8:23pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ Sorry, I started work yesterday and just crashed from exhaustion.
xD ]]
Callie tried to hide her blush, but she failed, hard. He was just teasing her, but still. A compliment from a guy who looked like that... She would be insane not to blush from it. She was quite thankful that Nicholas had decided to walk in front of her, mostly so she could get rid of her flaming cheeks.
"You're awful, you know that?" Callie said, face once again normal, as she caught up to him. She wrinkled her nose as if it was the worst thing she had ever heard. "So corny... You know that?" Callie grinned at Nicholas as she said that. So, she didn't mind the corny so much... He didn't need to know that.
8:29pm Jun 18 2012
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I chuckled as she caught up to me. It's been a while since I caught a girl off guard with a nice word or two. It's amazing what makes a girl's day, compared to a guy.
"Sometimes corny is better. It gives you a laugh, plus makes a girl feel good."
I said with a shrug, as I stayed in step with her. "Why? You don't think the sun gives me a better view?"
I said, now the glint of teasing in my eyes.
[What do you do for work? |D ]]
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10:12pm Jun 18 2012
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[[ I swamp in the orchards. My grandpa owns a cherry orchard and I empty the 35lb buckets into bins from 5:30-3 .... 7 days a week. >> It's tough work. xD ]]
This time, Callie just rolled her eyes. Usually, she was so good at hiding her emotions... Then here comes Nicholas, making her blush an excess amount in a very short time. Oh lordy, what was this boy doing to her?
"I think the sun gives me a better view of you, you handsome devil," Callie teased Nicholas back, nudging him in the arm lightly with her elbow. His extremely muscular arm. Callie had to stop herself from physically trying to shake the thought from her mind. She had to stop freaking out over Nicholas; he was just getting ice cream with her! That was it, though she had to hope it wasn't.
10:36am Jun 19 2012
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[[ 5:30... TO THREE IN THE AFTERNOON? O_O Uhm. Wow. ]]
I laughed at her response. She was fun to mess with, because she messed with you back. She didn't take the compliment like I was in love with her.
"We all know I'm a handsome devil, Callie."
I said playfully to show I was joking.
[How long have they been walking? I didn't know if I should just time skip to them at the ice cream thing, I didn't know how far away it was. |D ]]
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1:13am Jun 20 2012
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[[ Well, the last hour is just putting away equipment, but yes. xD
And that... Is quite a good point. o.o Uh, I guess they'll arrive, say now? xD ]]
Callie rolled her eyes at Nicholas, though it was pretty obvious that everyone knew he was good looking. Like that girl across the street, aside from the obvious staring and her eyes popping out of her head, one could tell she thought that Nick was good looking.
It was in that moment that the Ice-cream shop came into view. It was just an old, small store, but according to Callie, you couldn't get better ice cream anywhere else in the state. A bright smile lit up the girl's face at the sight of the shop. The last time she had been here was with her dad, fond memories indeed.
[[ No, her dad isn't dead... He's just a workaholic. xD ]]
11:05am Jun 20 2012
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[ That's kind of worse. Knowing he's alive but would rather work then spend time with you. ;-; -just got deep- ]]
I smiled at Callie's reaction as the shop came into view. "I've never had ice cream here. I'm guessing it's good?"
I said with a lift of my eyebrow before going to the counter and looking at the menu. "What's the best thing they got here?" I said, looking back at Callie.
[[Sorry. Short. :c ]]
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11:11am Jun 20 2012
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[[ Dude, I just saw your post on your Rp with Shifter... I think you deserve a short post. xD ]]
Callie had to keep herself from scoffing at the man. Good? Did he just insult the world's best ice cream? Good, the biggest understatement in the history of all statements ever said before. Good? This boy must be crazy.
The girl walked up to the counter, ignoring Nicholas' questions altogether and stared at the different tubs of ice cream. She nibbled her lip, debating about what to get. "I'll take a scoop of Chocolate mudslide and a scoop of mango sherbet, on the same waffle cone, please," Callie told the worker.
"Oh, Nicholas... Anything you get here will be amazing," Callie fake sighed to him, a teasing smile playing at the corners of her lips.
[[ That ice cream combination is actually amazing. If you cared to know. x3 ]]
11:25am Jun 20 2012
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[[ You're stalking me? O_O But, thanks. It took me an hour because I didn't want to give her a fail, compared to her amazingly long posts. D| ]]
I lifted an eyebrow at Callie's order. Not knowing how to repeat that, I just nodded at the guy behind the counter. "Make that two please."
I smirked back at Callie. "There has to be something that tastes horrible here."
I said, leaning on the counter.
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11:32am Jun 20 2012
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[[ Not you, per say...
jfidoahgn No, I'm not stalking you. xD I just don't like the color thingy when a new post shows on a thread, so I click the threads to make them white again. -If that makes sense- ]]
"Well, I'm sure you don't taste particularly nummy," Callie said, pointing at Nicholas and scrunching her nose at the thought. He may not taste nummy, but he sure in the hell looked it!
"But everything ice cream in this shop does taste amazing," Callie added, grabbing her cone from the guy behind the counter. She pulled out 5$ from her pocket and slid it across the counter to him. "Trust me."
11:38am Jun 20 2012 (last edited on 11:39am Jun 20 2012)
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[[ I do that too! I hate when the color is white, and then one in the middle is red and you're just like
-________________-... ]]
I laughed at Callie's response, though I knew she'd probably taste good. The way her blood scents wafted to my nose made me dizzy. "I'll trust you."
I said, before giving her a crooked smile. My mind couldn't stop thinking about how she'd taste. It took everything in my not to get closer, to get another waft of her scent.
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12:16pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Can Nicholas eat ice cream? o.o ]]
Callie smiled at Nicholas before licking her ice cream dutifully. It was so good. The combination of fruit and chocolate was divine. Once again, Callie's pick had been a winner. After another lick, she looked back at Nicholas. His smile had left her speechless.
"Uhm," Callie started, trying to find her words again. "How... Let's go outside. It's actually nice out today," She finally sputtered out, blushing from making a fool of herself. Smooth, she thought as she turned to the door. I am a blubbering idiot!
12:21pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Yeah! But it won't like make him full. It's like, eating human food is for taste, but blood is for filling him up. ]]
I took the ice cream and licked it. "Wow, this is better then I thought it would be."
I said, smirking before walking out with her. I was starting to feel a bit weak from being in the sun, but it was alright. I just had to find a way out soon.
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4:06pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Ohh, that makes sense. :3 ]]
Callie took pleasure in the fact Nicholas found her ice cream combination, not many others had. She enjoyed the warm rays of sun on her face and she lapped her cone up, which was melting at a fast rate at the moment.
The blonde peeked a look at Nicholas from the corner of her eye. He didn't look so well, not as well as he had earlier. Perhaps he was allergic to the sun? One of her old friends had been. "Hey, are you feeling okay?" Callie asked, using this as an excuse to put her hand on his arm, though she was actually concerned of his well being also.
4:42pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Nicholas 'found' her ice cream? O_O Kay. CCC: ]]
I licked the cone just as she put her hand on my arm. I smiled, wishing I could feel the pulse of her thumb. "Just getting a little hot."
I said with a shrug. Was it noticeable that I wasn't feeling well? I'd be pale, obviously, but I'm always pale. I guess it was the way my eyes were drooping. I had to get out of here. Checking the time on my watch, my eyes widened and looked back at Callie.
"I'm sorry Callie, I gotta go. It was really great to see you again. Maybe we can catch up soon."
And with that, I turned on my heel and headed on home, thankful for the random shade of store signs once in a while.
[[Wahhh. Sorry this gives you nothing. :CCC ]]
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4:59pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Oh my god. -Slaps self- I'm such an idiot. I meant to say 'he found her ice cream combination good', or something along the lines of that.
xD ]]
Callie watched as Nicholas jetted off, saying something about seeing her soon, or nice to see you, something else perhaps. He said everything in such a rush that Callie didn't pick it all up.
A cold, wet river of ice cream flowed down the dumbfounded girl's hand and onto her wrist. Quickly, she licked up the drops and began eating her cone again. She had a million questions in her mind, all surrounding the topic of Nicholas. Why did he always come and go in such awkward circumstances?
Callie finished her cone as she walked her way back to the shelter. She climbed into her bug and blasted the air conditioner. As she drove home, her mind couldn't help but wander to Nick's unconventional leave. Where did he have to be? He checked his watch and bolted. Callie couldn't help but wonder what she did wrong as she pulled into the driveway. Drex came up to her, eyes big and concerned. It brought a smile to her face. Drexler could always tell when she was frustrated or upset, it was uncanny.
[[ Eh, not much to it, but it's somethin'. xD ]]

5:28pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Should vampires take her tonight? |D -remembers the long ago idea- ]]
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5:30pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Bahaha. xD Yeah, they could smell Nicholas' scent on her, or something like that. o.o As long as they don't hurt that dang bunny! D; ]]
5:41pm Jun 20 2012
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[[Omg. That would make me cry. ;-;
Post coming soon. Has... Been... Role playing... All... Day... -headache- ]]
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5:46pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ Why don't you take a break, CH? o.o Eat a snack, take a nap, not completely exhaust yourself from writing. xD
But seriously, don't overexert yourself. o.o ]]
5:55pm Jun 20 2012
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[[ But I love it too much. ;-; Can't get too much of a good thing... :) ]]
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