4:52pm Jan 8 2012
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Markus handed Paradise a bottle of spring water before letting the refrigerator door close with a soft noise. Taking a mouthful of his own drink, he walked past a small alcove that housed the twelve Olympians. Riiva cawed once and the vampire stopped before lighting up an incense in offering to them. Burnt offerings were what he could give them since the modern world wouldn't allow a bloody sacrifice.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
4:56pm Jan 8 2012
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I watched Markus from where I was standing as I took a sip of my water. It was either, I needed to get out more, or this was something people did in Germany (Germany? D: ) because I had no idea what he was doing.
"Whatcha' doing?" I asked him with a confused ex pression.
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5:12pm Jan 8 2012
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Greece. |P
"Burning an incense to my gods. I do it almost everyday," he said as he took another sip of the mystery drink in the dark glass bottle. Mentally, he cringed. He hated drinking animal blood. But he was starting to get thirsty and he didn't want to hurt Paradise.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:15pm Jan 8 2012
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[[I was close. :D ]]
I was going to kill Adam if this was all I could find about Markus. "Oh." Was all I said as I was too busy in thought. Taking another sip of water, I walked away from the kitchen and looked around. Searching for anything out of the ordinary but failing.
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5:24pm Jan 8 2012
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-shake head-
After he was done, Markus drained the rest of the blood in the bottle, leaving a red stain on his lips. He re-entered the kitchen to rinse out the bottle and place it inside the recycling bin; which had several more of the dark glass bottles. Wiping the back of his hand across his lips, he attempted to get rid of the now fading crimson stain.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:31pm Jan 8 2012
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[[Haha. I have writers block. What should happpen? :D ]]
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5:31pm Jan 8 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:33pm Jan 8 2012
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[[...Nothing? D: ]]
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5:34pm Jan 8 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:36pm Jan 8 2012
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[[... Time skip? D: My only idea lolllllllll. ]]
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5:39pm Jan 8 2012
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[[ Sure. But it be your turn. ^^ ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:47pm Jan 8 2012
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Yesterday, I didn't find absolutely anything suspicious at Markus's apartment. I didn't know if this was a good or bad thing, so I chose to say it was both. "Nothing...?" I rolled my eyes at Adam's still disbelief. Like he thought I was lying. "Right. Nothing. Zip. As in... I want my money and be done with this." My hand lay out as I waited for money to be placed in my palm. None came. All I got was a determined ex pression from Adam's face. "There has to be something..." It was like he didn't hear me when I had said there was nothing suspicious. "Maybe we can sneak in-" "No! No, there is no we anymore. I told you I'm done." To heck with the money, I was done talking to this joke. I grabbed my bag and turned my heel to walk away. That was when Adam's hand softly lay on my shoulder and turned me around. Before I could stop him, he forced my back against the lockers, though he was gentle. He pressed his forehead against my own as he whispered "Paradise... You help me with this... And maybe... Maybe me and you can-" The bell rang and I felt a bit dizzy. I didn't want to know why. "We'll talk later." And that was the last thing I heard from him all morning as I hurried to my first class, my mind buzzing.
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6:14pm Jan 8 2012
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[[ To get something interesting, Paradise will have to get Markus to slip up about his past. But I'll leave that to you. :3 ]]
Markus trudged into school. Trudged. Something he rarely did. In fact, he didn't feel very well at all. Maybe the animal blood had gone bad. Probably since his soul-bound-brother gave it to him before the native american went else where for seasons upon seasons. But, when he heard the first bell, he groaned to himself and jogged half-heartedly through the halls in an attempt to actually make it on time.
Slowing down as soon as he got there, he entered the class and imediantly went to his seat; not wanting to deal with mortals at the moment. When he sat down, he just rested his forehead against the cool surface of the desk. It felt like he was about to spontaneously combust.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:20pm Jan 8 2012
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[[I know, I've been trying to figure out how to ask without her actually 'probing' rudely. I can't do it and get out of character, you know. I'll think of something :DDDD ]]
Just as I sat down in my desk chair in the back, Markus came in. I was about to get his attention, thank him for the ride yesterday, or anything to at least get a five second conversation with him. But he didn't seem in the mood. I frowned and watched him worriedly as he lay on the desk, and the teacher walked inside with his daily routine of greeting the students with the familiar line - though his tone was much more agitated today -, "Good morning, class." Some of the students actually bothered to respond, others left their groups and sat in their seats. I heard Mr. King say, "Markus, wake up and get your head off the desk." He didn't seem to be in a good mood either, I presumed, as he spat the words out with irritation before getting out his attendance sheet to start the day.
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6:27pm Jan 8 2012
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Markus growled an unintelligent mumble of ancient Greek under his breath while he raised his head from the desk. His crimson eyes seemed to be glowing quite faintly as he leaned back in his chair and crossed his arms against his chest as he crossed his legs at the knee. "I wasn't asleep," the vampire sneered in response to the teacher's request.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:30pm Jan 8 2012
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Everyone turned from Markus to Mr. King, waiting for the teacher's response. "I don't really care what you were doing. I wanted you to sit up." Mr. King snapped back before putting the attendance sheet in front of him and his eyes squinted as he tried reading the names out loud and waiting for their 'Here''s.
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6:35pm Jan 8 2012
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Markus chuckled under his breath. "I am sitting up, i̱líthio thni̱tós," the vampire shot at the teacher. His manners were completely shot at the moment since he basically called Mr. King a "stupid mortal" in Greek. His lips twisted into a rather evil-looking smirk as he narrowed his eyes.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:40pm Jan 8 2012
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Mr. King frowned at Markus and his 'attitude'. "Mr. Taen (I think.), first you talk back, and now you interrupt me during my attendance reading." I couldn't help have a small snicker escape my throat - like the rest of the class - at that comment. "This is my last warning. Keep your mouth shut or your going to the office." I rolled my eyes. Markus was so... Introverted. How'd he get in trouble so much?
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6:52pm Jan 8 2012
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The vampire mocked Mr. King under his breath, speaking in ancient Greek instead of English. But, wisely, kept his mouth shut. Markus felt incredibly irritable. Which happened whenever he had some bad blood or he just felt like being a vampiric jerk. Today, it was a mix of both. And he was pretty sure he radiated an aura that read 'talk to me, I won't fail to feed you your own heart.'
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:59pm Jan 8 2012
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The rest of the morning classes, I had kept my distance from Markus. He didn't seem in the best mood and the last thing I needed was for him to bite my head off (Haha...) because of being irritated. But, now it was lunch, and Adam had disappeared to who knows where. I guessed he got in trouble again and was stuck in the office. And it was a good guess because as I walked to the lunch room, he messaged me saying that was exactly where he was. The message also was a reminder for me to sit by Markus.
Great. I gulped worriedly as I walked inside, searching for a reason to not go by him.
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