6:01pm Jul 16 2012
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Callie released Nicholas' hand as he slid to the ground, legs apart and head rolled back. She had indeed noticed the fact he was extremely cold, but he wasn't worried about it, so she wouldn't be either. But, it took all her might to not just bend down and cuddle with the man. She heard somewhere that sharing body heat was a great way to warm up.
Callie shook her head at the thought, and in turn, answered his question. They hadn't hurt her, per say... I mean, she'd have a few bruises on her forearms and perhaps her ribs, but it wasn't anything to worry about. Hell, even she wasn't worried about them, and that girl was one paranoid person.
Callie slid to the floor next to him, no, in front of him, and sat criss-cross. She bit her lip, debating if she should, or shouldn't. Should she? No... Okay, she would. Callie reached down and grabbed Nicholas' ice cold hand in between both of hers. She slowly pull his hand up to her face, making him cup her cheek. She sighed and closed her eyes.
"Why are you so cold, Nick?" Her voice was just above a whisper. "What are you...?"
[[ Vin totally powerplayed, and she's willing to admit it!
.... o3o ]]

11:02pm Jul 16 2012
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Posts: 7,283
[ I read your post twice...
And I see no power playing...
|D Oh Vin, how many times will you fail in one week? D: -jkjkjkjkjk-
It's late. I'll post tomorrow. D: ]]
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11:06pm Jul 16 2012
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[[ .....
You totally get my hopes up. I'm all like, wow! CH's on! It's so late! What has she posted?
Then... disappointment. ;c
Okay, okay. I can wait until tomorrow. xD
p,s, I can fail all night long. ;3 ]]
11:08pm Jul 16 2012
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[[ Omg. ;-; I'm so sorry for tricking you. -evil snicker- I'm not sorry.
Callie better cuddle with Nick. >.> ]]
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11:09pm Jul 16 2012
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[[ Maybe she will.
Until she finds out he's a blood sucking fiend... Then she'll want proof.... Then she'll ask him to bite her.
Omg. It's totally gonna happen. o3o ]]
11:16pm Jul 16 2012
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[[ OMG!
We're doing it Vin. Genius once again. |D
I'm seriously getting off... NOW. D: ]]
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10:07am Jul 17 2012
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[[ When you said in the paragraph, 'Callie shook her head at the thought and in turn answered his question'. I wasn't sure if that meant you were about to type out 'I'm fine' or something or it meant something else. So I'll just have him not respond to it. |D
Also, I can't get my thing off of your font. D: I had to copy and paste your post so I could read along and type so now it refuses to budge. So don't think I'm stealing your font or anything. :uuuu ]]
I kept my blue eyes on Callie's as she sat down across from me and took my hand. I didn't pull away. The way her warmth wrapped my fingers was an indescribable feeling that made me forget how tired I was. As I cupped her cheek, my thumb gently went back and forth. Her question pierced through the wonderful silence.
"Why are you so cold, Nick?"
That wouldn't be easy to explain. It was in the middle of summer, (Right? ) so nights were warm, not cold. I swallowed, wishing I could some how stall the girl from the questions I knew were coming.
"What are you...?"
Callie wasn't stupid. From the things she's seen, it was obvious that I was not human. I wasn't surprised that she asked me what I really was. I sighed, laying my head back once. Why did this have to happen tonight? I'll have to leave. Leaning my head back up, I brought my legs to me in a criss - cross position like her. I took my hand from her cheek and grabbed both of her hands, my thumb rubbing her knuckles.
"I don't want you to be afraid of me, Callie..."
I whispered back, squeezing her fingers before looking down at our hands.
"What did you see back there?"
Maybe whatever she saw I could convince was lunacy. Except for the running with amazing speed to the animal shelter. That I wouldn't be able to lie about, since it was more then obvious that I ran with such speed.
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4:06pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ >o
You font stealer!! >>
.... Truth be told, I didn't even notice until you pointed it out. xD ]]
Callie looked down at their hands as she thought. What had she seen? Surely, if she said it all, she'd sound crazy... But, what she saw was real. It had to be. She knew in her heart that this couldn't be explained by a few little things. Tonight, she saw a different world, one she was now apart of.
Callie leaned forward, her large eyes on Nicholas'. She entwined their fingers, so it more like holding hands. She needed the support if she was about to spew some of the things she had seen.
"I saw three men crawl into my room, on the second floor, and take me away. I saw glowing red eyes. I saw you thrown through a wall.... A goddamn wall, Nicholas! And yet, you aren't dead. I experienced you running at inhuman speeds... You had fangs, Nick. Fangs."
Callie paused to catch her breath. She was not going to cry right now. She hated crying, for one, and she definitely didn't want to do it in front of Nicholas. If that was his real name...
"Please, tell me I'm not crazy."
[[ And my post is so short! D: ]]

4:23pm Jul 17 2012
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Posts: 7,283
[[ Just because it's shorter doesn't make it less perfect then all of your other perfect posts. <3 ]]
I leaned my head down. I forgot how tired I had been - was - the second we held hands. I squeezed her fingers as they intertwined. How was I going to explain all of this?
"Callie. I'm sorry."
I started before looking back up to meet her eyes. "You didn't deserve going through all of that. I should have left when I first met you. It was too dangerous to stay around."
I sighed, slouching as I did so. I had to tell her the truth. I'd have to face her horrified ex pression when she knew how much of a monster I really was. She'd realize that I was just like the bad guys that tried to hurt her. I was just like them and now I'd have to deal with my only friends hatred toward me.
"The three men that took you, took you because my scent was all over you from being around you. They were looking for me and you were the bait. Edward was able to throw me threw a wall because he has a strength that is uncomprehending to a ordinary human. " It was alright to admit that we weren't humans now. She knew it. "I ran that fast because, like Edward's strength, I have a speed that no ordinary human can beat."
I looked back down at our hands. I just had to let it out.
"Mark, Drake, Edward, me, and so many others around this city... Are vampires. Which is why you saw the fangs. We are monsters that can't help our cravings when we're hungry and around human blood. But, we didn't choose this life. Most of us were bitten by others. I was an ordinary boy before. I wasn't... This."
I let go of her hands, leaning back up against the wall. Waiting for her disgusted or frightened reaction.
"I didn't mean to bring you into this. Edward's been wanting to bring vengeance on me for... A life time now. I killed his brother."
This was probably so much for her to take in. I wished I could hold her. Or take her home. Or never see her again and take the memory from her mind. But I couldn't.
"You can't go home. We're not safe here, Callie. And we can't stay in this shelter forever."
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4:35pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ Oh you... c: ]]
Callie's heart nearly broke as Nicholas spoke. Oh, so he should have just left? Maybe he should have rescued her at all in the first place. Maybe they should have just never met! She frowned, but only at herself. What was she thinking? If he never met her, she'd probably be dead in any alleyway somewhere.
His scent on her? Woah. That was getting a little... personal, wasn't it? It wasn't like he rubbed his clothes on her or something. Well, not to her knowledge. He could have done it why she was sleeping... And what is wrong with her? She was more bothered by the fact of how Nicholas' scent got on her than the fact that three men kidnapped her because of it. She's a horrible person.
Okay, superhuman strength? Check. Superhuman speed? Got it. Lust for blood? Bingo. And, all signs point out to an insane man who has a fear of the sun and ice cream! Vampire, pfft. Did Nicholas think she was stupid. But still, something was getting on her nerves...
Callie took her now free hands and placed them on both sides of Nicholas' face, bringing his head down so she could look him in the eyes. What she needed to say was important.
"Nicholas, I don't know if you're the one who's crazy telling me this, or what. But you have to know one thing... You are not a monster like those other men. I wouldn't care if you were all vampires, if I believed it, but you are not like them. You rescued me in time of need... They took me from my home and threatened to kill me. They're monsters even in the human world."
Callie took a deep sigh then dropped her hands. What was that last line? Please, she couldn't possibly believe him... Except the sincerity of his voice broke through to her. The obvious anguish he had over what he was touched her heart. He was so genuine... How could she not believe him? What could he do to prove it to her...?
"Nicholas, if you really are telling the truth, I want you to do something for me." She paused and gently bit her lip. "Prove it."
Another pause.
"Bite me."

4:57pm Jul 17 2012
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Her reaction wasn't what I was expected. When she first grabbed my face, I was expecting a punch. I even closed my eyes at first, waiting for it to come. But, instead, she told me what wasn't true and what she just wanted to believe. I shook my head stubbornly as she spoke, not believing a word she said. But I didn't feel like arguing. So I didn't say to stop.
When she told me to prove it, I rolled my eyes. What she had seen wasn't enough? I clenched my jaw.
"Bite me."
I didn't hesitate on abruptly jumping out of my seat on the floor, and going on top of her. Forcing her to fall back, with my hand on her back to fall gently. That took a total of one second, from my inhuman speed and strength. My breath hit her cheek, my eyes glowing red, and my fangs came from hiding. If I was still just Nicholas, I would notice how our legs touched, how good it felt to be so close.
I was too busy noticing the scent of her blood.
"This isn't enough proof for you, love?"
This was a whole other side of me. A whole other side I couldn't control. This wasn't Nicholas and everything in me fought but I couldn't. Even if this was enough proof, I was so close to her neck now. The scent of her blood kept me from fighting. My lips pressed against her neck, I nipped at her skin. I could fight enough from my desires to keep the venom from going in her blood. From drinking too much of her blood. I could make it pleasurable, if this was what she truly desired as proof. But either way, this wasn't just proof that I was a vampire. This was proof that I was a monster. If I did this, that meant I'd have to leave. I could hurt her.
But I couldn't fight now. I was so close... My fangs sunk into her neck, a smile on my lips.
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5:12pm Jul 17 2012
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Callie's wide eyes examined their position. Okay, it was less than two seconds ago they were both just sitting on the floor. Now? Well, he forced her back, a hand supporting her from hitting the floor. He was close enough that the girl could feel his breath on her cheek and their legs intertwined.
Callie couldn't help but blush furiously at the position. Why, if she was brave enough, she could just lean up and plant a big one on him. A nice little kiss to loosen him up. That ought to do the trick. Hah. As if. The girl had barely held his hand from nerves. A kiss was way out of her element!
Callie's eyes made their way back to Nicholas' face, growing wide at what they saw. Nicholas... with those awful glowing red eyes and fangs. What? Fangs. Are you serious? Completely. The man had fangs again. So, was that proof enough? He could have popped in contacts and fake teeth... So, no, it wasn't.
Callie was about to answer him when he pressed his lips against her throat. He nibbled a bit, and Callie couldn't help but giggle then... What could she say? She was ticklish! But it certainly did not tickle when those fangs sunk into the delicate skin.
Callie gasped. From pleasure or pain? Pain. Certainly. It felt like two needles just stabbed her... Very, very large needles. But, that was just for a moment. Just like needles, his teeth piercing her skin only hurt for a moment. Then... Well, do you really want to know?
Callie gripped Nicholas' shirt, in attempt to hold herself up, or pull him closer, she did not know. Proof? You could say that. You could also say that she was satisfied with it, as well. It seemed sufficient enough... What, with the blood sucking and all.

5:34pm Jul 17 2012
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To say I enjoyed the taste of her blood flooding into my mouth would be an understatement. When she grabbed my shirt, I willingly came closer. I closed my eyes, many moments passing before I finally fought the desire for more and let my fangs unlatch themself from her neck.
I wished she could hold me like that forever, but I knew I would never be able too. I kissed her wounds, my tongue going across them. They healed immediately. I hoped she didn't go through too much pain just for proof.
The second her neck was healed, I jumped from the position, standing up and backing away to the cages.
"That enough proof, Callie?"
I said, my voice much more normal then before. My weakness was gone. I guess I wasn't just tired from the sun, but hungry too. The excitement made me not notice I guess.
"Proof enough that I could kill you at any moment if I wanted too? Proof that I can kill? Or how about proof that it's not good to be around you or any other human?"
I closed my eyes, my fingers pinching the bridge of my nose.
"I've killed people, Callie. You're associating with a murderer and we can't stay here. I have to find a place for you to be safe until I take care of Edward. Then I can take you home. And then..." I stopped. And then what? And then I leave. Leave her to live her normal life while I live my monstrous one.
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5:49pm Jul 17 2012
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Callie shivered when Nicholas kissed her neck. He had the audacity to kiss her, even if it were to heal her wound, after what he had just done to her? Why, if she were stronger, and not a little woozy from loss of blood, she would probably do nothing. The man was a freaking vampire!
Callie dropped on the floor once Nicholas stood up and back away. She pulled her legs up to her chest and placed her head on her knees. With a shaky hand, she touched the spot where Nicholas had bitten her... Completely healed. How in the hell did he do that?
The girl groaned and raised her head to look at the man. Vampire. Proof? Uh, yeah, you could say that. Callie pulled herself up off of the floor and brushed the dirt from her clothes. His words caught her off guard. Kill her at any moment? Awesome! Just awesome...
Callie approached Nicholas cautiously, knowing that he wouldn't see her, being that his eyes were closed, but he would definitely hear her. And smell? Probably... That didn't make her self conscious at all... Callie reached up and brushed some hair away from his forehead.
"Oh Nicholas..." She cooed, her voice full of pity. She brought her hand down to cup his cheek, even despite all of what just happened, she couldn't be scared of him. Hell, anyone could kill her easily. She wasn't that strong anyways.
"You could kill me, I agree with that. But, I don't believe you will. Despite of all this, I still trust you."

6:09pm Jul 17 2012
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Posts: 7,283
[[ When did Callie get so deep? ... |D I love it, actually. ]]
I heard Callie approach, but instead of running out the door, she came to me, cradling my cheek in her palm. A small smile tugged on the corners of my lips. Why was she accepting me? She understood that I had her life in my hands now. She should cower. Or run. Run would be better.
I turned my head slightly for my lips to meet her palm with a soft kiss. I leaned my head down, kissing her wrist. The feel of her pulse against my lips made me snap my head up. I couldn't. Too dangerous.
I said more firmly. She had to get it in her head that I was dangerous. I gently took her hand from my face, letting it go so I wouldn't be tempted to have my fingers press against the pulse at her wrist.
"There is no reason you should trust me. The smallest thing could set me off and I could suck your blood without realizing what I'm doing until it's too late. It's dangerous, Callie. You don't want to get involved with me."
I stepped away from the cages, away from her, and towards the exit door.
"We shouldn't be talking about this. We should be getting you some place where you can stay for some time. I... I can't have them hurt you, Callie. It'll be all of my fault."
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6:20pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ Callie became so deep when I fell in love with Nick, okay? >>
c: ]]
Callie couldn't help but grin as Nicholas kissed her palm... Then her wrist. Her pulse spiked from that. From fear, or excitement? She didn't even know. But, he pulled away before he could act on instinct. When he did that, Callie wondered why he couldn't trust himself.
The girl frowned when Nick pulled her hand away and dropped it. He was so cold.She just wanted to warm him up. But, he probably wouldn't allow that. Stubborn vampire. Maybe she could seduce him... Hah! That was a good one. Callie was about as good at seducing people as she was being a public speaker. And from her memories of public speaking... She shuddered.
Callie frowned when Nicholas said that she didn't want to get involved with him. He had no idea in hell what she wanted, obviously.
"Nick," Callie said softly, really not wanting to go home. Or to a 'safe house'. "Don't you think it's a little late for me to not be involved? Edward already knows you'll protect me. So, isn't it dangerous for you to be away from me?"
Callie bit her lip at her logic. Well, it was true, wasn't it? Edward assumed that Nicholas had feelings for her by the way he reacted. The girl couldn't help but wonder what those feelings were, exactly.
She walked up behind him, following him to the exit.
"I don't want you to go..."

6:37pm Jul 17 2012
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Posts: 7,283
[[ This is getting so cute. I can't handle it, Vin. ;-; ]]
"I don't want you to go..."
I put my hand on the door knob of the exit door. She didn't understand! Either that or she did but was trying to be stubborn.
"Calle. I said this. I'm dangerous. I can't..."
Her words came back to my mind. It was true that she was involved. But there could be a way to keep her from getting hurt again! Why won't she understand? I didn't know how else to put it.
"I'll be with you until it blows over. We both need to find a safe place until Edward is done with me. After I'm sure you're safe, that's when I leave." I finally turned around to look at her.
"I promise you. I won't leave until I know you're safe in your own home."
I leaned against the door, waiting for her to jump on board with the idea of leaving this place. I couldn't leave with out her and arguing wasn't going to get us anywhere.
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6:45pm Jul 17 2012
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[[ Oh gosh, I know. Vin is becoming a master of the cute! And the totally manly. -Pokes Connor in other Rp- You cheeky bastard, you. ._. ]]
Callie stuck her bottom lip out, her attempt at pouting. She got it. He didn't have to keep repeated himself, jesus! She wasn't stupid. No, he didn't get it. Nicholas was dangerous, yes, but Callie felt a lot safer around him than anyone else. It was an odd feeling, since she just met him. But she was in deep, and he was with her.
He won't leave until blah blah blah. Callie was hurt. Not by the fact that Nicholas was just going to leave her, but by the fact the only friendship that he could have was with his own kind. And last time she checked, that wasn't going too well for him.
"What about Callie Jr.?" Callie finally said, looking in the injured bunny's cage. "I have visiting rights, remember? You can't deny me my visiting rights..." She turned back to Nick, her eyes pleading. Couldn't he see that she didn't want him to go?
Callie sighed and wrapped her arms around herself. Her bout of feeling sorry for herself was over now.
"Fine, Nick. Just take me home then. Take me home, then leave."

7:03pm Jul 17 2012
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Posts: 7,283
[ Conner is just too funny, omg. |D ]]
The anger at Callie only increased. I clenched my fist, crossing my arms so I didn't punch the door behind me. But, soon, I uncrossed them. "Callie! Are my words going one ear and out the other? I'm going to keep you safe. When you're safe from Edward, I'll take you home. Then you'll be safe from everything that happened. You won't be involved any more. "
My tone went from angry to pleading for her understanding.
"You're making it seem like I'm just going to dump you back home without a care. I'm doing what's right. I'm keeping you safe. And staying away from me, and those of my kind, is safe. I'm not saying it's going to be easy for me. I'm not saying I'll forget you. I'm not saying I don't care. But doing what's right isn't always what we want. Can't you try to understand my point of view? I can't see you after I know you're safe from Edward. I can't bring you in the middle of another incident with more vampires. You were just lucky Edward didn't kill you. What about next time? Next time you might not be so lucky."
By the time my babbling was done, I had already walked away from the door and came face to face with her, pleading for her to understand. I didn't want to leave her, with her hating me, thinking I left her because I thought she was nothing. No, I'd leave her because she was everything. And she deserved the best. And the best wasn't a vampire. The best wasn't me.
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7:14pm Jul 17 2012
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Callie crossed her arms over her own chest. Were her words going through one ear and out the other? He didn't seem to realize that she'd be safest with him around! It was like dealing with a child. Honestly, why couldn't he see it from her point of view?
"Nicholas, you can't say that I'll just not be involved anymore! You just drank my blood, for Christ's sake! I think that officially makes me involved. Forever. You introduced me to this world, so you better believe that you aren't going to let me fend for myself against it."
Callie paused and looked up at his pleading eyes, her own furrowed in anger. She just wanted... She didn't know what she wanted, but it had to do with him. She just wanted to be near him! He was so lost and broken, like one of the animals she'd so often take care of. Why wouldn't he let her take care of him?
"Just because what you want isn't right, doesn't make it wrong, either, Nicholas." Callie finally said with a soft sigh of defeat. She didn't want to fight anymore. She hated fighting. Especially with Nick. She groaned and leaned forward, resting her head on his chest.
"I need a hug."
