7:35pm Jan 10 2012
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Markus's brows furrowed together. She wasn't feeling very well? "Then you should go home and rest," he said. Rest and fluids were some of the only things that would cure an illness.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
7:41pm Jan 10 2012
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"I can't leave. My grades..." I said, shaking my head. I already wasn't looking forward to going home anyways, seeing as my dad was coming home today. I could feel irritation crawl up my spine just at the thought of the guy. The second I remembered Markus's hand on mine, though, I couldn't even remember my dad's name.
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7:58pm Jan 10 2012
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Her grades? "Education is more important than your health?" he asked, sounded decidedly angry as his lips curled into a semi-snarl.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:06pm Jan 10 2012
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I frowned at Markus, wondering why he become so... Angry. My heart raced, though I didn't think it was from fear. I guess it was from surprise that a guy that could be so sweet, could be so... Bad tempered. "W -well, of course n-not. But... Me feeling bad is n - nothing serious."
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8:19pm Jan 10 2012
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Markus closed his semi-snarling lips and a growl rumbled low in his chest. He accepted the answer, but he still didn't like it that Paradise was at school while she was sick.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:23pm Jan 10 2012
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"It's really not that big of a deal, Markus." I said. I usually was the type to let it go, but I couldn't help but observe his behavior and find it... Odd. What high school guy really cared if some girl was sick and at school? And, more importantly, who got angry about it? So, I had to keep the conversation going. Squeezing his hand tightly, I leaned against the table and forced myself to look in his eyes.
"Nothing to get angry about..." I said softly, as I waited for his reaction.
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8:30pm Jan 10 2012
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Markus relaxed slightly when she squeezed his hand tightly and at her soft voice. His shoulders sagged slightly while his body language seemed to be saying; "Sorry."
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:35pm Jan 10 2012
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I had a feeling Markus would be that type that you could never fully understand. The moody type, to be specific. I still had so many questions I wanted to ask, some way to find out why he had bottle after bottle of blood, when the bell rang. I let go of Markus' hand. "I'll see you later, Markus." I said with a smile before getting up.
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8:45pm Jan 10 2012
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Markus nodded and watched Paradise head off to their next class. But he stayed put for a second before following after, after he grabbed his backpack.
[[ Blarg... ]]
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:46pm Jan 10 2012
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[[ Hmmm. Where should I time skip too? :D ]]
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8:56pm Jan 10 2012
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Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
8:59pm Jan 10 2012
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[[D: Alright. ]]
The rest of the day, all I could think about was the weird conversation I had with Markus during lunch. Adam had messaged me, asking me if anything happened. I couldn't respond as my mind was still wrapped up in that bottle. On how I watched him drink out of it. I shuddered, once again today, at the thought as I left my locker and walked out of the school's doors.
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9:07pm Jan 10 2012
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Cafeteria duty... Again. Markus huffed as he walked through the doors, silently hoping the principle would come down to tell them to stop. Parking his things on a tabletop, he grabbed the broom from the closet and began to sweep. This time, he was quiet.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:12pm Jan 10 2012
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[[Hey. Hey. Hey. If Adam saw that wind thing Markus can do, what would happen? I had meant for him to walk in last time and see it, but then I didn't want to do it without asking... D: ]]
Adam walked into the cafeteria with a bored ex pression before finding the cleaning supplies and starting his duty. Paradise hadn't responded to his question about what happened during lunch. The girl was slacking. He knew he had to take the matters into his own hands. With a roll of his eyes at the thought, Adam said bluntly,
"You're hiding something, Markus Taen. I know you are." Adam had made sure it was just the two of them in the cafeteria before even thinking about having this conversation.
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9:18pm Jan 10 2012
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[[ I don't know. Think of something and I'll think of something in response. :3 ]]
Markus paused in his work to look at Adam when the boy spoke. He smirked slightly. "You think you might," he said as he continued on with his sweeping.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:21pm Jan 10 2012
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"I told you. I know. " Adam started his cleaning again in silence as he tried getting the chairs finished. Paradise was hiding something. I could tell when I saw her pass by me in the halls when the principle let me get out of the office for a little while. "And I saw your teeth that one time. It's not normal." I finally added.
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9:26pm Jan 10 2012
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"Once? You sure? Vision might be screwed to Hades," Markus said, not looking up from his sweeping as he worked to make little piles of the stuff that collected on the floor.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
9:29pm Jan 10 2012
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Adam sighed in irritation. "I know what I saw." He said through clenched teeth as his fist tighten on the bottle of windex. "And you know I saw it too..." He muttered, though was starting to feel doubtful.
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6:45pm Jan 11 2012
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Markus didn't answer the boy, he just kept on sweeping. Then, he stopped and held his hands in a certain way so it wasn't too obvious or suspicious as he called upon the wind to create a vortex so all the grit and dirt and other questionable ob ject would be funneled into the closest trashcan.
Nothing can stop the US Air Force except lightning within five nautical miles.
6:48pm Jan 11 2012 (last edited on 7:11pm Jan 11 2012)
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[[Third person is too hard. I'll be doing first person for Adam too. -_- ]]
Just as I was about to keep the conversation going - seeing as Paradise wasn't telling me anything she spoke of with the guy - I saw dust from around the table I was at actually move. Move. I looked down in surprise, and turned around to Markus to ask him if he saw it too. That's when I saw his hands. I swallowed as fear crept up my throat, keeping me from speaking. For a long moment, I stared in disbelief. "Wh-wh-what?" I said, before realizing how stupid I was. This was something he was hiding! And I was going to stand there and let him see my shock? Let him see that I knew? To show why I had said, 'What?' in the first place, I made a show of looking down at the table and saying, "You should see the things students write on these tables. Its... Just wrong." I shook my head in disgust, happy that I had found a way to cover my shock before going back to work. I needed to tell Paradise about this.
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