8:29pm Jun 15 2012
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I stopped at the front of the house when we came to the front yard and looked back at her. I couldn't help but feel slightly surprised at what she said, and I cocked my head to the side and looked at her with a confused ex pression.
"What else is there to thank me for?"
After I asked I realized she was probably talking about the incident with the gang of guys when we first met. Realizing such, my confused ex pression changed to a smile. "Nah. It's no problem, sis." I said with a teasing spark in my eye, referring to how I had said she was my sister.
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8:36pm Jun 15 2012
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Callie rolled her eyes, though a smile was plastered on her face. "Oh thanks, big bro," She replied sarcastically. Movement out of the corner of her eye made Callie turn her head slightly, fearing it was her parents. Fortunately, it was only Drexler. "Drex!" Callie whispered happily to her pet dog. "I'll let you in in a moment."
The girl turned back to Nicholas and smiled again. She put her hand on his (Muscular xD) arm and gave it a light squeeze before she opened the gate and slipped inside the yard silently. She turned, waved at him, then whispered, "Good night," though she figured he wouldn't hear it anyways.
8:52pm Jun 15 2012
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[ OH YEAH <3 ]
I laughed back at her calling me 'bro', and watching her walk back to the house. Warm seeped through my arm where she had squeezed. When her back was toward me, I calmly rubbed the spot where she touched, trying to stop the tingling. I waved back at her and turned around.
Just as I was going off the curb, I heard her voice in a soft whisper. "Good night." As if she was beckoning me to come up with her and stay. I shivered. What was that about? I was completely comfortable with her the whole walk here.
"Good night."
I whispered back, though unless she was a vampire like myself, I doubted she heard it. I turned once more and wandered down the street to the apartment complex close by.
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9:05pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Oh my goodness, they are so cute!!! :D <33 ]]
Callie watched as he disappeared down the street, wishing that he hadn't gone. That was the first actually nice conversation that she had in a long time. And he was... Well, extremely good looking, to put it mildly. The girl looked down at Drexler and smiled, petting the top of his head lightly. "Want to sleep in my bed tonight, Drex?" She asked her old friend, opening the door silently to let him in first.
Callie maneuvered through the dark house silently, knowing where each chair, lamp and table was in the place. It wasn't a difficult task; she'd done it plenty of times before. She made her way up the stairs, Drex on her heels, and escaped into her room.
After her nightly routine, face wash, hair brushed and thrown into a messy bun, teeth cleaned and her doggy flannel PJs on, Callie clamored into bed, trying to get herself comfortable while not disturbing Drex. She tried to fall asleep, but the night kept flashing in her mind, mostly the conversation with Nicholas though. She couldn't help but wonder if she'd ever see him again.

9:25pm Jun 15 2012
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[[Awh, I know right? xDDD
How should they meet again? ]]
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9:26pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Uhm. Well, I can make her work at a flower shop, or animal shelter, or somethin', and they can meet up? xD I have no idea, actually. xDD ]]
9:27pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Omg, do animal shelter! 'Cause they talked about how they both love nature. And he can come in with like a hurt bunny or something. Omg. Wanna' do it? xDDDDDD
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9:28pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ :o -Loves Bunnies- xD
Yes, let's do it!! :D ]]
10:10pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Bunnies are my favorite animals. ;~;
I'll make up a post tomorrow.<33 ]]
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10:13pm Jun 15 2012 (last edited on 10:39pm Jun 15 2012)
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[[ Sounds good. ^^
I'll lay down a little post so it won't be so awkward. xD hahaha ]]
Callie woke with a huge headache and an ever bigger back ache. Stupid Drex hogged up the whole bed, leaving Callie in a very small corner of it. "You're sleeping on the floor tonight," The girl muttered, pushing herself out of bed. After a hot shower, full of minds drifting off to think about a certain guy from the night before, Callie got dressed for work. 'Work' consisted of her volunteering at the local animal shelter. Most days she just bathed, fed, and walked the animals. If she was needed, Callie even helped tend to the animal's medical needs.
It was nearly 9:30 in the morning by the time the girl was ready. She was running late, but oh well. They can't complain since she volunteers, especially since it was summer. Callie grabbed her keys and bag, then drove her cream colored Bug to the shelter, ready to get the day started, and the night's memories out of her head.
10:32pm Jun 15 2012
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[[...Wait... What? ^^ LOL. ]]
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10:54pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Sorry, I'm confusing. I just meant I'd write that little paragraph up there. xD ]]
10:58pm Jun 15 2012
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[[ Oh I get it. o-o -you make me feel like a blonde-
Anyways, I'll put up a post tomorrow. -is seriously going offline now- xD ]]
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10:16am Jun 16 2012
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I wiped my chin to avoid the blood staining my white skin. The guys that had the audacity to choose Callie to mess with yesterday night just might be regretting the action now that they were dead and burning in hell. With a smirk at the wonderful thought, I kicked away the blood - drained body I finished feeding off of and left them in the middle of the woods to die off for good.
It was early in the morning now, and all I had been thinking about - even as I had my dinner - was Callie. The girl I met last night chose to find a huge spot in the back of my mind to sit at so I could think about her all day. Her face kept coming up in my mind, and I could have sworn I heard her voice a couple times last night. It was as if I was actually wanting her to find me here in the woods, so that we could just talk again.
I refused to think it was anything more then a infatuation for a pretty girl that I just happened to save. It's not like I'd ever see her again - and no matter how much that put a down on my mood, I accepted it.
I was just going to start walking back to the city, maybe somehow sniff the girl out just to see what she was doing, when I saw a small bunny (AW. <3 This is definitely the bunny... I'm in love. ]] hop out of a bush once. The hop was pitiful and small but he sat upright again. His eyes showed weariness and his ears drooped down slightly. He looked miserable and in pain. He stopped, as if he sensed me close by. Now that he saw me, he was watching me carefully. I stepped forward once when I could smell blood coming strongly from the animal. The second I stepped forward, the small bunny tried to hop away as fast as his little legs could carry him. Instead, it hopped once and it became a limp. Then a fall.
Oh, even blood - suckers have a soft side. I walked over to the bunny, seeing as it hurt it's leg even more by falling so he couldn't run away, and said calming words so he knew I wouldn't hurt him as I picked him up. "It's alright, little guy..."
I mumbled against her furry ears. I bet the image looked weird. A tall, (Muscular...) vampire holding a tiny bunny that was just as big as my hand. I pressed my lips to the top of his head as he started to shake, nervously. I held him tight to my chest - though tried not to hurt his bad leg- as I ran for the city. There had to be a animal shelter close by.
Walking along the sidewalk, I met many stares as they gave empathetic eyes toward the now heavily bleeding bunny. I had my handkerchief pressed against his leg the best I could to stop the bleeding, but I don't think the bleeding was the bad part. He banged up his leg pretty hard; I could feel where the bone had broken. Finding the animal shelter - I had seen it around before. - I quickly walked inside and pushed gingerly passed someone who was about to go to the counter.
I put the still - shaking bunny on the counter. That's when I noticed it was a bit skinny too. It probably couldn't get any food since he couldn't run. My heart went out to the little guy as I said to whoever was behind the counter - I wasn't paying attention. I didn't even give them a glance. I kept my eyes on the bunny who was starting to get more comfortable with me. I could see it in his eyes, and how he stayed close.
"I found this little guy in the woods. He was bleeding a lot heavier then before, but I think I stopped most of it. What I'm worried about is his leg..."
I went on with what I noticed wrong with his health, and put one of my fingers in between his ears in a small, comforting pet. The bunny was still shaking but I think he was getting more comfortable with me. It took everything in me not to ask if I could just keep him.
[[I didn't know if you wanted her at the counter. So I kind of just put it out there. ^^^ ]]
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1:14pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ That bunny is too freaking cute for it's own good! <33 ]]
Callie noticed a figure come through the doors of the shelter, but didn't pay any heed to him. She couldn't see the bunny in his arms, so she kept her head down and continued to read her book, Of Poseidon, a mermaid book.
A familiar voice pulled her from her book and she slowly looked up. Emotions crossed her face quickly, shock, surprise, happiness, curiosity, but they were all missed because Nicholas was only looking at the injured bunny in between them. Callie caught the key points: Leg injured, lots of bleeding, and very thin.
"It'll be okay Nicholas," Callie said, pulling a pair of gloves from the drawer next to her. She focused all her attention onto the bunny, and away from Nick. With gentle hands, she cradled the bunny to her chest and turned away from the desk and called to Sharon, the person in charge for the morning.
Unanimously, they decided to keep the animal for a few days and they could do the X-rays and splints there at the office. Callie walked back to the front, where Nicholas was, and dug into her lunchbox. She pulled out a small pack of raisins then looked up at the bunny's savior. "Would you like to feed him, Nicholas?" Callie asked him with a smile.

1:21pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ I can't take it's cuteness! I want one now! It's officially Nich's new pet. ]]
Ever since I first saw the bunny hurt, nothing else was really on my mind other then saving the little thing. But this one girl had more power then this vampire could ever have. Just her voice took me out of the trance as I looked up from the shivering bunny.
I whispered to myself as she took the bunny away too take care if him. A smile brightened my features as she came back out.
I said, though my eyes searched hers skeptically. "When did you start working here?"
I asked with a crooked grin and held one palm out to take a couple raisins.
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1:31pm Jun 16 2012
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Callie looked up to count the months she had been here. "I've volunteered here for 3 years now, but usually I've only been able to come during school breaks and summer," The girl said thoughtfully as she popped a few raisins into Nicholas' outstretched hand. "I usually work in the back though, more hands-on with the animals."
Callie motioned for Nicholas to follow her to the back room with her, where the bunny was. "So, were you just taking a walk in the woods when you found the little guy?" Callie flashed her eyes back to Nich, being genuinely curious about how he found a bunny, nonetheless brought it to a shelter... Her shelter.
1:36pm Jun 16 2012
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I followed her to where she led me through the back room. It wasn't surprising that she volunteered here so long, seeing as she had said how much she likes nature yesterday night.
"Yeah. Just walking in the woods, and he jumped out of nowhere. Poor thing."
That wasn't so much of a lie. I was walking in the woods - after I finished feeding on those men from yesterday night. She didn't need the details.
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1:45pm Jun 16 2012
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Callie stopped at a cage, which held a mean looking white Persian cat. She grabbed a kitty treat from a bag near its cage and tossed it into a bowl of uneaten cat food. The cat promptly walked up, ate the treat, then started on the rest of its food. "Damn cat, won't eat unless it's given a treat first..." She muttered, moving down the cages again.
"Well, he's going to be just fine here," Callie said, finally stopping at the bunny cage. It had a wrap around its leg and was silently munching on bunny feed and vitamins. Callie grabbed a raisin from the box and opened the cage door, offering the small food as a bit of a peace offering. The poor thing hobbled forward, sniffed the raisin, then took it from her hand.
Smiling, Callie took her hand from the cage and looked up at Nicholas. "Okay, your turn." She said with a grin, taking a step to the side of the cage so he would be able to feed the rabbit.
"Tell me, Nicholas, do you want to keep the bunny once it's healed?"
2:02pm Jun 16 2012
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I followed Callie as we walked through cages. Some animals looked in really bad shape. My eyes met a cat that had sores all over and dark eyes that showed the misery it went through. I tore the gaze away as I followed Callie to the bunny I found.
I smirked when I saw that he was looking better. Still a bit skinny, but he just needed to eat more. And they wrapped up the leg too. I took the spot that Callie left to put my hand through the cage door to give him the raisin. Sniffing once, he had licked my palm when taking the raisin. I smiled. Would it be crazy if I thought he remembered me by my smell? I mean, I did save him. And, since I was a vampire, I felt like I would make him feel more comfortable then humans. He had stayed by my hand as if he wanted my hand to stay.
I took my hand out of the cage after a small pet on his back. With a smile at Callie, I felt silly as I said, "If it's alright." How weird. A vampire, keeping a bunny as a pet. I looked back at the bunny. He was looking back at me. Yeah. It was kind of crazy to think that he could sense more security with me just because I wasn't human but a vampire. But I'll believe it anyways to make me feel a little special.
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