he asked her to continue. After a moment of thinking, she finally replied. "I've never been scared of the dark.... Kids say they're scared of things they can't see. I'm scared of the things I can see, but don't know they're dangerous. In the dark, everything feels completely safe, or completely scary. My instinct almost always leads me in the right direction though." Callie paused for a moment, pursing her lips in thought.
"You know what I like most about nature though?" The girl asked after a moment, her voice soft once again. "The fact that it's only you and it... There are no others to change your point of view, or confuse you about the simplest things." Another pause. "It's peaceful..."

8:11pm Jun 15 2012
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The way she spoke of nature made me want to shrink down and squeeze inside to her mind to see what else she had up there. The way she saw things was fascinating. "I agree. I guess I'm not the only one who gets along better with animals then with humans." There I went again, categorizing humans as if I wasn't one. I swallowed, hoping she didn't notice, before walking a little faster.
"Is you're house close by?"
That may have sounded to eager. Giving her a smile I admitted, "It's getting late. I wouldn't want your parents worried about you."
And I wouldn't want to make any more slip ups.
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8:25pm Jun 15 2012
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Callie's eyes flashed to Nicholas' face before searching the street for her house. She had so many questions for him, but she'd save them for later. Assuming that she would see him again. The girl had no idea if she would or not, but she knew it shouldn't bother her. He probably doesn't even live in the area. She'd never seen him before tonight.
Callie picked up her pace as well, her eyes straight ahead, on a white, two-story house with navy shutters and a red door. Her siblings unanimous choice. "Yeah, it's just right ahead." She said, pointing to her 'typical-american' house, complete with the white picket fence and her Golden Retriever in the back yard, Drexler. Yes, it was her dog, and she loved it more than anything else in the world.
Callie stopped walking and turned to Nicholas. "Thank you," She said with a shy smile. "For everything, I mean. Not for just walking me home."