2:22pm Jun 16 2012
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Callie beamed as the rabbit took a liking to Nicholas. It wasn't all too common for a hurt animal to be so connected to someone right away. Usually they were skittish and weary. The fact that the two had a connection was great.
"If it's alright."
Nicholas didn't seem like a bunny person, but dang, he looked sexy with one, that was for sure. Callie smiled brightly at him and put the rest of her raisins into the food bowl, though she had to get into Nicholas' close proximity to do that.
"We'll have to make sure you get all the necessary equipment for the bunny, but I'm sure you'll be a great dad to him," Callie teased him lightly.
7:06pm Jun 16 2012 (last edited on 7:07pm Jun 16 2012)
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It was a innocent action. All Callie did was get closer to put the raisins in the food bowl. But the second her arm brushed against mine, a whole new world of colors shown bright in my eyes. I kept my eyes averted, unintentionally focusing on the sweet smell of her blood, hair, and perfume. A smile teased the corner of my lips as she told me I'd be a great dad, but I couldn't find a smart response back because my mind was full of cotton. I couldn't think anything. Her scent still wafted in the air, and if I was human, I would have blushed a hot red. When was the last time a women's smell effected me so much? It wasn't just the smell of her blood - no matter how good it smelled. It was just her presence all together. It frightened me.
"I'll be good to him."
I said with a smile as I stuck my pointer finger through the bar. The bunny came and sniffed it. I smiled, we really did have a connection.
"What should I name him, Callie?"
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9:37pm Jun 16 2012
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Callie leaned back, away from Nicholas. She tried not to smile when he didn't make a smart remark back to her for her dad comment; she was expecting one. Perhaps her closeness had the same effect on him as it did on her. She could feel her heart begin to race as she neared him; surely it was so loud he could hear it.
"Hmm... I'd go with Drexler Jr." Callie said teasingly. She wasn't serious, and there were much better names for bunnies anyways. "Name... name, name, name." The girl muttered to herself, trying to think of something. "Name him Bunnicula. Bunny Dracula." Callie said this with a laugh. The name reminded her of the killer bunny of the Monty Python movie... The one with the Holy Grail.
9:40pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ Wahhh. I'm changing the bunny to a girl so that he can be corny. :O ]]
I smirked at her suggestions, as my eyes stayed on the bunny. I could hear her heart beat pound in my ears, and I closed my eyes. I could smell the sweet scent of her blood again. I've never had such a desire to have someone's blood.
"How about Callie Jr."
I said with a wink in her direction before petting Callie Jr. once more.
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10:16pm Jun 16 2012
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Callie rolled her eyes at his suggestion, but blushed wildly. "Oh, you're so sweet, Nicholas," The girl said sarcastically, though she wouldn't look at him. Callie Jr... What a stupid bunny name.
"If you're naming her after me, then that means I'm her Auntie." Callie paused to give Nick a big smile. "And being her Auntie entitles me to weekend visiting rights. No exceptions." Callie nudged Nicholas' side playfully as she said this, though she was actually serious about having weekend visits for the bunny.... And possibly her owner as well.
10:21pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ This is getting so cute! GAHHH. ]]
I smiled at Callie's response. "I enjoy your company too much to not take you up on that offer." I said with a glint of teasing in my eyes as I looked back at her. I wanted to ask her if she thought about me as much as I thought about her last night. If this thing I was feeling about her was just me wanting to drink her blood or if it was a stupid crush I'll forget about in a hundred years, or if it was something real. Or, what about if it was fate that I happened to find Callie Jr. today, when Callie was volunteering? This bunny was like my messenger or something.
"So how long until I get to bring Callie Jr. home?"
The sooner I get my messenger home, the sooner it's auntie will come as well.
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10:35pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ Oh gosh, I know! <3 ]]
Callie smiled at his comment, though she tried to hide it. She had never been so 'school-girl' over a guy before and it bothered her that Nicholas had such an effect on her. She was so used to being in control that these strong emotions overwhelmed her.
"Your bunny should be able to leave by tomorrow morning, if she eats all of her vitamins, of course." Callie said after a moment of thought. The bunny's condition wasn't horrible, just a hurt leg and a bit of malnutrition. Nothing rest and food couldn't fix. Callie's eyes flickered over to Nick once more before returning to the bunny. She had an overwhelming idea to touch him again, even if it was just 'accidental', but she decided against it. She didn't want him to think of her as weird or clingy.
10:38pm Jun 16 2012
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I petted Callie Jr. for one more time, once more enjoying the connection we had as he licked my finger tips once before accidentally nibbling. I pulled my hand back and closed the cage doors. I shrugged and said, "Alright, I'll be here tomorrow morning. I guess I'll see you then?"
I said, inwardly kind of upset that we were done talking. If Callie Jr. had been my messenger from fate, why did fate want me to see her today?
"When are you done here?"
I asked nonchalantly as I watched the bunny so I wouldn't get lost in her eyes and make a fool of myself.
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10:50pm Jun 16 2012
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Callie watched as Nicholas played with the bunny. It was just a funny picture, seeing a (Muscular ;D) guy like him with such a small animal. Just another thing that made him so irresistible.
Her heart dropped a bit as Nick said he was going to go. She was having so much fun, besides, it was a slow day. It wasn't as if she had anything else to do. Then he asked her when she was done. Did that mean he wanted to hang out afterwards? Or was he just simply being his polite self and asking when she was done? She hoped for the former.
"I don't have set hours," Callie started out slowly, tugging on a piece of her blonde hair absentmindedly. "But since it's been a slow day, I'll probably head out early." She paused, choosing her next words carefully. "I usually go out for an ice cream after work, if you wanted to join me?" Callie shrugged casually afterwards, as if she didn't care if he went or not. But, she really, really wanted him to go with her; it was written all over her face.
10:55pm Jun 16 2012
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A smile once again brightened my features. This was what fate wanted. Me to go out with Callie for ice cream. No matter how juvenile it sounded compared to my years on earth, I wouldn't choose any other way to spend my day.
"I'd be honored to join."
I said, a crooked grin replacing the stupid eager smile. I liked the way she played with her hair. It showed a innocence that I wished I still had.
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11:11pm Jun 16 2012
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Callie smiled brightly at the thought of them going to ice cream together. She did note his word choice though. It was so... Shakespeare-ian of him to talk like that. She didn't find it odd. Refreshing, was more like it.
"Then I'll go grab my keys," Callie said after a moment. She had to catch her breath; Nicholas' stupid, crooked grin took it away. The girl passed Nick, barely brushing his arm yet again. She couldn't help herself! She doubted any girl in her position could. Callie bit her grinning lips as her heart raced at the simplest touch.
11:18pm Jun 16 2012
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I held my breath as her skin brushed against mine once more before she left the room. Didn't she understand what she did to me when she did that? I tried to take a breath again now that she was gone but her scent still wafted in the air. A satisfied ex pression came on my face as I basked in the smell. Oh, it was a mix of smells. Was her shampoo fragrence vanilla or orange? I smelled a bit of both. The smell of her blood over powered the rest, but I still searched for that wonderful scent of her perfume. Maybe that was the vanilla. I hoped she'd put more on before we left.
I opened my eyes and leaned down to be face to face with the bunny to whisper to Callie Jr. so faintly, even I couldn't hear myself. "I don't know if I can handle going out with her, Callie. She's kind of got me already."
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11:34pm Jun 16 2012
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Callie calmly walked out of the room, though as soon as she was out of Nicholas' sight, she all but ran. "Sharon," She whispered to the manager. "I'm going for the day. It's been kind of slow, so I hope it's all right?"
Sharon looked up at her with her bright blue eyes, her gray hair sticking out wildly from her bun. "Are you going out with him?" Sharon mentioned to the back room, where Nicholas still was.
"Yes, but only for ice cream," Callie said, a shy smile appearing at the thought of their half 'date'.
"Well, be careful," Sharon said, her motherly instincts coming through. "It's always the handsome ones who cause the most trouble, and I don't want to see you get hurt."
Callie hugged her manager, who acted more like her aunt than anything. "You're the best Sharon! I'll see you tomorrow!" With that, Callie grabbed her keys and started towards the back room.
The girl paused as she stopped in front of a mirror. She frowned at what she saw: her blonde waves seemed a bit too frizzy for her liking, and her eyeliner was a bit smudged. She quickly smoothed down her hair and wiped underneath her eyes, fixing the bit of makeup she even wore. From her pocket, she took out a small tube of chap-stick and a little roller of her perfume. Hey, a girl's got to smell good!
When Callie was finally satisfied with her appearance, she peeked into the back room only to see Nick talking to the bunny. "You ready?" She called to him.

11:40pm Jun 16 2012
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I went to my full tall frame as more of smelled then heard Callie's presence. The smell of vanilla almost completely overpowered her scent of blood. I smiled back at her. "Yup." I said, putting my hands in my pockets and going to the door I had come through. Opening the door for her first, I said, "You smell nice."
I think I had said that in a more longing tone then I would have liked. I guess I was wrong; her blood was way too over powering compared to some vanilla perfume.
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11:45pm Jun 16 2012
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Callie smiled at his compliment and slipped through the door, making sure she didn't brush up against him again. Twice in one day was enough, wasn't it? Well, twice was enough for an hour, at least. "Thank you, kind sir," Callie said with a bright grin.
Outside, Callie looked at her car. The ice cream shop was only a few blocks away... They didn't need to drive there, did they? She certainly didn't think so. "How would you feel about walking to the shop?" She asked Nicholas thoughtfully, not looking at him. Her eyes were on her car, still debating if she felt like driving or not.
11:49pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ Going to bed. I'll reply tomorrow.<3 Plus the other one. Sorry. I always hate doing intros. I'll seriously put one up tomorrow. -.- ]]
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11:55pm Jun 16 2012
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[[ Okay. <3 And it's fine. ^^ Take all the time you need! ]]
6:27pm Jun 17 2012
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7:25pm Jun 17 2012
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[[ Sorry. Father's Day celebration... |D ]]
I followed Callie outside and nonchalantly slid aside a bit away from her. The wind blew her scent right in my face and if nature kept torturing me that way, I wouldn't know what to do.
"Let's walk. You look even prettier with the sun on you." I said with a glint of teasing in my eyes before turning and walking in the direction of the ice cream shop slowly to wait for her.
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10:15am Jun 18 2012
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