10:00pm Dec 29 2011
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Ahhh. First off, sorry for the not-so-creative ti tle. People always make amazing quotes and stuff. Yeah. Not my specialty. Anywayyys, No plot. bios or no? If we do bios, mine won't be much. Mostly just the name, age, and appearance.
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10:01pm Dec 29 2011
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My bio will be up soon.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:02pm Dec 29 2011
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10:12pm Dec 29 2011 (last edited on 10:15pm Dec 29 2011)
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X-Name -X Markus Kallaticus Taen X-Age -X 2030, but looks Nineteen X-Gender -X Male X-Species -X Greek Vampire X-Species Deion -X Markus has abilities beyond the normal human. He has heightened senses inhuman strength and speed, and he can sense the future. Although he seems all-powerful, Markus does have some weaknesses. Like a wooden stake to the heart will paralyze him and silver acts like a poison when it gets into his body. But the only thing that can kill him is decapitation and fire. Markus can control the element of Air and often relies on the wind around him to make it work. He cannot control it for a long period of time when inside, but when outside, he has no problem. X-Appearance -X Markus is, in short, an albino. When he fangs grow in, all four canines look roughly similar to a wolf's or a cat's fangs. One his left shoulder blade is a black tattoo of a Fleur de Lis. His pants are tight black jeans that end at his ankles and he wears black boots that end at his knees. The boots have silver skull fastenings. The skulls look like they have small fangs. He also stands at six foot two.

X-Personality -X Markus is cold and outlandish. He is an outcast in his own eyes, but very mysterious in the eyes of others. He doesn't like to get close to people for what happened in his mysterious past. Sometimes, he is more animated when he is around people he trusts. But that is very rare for him to leave his stoic state. X-History -X Markus was born in 19 BC to a wealthy family in Athens, Greece, as a human. As he grew up, he went to school and learned about the methods of fighting and other things. He was happy during his human life. Until his parents arranged a marriage between him and a woman he did not love. That happened in the years in which “Jesus Christ” was supposedly born. And during that time, he was attacked a vampress and was turned into a vampire. His maker was called Shoni and she was an Egyptian vampire; a lovely one at that. They traveled around Greece for a while until Markus turned a hundred. They were in Sparta at the time and Shoni was killed. Markus was branded with a Fleur de Lis and he fled Sparta. After that, he traveled around the Mediterranean. Only coming back to Greece once every hundred years. Then, he grew tired of his world and decided to travel through out the world. X-Other -X In a past life he was called Silver Fang and was the brother of Zaou Scar and Sanctum Raa.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:17pm Dec 29 2011 (last edited on 9:23am Dec 30 2011)
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It seems like everyone is having that problem now, with the r/n/ thing. Bahaha.
Name: Paradise Whitfield Age: 18 Gender: Female Appearance: Vampire/Human?: Human
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10:18pm Dec 29 2011
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I hate it. I am tempted to ask the staff if they are working on getting rid of the damn thing.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:21pm Dec 29 2011
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[[I know right? Rescreatu has an issue with Internet Explorer and FireFox. That's probably why.
Anyways, I'm not really into the bio thing. So that's all I have for Dawn. ^^
So, how should we starrrrt? ]]
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10:26pm Dec 29 2011
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But I use FireFox...
Can you start?
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:27pm Dec 29 2011
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Sure. But was there a certain place you wanted to do? Like school? (<< No matter how cliche... -_- )
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10:28pm Dec 29 2011
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- 3 -
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:30pm Dec 29 2011
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Lol, I was asking you because I didn't know how you liked to do things. School isn't a 'have to' for me , I was just saying the first thing that came to mind. :D Did you have any ideas? I don't want to do something you don't want to do. DDD:
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10:33pm Dec 29 2011
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:34pm Dec 29 2011
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[[Well... Are you cool with just school then? It's easy and I have no other ideas. ]]
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10:39pm Dec 29 2011
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:56am Dec 30 2011 (last edited on 9:56am Dec 30 2011)
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[[Ahhh. Dawn is getting old. I'm changing her name to Paradise.
Sorry, I usually like to let people know before I go offline, but I was in a bit of a hurry last night. :) ]]
Ever since I was young, I always loved the sound of boots against the fresh, crispy snow. The wind was getting a bit too windy, my hat threatening to fly away every time the wind blew by, but, other then that, the weather was a perfect day to be out of school. Too bad we weren't out of it yet. As another gust of wind foreboding that my hat would fly away again, I quickly put one hand over my head the rest of the walk to Park - Rose High school - which wasn't that far ahead. When I started up the parking lot, I walked to the side so I wouldn't get run over by the other seniors cars. I didn't really talk to them, but sometimes they teased me by making it look like they would run me over. I could usually hear them laughing at my frightened reaction, how I would bolt my tiny legs and run to the other side, anytime they tried pulling the trick. Yeah. Hysterical. When I came to the front doors of the school, I finally took my hat off, ran my frozen fingers through my brown hair to get out the flatness, and went inside. It was the end of October, and finding friends at such a huge high school wasn't something I was very good at, so I've kept to myself my first two months at Park - Rose. But, other then not being the most out-going person around, I also was having difficulty finding nice, pleasant people around. If you weren't the type to go sleeping around, you were a druggie, or loner or... Someone like me. A 4.0 GPA kind of girl that is just trying to be friendly to anyone that passes by, searching for someone decent to hang around. It wasn't easy. My phone vibrated in my pocket as I came to my locker, that, for the first time, wasn't a hard time to find. Park - Rose was one of those gargantuan schools that had so many people, that any class you had felt like miles away from the first... And they only gave you three minutes between every period. I checked the text and realized it was from my mom. Something about being sorry she had to send me with dad, and that I'd go to Florida in the summer. I rolled my eyes and didn't respond to the message as I put it away. My parents were divorced. Its been 2 years now, and the plan used to be that I'd stay with my mom at Florida in a private school that I'd been going to since First Grade. And, I'd stay with my dad through out the summer. Plans changed when my mom went into panic mode without any money, so did some stupid things to get it. I never liked dwelling on it, so it usually came to my mind only when she sends me those sappy 'I'm sorry' messages that make me hate her more. My thoughts were interrupted when I felt a strong, sweaty arm wrapped around my shoulders. I looked up to see Adam, the guy that likes to tease me in the parking lot with his friends. "See you took my advice about walking in the middle of the parking lot." The sarcastic side of me wanted to tell him that he should take my advice, and run home and take a shower. Instead, to hold my tongue, I didn't say a word but said it through the gesture of nudging his arm off my shoulder. Adam wasn't a bully, parse. He just did things to irritate people. I'd call it negative attention. But, for some reason, it gave him the attention of every girl in the school. Except me. In my opinion, he repulsed me. Though, I tried to be nice to him too. Seeing as his parents were divorced too. Maybe, once he took away the bravado, immature side of him, we'd understand each other... Not. The bell rang, thank God, and I could get out of this conversation without saying one thing except a small, "Gotta go to English..." before cowardly scurrying away from Adam before he had anything else smart to say.
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9:01pm Dec 30 2011
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Its fine.
And Markus shall be new student to teh school. Would it be okay if he had all the same classes as Paradise?
Markus stood in the school's main office with his hands shoved into the pockets of his leather jacket. His crimson eyes watched the woman behind the desk scuttle around as she set his schedule for the year. He also listened to her frantic heartbeat, making him remember he hadn't fed in a couple months. His mouth watered. Oh, just a taste. Just one simple taste was all he wanted. The vampire could already feel his fangs elongating inside his closed mouth.
"Here is your schedule, Mr. Taen," she said after a couple minutes. But to Markus, it seemed like a century of agony. He quickly glanced over his classes, but hesitated over English. Ugh... English as a whole was never his strong suit. The sudden bell made the albino jump slightly and the woman started to look worried. "Oh dear. Late for your first day of school."
Markus shrugged slightly to himself. He was over two thousand years old, why should he care?
"I'll just ave to escort you," she finally decided on after a couple seconds of muttering to herself. "If you would please follow me, I'll take you to your class." The woman walked out the door, causing Markus to jog to keep up with her.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:21pm Dec 30 2011 (last edited on 9:27pm Dec 30 2011)
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[[Sure. :D ]]
A sigh of relief escaped my lips when I opened the classroom door to English to see the teacher not in the classroom yet. All of my other class'mates' were in scattered groups, goofing around and talking. I squeezed passed them too my assigned seat in the back of the room. Other then two other students, I was the only one that didn't goof off during class, which was why I was always assigned to the back all of the time. You'd think it would get old, but I enjoyed it. Mostly because teachers tended to call on students in the front more often. "Good morning, class." I heard the monotonous tone of Mr. King come through the door, and everyone quickly took their seats. Mr. King was one of those teachers that liked respect - demanded it, to be exact. Out of all the classes this year, my class has acted the best during his English class. Which was good, seeing as English was one of my favorite classes. At my other school in Florida, they never did attendance, so, to me, it was odd how Mr. King did. But, in his defense, there were 10 times the amount of students at Park - Rose, then at my old school. "... Paradise Whitfield?" I muttered a "Here." before looking out the window beside me, anything to avoid the judging eyes of my classmates. There were many other names after my own, I remembered from all the other times he's done attendance, yet Mr. King had stopped saying names. In fact, everyone in the class had stopped whispering to each other when Mr. King wasn't by them. Everything was quiet. I looked up to see what the problem was, and realized it was because the woman that worked behind the counter in the office was here. With another student. The moment I saw him, I understood why the class became so interested. I could hear Adam snicker as he said something about the new kids skin to a friend next to him. And by him, a girl had a more frightened look as she whispered something about his eyes to the girl next to her. It was so quiet, the awkwardness was almost palpable. Finally, Mr. King cleared his throat and smiled - Mr. King rarely smiled. He was a serious sort. - at the boy. "Markus. I was hoping you wouldn't be late." He said before nodding to the class. "Find a seat, we were just about to start.
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9:43pm Dec 30 2011
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Markus kept his crimson eyes on the teacher as soon as he entered the classroom. He had also noticed that the other kids in the class had suddenly gone quiet. It was the kind of quiet that somebody could hear a pin drop, and it was so different from the chaos of the noise before. Oh Gods of Olympus have mercy. This was going to be a rough year. "Sorry, dáskalos. but this took a lifetime," he said, his voice thick with a Greek accent as he gestured to the schedule in his hand. He also used the Greek term for 'teacher'.
He moved to go sit down near the back, but then he stopped and returned his attention to the teacher. "My name is spelled with 'k', not 'c'," he said. "It get... irritated? Yes, irritated when people say it other way." Then, he smirked slightly and kept his fangs out of the quick flash of teeth before he continued on his way to the back desk to sit down.
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9:54pm Dec 30 2011
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"I'll make sure we have your name spelled correctly, Markus." I heard Mr. King say with a small chuckle before looking back to the rest of the class. Some others were still watching him, some still snickering like Adam about how he couldn't speak English right, and some not even giving him a second glance. In my opinion, Adam had no room to talk, since he was the one failing this class. When I first came to this school, they said the symphony of 'Hello', and that was that. But it was like this Markus guy was a never-ending conversation throughout the classroom. I gave him a friendly smile as he came to the back - at least I could keep a straight face, even though his appearance freaked me out just as much as anyone else - before looking away to find my English binder. I was that student that took notes on every single thing the teacher spoke of, sometimes I even recorded if I knew I was going to be absent the next day. Unfortunately, I was the typical nerd. Too bad I wore contacts instead of glasses, or I could really look the part.
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10:06pm Dec 30 2011
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Markus was slightly surprised at the friendly grin the girl in front of him gave. His crimson eyes blinked and widened slightly. So odd... She should be like the others; the whispering and snickering kids. Holy Zeus, somebody please shut them up! With a slightly disgusted sigh, he ran his white digits through his silver hair and leaned back in his chair while crossing his leather clad arms against his chest. He also stretched his legs out and crossed his legs at the ankles.
[[ Blarg... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.