7:19pm Jan 9 2012
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Markus was now totally confused as he walked into the cafeteria. He wasn't hungry, but he bought himself a bottle of water just to keep up appearances with attempting to act "human" for the school. Though, he did notice Paradise sitting off by herself. The vampire cocked his head to one side and walked up to her. "May I?" he asked as he set a white hand on the back of one of the chairs.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:22pm Jan 9 2012
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Oh gosh, this was it. "Uh... Yeah." I said, smiling up at him before looking at my fingers. How was I to start talking about blood in his bottles? I couldn't do it. There had to be a way to getting around it.
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7:36pm Jan 9 2012
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Markus slid the chair out and sat down in it as he set his backpack against the leg of the table. He let the silence descend upon both of them for a few seconds before he asked; "Is something wrong?"
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:42pm Jan 9 2012
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"Is something wrong?"
Well, of course. I've been only talking to you this whole week now, just because Adam thinks something is wrong with you. And, now that I'm talking to you, I'm doing the one thing Adam doesn't want me to do. And that's completely fall for you. Oh, and let's not forget, how I found blood in your fridge. I gulped, feeling color disappear from my face again at the thought. It wasn't the sight of the blood anymore. It was knowing that I watched Markus drink it just two days ago, without even realizing it. I felt like I was going to be sick, but I tried keeping my 'cool' the best I could. "Well... I'm just not feeling myself today." I said, before looking back up at him. "How were classes?" I asked to change the subject.
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7:46pm Jan 9 2012
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"Well... I'm just not feeling myself today."
Markus narrowed his crimson eyes fractionally. She was telling the truth, but then why did she look so pale when she said it?
"How were classes?"
At her change of subject, Markus shrugged. "Boring," he said. And that was roughly the truth. He also didn't like being in this school most days.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:54pm Jan 9 2012
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I took a slow breath, letting the silence fall between the both of us for a long time. It felt like an eternity before I figured out how to word my next words. "Remember when I asked you what would be the smart thing to do? When Adam wanted to... Meet me somewhere?"
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7:55pm Jan 9 2012
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Markus cocked his head to one side. He nodded slowly. He remembered.
[[ Not much I could do... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:00pm Jan 9 2012 (last edited on 8:00pm Jan 9 2012)
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[[Sorry, I was in a rush so I just wrote that, bahahaha. I gotta go. D; ]]
"I need that help from you, again." I said, a soft smile coming to my lips. Probably the first smile all day, because I was feeling so sick. "If you knew something about someone that was... Weird. Dangerous... Sick." I spat the last words out with disgust as I closed my eyes, trying to calm my nausea. I leaned my elbow against the table and used two fingers to rub my temple. "But, if you told anyone, you're afraid of what would happen... What would you do?"
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8:04pm Jan 9 2012
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[[ B-b-b-but where are you going? O.O; ]]
Markus was slightly surprised at the vehemence in her tone when she spoke that one word. It was new for him, but he heard her out. When she was finished speaking, Markus rubbed the back of his neck slightly as he tried to come up with a semi-decent answer. Finally, he said; "I'd talk with them in private. Nobody else will listen in and it is just between me and whomever the other person is."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:11pm Jan 9 2012
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[[Oh, I came back for a millisecond. But, I have to go to bed. D: Midterms tomorrow. ]]
A nervous laugh escaped my throat, as I looked back at Markus. "But, you can't talk to them if you know they're going to ask questions. Like how you found out about this little... Secret. And then you'll have to tell them everything." My facial ex pression portrayed just how torn I felt as I rubbed my temples again. "I should just get out of this, while I can." I mumbled to myself as I closed my eyes. The nausea was gone, but now this pounding headache replaced it. "Sorry." I said to Markus before opening my eyes. I shouldn't be going to him about this. Especially since it's about him in the first place.
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8:18pm Jan 9 2012
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[[ -grumbles- Stupid midterms. But do well~ ]]
Her nervousness shouldn't have surprised him, but it did. What she was saying made no sense to the ancient vampire, so when she apologized, he just waved it off in a gesture that could be taken as "don't worry about it." But he was still confused.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:19pm Jan 9 2012
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[[Omg. I'm still here. Forcing myself to leave. Now. When I get back on tomorrow, I'll time skip to... Somewhere if I have no other ideas for lunch. ^_^ ]]
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8:20pm Jan 9 2012
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[[ Alright. And go~ Get a good night's sleep and eat a good breakfast so you can do well on your midterms~ ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
5:05pm Jan 10 2012
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[[Back for a bit. ~ And thanks. :D ]]
I smiled at Markus, glad he wasn't suspicious about anything. This next question was trying to keep small - talk with him. Or at least, make it seem that way. "So... Do you have any projects due soon?" I asked, that soft smile still on my face to look normal. The only real reason I wanted to know was because I was starting to think that, that blood... Stuff could be a project. Maybe Markus drank it - since I am choosing to believe it's not real blood - as part of his project...? Doubtfully true, but I couldn't help but try.
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7:01pm Jan 10 2012
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"School or personal?" he asked, not really following the nature of her question.
[[ -_-; ... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:04pm Jan 10 2012
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"...Both." I said, looking at him with a confused ex pression - which was normal these days.
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7:09pm Jan 10 2012
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Markus shrugged. "Don't really pay attention in class. Nothing for personal," he said as he tilted his head slightly to consider it.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:11pm Jan 10 2012
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I frowned, not even worrying about hiding it. No projects? A shiver went down my back and I squirmed, feeling sick again. "No projects...?" I mumbled to myself. If he had no projects, what was the blood for?
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7:18pm Jan 10 2012
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There. She looked pale again; like she was sick or something. "You sure your feeling alright?" he asked as he reached across the table with one hand to gently brush his fingertips across the back of her hand.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:25pm Jan 10 2012
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Another nervous laugh escaped my lips as I looked down at our hands. "I don't know." I said, before glancing back up at him. My as well play along, since I technically wasn't feeling my best, anyways. "Last night, I wasn't feel very well so... I guess I'm not." I shrugged, feeling myself blush at my some-what lie. I was a horrible liar but I prayed with everything in me that he wouldn't think anything different. If he found out what I knew... I shuddered inwardly once again before looking back down out our hands. I squeezed his hand with a smile.
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