9:59pm Jan 7 2012
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When she had poked him, Markus had made sure to turn right -- as opposed to his usual left -- and rolled down the road. Though, he could feel himself become distracted by her scent as it wrapped around him. Much like how her arms were wrapped around his waist. He had to suppress a whine and the urge to stop the bike, turn around and sample her lips.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
10:04pm Jan 7 2012
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When I finally found the courage to open my eyes again, I saw that he was supposed to turn left up ahead. I tapped him left this time, still wondering how I was going to convince him to take me to his house. The 'not having a house key' was going to have to work, because I had no other options.
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11:12am Jan 8 2012
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Left? Markus frowned. Okay. The vampire turned down the next road as he was supposed to.
[[ Complete and utter blarg... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
1:37pm Jan 8 2012
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My hands reluctantly started to slide of his waist. "It's right here." I said, though through the hum of the engine, I doubted he could hear me. I leaned up and - I ignored how my heart raced as I did this - said against his ear, "The one with the green door up ahead."
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1:55pm Jan 8 2012
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Markus felt chills roll down his pale skin as Paradise leaned up to whisper in his ear. He bobbed his head once in a nod as he kept his crimson eyes open for a house with a green door. When he found it, he slowed the bike and pulled up into its driveway before turning it off and putting the kickstand down.
"We are here," he said as he glanced over his shoulder.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:01pm Jan 8 2012 (last edited on 2:01pm Jan 8 2012)
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Now for the Oscar - Winning act that I had to accomplish perfectly, so he wouldn't be suspicious. "Thanks Markus." I said before eagerly getting off the bike. That was the worst ride of my life, no matter how comforting it was to hold on to Markus's waist. I always kept my house key in my right shoe, and I could feel it now pressing against my heel. So, I made a show of taking off my left shoe instead, and shaking it out - waiting for a key. I frowned - acting - and put my hand on top of the door hinge to see if I left it up there. With a lost ex pression, I put my left shoe back on and walked back to Markus. "Uh... I don't have a key..." I crossed my arms and looked around, thankful that the neighbors were gone to so that he wouldn't suggest to wait there.
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2:26pm Jan 8 2012
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The vampire frowned. He leaned against the handlebars slightly and cocked his head to one side. She didn't have her key? Well that had to be extremely awkward. "You could come to my apartment until your parents get home," he said slowly. "I'd rather not wait out here where your... neighbors would start asking questions."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:31pm Jan 8 2012
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That actually worked? I was so worried that he'd find out what was up with Adam and I, and find me a total fake. But, now that it worked, I only had to worry about keeping my cover. A - fake - smile of relief came to my lips. "That'd be great." Before, unfortunately, getting back on the bike where I was before. "Thanks Markus." I adding before wrapping my arms around his waist tightly.
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2:38pm Jan 8 2012
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Markus smirked slightly when she got back onto the bike and wrapped her arms around his waist again. He knew all this was a ploy when he could smell the nervousness winding through her scent. Still, he knew she didn't want to do it, but was doing it anyways to lessen Adam's obsession. Starting the bike back up, the vampire backed it out into the road and took off like a bat outta hell.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
2:43pm Jan 8 2012
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My breath caught in my throat as he rode faster then he had before. It only made me hold on tighter and I kept my eyes closed, resting my head on his back. This wasn't fun at all, and I doubted it ever will.
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3:00pm Jan 8 2012
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It took a couple minutes for Markus to get to his apartment building and he slowed down considerably as soon as he entered the lot. When he parked, he turned off the bike and set down the kickstand again before allowing the bike to lean into the metal rod. "We're here," he said, his voice taking on an amused quality as he spoke to Paradise.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:08pm Jan 8 2012
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As if I was holding my breath the whole ride to his apartment, I let out a relieved sigh as he said we were here. Letting go of his waist, I was first and quick to get off of that death machine. "Good." I muttered under my breath, swearing to never again ride a motorcycle. Ever.
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3:15pm Jan 8 2012
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Markus grinned as he got off the bike. Once he was standing with his two feet on the ground, he pulled out his backpack from the saddlebag on the side closest to him and removed the keys from the ignition. One strap of his backpack was now hanging over one shoulder as he headed towards the front door of the apartment building. "Coming?" he asked, not looking over his shoulder.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
3:20pm Jan 8 2012
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I jogged slightly to catch up with Markus before keeping his pace. Markus didn't seem that hesitant on bringing me over, which could only mean that he had nothing to hide at his house. I was doing this all for nothing. I could be studying right now. I rolled my eyes just thinking about how I was just wasting my time. Adam was so paying that money he promised later.
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3:57pm Jan 8 2012
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Markus led Paradise to the uppermost floor of the building. His apartment was a few doors down from the stairs and he unlocked it before walking in. Leaving the door open behind him. Paradise would close it. Placing his backpack and jacket on the kitchen counter, he was greeted by a squawk before a flurry of white feather lit down on his shoulder.
"Riiva," the vampire crooned as he rubbed under the raven's chin. The bird closed her eyes with content.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:17pm Jan 8 2012
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I closed the door behind me as I put my back pack on the ground by the door before walking to Markus. "You weren't kidding about that bird." I said with a small smirk as he rubbed the birds chin. I personally wouldn't want an animal on me like that, I'd be freaked out. But, then again, Markus and I were entirely different and I was a complete prissy mess.
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4:24pm Jan 8 2012
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Markus gave Paradise a droll stare before moving around the counter to open the refrigerator. "Do you want anything to drink?" he asked as he pulled out a dark-glassed bottle.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:35pm Jan 8 2012
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"Uh... Sure. What do you have?" I asked as I followed him to the fridge.
[[/Fail. ]]
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4:41pm Jan 8 2012
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Markus tilted his head slightly. Riiva used her beak to scratch the vampire's forehead for him. "Uh, bottle water and something that looks like Kool-Aid," he said as he turned to her while raising the dark bottle to his lips.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:44pm Jan 8 2012
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"I'll take water." I said before looking around the kitchen. I was supposed to find something suspicious, and I had to keep my mind on it. Not all on Markus.
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